  Thu Sep 26 10:28:21 2024 -0700
allow an assembly to work even if it has no repeatMasker result refs #34337

diff --git src/hg/utils/automation/doAssemblyHub.pl src/hg/utils/automation/doAssemblyHub.pl
index 3d32a7c..bc23bd2 100755
--- src/hg/utils/automation/doAssemblyHub.pl
+++ src/hg/utils/automation/doAssemblyHub.pl
@@ -1491,65 +1491,68 @@
   touch -r \$twoBit \$asmId.keySignature.txt
   printf "# idKeys step previously completed\\n" 1>&2
   exit 0
 } # doIdKeys
 # * step: addMask [workhorse]
 sub doAddMask {
   my $runDir = "$buildDir/trackData/addMask";
+  my $atLeast1 = 0;
   my $goNoGo = 0;
   if (! $noRmsk) {
     if ( ! -s "$buildDir/trackData/repeatMasker/$defaultName.rmsk.2bit" ) {
        printf STDERR "ERROR: repeatMasker step not completed\n";
        printf STDERR "can not find: $buildDir/trackData/repeatMasker/$defaultName.rmsk.2bit\n";
-       $goNoGo = 1;
+       $atLeast1 += 1;
   if ( ! -s "$buildDir/trackData/windowMasker/$defaultName.cleanWMSdust.2bit" ) {
       printf STDERR "ERROR: windowMasker step not completed\n";
       printf STDERR "can not find: $buildDir/trackData/windowMasker/$defaultName.cleanWMSdust.2bit\n";
-      $goNoGo = 1;
+      $atLeast1 += 1;
   if ( ! -s "$buildDir/trackData/simpleRepeat/doCleanup.csh" ) {
       printf STDERR "ERROR: simpleRepeat step not completed\n";
       printf STDERR "can not find: $buildDir/trackData/simpleRepeat/doCleanup.csh\n";
       $goNoGo = 1;
-  if ($goNoGo) {
+  if ($atLeast1 && $goNoGo) {
       printf STDERR "ERROR: must complete repeatMasker, windowMasker and simpleRepeat before addMask\n";
       exit 255;
   my $whatItDoes = "add together (windowMasker or repeatMasker) and trf/simpleRepeats to construct masked 2bit file";
   my $bossScript = newBash HgRemoteScript("$runDir/doAddMask.bash",
                     $workhorse, $runDir, $whatItDoes);
   my $wmMasked=`grep "masked total" $buildDir/trackData/windowMasker/faSize.$defaultName.cleanWMSdust.txt | awk '{print \$1}' | sed -e 's/%//;'`;
   chomp $wmMasked;
   $wmMasked = 0 if ($wmMasked > 98);
   my $rmMasked = 0;
   if (! $noRmsk) {
+    if ( -s "$buildDir/trackData/repeatMasker/faSize.rmsk.txt" ) {
       $rmMasked=`grep "masked total" $buildDir/trackData/repeatMasker/faSize.rmsk.txt | awk '{print \$1}' | sed -e 's/%//;'`;
+  }
   my $src2BitToMask = "../repeatMasker/$defaultName.rmsk.2bit";
   if ($noRmsk || ($wmMasked > $rmMasked)) {
     $src2BitToMask = "../windowMasker/$defaultName.cleanWMSdust.2bit";
   my $accessionId = $defaultName;
   if ($accessionId =~ m/^GC[AF]_/) {
      my @a = split('_', $defaultName);
      $accessionId = sprintf("%s_%s", $a[0], $a[1]);
 export asmId=$defaultName
 export src2Bit=$src2BitToMask