  Mon Sep 30 09:17:46 2024 -0700
Expanding error for local udc load when udc.localDir hasn't been set, no ticket

diff --git src/hg/lib/customFactory.c src/hg/lib/customFactory.c
index a2fb9b8..b3a8bbb 100644
--- src/hg/lib/customFactory.c
+++ src/hg/lib/customFactory.c
@@ -1,4778 +1,4780 @@
 /* customFactory - a polymorphic object for handling
  * creating various types of custom tracks. */
 /* Copyright (C) 2014 The Regents of the University of California 
  * See kent/LICENSE or http://genome.ucsc.edu/license/ for licensing information. */
 #include <pthread.h>
 #include "common.h"
 #include "errCatch.h"
 #include "hash.h"
 #include "linefile.h"
 #include "portable.h"
 #include "obscure.h"
 #include "binRange.h"
 #include "pipeline.h"
 #include "jksql.h"
 #include "net.h"
 #include "bed.h"
 #include "psl.h"
 #include "gff.h"
 #include "wiggle.h"
 #include "genePred.h"
 #include "trackDb.h"
 #include "hgConfig.h"
 #include "hdb.h"
 #include "hui.h"
 #include "customTrack.h"
 #include "customPp.h"
 #include "customFactory.h"
 #include "trashDir.h"
 #include "jsHelper.h"
 #include "encode/encodePeak.h"
 #include "udc.h"
 #include "bbiFile.h"
 #include "bigWig.h"
 #include "bigBed.h"
 #include "hgBam.h"
 #include "vcf.h"
 #include "vcfUi.h"
 #include "makeItemsItem.h"
 #include "bedDetail.h"
 #include "pgSnp.h"
 #include "regexHelper.h"
 #include "chromInfo.h"
 #include "grp.h"
 #include "trackHub.h"
 #include "bedTabix.h"
 #include "barChartBed.h"
 #include "barChartUi.h"
 #include "interact.h"
 #include "interactUi.h"
 #include "hic.h"
 #include "cgiApoptosis.h"
 #include "chromAlias.h"
 // placeholder when custom track uploaded file name is not known
 #define CT_NO_FILE_NAME         "custom track"
 static boolean doExtraChecking = FALSE;
 /*** Utility routines used by many factories. ***/
 char *customFactoryNextTilTrack(struct customPp *cpp)
 /* Return next line.  Return NULL at end of input or at line starting with
  * "track." */
 char *line = customPpNext(cpp);
 if (line != NULL && startsWithWord("track", line))
     customPpReuse(cpp, line);
     line = NULL;
 return line;
 char *customFactoryNextRealTilTrack(struct customPp *cpp)
 /* Return next "real" line (not blank, not comment).
  * Return NULL at end of input or at line starting with
  * "track." */
 char *line = customPpNextReal(cpp);
 if (line != NULL && startsWithWord("track", line))
     customPpReuse(cpp, line);
     line = NULL;
 return line;
 static char *customFactoryCheckChromNameAliasDb(char *genomeDb, char *word, struct lineFile *lf)
 /* Abort if word is not a valid sequence name for genomeDb.  If word is a recognizable alias
  * or case-sensitive variant of a valid sequence, suggest that to the user. */
 static char *aliasName = NULL;
 aliasName = hgOfficialChromName(genomeDb, word);
 if (! aliasName)
     lineFileAbort(lf, "'%s' is not a valid sequence name in %s", word, genomeDb);
 return aliasName;
 void customFactoryCheckChromNameDb(char *genomeDb, char *word, struct lineFile *lf)
 /* Abort if word is not a valid sequence name for genomeDb.  If word is a recognizable alias
  * or case-sensitive variant of a valid sequence, suggest that to the user. */
 char *officialChrom = hgOfficialChromName(genomeDb, word);
 if (! officialChrom)
     lineFileAbort(lf, "'%s' is not a valid sequence name in %s", word, genomeDb);
 else if (differentString(word, officialChrom))
     lineFileAbort(lf, "'%s' is not a valid sequence name in %s (perhaps you mean '%s'?)",
                   word, genomeDb, officialChrom);
 void customFactorySetupDbTrack(struct customTrack *track)
 /* Fill in fields most database-resident custom tracks need. */
 struct tempName tn;
 char prefix[16];
 static int dbTrackCount = 0;
 struct sqlConnection *ctConn = hAllocConn(CUSTOM_TRASH);
 if ( dbTrackCount > 1000 )
     errAbort("ERROR: too many tracks in this submission (more than 1000). Using a <A HREF='/goldenPath/help/hgTrackHubHelp.html' TARGET=_blank>Track Hub</A> may be a better option for this data.");
 safef(prefix, sizeof(prefix), "t%d", dbTrackCount);
 track->dbTableName = sqlTempTableName(ctConn, prefix);
 ctAddToSettings(track, "dbTableName", track->dbTableName);
 trashDirFile(&tn, "ct", "ct", ".err");
 track->dbStderrFile = cloneString(tn.forCgi);
 track->dbDataLoad = TRUE;
 track->dbTrack = TRUE;
 char *ctGenomeOrCurrent(struct customTrack *ct)
 /* return database setting */
 char *ctDb = ctGenome(ct);
 if (ctDb == NULL)
     ctDb = ct->genomeDb;
 return ctDb;
 static boolean sameType(char *a, char *b)
 /* Case-sensitive comparison of first word if multiple words,
  * so that we can compare types like "bed" vs. "bed 3 ." etc.
  * Tolerates one null input but not two. */
 if (a == NULL && b == NULL)
     errAbort("sameType should not be called when both inputs are NULL.");
 else if (a == NULL || b == NULL)
     return FALSE;
 char *aCopy = cloneString(a);
 char *bCopy = cloneString(b);
 char *aWord = firstWordInLine(aCopy);
 char *bWord = firstWordInLine(bCopy);
 boolean same = sameString(aWord, bWord);
 return same;
 boolean isValidBigDataUrl(char *url, boolean doAbort)
 /* return True if the URL is a valid bigDataUrl.
  * It can be a local filename if this is allowed by udc.localDir
 if ((startsWith("http://", url)
    || startsWith("https://", url)
    || startsWith("ftp://", url)))
 return TRUE;
 // we allow bigDataUrl's to point to trash (or sessionDataDir, if configured)
 char *sessionDataDir = cfgOption("sessionDataDir");
 char *sessionDataDirOld = cfgOption("sessionDataDirOld");
 if (startsWith(trashDir(), url) ||
     (isNotEmpty(sessionDataDir) && startsWith(sessionDataDir, url)) ||
     (isNotEmpty(sessionDataDirOld) && startsWith(sessionDataDirOld, url)))
     return TRUE;
 if (udcIsResolvable(url))
     return TRUE;
 char *prefix = cfgOption("udc.localDir");
 if (prefix == NULL)
     if (doAbort)
-        errAbort("Only network protocols http, https, or ftp allowed in bigDataUrl: '%s'", url);
+        errAbort("Only network protocols http, https, or ftp allowed in bigDataUrl: '%s', unless " \
+                "the udc.localDir variable is set to a prefix of the file's path in the " \
+                "cgi-bin/hg.conf of this UCSC Genome Browser", url);
     return FALSE;
 else if (!startsWith(prefix, url))
     if (doAbort)
         errAbort("bigDataUrl '%s' is not an internet URL but udc.localDir is set in cgi-bin/hg.conf of this " \
                 "UCSC Genome Browser, so the bigDataUrl can be a file " \
                 "on the local hard disk of this UCSC Genome Browser instance. However, for such a file path to be acceptable from  "
                 "the local file system, bigDataUrl has to start with the prefix set by udc.localDir, which is '%s' on this Genome Browser.", url, prefix);
     return FALSE;
     return TRUE;
 static void checkAllowedBigDataUrlProtocols(char *url)
 /* Abort if url is not using one of the allowed bigDataUrl network protocols.
  * In particular, do not allow a local file reference, unless explicitely
  * allowed by hg.conf's udc.localDir directive. */
 isValidBigDataUrl(url, TRUE);
 static char *bigDataDocPath(char *type)
 /* If type is a bigData type, provide a relative path to its custom track/format doc page. */
 char *docUrl = NULL;
 if (sameString(type, "bigWig"))
     docUrl = "../goldenPath/help/bigWig.html";
 else if (sameString(type, "bigBed"))
     docUrl = "../goldenPath/help/bigBed.html";
 else if (sameString(type, "bam"))
     docUrl = "../goldenPath/help/bam.html";
 else if (sameString(type, "vcfTabix"))
     docUrl = "../goldenPath/help/vcf.html";
 return docUrl;
 static void requireBigDataUrl(char *bigDataUrl, char *type, char *trackName)
 /* If bigDataUrl is empty, errAbort with helpful message about bigDataUrl requirement */
 if (isEmpty(bigDataUrl))
     struct dyString *doc = dyStringNew(0);
     char *docUrl = bigDataDocPath(type);
     if (docUrl != NULL)
 	dyStringPrintf(doc, "  For more information about the bigDataUrl setting, see "
 		       "<A HREF=\"%s\" TARGET=_BLANK>%s custom track documentation</A>.",
 		       docUrl, type);
     errAbort("Missing bigDataUrl setting from track of type=%s (%s).  "
 	     "Please check for case and spelling and that there is no new-line "
 	     "between the 'track' and the 'bigDataUrl' if the bigDataUrl appears to be there."
 	     type, trackName, doc->string);
 /*** BED Factory ***/
 static boolean rowIsBed(char **row, int wordCount, char *db, struct dyString *reason)
 /* Return TRUE if row is consistent with BED format.  If it's not BED and reason is not NULL,
  * append reason for failure. */
 if (wordCount < 3)
     if (reason)
         dyStringAppend(reason, "Too few fields (need at least 3)");
     return FALSE;
 if (wordCount > bedKnownFields)
     if (reason)
         dyStringPrintf(reason, "Too many fields (expected at most %d, got %d)",
                        bedKnownFields, wordCount);
     return FALSE;
 char *officialChrom = hgOfficialChromName(db, row[0]);
 if (! officialChrom)
     if (reason)
         dyStringPrintf(reason, "'%s' is not a valid sequence name in %s", row[0], db);
     return FALSE;
 else if (differentString(row[0], officialChrom))
     if (reason)
         dyStringPrintf(reason, "'%s' is not a valid sequence name in %s (perhaps you mean '%s'?)",
                        row[0], db, officialChrom);
     return FALSE;
 if (! isAllDigits(row[1]))
     if (reason)
         dyStringPrintf(reason, "Second column needs to be a number but is '%s'", row[1]);
     return FALSE;
 if (! isAllDigits(row[2]))
     if (reason)
         dyStringPrintf(reason, "Third column needs to be a number but is '%s'", row[2]);
     return FALSE;
 return TRUE;
 static boolean bedRecognizer(struct customFactory *fac,
 	struct customPp *cpp, char *type,
     	struct customTrack *track)
 /* Return TRUE if looks like we're handling a bed track */
 if (type != NULL && !sameType(type, fac->name))
     return FALSE;
 char *line = customFactoryNextRealTilTrack(cpp);
 if (line == NULL)
     return FALSE;
 char *dupe = cloneString(line);
 char *row[bedKnownFields+1];
 int wordCount = chopLine(dupe, row);
 char *ctDb = ctGenomeOrCurrent(track);
 struct dyString *whyNotBed = dyStringNew(0);
 boolean isBed = rowIsBed(row, wordCount, ctDb, whyNotBed);
 struct lineFile *lf = cpp->fileStack;
 if (!isBed && type != NULL)
     lineFileAbort(lf, "%s", whyNotBed->string);
 if (isBed)
     track->fieldCount = wordCount;
 customPpReuse(cpp, line);
 return isBed;
 static boolean microarrayRecognizer(struct customFactory *fac,
 	struct customPp *cpp, char *type,
     	struct customTrack *track)
 /* Return TRUE if looks like we're handling a microarray track */
 return bedRecognizer(fac, cpp, type, track) && (track->fieldCount == 15);
 static boolean coloredExonRecognizer(struct customFactory *fac,
 	struct customPp *cpp, char *type,
     	struct customTrack *track)
 /* Return TRUE if looks like we're handling a colored-exon track */
 return bedRecognizer(fac, cpp, type, track) && (track->fieldCount >= 14);
 static struct pipeline *bedLoaderPipe(struct customTrack *track)
 /* Set up pipeline that will load wig into database. */
 /* running the single command:
  *	hgLoadBed -customTrackLoader -tmpDir=/data/tmp
  *		-maxChromNameLength=${nameLength} customTrash tableName stdin
  * -customTrackLoader turns on options: -noNameIx -noHistory -ignoreEmpty
  *	-allowStartEqualEnd -allowNegativeScores -verbose=0
 struct dyString *tmpDy = dyStringNew(0);
 int index = 3; /* verify this references the first NULL as cmd1[index] */
 char *cmd1[] = {"loader/hgLoadBed", "-customTrackLoader",
 	"-lineLimit=50000000", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL};
 char *tmpDir = cfgOptionDefault("customTracks.tmpdir", "/data/tmp");
 struct stat statBuf;
 if (stat(tmpDir,&statBuf))
     errAbort("can not find custom track tmp load directory: '%s'<BR>\n"
 	"create directory or specify in hg.conf customTracks.tmpdir", tmpDir);
 dyStringPrintf(tmpDy, "-tmpDir=%s", tmpDir);
 cmd1[index++] = dyStringCannibalize(&tmpDy); tmpDy = dyStringNew(0);
 dyStringPrintf(tmpDy, "-maxChromNameLength=%d", track->maxChromName);
 cmd1[index++] = dyStringCannibalize(&tmpDy); tmpDy = dyStringNew(0);
 if(startsWithWord("bedGraph", track->dbTrackType))
     /* we currently assume that last field is the bedGraph field. */
     dyStringPrintf(tmpDy, "-bedGraph=%d", track->fieldCount);
     cmd1[index++] = dyStringCannibalize(&tmpDy);
 cmd1[index++] = CUSTOM_TRASH;
 cmd1[index++] = track->dbTableName;
 cmd1[index++] = "stdin";
 assert(index <= ArraySize(cmd1));
 /* the "/dev/null" file isn't actually used for anything, but it is used
  * in the pipeLineOpen to properly get a pipe started that isn't simply
  * to STDOUT which is what a NULL would do here instead of this name.
  *	This function exits if it can't get the pipe created
  *	The dbStderrFile will get stderr messages from hgLoadBed into the
  *	our private error log so we can send it back to the user
 return pipelineOpen1(cmd1, pipelineWrite | pipelineNoAbort,
 	"/dev/null", track->dbStderrFile, 0);
 void pipelineFailExit(struct customTrack *track)
 /* show up to three lines of error message to stderr and errAbort */
 struct dyString *errDy = dyStringNew(0);
 struct lineFile *lf;
 char *line;
 int i;
 dyStringPrintf(errDy, "track load error (track name='%s'):<BR>\n", track->tdb->track);
 lf = lineFileOpen(track->dbStderrFile, TRUE);
 i = 0;
 while( (i < 10) && lineFileNext(lf, &line, NULL))
     dyStringPrintf(errDy, "%s<BR>\n", line);
     // break out of loop after wibSizeLimit msg to avoid printing stuff from other commands in the pipe.
     if(strstr(line, "wibSizeLimit"))
 if (i < 1)
     dyStringPrintf(errDy, "unknown failure<BR>\n");
 static struct customTrack *bedFinish(struct customTrack *track,
 	boolean dbRequested)
 /* Finish up bed tracks (and others that create track->bedList). */
 /* Add type based on field count */
 char buf[20];
 safef(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s %d .", track->tdb->type != NULL && startsWithWord("bedGraph", track->tdb->type) ? "bedGraph" : "bed", track->fieldCount);
 track->tdb->type = cloneString(buf);
 track->dbTrackType = cloneString(buf);
 safef(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", track->fieldCount);
 ctAddToSettings(track, "fieldCount", cloneString(buf));
 /* If necessary add track offsets. */
 int offset = track->offset;
 if (offset != 0)
     /* Add track offsets if any */
     struct bed *bed;
     for (bed = track->bedList; bed != NULL; bed = bed->next)
 	bed->chromStart += offset;
 	bed->chromEnd += offset;
 	if (track->fieldCount > 7)
 	    bed->thickStart += offset;
 	    bed->thickEnd += offset;
     track->offset = 0;	/*	so DB load later won't do this again */
     hashMayRemove(track->tdb->settingsHash, "offset"); /* nor the file reader*/
 /* If necessary load database */
 if (dbRequested)
     if (! fileExists("loader/hgLoadBed") )
 	errAbort("loading custom tracks: can not find "
 		"'cgi-bin/loader/hgLoadBed' command\n");
     struct pipeline *dataPipe = bedLoaderPipe(track);
     FILE *out = pipelineFile(dataPipe);
     struct bed *bed;
     for (bed = track->bedList; bed != NULL; bed = bed->next)
 	bedOutputN(bed, track->fieldCount, out, '\t', '\n');
     fflush(out);		/* help see error from loader failure */
     if(ferror(out) || pipelineWait(dataPipe))
 	pipelineFailExit(track);	/* prints error and exits */
     unlink(track->dbStderrFile);	/* no errors, not used */
 return track;
 static struct bed *customTrackBed(char *row[64], int wordCount, int chromSize, struct lineFile *lf)
 /* Convert a row of strings to a bed.
  * Intended to replace old customTrackBed,
  * currently new code is activated by hg.conf switch */
 struct bed * bed;
 loadAndValidateBed(row, wordCount, wordCount, lf, bed, NULL, TRUE);
 if (bed->chromEnd > chromSize)
     lineFileAbort(lf, "chromEnd larger than chrom %s size (%d > %d)",
     	bed->chrom, bed->chromEnd, chromSize);
 return bed;
 static struct bed *customTrackBedOld(char *db, char *row[13], int wordCount,
 	struct hash *chromHash, struct lineFile *lf, char *aliasName)
 /* Convert a row of strings to a bed. */
 struct bed * bed;
 int count;
 bed->chrom = hashStoreName(chromHash, aliasName);
 customFactoryCheckChromNameDb(db, bed->chrom, lf);
 bed->chromStart = lineFileNeedNum(lf, row, 1);
 bed->chromEnd = lineFileNeedNum(lf, row, 2);
 if (bed->chromEnd < 1)
     lineFileAbort(lf, "chromEnd less than 1 (%d)", bed->chromEnd);
 if (bed->chromEnd < bed->chromStart)
     lineFileAbort(lf, "chromStart after chromEnd (%d > %d)",
     	bed->chromStart, bed->chromEnd);
 int chromSize = hChromSize(db, bed->chrom);
 if (bed->chromEnd > chromSize)
     lineFileAbort(lf, "chromEnd larger than chrom %s size (%d > %d)",
     	bed->chrom, bed->chromEnd, chromSize);
 if (wordCount > 3)
      bed->name = cloneString(row[3]);
 if (wordCount > 4)
      bed->score = lineFileNeedNum(lf, row, 4);
 if (wordCount > 5)
      strncpy(bed->strand, row[5], sizeof(bed->strand));
      if (bed->strand[0] != '+' && bed->strand[0] != '-' && bed->strand[0] != '.')
 	  lineFileAbort(lf, "Expecting + or - in strand");
 if (wordCount > 6)
      bed->thickStart = lineFileNeedNum(lf, row, 6);
      bed->thickStart = bed->chromStart;
 if (wordCount > 7)
      bed->thickEnd = lineFileNeedNum(lf, row, 7);
      if (bed->thickEnd < bed->thickStart)
 	 lineFileAbort(lf, "thickStart after thickEnd");
      if ((bed->thickStart != 0) &&
 	 ((bed->thickStart < bed->chromStart) ||
 	  (bed->thickStart > bed->chromEnd)))
 	     "thickStart out of range (chromStart to chromEnd, or 0 if no CDS)");
      if ((bed->thickEnd != 0) &&
 	 ((bed->thickEnd < bed->chromStart) ||
 	  (bed->thickEnd > bed->chromEnd)))
 	     "thickEnd out of range for %s:%d-%d, thick:%d-%d (chromStart to chromEnd, or 0 if no CDS)",
 		       bed->name, bed->chromStart, bed->chromEnd,
 		       bed->thickStart, bed->thickEnd);
      bed->thickEnd = bed->chromEnd;
 if (wordCount > 8)
     char *comma;
     /*	Allow comma separated list of rgb values here	*/
     comma = strchr(row[8], ',');
     if (comma)
 	int rgb = bedParseRgb(row[8]);
 	if (rgb == -1)
 	        "Expecting 3 comma separated numbers for r,g,b bed item color.");
 	    bed->itemRgb = rgb;
 	bed->itemRgb = lineFileNeedNum(lf, row, 8);
 if (wordCount > 9)
     bed->blockCount = lineFileNeedNum(lf, row, 9);
 if (wordCount > 10)
     sqlSignedDynamicArray(row[10], &bed->blockSizes, &count);
     if (count != bed->blockCount)
 	lineFileAbort(lf,  "expecting %d elements in array", bed->blockCount);
 if (wordCount > 11)
     int i;
     sqlSignedDynamicArray(row[11], &bed->chromStarts, &count);
     if (count != bed->blockCount)
 	lineFileAbort(lf, "expecting %d elements in array", bed->blockCount);
     // tell the user if they appear to be using absolute starts rather than
     // relative... easy to forget!  Also check block order, coord ranges...
     for (i=0;  i < bed->blockCount;  i++)
 	if (bed->chromStarts[i]+bed->chromStart >= bed->chromEnd)
 	    if (bed->chromStarts[i] >= bed->chromStart)
 		    "BED chromStarts offsets must be relative to chromStart, "
 		    "not absolute.  Try subtracting chromStart from each offset "
 		    "in chromStarts.");
 		    "BED chromStarts[i]+chromStart must be less than chromEnd.");
     if (bed->chromStarts[0] != 0)
 	    "BED blocks must span chromStart to chromEnd.  "
 	    "BED chromStarts[0] must be 0 (==%d) so that (chromStart + "
 	    "chromStarts[0]) equals chromStart.", bed->chromStarts[0]);
     i = bed->blockCount-1;
     if ((bed->chromStart + bed->chromStarts[i] + bed->blockSizes[i]) !=
 	lineFileAbort(lf, BAD_BLOCKS);
 if (wordCount > 12)
     // get the microarray/colored-exon fields
     bed->expCount = (int)sqlUnsigned(row[12]);
     sqlSignedDynamicArray(row[13], &bed->expIds, &count);
     if (count != bed->expCount)
 	lineFileAbort(lf, "expecting %d elements in expIds array (bed field 14)",
     if (wordCount == 15)
 	sqlFloatDynamicArray(row[14], &bed->expScores, &count);
 	if (count != bed->expCount)
 	    lineFileAbort(lf, "expecting %d elements in expScores array (bed field 15)",
 return bed;
 static struct customTrack *bedLoader(struct customFactory *fac,
 	struct hash *chromHash,
     	struct customPp *cpp, struct customTrack *track, boolean dbRequested)
 /* Load up bed data until get next track line. */
 char *line;
 char *db = ctGenomeOrCurrent(track);
 char *lastChrom = NULL;
 char *aliasName = NULL;
 int chromSize = -1;
 boolean newCustomTrackValidate = sameOk(cfgOption("newCustomTrackValidate"), "on");
 while ((line = customFactoryNextRealTilTrack(cpp)) != NULL)
     char *row[bedKnownFields];
     int wordCount = chopLine(line, row);
     struct lineFile *lf = cpp->fileStack;
     lineFileExpectAtLeast(lf, track->fieldCount, wordCount);
     /* since rows are often sorted, we can reduce repetitive checking */
     if (differentStringNullOk(row[0], lastChrom))
 	aliasName = customFactoryCheckChromNameAliasDb(db, row[0], lf);
 	chromSize = hChromSize(db, aliasName);
 	lastChrom = cloneString(row[0]);
     struct bed *bed = NULL;
     /* Intended to replace old customTrackBed */
     if (newCustomTrackValidate)
 	bed = customTrackBed(row, wordCount, chromSize, lf);
 	bed->chrom = hashStoreName(chromHash, aliasName);
 	bed = customTrackBedOld(db, row, wordCount, chromHash, lf, aliasName);
     slAddHead(&track->bedList, bed);
 return bedFinish(track, dbRequested);
 static struct customTrack *bedGraphLoader(struct customFactory *fac,
 	struct hash *chromHash,
     	struct customPp *cpp, struct customTrack *track, boolean dbRequested)
 /* Load up bedGraph data until get next track line. */
 char buf[20];
 bedLoader(fac, chromHash, cpp, track, dbRequested);
 /* Trailing period in "bedGraph N ." confuses bedGraphMethods, so replace type */
 safef(buf, sizeof(buf), "bedGraph %d", track->fieldCount);
 track->tdb->type = cloneString(buf);
 return track;
 static struct customTrack *microarrayLoader(struct customFactory *fac,
 	struct hash *chromHash,
     	struct customPp *cpp, struct customTrack *track, boolean dbRequested)
 /* Load up microarray data until get next track line. */
 struct customTrack *ct = bedLoader(fac, chromHash, cpp, track, dbRequested);
 /* /\* freeMem(track->dbTrackType); *\/ */
 track->tdb->type = cloneString("array");
 /* track->dbTrackType = cloneString("expRatio"); */
 return ct;
 static struct customTrack *coloredExonLoader(struct customFactory *fac,
 	struct hash *chromHash,
     	struct customPp *cpp, struct customTrack *track, boolean dbRequested)
 /* Load up microarray data until get next track line. */
 struct customTrack *ct = bedLoader(fac, chromHash, cpp, track, dbRequested);
 track->tdb->type = cloneString("coloredExon");
 return ct;
 static struct customFactory bedFactory =
 /* Factory for bed tracks */
 static struct customFactory bedGraphFactory =
 static struct customFactory microarrayFactory =
 /* Factory for bed tracks */
 static struct customFactory coloredExonFactory =
 /* Factory for bed tracks */
 /**** ENCODE PEAK Factory - closely related to BED but not quite ***/
 static boolean encodePeakRecognizer(struct customFactory *fac,
 	struct customPp *cpp, char *type,
     	struct customTrack *track)
 /* Return TRUE if looks like we're handling an encodePeak track */
 enum encodePeakType pt = 0;
 // type is required
 if (type == NULL ||
     (!sameType(type, fac->name) && !sameString(type, "narrowPeak") &&
      !sameString(type, "broadPeak") && !sameString(type, "gappedPeak")))
     return FALSE;
 char *line = customFactoryNextRealTilTrack(cpp);
 if (line == NULL)
     return FALSE;
 char *dupe = cloneString(line);
 int wordCount = chopLine(dupe, row);
 pt = encodePeakInferType(wordCount, type);
 if (pt != invalid)
     track->fieldCount = wordCount;
     lineFileAbort(cpp->fileStack, "wrong number of columns for type '%s'", type);
 customPpReuse(cpp, line);
 return (pt != invalid);
 static struct pipeline *encodePeakLoaderPipe(struct customTrack *track)
 /* Set up pipeline that will load the encodePeak into database. */
 /* running the single command:
  *	hgLoadBed -customTrackLoader -sqlTable=loader/encodePeak.sql -renameSqlTable
  *                -trimSqlTable -notItemRgb -tmpDir=/data/tmp
  *		-maxChromNameLength=${nameLength} customTrash tableName stdin
 struct dyString *tmpDy = dyStringNew(0);
 char *cmd1[] = {"loader/hgLoadBed", "-customTrackLoader", "-sqlTable=loader/encodePeak.sql",
                 "-renameSqlTable", "-trimSqlTable", "-notItemRgb",
                 NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL};
 char *tmpDir = cfgOptionDefault("customTracks.tmpdir", "/data/tmp");
 struct stat statBuf;
 int index = 6;
 if (stat(tmpDir,&statBuf))
     errAbort("can not find custom track tmp load directory: '%s'<BR>\n"
 	"create directory or specify in hg.conf customTracks.tmpdir", tmpDir);
 dyStringPrintf(tmpDy, "-tmpDir=%s", tmpDir);
 cmd1[index++] = dyStringCannibalize(&tmpDy); tmpDy = dyStringNew(0);
 dyStringPrintf(tmpDy, "-maxChromNameLength=%d", track->maxChromName);
 cmd1[index++] = dyStringCannibalize(&tmpDy);
 cmd1[index++] = CUSTOM_TRASH;
 cmd1[index++] = track->dbTableName;
 cmd1[index++] = "stdin";
 assert(index <= ArraySize(cmd1));
 /* the "/dev/null" file isn't actually used for anything, but it is used
  * in the pipeLineOpen to properly get a pipe started that isn't simply
  * to STDOUT which is what a NULL would do here instead of this name.
  *	This function exits if it can't get the pipe created
  *	The dbStderrFile will get stderr messages from hgLoadBed into the
  *	our private error log so we can send it back to the user
 return pipelineOpen1(cmd1, pipelineWrite | pipelineNoAbort,
 	"/dev/null", track->dbStderrFile, 0);
 /* Need customTrackEncodePeak */
 static struct encodePeak *customTrackEncodePeak(char *db, char **row, enum encodePeakType pt,
 	struct hash *chromHash, struct lineFile *lf)
 /* Convert a row of strings to a bed. */
 struct encodePeak *peak = encodePeakLineFileLoad(row, pt, lf);
 hashStoreName(chromHash, peak->chrom);
 customFactoryCheckChromNameDb(db, peak->chrom, lf);
 return peak;
 /*   remember to set all the custom track settings necessary */
 static struct customTrack *encodePeakFinish(struct customTrack *track, struct encodePeak *peakList, enum encodePeakType pt)
 /* Finish up bed tracks (and others that create track->bedList). */
 struct encodePeak *peak;
 char buf[20];
 track->fieldCount = ENCODEPEAK_NUM_COLS;
 if ((pt == narrowPeak) || (pt == broadPeak))
     track->fieldCount = ENCODE_PEAK_NARROW_PEAK_FIELDS;
 track->tdb->type = cloneString("encodePeak");
 track->dbTrackType = cloneString("encodePeak");
 safef(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", track->fieldCount);
 ctAddToSettings(track, "fieldCount", cloneString(buf));
 /* If necessary add track offsets. */
 int offset = track->offset;
 if (offset != 0)
     /* Add track offsets if any */
     for (peak = peakList; peak != NULL; peak = peak->next)
 	peak->chromStart += offset;
 	peak->chromEnd += offset;
     track->offset = 0;	/*	so DB load later won't do this again */
     hashMayRemove(track->tdb->settingsHash, "offset"); /* nor the file reader*/
 /* If necessary load database */
 struct pipeline *dataPipe = encodePeakLoaderPipe(track);
 FILE *out = pipelineFile(dataPipe);
 for (peak = peakList; peak != NULL; peak = peak->next)
     encodePeakOutputWithType(peak, encodePeak, out);
 fflush(out);		/* help see error from loader failure */
 if(ferror(out) || pipelineWait(dataPipe))
     pipelineFailExit(track);	/* prints error and exits */
 unlink(track->dbStderrFile);	/* no errors, not used */
 return track;
 static struct customTrack *encodePeakLoader(struct customFactory *fac,
 	struct hash *chromHash,
     	struct customPp *cpp, struct customTrack *track, boolean dbRequested)
 /* Load up encodePeak data until get next track line. */
 char *line;
 char *db = ctGenomeOrCurrent(track);
 struct encodePeak *peakList = NULL;
 enum encodePeakType pt = encodePeakInferType(track->fieldCount, track->tdb->type);
 if (!dbRequested)
     errAbort("encodePeak custom track type unavailable without custom trash database. Please set that up in your hg.conf");
 while ((line = customFactoryNextRealTilTrack(cpp)) != NULL)
     int wordCount = chopLine(line, row);
     struct lineFile *lf = cpp->fileStack;
     lineFileExpectAtLeast(lf, track->fieldCount, wordCount);
     struct encodePeak *peak = customTrackEncodePeak(db, row, pt, chromHash, lf);
     slAddHead(&peakList, peak);
 track->bedList = (struct bed *)peakList;
 return encodePeakFinish(track, peakList, pt);
 static struct customFactory encodePeakFactory =
 /* Factory for bed tracks */
 /*** bedDetail Factory - close to bed but added fields for detail page ***/
 static boolean bedDetailRecognizer(struct customFactory *fac,
         struct customPp *cpp, char *type,
         struct customTrack *track)
 /* Return TRUE if looks like we're handling an bedDetail track */
 // type is required
 if (type == NULL ||
     (!sameType(type, fac->name) && !sameString(type, "bedDetail")))
     return FALSE;
 char *line = customFactoryNextRealTilTrack(cpp);
 if (line == NULL)
     return FALSE;
 struct lineFile *lf = cpp->fileStack;
 char *dupe = cloneString(line);
 char *row[14+3];
 int wordCount = chopTabs(dupe, row);
 if (wordCount > 14 || wordCount < 5)
     lineFileAbort(lf, "type is '%s' but has %d columns; "
                   "expecting 5 to 14 tab-separated columns", type, wordCount);
 track->fieldCount = wordCount;
 /* bed 4 + so is first part bed? */
 char *ctDb = ctGenomeOrCurrent(track);
 int bedCount = wordCount -2;
 struct dyString *whyNotBed = dyStringNew(0);
 boolean isBed = rowIsBed(row, bedCount, ctDb, whyNotBed);
 if (!isBed)
     lineFileAbort(lf, "type is '%s' with %d columns, but first %d columns are not valid BED: %s",
                   type, wordCount, bedCount, whyNotBed->string);
 customPpReuse(cpp, line);
 return (isBed);
 static struct pipeline *bedDetailLoaderPipe(struct customTrack *track)
 /* Set up pipeline that will load the bedDetail into database. */
 /* Must be tab separated file, so that can have spaces in description */
 /* running the single command:
  *	hgLoadBed -customTrackLoader -sqlTable=loader/bedDetail.sql -renameSqlTable
  *                -trimSqlTable -notItemRgb -tmpDir=/data/tmp
  *		-maxChromNameLength=${nameLength} customTrash tableName stdin
 struct dyString *tmpDy = dyStringNew(0);
 //bed size can vary
 char *cmd1[] = {"loader/hgLoadBed", "-customTrackLoader", "-tab", "-noBin",
 	"-sqlTable=loader/bedDetail.sql", "-renameSqlTable", "-trimSqlTable", "-bedDetail", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL};
 char *tmpDir = cfgOptionDefault("customTracks.tmpdir", "/data/tmp");
 struct stat statBuf;
 int index = 8;
 if (stat(tmpDir,&statBuf))
     errAbort("can not find custom track tmp load directory: '%s'<BR>\n"
 	"create directory or specify in hg.conf customTracks.tmpdir", tmpDir);
 dyStringPrintf(tmpDy, "-tmpDir=%s", tmpDir);
 cmd1[index++] = dyStringCannibalize(&tmpDy); tmpDy = dyStringNew(0);
 dyStringPrintf(tmpDy, "-maxChromNameLength=%d", track->maxChromName);
 cmd1[index++] = dyStringCannibalize(&tmpDy);
 cmd1[index++] = CUSTOM_TRASH;
 cmd1[index++] = track->dbTableName;
 cmd1[index++] = "stdin";
 assert(index <= ArraySize(cmd1));
 /* the "/dev/null" file isn't actually used for anything, but it is used
  * in the pipeLineOpen to properly get a pipe started that isn't simply
  * to STDOUT which is what a NULL would do here instead of this name.
  *	This function exits if it can't get the pipe created
  *	The dbStderrFile will get stderr messages from hgLoadBed into the
  *	our private error log so we can send it back to the user
 return pipelineOpen1(cmd1, pipelineWrite | pipelineNoAbort,
 	"/dev/null", track->dbStderrFile, 0);
 /* customTrackBedDetail load item */
 static struct bedDetail *customTrackBedDetail(char *db, char **row,
         struct hash *chromHash, struct lineFile *lf, int size)
 /* Convert a row of strings to a bed 4 + for bedDetail. */
 struct bedDetail *item = bedDetailLineFileLoad(row, size, lf);
 hashStoreName(chromHash, item->chrom);
 customFactoryCheckChromNameDb(db, item->chrom, lf);
 int chromSize = hChromSize(db, item->chrom);
 if (item->chromEnd > chromSize)
     lineFileAbort(lf, "chromEnd larger than chrom %s size (%d > %d)",
         item->chrom, item->chromEnd, chromSize);
 return item;
 /*   remember to set all the custom track settings necessary */
 static struct customTrack *bedDetailFinish(struct customTrack *track, struct bedDetail *itemList)
 /* Finish up bedDetail tracks (and others that create track->bedList). */
 struct bedDetail *item;
 char buf[50];
 track->tdb->type = cloneString("bedDetail");
 track->dbTrackType = cloneString("bedDetail");
 safef(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", track->fieldCount);
 ctAddToSettings(track, "fieldCount", cloneString(buf)); /* set by recognizer? */
 safef(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", slCount(itemList));
 ctAddToSettings(track, "itemCount", cloneString(buf));
 safef(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s:%u-%u", itemList->chrom,
                 itemList->chromStart, itemList->chromEnd);
 ctAddToSettings(track, "firstItemPos", cloneString(buf));
 /* If necessary add track offsets. */
 int offset = track->offset;
 if (offset != 0)
     /* Add track offsets if any */
     for (item = itemList; item != NULL; item = item->next)
 	item->chromStart += offset;
 	item->chromEnd += offset;
     track->offset = 0;	/*	so DB load later won't do this again */
     hashMayRemove(track->tdb->settingsHash, "offset"); /* nor the file reader*/
 /* If necessary load database */
 struct pipeline *dataPipe = bedDetailLoaderPipe(track);
 FILE *out = pipelineFile(dataPipe);
 for (item = itemList; item != NULL; item = item->next)
     bedDetailOutput(item, out, '\t', '\n', track->fieldCount);
 fflush(out);		/* help see error from loader failure */
 if(ferror(out) || pipelineWait(dataPipe))
     pipelineFailExit(track);	/* prints error and exits */
 unlink(track->dbStderrFile);	/* no errors, not used */
 return track;
 static struct customTrack *bedDetailLoader(struct customFactory *fac,
         struct hash *chromHash,
         struct customPp *cpp, struct customTrack *track, boolean dbRequested)
 /* Load up bedDetail data until get next track line. */
 char *line;
 char *db = ctGenomeOrCurrent(track);
 struct bedDetail *itemList = NULL;
 if (!dbRequested)
     errAbort("bedDetail custom track type unavailable without custom trash database. Please set that up in your hg.conf");
 while ((line = customFactoryNextRealTilTrack(cpp)) != NULL)
     char *row[15];
     int wordCount = chopTabs(line, row);
     struct lineFile *lf = cpp->fileStack;
     lineFileExpectAtLeast(lf, track->fieldCount, wordCount);
     struct bedDetail *item = customTrackBedDetail(db, row, chromHash, lf, wordCount);
     slAddHead(&itemList, item);
 return bedDetailFinish(track, itemList);
 static struct customFactory bedDetailFactory =
 /* Factory for bedDetail tracks */
 /*** pgSnp Factory - allow pgSnp(personal genome SNP) custom tracks ***/
 static boolean rowIsPgSnp (char **row, char *db, char *type, struct lineFile *lf)
 /* return TRUE if row looks like a pgSnp row */
 if (type != NULL && !sameWord(type, "pgSnp"))
     return FALSE;
 struct dyString *whyNotBed = dyStringNew(0);
 boolean isPgSnp = rowIsBed(row, 3, db, whyNotBed);
 if (!isPgSnp && type == NULL)
     return FALSE;
 else if (!isPgSnp)
     lineFileAbort(lf, "type is pgSnp but first 3 fields are not BED: %s",
 if (!isdigit(row[4][0]) && type == NULL)
     return FALSE;
 else if (!isdigit(row[4][0]))
     lineFileAbort(lf, "type is pgSnp but count is not an integer (%s)", row[4]);
 int count = atoi(row[4]);
 if (count < 1 && type == NULL)
     return FALSE;
 else if (count < 1)
     lineFileAbort(lf, "type is pgSnp but count is less than 1");
 char pattern[128]; /* include count in pattern */
 safef(pattern, sizeof(pattern), "^[ACTG-]+(\\/[ACTG-]+){%d}$", count - 1);
 if (! regexMatchNoCase(row[3], pattern) && type == NULL)
     return FALSE;
 else if (! regexMatchNoCase(row[3], pattern))
     lineFileAbort(lf, "type is pgSnp with a count of %d but allele is invalid (%s)", count, row[3]);
 safef(pattern, sizeof(pattern), "^[0-9]+(,[0-9]+){%d}$", count - 1);
 if (! regexMatchNoCase(row[5], pattern) && type == NULL)
     return FALSE;
 else if (! regexMatchNoCase(row[5], pattern))
     lineFileAbort(lf, "type is pgSnp with a count of %d but frequency is invalid (%s)", count, row[5]);
 safef(pattern, sizeof(pattern), "^[0-9.]+(,[0-9.]+){%d}$", count - 1);
 if (! regexMatchNoCase(row[6], pattern) && type == NULL)
     return FALSE;
 else if (! regexMatchNoCase(row[6], pattern))
     lineFileAbort(lf, "type is pgSnp with a count of %d but score is invalid (%s)", count, row[6]);
 /* if get here must be pgSnp format */
 return TRUE;
 static boolean pgSnpRecognizer(struct customFactory *fac,
         struct customPp *cpp, char *type,
         struct customTrack *track)
 /* Return TRUE if looks like we're handling an pgSnp track */
 if (type != NULL && !sameType(type, fac->name))
     return FALSE;
 char *line = customFactoryNextRealTilTrack(cpp);
 if (line == NULL)
     return FALSE;
 char *dupe = cloneString(line);
 char *row[7+3];
 int wordCount = chopLine(dupe, row);
 boolean isPgSnp = FALSE;
 struct lineFile *lf = cpp->fileStack;
 if (wordCount == 7)
     track->fieldCount = wordCount;
     char *ctDb = ctGenomeOrCurrent(track);
     isPgSnp = rowIsPgSnp(row, ctDb, type, lf);
 else if (type != NULL)
     lineFileAbort(lf, "type is pgSnp so it must have 7 fields but has %d",
 customPpReuse(cpp, line);
 return (isPgSnp);
 static struct pipeline *pgSnpLoaderPipe(struct customTrack *track)
 /* Set up pipeline that will load the pgSnp into database. */
 /* running the single command:
  *	hgLoadBed -customTrackLoader -sqlTable=loader/pgSnp.sql -renameSqlTable
  *                -trimSqlTable -notItemRgb -tmpDir=/data/tmp
  *		-maxChromNameLength=${nameLength} customTrash tableName stdin
 struct dyString *tmpDy = dyStringNew(0);
 char *cmd1[] = {"loader/hgLoadBed", "-customTrackLoader",
 	"-sqlTable=loader/pgSnp.sql", "-renameSqlTable", "-trimSqlTable", "-notItemRgb", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL};
 char *tmpDir = cfgOptionDefault("customTracks.tmpdir", "/data/tmp");
 struct stat statBuf;
 int index = 6;
 if (stat(tmpDir,&statBuf))
     errAbort("can not find custom track tmp load directory: '%s'<BR>\n"
 	"create directory or specify in hg.conf customTracks.tmpdir", tmpDir);
 dyStringPrintf(tmpDy, "-tmpDir=%s", tmpDir);
 cmd1[index++] = dyStringCannibalize(&tmpDy); tmpDy = dyStringNew(0);
 dyStringPrintf(tmpDy, "-maxChromNameLength=%d", track->maxChromName);
 cmd1[index++] = dyStringCannibalize(&tmpDy);
 cmd1[index++] = CUSTOM_TRASH;
 cmd1[index++] = track->dbTableName;
 cmd1[index++] = "stdin";
 assert(index <= ArraySize(cmd1));
 /* the "/dev/null" file isn't actually used for anything, but it is used
  * in the pipeLineOpen to properly get a pipe started that isn't simply
  * to STDOUT which is what a NULL would do here instead of this name.
  *	This function exits if it can't get the pipe created
  *	The dbStderrFile will get stderr messages from hgLoadBed into the
  *	our private error log so we can send it back to the user
 return pipelineOpen1(cmd1, pipelineWrite | pipelineNoAbort,
 	"/dev/null", track->dbStderrFile, 0);
 /* customTrackPgSnp load item */
 static struct pgSnp *customTrackPgSnp(char *db, char **row,
         struct hash *chromHash, struct lineFile *lf)
 /* Convert a row of strings to pgSnp. */
 struct pgSnp *item = pgSnpLineFileLoad(row, lf);
 hashStoreName(chromHash, item->chrom);
 customFactoryCheckChromNameDb(db, item->chrom, lf);
 int chromSize = hChromSize(db, item->chrom);
 if (item->chromEnd > chromSize)
     lineFileAbort(lf, "chromEnd larger than chrom %s size (%d > %d)",
         item->chrom, item->chromEnd, chromSize);
 return item;
 /*   remember to set all the custom track settings necessary */
 static struct customTrack *pgSnpFinish(struct customTrack *track, struct pgSnp *itemList)
 /* Finish up pgSnp tracks. */
 struct pgSnp *item;
 char buf[50];
 track->tdb->type = cloneString("pgSnp");
 track->dbTrackType = cloneString("pgSnp");
 safef(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", track->fieldCount);
 ctAddToSettings(track, "fieldCount", cloneString(buf));
 safef(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", slCount(itemList));
 ctAddToSettings(track, "itemCount", cloneString(buf));
 safef(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s:%u-%u", itemList->chrom,
                 itemList->chromStart, itemList->chromEnd);
 ctAddToSettings(track, "firstItemPos", cloneString(buf));
 /* If necessary add track offsets. */
 int offset = track->offset;
 if (offset != 0)
     /* Add track offsets if any */
     for (item = itemList; item != NULL; item = item->next)
 	item->chromStart += offset;
 	item->chromEnd += offset;
     track->offset = 0;	/*	so DB load later won't do this again */
     hashMayRemove(track->tdb->settingsHash, "offset"); /* nor the file reader*/
 /* If necessary load database */
 struct pipeline *dataPipe = pgSnpLoaderPipe(track);
 FILE *out = pipelineFile(dataPipe);
 for (item = itemList; item != NULL; item = item->next)
     pgSnpOutput(item, out, '\t', '\n');
 fflush(out);		/* help see error from loader failure */
 if(ferror(out) || pipelineWait(dataPipe))
     pipelineFailExit(track);	/* prints error and exits */
 unlink(track->dbStderrFile);	/* no errors, not used */
 return track;
 static struct customTrack *pgSnpLoader(struct customFactory *fac,
         struct hash *chromHash,
         struct customPp *cpp, struct customTrack *track, boolean dbRequested)
 /* Load up pgSnp data until get next track line. */
 char *line;
 char *db = ctGenomeOrCurrent(track);
 struct pgSnp *itemList = NULL;
 if (!dbRequested)
     errAbort("pgSnp custom track type unavailable without custom trash database. Please set that up in your hg.conf");
 while ((line = customFactoryNextRealTilTrack(cpp)) != NULL)
     char *row[7];
     int wordCount = chopLine(line, row);
     struct lineFile *lf = cpp->fileStack;
     lineFileExpectAtLeast(lf, track->fieldCount, wordCount);
     struct pgSnp *item = customTrackPgSnp(db, row, chromHash, lf);
     slAddHead(&itemList, item);
 return pgSnpFinish(track, itemList);
 static struct customFactory pgSnpFactory =
 /* Factory for pgSnp tracks */
 /* BarChart and bigBarChart tracks */
 static boolean rowIsBarChart (char **row, int wordCount, char *db, struct lineFile *lf)
 /* return TRUE if row looks like a barChart row. BED 6+5 */
 char *type = "barChart";
 struct dyString *whyNotBed = dyStringNew(0);
 if (!rowIsBed(row, 6, db, whyNotBed))
     lineFileAbort(lf, "type is %s but first 6 fields are not BED: %s",
              type, whyNotBed->string);
 int expScoresCount = chopCommas(cloneString(row[BARCHART_EXPSCORES_COLUMN_IX]), buf);
 int expCount = sqlUnsigned(row[BARCHART_EXPCOUNT_COLUMN_IX]);
 if (expCount != expScoresCount)
     lineFileAbort(lf, "type is %s, but found %d expScores (expecting %d)",
                 type, expScoresCount, expCount);
 return TRUE;
 static void requireBarChartBars(struct customTrack *track)
 /* If barChart bars spec is empty, errAbort with helpful message */
 struct hash *settings = track->tdb->settingsHash;
 char *barChartBars = hashFindVal(settings, BAR_CHART_CATEGORY_LABELS);
 if (isNotEmpty(barChartBars))
 barChartBars = hashFindVal(settings, BAR_CHART_CATEGORY_URL);
 if (isNotEmpty(barChartBars))
 errAbort("Missing either '%s' or '%s' setting from track of type=%s (%s).  "
          "Please check for case and spelling and that there is no new-line "
          "between the 'track' and the '%s' or '%s'.",
 static boolean barChartRecognizer(struct customFactory *fac, struct customPp *cpp, char *type,
                                         struct customTrack *track)
 /* Return TRUE if looks like we're handling a barChart track */
 // type is required
 if (type == NULL || !sameType(type, fac->name))
     return FALSE;
 char *line = customFactoryNextRealTilTrack(cpp);
 if (line == NULL)
     return FALSE;
 char *dupe = cloneString(line);
 int wordCount = chopLine(dupe, row);
 boolean isBarChart = FALSE;
 struct lineFile *lf = cpp->fileStack;
 if (wordCount == BARCHARTBED_NUM_COLS ||
         wordCount == BARCHARTBED_NUM_COLS-2)    // don't require dataOffset/dataLen
     track->fieldCount = wordCount;
     char *ctDb = ctGenomeOrCurrent(track);
     isBarChart = rowIsBarChart(row, wordCount, ctDb, lf);
     lineFileAbort(cpp->fileStack, "type is '%s' but got %d columns (expecting %d or %d)",
                   type, wordCount, BARCHARTBED_NUM_COLS-2, BARCHARTBED_NUM_COLS);
 customPpReuse(cpp, line);
 return isBarChart;
 static struct barChartBed *customTrackBarChart(struct customTrack *track, char *db,
                                     char **row, struct hash *chromHash, struct lineFile *lf)
 /* Convert a row of strings to barChart. */
 // Validate first 6 standard bed fields
 struct bed *bed;
 loadAndValidateBed(row, 6, BARCHARTBED_NUM_COLS-6, lf, bed, NULL, TRUE);
 // Load as barChart and validate custom fields
 boolean hasOffsets = track->fieldCount == BARCHARTBED_NUM_COLS ? TRUE : FALSE;
 struct barChartBed *barChart = barChartBedLoadOptionalOffsets(row, hasOffsets);
 if (!barChart)
     lineFileAbort(lf, "Invalid barChart row");
 int count;
 sqlFloatDynamicArray(row[BARCHART_EXPSCORES_COLUMN_IX], &barChart->expScores, &count);
 if (count != barChart->expCount)
     lineFileAbort(lf, "expecting %d elements in expScores list (field %d)",
                         barChart->expCount, BARCHART_EXPSCORES_COLUMN_IX+1);
 // TODO: check offset and len
 hashStoreName(chromHash, barChart->chrom);
 customFactoryCheckChromNameDb(db, barChart->chrom, lf);
 int chromSize = hChromSize(db, barChart->chrom);
 if (barChart->chromEnd > chromSize)
     lineFileAbort(lf, "chromEnd larger than chrom %s size (%d > %d)",
                         barChart->chrom, barChart->chromEnd, chromSize);
 return barChart;
 static struct pipeline *barChartLoaderPipe(struct customTrack *track)
 /* Similar to bedLoaderPipe, but loads with the specified schemaFile.
  * Constructs and run the command:
  *	hgLoadBed -customTrackLoader -sqlTable=loader/schemaFile -renameSqlTable
  *                -trimSqlTable -notItemRgb -tmpDir=/data/tmp
  *		-maxChromNameLength=${nameLength} customTrash tableName stdin
 char *tmpDir = cfgOptionDefault("customTracks.tmpdir", "/data/tmp");
 struct stat statBuf;
 if (stat(tmpDir,&statBuf))
     errAbort("can not find custom track tmp load directory: '%s'<BR>\n"
 	"create directory or specify in hg.conf customTracks.tmpdir", tmpDir);
 char *cmd1[] = {"loader/hgLoadBed", "-customTrackLoader", NULL,
 	        "-renameSqlTable", "-trimSqlTable", "-notItemRgb", "-noBin",
                 NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL};
 char *schemaFile = "barChartBed.sql";
 struct dyString *ds = dyStringNew(0);
 dyStringPrintf(ds, "-sqlTable=loader/%s", schemaFile);
 cmd1[2] = dyStringCannibalize(&ds);
 int index = 7;
 ds = dyStringNew(0);
 dyStringPrintf(ds, "-tmpDir=%s", tmpDir);
 cmd1[index++] = dyStringCannibalize(&ds);
 ds = dyStringNew(0);
 dyStringPrintf(ds, "-maxChromNameLength=%d", track->maxChromName);
 cmd1[index++] = dyStringCannibalize(&ds);
 cmd1[index++] = CUSTOM_TRASH;
 cmd1[index++] = track->dbTableName;
 cmd1[index++] = "stdin";
 assert(index <= ArraySize(cmd1));
 /* the "/dev/null" file isn't actually used for anything, but it is used
  * in the pipeLineOpen to properly get a pipe started that isn't simply
  * to STDOUT which is what a NULL would do here instead of this name.
  *	This function exits if it can't get the pipe created
  *	The dbStderrFile will get stderr messages from hgLoadBed into the
  *	our private error log so we can send it back to the user
 return pipelineOpen1(cmd1, pipelineWrite | pipelineNoAbort, "/dev/null", track->dbStderrFile, 0);
 static struct customTrack *barChartFinish(struct customTrack *track, struct barChartBed *itemList)
 /* Finish up barChart tracks. TODO: reuse from pgSnp*/
 struct barChartBed *item;
 char buf[50];
 track->tdb->type = cloneString("barChart");
 track->dbTrackType = cloneString("barChart");
 safef(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", track->fieldCount);
 ctAddToSettings(track, "fieldCount", cloneString(buf));
 safef(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", slCount(itemList));
 ctAddToSettings(track, "itemCount", cloneString(buf));
 safef(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s:%u-%u", itemList->chrom,
                 itemList->chromStart, itemList->chromEnd);
 ctAddToSettings(track, "firstItemPos", cloneString(buf));
 /* If necessary add track offsets. */
 int offset = track->offset;
 if (offset != 0)
     /* Add track offsets if any */
     for (item = itemList; item != NULL; item = item->next)
         item->chromStart += offset;
         item->chromEnd += offset;
     track->offset = 0;  /*      so DB load later won't do this again */
     hashMayRemove(track->tdb->settingsHash, "offset"); /* nor the file reader*/
 /* If necessary load database */
 struct pipeline *dataPipe = barChartLoaderPipe(track);
 FILE *out = pipelineFile(dataPipe);
 for (item = itemList; item != NULL; item = item->next)
     barChartBedOutput(item, out, '\t', '\n');
 fflush(out);            /* help see error from loader failure */
 if(ferror(out) || pipelineWait(dataPipe))
     pipelineFailExit(track);    /* prints error and exits */
 unlink(track->dbStderrFile);    /* no errors, not used */
 return track;
 static struct customTrack *barChartLoader(struct customFactory *fac,
         struct hash *chromHash,
         struct customPp *cpp, struct customTrack *track, boolean dbRequested)
 /* Load up barChart data until next track line. */
 char *line;
 char *db = ctGenomeOrCurrent(track);
 struct barChartBed *itemList = NULL;
 if (!dbRequested)
     errAbort("barChart custom track type unavailable without custom trash database. Please set that up in your hg.conf");
 while ((line = customFactoryNextRealTilTrack(cpp)) != NULL)
     char *row[BARCHARTBED_NUM_COLS];
     int wordCount = chopLine(line, row);
     struct lineFile *lf = cpp->fileStack;
     lineFileExpectAtLeast(lf, track->fieldCount, wordCount);
     struct barChartBed *item = customTrackBarChart(track, db, row, chromHash, lf);
     slAddHead(&itemList, item);
 return barChartFinish(track, itemList);
 struct customFactory barChartFactory =
 /* Factory for barChart tracks */
 /* Interact and bigInteract tracks */
 static boolean rowIsInteract (char **row, int wordCount, char *db, struct lineFile *lf)
 /* return TRUE if row looks like an interact row. BED 5+ */
 char *type = "interact";
 struct dyString *whyNotBed = dyStringNew(0);
 if (!rowIsBed(row, 5, db, whyNotBed))
     lineFileAbort(lf, "type is %s but first 5 fields are not BED: %s", type, whyNotBed->string);
 return TRUE;
 static boolean interactRecognizer(struct customFactory *fac, struct customPp *cpp, char *type,
                                         struct customTrack *track)
 /* Return TRUE if looks like we're handling an interact track */
 // type is required
 if (type == NULL || !sameType(type, fac->name))
     return FALSE;
 char *line = customFactoryNextRealTilTrack(cpp);
 if (line == NULL)
     return FALSE;
 char *dupe = cloneString(line);
 char *row[INTERACT_NUM_COLS+1];
 int wordCount = chopLine(dupe, row);
 boolean isInteract = FALSE;
 struct lineFile *lf = cpp->fileStack;
 if (wordCount == INTERACT_NUM_COLS)
     track->fieldCount = wordCount;
     char *ctDb = ctGenomeOrCurrent(track);
     isInteract = rowIsInteract(row, wordCount, ctDb, lf);
     lineFileAbort(lf, "type is '%s' but got %d columns (expecting %d)",
                   type, wordCount, INTERACT_NUM_COLS);
 customPpReuse(cpp, line);
 return isInteract;
 static struct interact *customTrackInteract(struct customTrack *track, char *db,
                                     char **row, struct hash *chromHash, struct lineFile *lf)
 /* Convert a row of strings to interact format. */
 // Validate first 5 standard bed fields
 struct bed *bed;
 loadAndValidateBed(row, 5, INTERACT_NUM_COLS-5, lf, bed, NULL, TRUE);
 // Load as interact and validate custom fields
 struct interact *inter = interactLoadAndValidate(row);
 if (!inter)
     lineFileAbort(lf, "Invalid interact row");
 hashStoreName(chromHash, inter->chrom);
 customFactoryCheckChromNameDb(db, inter->chrom, lf);
 int chromSize = hChromSize(db, inter->chrom);
 if (inter->chromEnd > chromSize)
     lineFileAbort(lf, "chromEnd larger than chrom %s size (%d > %d)",
                         inter->chrom, inter->chromEnd, chromSize);
 // TODO more validation
 return inter;
 static struct pipeline *interactLoaderPipe(struct customTrack *track)
 /* Similar to bedLoaderPipe, but loads with the specified schemaFile.
  * Constructs and run the command:
  *	hgLoadBed -customTrackLoader -sqlTable=loader/schemaFile -renameSqlTable
  *                -trimSqlTable -notItemRgb -tmpDir=/data/tmp
  *		-maxChromNameLength=${nameLength} customTrash tableName stdin
 char *tmpDir = cfgOptionDefault("customTracks.tmpdir", "/data/tmp");
 struct stat statBuf;
 if (stat(tmpDir,&statBuf))
     errAbort("can not find custom track tmp load directory: '%s'<BR>\n"
 	"create directory or specify in hg.conf customTracks.tmpdir", tmpDir);
 char *cmd1[] = {"loader/hgLoadBed", "-customTrackLoader", NULL,
 	        "-renameSqlTable", "-trimSqlTable", "-notItemRgb",
                 NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL};
 char *schemaFile = "interact.sql";
 struct dyString *ds = dyStringNew(0);
 dyStringPrintf(ds, "-sqlTable=loader/%s", schemaFile);
 cmd1[2] = dyStringCannibalize(&ds);
 int index = 6;
 ds = dyStringNew(0);
 dyStringPrintf(ds, "-tmpDir=%s", tmpDir);
 cmd1[index++] = dyStringCannibalize(&ds);
 ds = dyStringNew(0);
 dyStringPrintf(ds, "-maxChromNameLength=%d", track->maxChromName);
 cmd1[index++] = dyStringCannibalize(&ds);
 cmd1[index++] = CUSTOM_TRASH;
 cmd1[index++] = track->dbTableName;
 cmd1[index++] = "stdin";
 assert(index <= ArraySize(cmd1));
 /* the "/dev/null" file isn't actually used for anything, but it is used
  * in the pipeLineOpen to properly get a pipe started that isn't simply
  * to STDOUT which is what a NULL would do here instead of this name.
  *	This function exits if it can't get the pipe created
  *	The dbStderrFile will get stderr messages from hgLoadBed into the
  *	our private error log so we can send it back to the user
 return pipelineOpen1(cmd1, pipelineWrite | pipelineNoAbort, "/dev/null", track->dbStderrFile, 0);
 static struct customTrack *interactFinish(struct customTrack *track, struct interact *itemList)
 /* Finish up interact tracks */
 struct interact *item;
 char buf[50];
 track->tdb->type = cloneString("interact");
 track->dbTrackType = cloneString("interact");
 safef(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", track->fieldCount);
 ctAddToSettings(track, "fieldCount", cloneString(buf));
 safef(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", slCount(itemList));
 ctAddToSettings(track, "itemCount", cloneString(buf));
 safef(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s:%u-%u", itemList->chrom,
                 itemList->chromStart, itemList->chromEnd);
 ctAddToSettings(track, "firstItemPos", cloneString(buf));
 /* If necessary add track offsets. */
 int offset = track->offset;
 if (offset != 0)
     /* Add track offsets if any */
     for (item = itemList; item != NULL; item = item->next)
         item->chromStart += offset;
         item->chromEnd += offset;
     track->offset = 0;  /*      so DB load later won't do this again */
     hashMayRemove(track->tdb->settingsHash, "offset"); /* nor the file reader*/
 /* If necessary load database */
 struct pipeline *dataPipe = interactLoaderPipe(track);
 FILE *out = pipelineFile(dataPipe);
 for (item = itemList; item != NULL; item = item->next)
     interactOutput(item, out, '\t', '\n');
 fflush(out);            /* help see error from loader failure */
 if(ferror(out) || pipelineWait(dataPipe))
     pipelineFailExit(track);    /* prints error and exits */
 unlink(track->dbStderrFile);    /* no errors, not used */
 return track;
 static struct customTrack *interactLoader(struct customFactory *fac, struct hash *chromHash,
         struct customPp *cpp, struct customTrack *track, boolean dbRequested)
 /* Load up interact data until next track line. */
 char *line;
 char *db = ctGenomeOrCurrent(track);
 struct interact *itemList = NULL;
 if (!dbRequested)
     errAbort("interact custom track type unavailable without custom trash database. Please set that up in your hg.conf");
 while ((line = customFactoryNextRealTilTrack(cpp)) != NULL)
     char *row[INTERACT_NUM_COLS];
     int wordCount = chopLine(line, row);
     struct lineFile *lf = cpp->fileStack;
     lineFileExpectAtLeast(lf, track->fieldCount, wordCount);
     struct interact *item = customTrackInteract(track, db, row, chromHash, lf);
     slAddHead(&itemList, item);
 return interactFinish(track, itemList);
 struct customFactory interactFactory =
 /* Factory for interact tracks */
 /**** hic Factory ****/
 static boolean hicRecognizer(struct customFactory *fac,
 	struct customPp *cpp, char *type,
     	struct customTrack *track)
 /* Return TRUE if looks like we're handling a hic track */
 return (sameType(type, "hic"));
 static struct customTrack *hicLoader(struct customFactory *fac,
 	struct hash *chromHash,
     	struct customPp *cpp, struct customTrack *track, boolean dbRequested)
 /* Load up hic data until get next track line. */
 struct hash *settings = track->tdb->settingsHash;
 char *bigDataUrl = hashFindVal(settings, "bigDataUrl");
 requireBigDataUrl(bigDataUrl, fac->name, track->tdb->shortLabel);
 if (doExtraChecking)
     struct hicMeta *meta;
     char *hicErrMsg = hicLoadHeader(bigDataUrl, &meta, track->genomeDb);
     if (hicErrMsg != NULL)
         track->networkErrMsg = cloneString(hicErrMsg);
 return track;
 struct customFactory hicFactory =
 /* Factory for Hi-C tracks */
 /*** GFF/GTF Factory - converts to BED ***/
 static boolean rowIsGff(char *db, char **row, int wordCount, char *type, struct lineFile *lf)
 /* Return TRUE if format of this row is consistent with being a .gff */
 boolean isGff = FALSE;
 if (wordCount >= 8 && wordCount <= 9)
     /* Check that strand is + - or . */
     char *strand = row[6];
     char c = strand[0];
     if ((c == '.' || c == '+' || c == '-') && strand[1] == 0)
         // check chrom name
         char *officialChrom = hgOfficialChromName(db, row[0]);
         if (! officialChrom)
             if (type != NULL)
                 lineFileAbort(lf, "type is '%s' but '%s' is not a valid sequence name in %s",
                               type, row[0], db);
         else if (differentString(row[0], officialChrom))
             if (type != NULL)
                 lineFileAbort(lf, "type is '%s' but '%s' is not a valid sequence name in %s "
                               "(perhaps you mean '%s'?)",
                               type, row[0], db, officialChrom);
         else if (isdigit(row[3][0]) && isdigit(row[4][0]))
             isGff = TRUE;
         else if (type != NULL)
             lineFileAbort(lf, "type is '%s' but 4th and/or 5th column values are not numeric", type);
     else if (type != NULL)
         lineFileAbort(lf, "type is '%s' but 7th column (strand) contains '%s' "
                       "(expecting '+', '-' or '.')", type, strand);
 else if (type != NULL)
     lineFileAbort(lf, "type is '%s' but got %d columns (expecting 8 or 9)", type, wordCount);
 return isGff;
 static boolean gffRecognizer(struct customFactory *fac,
 	struct customPp *cpp, char *type,
     	struct customTrack *track)
 /* Return TRUE if looks like we're handling a gff track */
 if (type != NULL && !sameType(type, fac->name))
     return FALSE;
 char *line = customPpNextReal(cpp);
 if (line == NULL)
     return FALSE;
 char *dupe = cloneString(line);
 char *row[10];
 int wordCount = chopTabs(dupe, row);
 boolean isGff = rowIsGff(track->genomeDb, row, wordCount, type, cpp->fileStack);
 if (isGff)
     track->gffHelper = gffFileNew("custom input");
 customPpReuse(cpp, line);
 return isGff;
 static boolean gtfRecognizer(struct customFactory *fac,
 	struct customPp *cpp, char *type,
     	struct customTrack *track)
 /* Return TRUE if looks like we're handling a gtf track.
    First run the GFF recognizer, then check for GTF group syntax */
 boolean isGtf = FALSE;
 if (type != NULL && !sameType(type, fac->name))
     return FALSE;
 /* GTF is an extension of GFF, so run the GFF recognizer first.
  * This will also create a GFF file handle for the track */
 if (!gffRecognizer(fac, cpp, type, track))
     return FALSE;
 char *line = customPpNextReal(cpp);
 if (gffHasGtfGroup(line))
     isGtf = TRUE;
 if (sameType(type, "gtf") && !isGtf)
     lineFileAbort(cpp->fileStack, "type is '%s' but could not find a valid GTF group column", type);
 customPpReuse(cpp, line);
 return isGtf;
 static double gffGroupAverageScore(struct gffGroup *group, double defaultScore)
 /* Return average score of GFF group, or average if none. */
 double cumScore = 0;
 int count = 0;
 struct gffLine *line;
 /* First see if any non-zero */
 for (line = group->lineList; line != NULL; line = line->next)
     if (line->score != 0.0)
 if (count <= 0)
     return defaultScore;
 /* Calculate and return average score. */
 for (line = group->lineList; line != NULL; line = line->next)
     cumScore += line->score;
 return cumScore / count;
 static char *niceGeneName(char *name)
 /* Return a nice version of name. */
 static char buf[128];
 char *e;
 strncpy(buf, name, sizeof(buf));
 if ((e = strchr(buf, ';')) != NULL)
     *e = 0;
 stripChar(buf, '%');
 stripChar(buf, '\'');
 stripChar(buf, '"');
 return buf;
 static struct bed *gffHelperFinish(struct gffFile *gff, struct hash *chromHash)
 /* Create bedList from gffHelper. */
 struct genePred *gp;
 struct bed *bedList = NULL, *bed;
 struct gffGroup *group;
 int i, blockCount, chromStart, exonStart;
 for (group = gff->groupList; group != NULL; group = group->next)
     /* First convert to gene-predictions since this is almost what we want. */
     if (gff->isGtf)
         gp = genePredFromGroupedGtf(gff, group, niceGeneName(group->name),
                                     genePredNoOptFld, genePredGxfDefaults);
         gp = genePredFromGroupedGff(gff, group, niceGeneName(group->name),
                                 NULL, genePredNoOptFld, genePredGxfDefaults);
     if (gp != NULL)
 	/* Make a bed out of the gp. */
 	bed->chrom = hashStoreName(chromHash, gp->chrom);
 	bed->chromStart = chromStart = gp->txStart;
 	bed->chromEnd = gp->txEnd;
 	bed->name = cloneString(gp->name);
 	bed->score = gffGroupAverageScore(group, 1000);
 	bed->strand[0] = gp->strand[0];
 	bed->thickStart = gp->cdsStart;
 	bed->thickEnd = gp->cdsEnd;
 	bed->blockCount = blockCount = gp->exonCount;
 	AllocArray(bed->blockSizes, blockCount);
 	AllocArray(bed->chromStarts, blockCount);
 	for (i=0; i<blockCount; ++i)
 	    exonStart = gp->exonStarts[i];
 	    bed->chromStarts[i] = exonStart - chromStart;
 	    bed->blockSizes[i] = gp->exonEnds[i] - exonStart;
 	slAddHead(&bedList, bed);
 return bedList;
 static struct customTrack *gffLoader(struct customFactory *fac,
 	struct hash *chromHash,
     	struct customPp *cpp, struct customTrack *track, boolean dbRequested)
 /* Load up gff data until get next track line. */
 char *line;
 char *ctDb = ctGenomeOrCurrent(track);
 while ((line = customFactoryNextRealTilTrack(cpp)) != NULL)
     char *row[9];
     int wordCount = chopTabs(line, row);
     struct lineFile *lf = cpp->fileStack;
     customFactoryCheckChromNameDb(ctDb, row[0], lf);
     gffFileAddRow(track->gffHelper, 0, row, wordCount, lf->fileName,
 track->bedList = gffHelperFinish(track->gffHelper, chromHash);
 track->fieldCount = 12;
 return bedFinish(track, dbRequested);
 static struct customFactory gffFactory =
 /* Factory for gff tracks */
 static struct customFactory gtfFactory =
 /* Factory for gtf tracks. Shares loader with gffFactory */
 /*** PSL Factory - converts to BED ***/
 static boolean checkStartEnd(char *sSize, char *sStart, char *sEnd)
 /* Make sure start < end <= size */
 int start, end, size;
 start = atoi(sStart);
 end = atoi(sEnd);
 size = atoi(sSize);
 return start < end && end <= size;
 static boolean rowIsPsl(char **row, int wordCount, char *type, struct lineFile *lf)
 /* Return TRUE if format of this row is consistent with being a .psl */
 int i, len;
 char *s, c;
 int blockCount;
 if (wordCount != PSL_NUM_COLS)
     if (type != NULL)
         lineFileAbort(lf, "type is '%s' but got %d columns (expecting %d)",
                       type, wordCount, PSL_NUM_COLS);
     return FALSE;
 for (i=0; i<=7; ++i)
    if (!isdigit(row[i][0]))
        if (type != NULL)
            lineFileAbort(lf, "type is '%s' but column %d has a non-numeric value",
                          type, i+1);
        return FALSE;
 s = row[8];
 len = strlen(s);
 if (len < 1 || len > 2)
     if (type != NULL)
         lineFileAbort(lf, "type is '%s' but strand is %d characters long (expecting 1 or 2)",
                       type, len);
     return FALSE;
 for (i=0; i<len; ++i)
     c = s[i];
     if (c != '+' && c != '-')
         if (type != NULL)
             lineFileAbort(lf, "type is '%s' but strand contains '%c' (expecting '+' or '-')",
                           type, c);
         return FALSE;
 if (!checkStartEnd(row[10], row[11], row[12]))
     if (type != NULL)
         lineFileAbort(lf, "type is '%s' but qSize=%s, qStart=%s, qEnd=%s",
                       type, row[10], row[11], row[12]);
     return FALSE;
 if (!checkStartEnd(row[14], row[15], row[16]))
     if (type != NULL)
         lineFileAbort(lf, "type is '%s' but tSize=%s, tStart=%s, tEnd=%s",
                       type, row[14], row[15], row[16]);
     return FALSE;
 if (!isdigit(row[17][0]))
     if (type != NULL)
         lineFileAbort(lf, "type is '%s' but blockCount is non-numeric", type);
     return FALSE;
 blockCount = atoi(row[17]);
 for (i=18; i<=20; ++i)
     if (countChars(row[i], ',') != blockCount)
         if (type != NULL)
             lineFileAbort(lf, "type is '%s' but column %d has wrong number of "
                           "comma-separated values (%d; expecting %d)",
                           type, i+1, countChars(row[i], ','), blockCount);
         return FALSE;
 return TRUE;
 static boolean pslRecognizer(struct customFactory *fac,
 	struct customPp *cpp, char *type,
     	struct customTrack *track)
 /* Return TRUE if looks like we're handling a bed track */
 if (type != NULL && !sameType(type, fac->name))
     return FALSE;
 char *line = customPpNextReal(cpp);
 if (line == NULL)
     return FALSE;
 boolean isPsl = FALSE;
 if (startsWith("psLayout version", line))
     isPsl = TRUE;
     char *dupe = cloneString(line);
     char *row[PSL_NUM_COLS+1];
     int wordCount = chopLine(dupe, row);
     isPsl = rowIsPsl(row, wordCount, type, cpp->fileStack);
 customPpReuse(cpp, line);
 return isPsl;
 static struct bed *customTrackPsl(char *db, boolean isProt, char **row,
 	int wordCount, struct hash *chromHash, struct lineFile *lf)
 /* Convert a psl format row of strings to a bed. */
 struct psl *psl = pslLoad(row);
 struct bed *bed;
 int i, blockCount, *chromStarts, chromStart, *blockSizes;
 /* A tiny bit of error checking on the psl. */
 if (psl->qStart >= psl->qEnd || psl->qEnd > psl->qSize
     || psl->tStart >= psl->tEnd || psl->tEnd > psl->tSize)
     lineFileAbort(lf, "mangled psl format");
 customFactoryCheckChromNameDb(db, psl->tName, lf);
 if (!isProt)
     isProt = pslIsProtein(psl);
 /* Allocate bed and fill in from psl. */
 bed->chrom = hashStoreName(chromHash, psl->tName);
 bed->score = 1000 - 2*pslCalcMilliBad(psl, TRUE);
 if (bed->score < 0) bed->score = 0;
 bed->strand[0] = psl->strand[0];
 bed->strand[1] = 0;
 bed->blockCount = blockCount = psl->blockCount;
 bed->blockSizes = blockSizes = (int *)psl->blockSizes;
 psl->blockSizes = NULL;
 bed->chromStarts = chromStarts = (int *)psl->tStarts;
 psl->tStarts = NULL;
 bed->name = psl->qName;
 psl->qName = NULL;
 if (isProt)
     for (i=0; i<blockCount; ++i)
 	blockSizes[i] *= 3;
     /* Do a little trimming here.  Arguably blat should do it
      * instead. */
     for (i=1; i<blockCount; ++i)
 	int lastEnd = blockSizes[i-1] + chromStarts[i-1];
 	if (chromStarts[i] < lastEnd)
 	    chromStarts[i] = lastEnd;
 /* Switch minus target strand to plus strand. */
 if (psl->strand[1] == '-')
     int chromSize = psl->tSize;
     reverseInts(bed->blockSizes, blockCount);
     reverseInts(chromStarts, blockCount);
     for (i=0; i<blockCount; ++i)
 	chromStarts[i] = chromSize - chromStarts[i] - blockSizes[i];
     if (bed->strand[0] == '-')
         bed->strand[0] = '+';
         bed->strand[0] = '-';
 bed->thickStart = bed->chromStart = chromStart = chromStarts[0];
 bed->thickEnd = bed->chromEnd = chromStarts[blockCount-1] + blockSizes[blockCount-1];
 /* Convert coordinates to relative. */
 for (i=0; i<blockCount; ++i)
     chromStarts[i] -= chromStart;
 return bed;
 static struct customTrack *pslLoader(struct customFactory *fac,
 	struct hash *chromHash,
     	struct customPp *cpp, struct customTrack *track, boolean dbRequested)
 /* Load up psl data until get next track line. */
 char *line;
 boolean pslIsProt = FALSE;
 char *ctDb = ctGenomeOrCurrent(track);
 while ((line = customFactoryNextRealTilTrack(cpp)) != NULL)
     /* Skip over pslLayout version lines noting if they are
      * protein though */
     if (startsWith("psLayout version", line))
 	pslIsProt = (stringIn("protein", line) != NULL);
 	int i;
 	for (i=0; i<3; ++i)
     char *row[PSL_NUM_COLS];
     int wordCount = chopLine(line, row);
     struct lineFile *lf = cpp->fileStack;
     lineFileExpectAtLeast(lf, PSL_NUM_COLS, wordCount);
     struct bed *bed = customTrackPsl(ctDb, pslIsProt, row,
     	wordCount, chromHash, lf);
     slAddHead(&track->bedList, bed);
 track->fieldCount = 12;
 return bedFinish(track, dbRequested);
 static struct customFactory pslFactory =
 /* Factory for psl tracks */
 static boolean headerStartsWith(struct customPp *cpp, char *headerSig)
 /* If cpp has skipped lines, check the first line for headerSig.
  * If headerSig is there, tell cpp to reuse all of the skipped header lines
  * so the loader can access the header too.
  * If cpp hasn't skipped lines, just check and reuse first line as usual. */
 boolean foundIt = FALSE;
 struct slName *headerLines = customPpCloneSkippedLines(cpp);
 if (headerLines)
     if (startsWith(headerSig, headerLines->name))
 	foundIt = TRUE;
 	// Reuse all of the header lines -- loader will need them.
 	slReverse(&headerLines); // cpp's reuse stack is last-in, first-out.
 	struct slName *sl;
 	for (sl = headerLines;  sl != NULL;  sl = sl->next)
 	    customPpReuse(cpp, sl->name);
     char *line = customPpNext(cpp);
     while (isEmpty(line))
 	if (line == NULL)
 	    return FALSE;
 	line = customPpNext(cpp);
     foundIt = startsWith(headerSig, line);
     customPpReuse(cpp, line);
 return foundIt;
 static boolean mafRecognizer(struct customFactory *fac,
 	struct customPp *cpp, char *type,
     	struct customTrack *track)
 /* Return TRUE if looks like we're handling a maf track */
 if (type != NULL && !sameType(type, fac->name))
     return FALSE;
 boolean isMaf = headerStartsWith(cpp, "##maf version");
 if (type != NULL && !isMaf)
     lineFileAbort(cpp->fileStack, "type is '%s' but header does not start with '##maf version'",
 return isMaf;
 static void mafLoaderBuildTab(struct customTrack *track, char *mafFile)
 /* build maf tab file and load in database */
 struct dyString *tmpDy = dyStringNew(0);
 char *cmd1[] = {"loader/hgLoadMaf", "-verbose=0", "-custom",  NULL,
 char **cmds[] = {cmd1, NULL};
 char *tmpDir = cfgOptionDefault("customTracks.tmpdir", "/data/tmp");
 struct stat statBuf;
 struct tempName tn;
 trashDirFile(&tn, "ct", "ct", ".pos");
 if (stat(tmpDir,&statBuf))
     errAbort("can not find custom track tmp load directory: '%s'<BR>\n"
 	"create directory or specify in hg.conf customTracks.tmpdir", tmpDir);
 dyStringPrintf(tmpDy, "-tmpDir=%s", tmpDir);
 cmd1[3] = dyStringCannibalize(&tmpDy); tmpDy = dyStringNew(0);
 dyStringPrintf(tmpDy, "-loadFile=%s", mafFile);
 cmd1[4] = dyStringCannibalize(&tmpDy);  tmpDy = dyStringNew(0);
 dyStringPrintf(tmpDy, "-refDb=%s", track->genomeDb);
 cmd1[5] = dyStringCannibalize(&tmpDy); tmpDy = dyStringNew(0);
 dyStringPrintf(tmpDy, "-maxNameLen=%d", track->maxChromName);
 cmd1[6] = dyStringCannibalize(&tmpDy); tmpDy = dyStringNew(0);
 dyStringPrintf(tmpDy, "-defPos=%s", tn.forCgi);
 cmd1[7] = dyStringCannibalize(&tmpDy);
 cmd1[8] = CUSTOM_TRASH;
 cmd1[9] = track->dbTableName;
 struct pipeline *dataPipe =  pipelineOpen(cmds,
     pipelineWrite | pipelineNoAbort, "/dev/null", track->dbStderrFile, 0);
     pipelineFailExit(track);	/* prints error and exits */
 unlink(track->dbStderrFile);	/* no errors, not used */
 track->wigFile = NULL;
 struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(tn.forCgi, TRUE);
 char *line;
 int size;
 lineFileNeedNext(lf, &line, &size);
 ctAddToSettings(track, "firstItemPos", cloneString(line));
 static struct customTrack *mafLoader(struct customFactory *fac,
 	struct hash *chromHash,
     	struct customPp *cpp, struct customTrack *track, boolean dbRequested)
 FILE *f;
 char *line;
 struct tempName tn;
 struct hash *settings = track->tdb->settingsHash;
 if (!dbRequested)
     errAbort("Maf files have to be in database");
 if (! fileExists("loader/hgLoadMaf") )
     errAbort("loading custom tracks: can not find "
 	"'cgi-bin/loader/hgLoadMaf' command\n");
 track->dbTrackType = cloneString(fac->name);
 track->wiggle = TRUE;
 /* If mafFile setting already exists, then we are reloading, not loading.
  * Just make sure files still exist. */
 if (hashFindVal(settings, "mafFile"))
     track->wibFile = hashFindVal(settings, "mafFile");
     if (!fileExists(track->wibFile))
         return FALSE;
 /* MafFile setting doesn't exist, so we are loading from stream. */
     char *maxByteStr = cfgOption("customTracks.maxBytes");
     /* Make up wib file name and add to settings. */
     trashDirFile(&tn, "ct", "ct", ".maf");
     track->wibFile = cloneString(tn.forCgi);
     ctAddToSettings(track, "mafFile", track->wibFile);
     char *mafFile = cloneString(track->wibFile);
     /* Actually create maf file. */
     f = mustOpen(mafFile, "w");
     if (maxByteStr != NULL)
 	long maxBytes = sqlUnsignedLong(maxByteStr);
 	long numBytesLeft = maxBytes;
 	while ((line = customFactoryNextTilTrack(cpp)) != NULL)
 	    numBytesLeft -= strlen(line);
 	    if (numBytesLeft < 0)
 		errAbort("exceeded upload limit of %ld bytes\n", maxBytes);
 	    fprintf(f, "%s\n", line);
 	while ((line = customFactoryNextTilTrack(cpp)) != NULL)
 	    fprintf(f, "%s\n", line);
     mafLoaderBuildTab(track, mafFile);
 char tdbType[256];
 safef(tdbType, sizeof(tdbType), "maf");
 track->tdb->type = cloneString(tdbType);
 return track;
 static struct customFactory mafFactory =
 /* Factory for maf tracks */
 /*** Wig Factory - for wiggle tracks ***/
 static boolean wigRecognizer(struct customFactory *fac,
 	struct customPp *cpp, char *type,
     	struct customTrack *track)
 /* Return TRUE if looks like we're handling a wig track */
 return (sameOk(type, fac->name) || sameType(type, "wig"));
 static struct pipeline *wigLoaderPipe(struct customTrack *track)
 /* Set up pipeline that will load wig into database. */
 /*	Run the two commands in a pipeline:
  *	loader/wigEncode -verbose=0 -wibSizeLimit=300000000 stdin stdout \
  *	    ${wibFile} | \
  *	loader/hgLoadWiggle -verbose=0 -noHistory -tmpDir=/data/tmp \
  *	    -maxChromNameLength=${nameLength} -chromInfoDb=${database} \
  *	    -pathPrefix=[.|/] ${db} ${table} stdin
 struct dyString *tmpDy = dyStringNew(0);
 char *cmd1[] = {"loader/wigEncode", "-verbose=0", "-wibSizeLimit=300000000",
 	"stdin", "stdout", NULL, NULL};
 char *cmd2[] = {"loader/hgLoadWiggle", "-verbose=0", "-noHistory", NULL, NULL,
 	NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, "stdin", NULL};
 char **cmds[] = {cmd1, cmd2, NULL};
 char *tmpDir = cfgOptionDefault("customTracks.tmpdir", "/data/tmp");
 struct stat statBuf;
 cmd1[5] = track->wibFile;
 if (stat(tmpDir,&statBuf))
     errAbort("can not find custom track tmp load directory: '%s'<BR>\n"
 	"create directory or specify in hg.conf customTracks.tmpdir", tmpDir);
 dyStringPrintf(tmpDy, "-tmpDir=%s", tmpDir);
 cmd2[3] = dyStringCannibalize(&tmpDy); tmpDy = dyStringNew(0);
 dyStringPrintf(tmpDy, "-maxChromNameLength=%d", track->maxChromName);
 cmd2[4] = dyStringCannibalize(&tmpDy); tmpDy = dyStringNew(0);
 // hgLoadWiggle doesn't know about assembly hubs so disable size check
 if (trackHubDatabase(track->genomeDb))
     cmd2[5] = "-noChromInfo";
     dyStringPrintf(tmpDy, "-chromInfoDb=%s", track->genomeDb);
     cmd2[5] = dyStringCannibalize(&tmpDy);
 /* a system could be using /trash/ absolute reference, and nothing to do with
  *	local references, so don't confuse it with ./ a double // will work
 if (startsWith("/", trashDir()))
     cmd2[6] = "-pathPrefix=/";
     cmd2[6] = "-pathPrefix=.";
 cmd2[7] = CUSTOM_TRASH;
 cmd2[8] = track->dbTableName;
 /* the "/dev/null" file isn't actually used for anything, but it is used
  * in the pipeLineOpen to properly get a pipe started that isn't simply
  * to STDOUT which is what a NULL would do here instead of this name.
  *	This function exits if it can't get the pipe created
  *	The dbStderrFile will get stderr messages from this pipeline into the
  *	our private error file so we can return the errors to the user.
 return pipelineOpen(cmds, pipelineWrite | pipelineNoAbort,
 	"/dev/null", track->dbStderrFile, 0);
 static void wigDbGetLimits(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *tableName,
 	double *retUpperLimit, double *retLowerLimit, int *retSpan)
 /* Figure out upper/lower limits of wiggle table. */
 char query[512];
  "select min(lowerLimit),max(lowerLimit+dataRange) from %s",
 struct sqlResult *sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query);
 char **row;
 if ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
     if (row[0]) *retLowerLimit = sqlDouble(row[0]);
     if (row[1]) *retUpperLimit = sqlDouble(row[1]);
      "select span from %s group by span", tableName);
 int span = sqlQuickNum(conn, query);
 if (span == 0)
     span = 1;
 *retSpan = span;
 static void progressWrite(char *label, FILE *progressFH, off_t seekTo,
     long msStart, unsigned long long bytesWritten,
     unsigned long long expectedBytes)
 /* write to given file the current progress situation */
 if (seekTo)
     fseeko(progressFH, seekTo, SEEK_SET);
 long msNow = clock1000();
 int percentDone = 0;
 if (expectedBytes > 0)
     percentDone = (100 * bytesWritten) / expectedBytes;
 fprintf(progressFH, "%s:\t%llu\t%llu\t%ld\t%% %d\n", label, bytesWritten,
     (unsigned long long)expectedBytes, msNow - msStart, percentDone);
 /*  HACK ALERT - The table browser needs to be able to encode its wiggle
  *	data.  This function is temporarily global until a proper method
  *	is used to work this business into the table browser custom
  *	tracks.  Currently this is also called from customSaveTracks()
  *	in customTrack.c in violation of this object's hidden methods.
 void wigLoaderEncoding(struct customTrack *track, char *wigAscii,
 	boolean dbRequested)
 /* encode wigAscii file into .wig and .wib files */
 /* Need to figure upper and lower limits. */
 double lowerLimit = 0.0;
 double upperLimit = 100.0;
 int span = 1;
 /* Load database if requested */
 if (dbRequested)
     if (! fileExists("loader/hgLoadWiggle") )
 	errAbort("loading custom tracks: can not find "
 		"'cgi-bin/loader/hgLoadWiggle' command\n");
     if (! fileExists("loader/wigEncode") )
 	errAbort("loading custom tracks: can not find "
 		"'cgi-bin/loader/wigEncode' command\n");
     /* TODO: see if can avoid extra file copy in this case. */
     /* Load ascii file into database via pipeline. */
     struct pipeline *dataPipe = wigLoaderPipe(track);
     FILE *in = mustOpen(wigAscii, "r");
     FILE *out = pipelineFile(dataPipe);
     int c;  /* fgetc and fputc work with int. char type cannot represent EOF properly. */
     int fputcErr = 0;
 /* don't forget: http://www.redips.net/javascript/ajax-progress-bar/ */
     struct stat localStat;
     off_t wigAsciiSize = 0;
     if (stat(wigAscii,&localStat)==0)
 	wigAsciiSize = localStat.st_size;
     FILE *progress = 0;
     long msStart = clock1000();
     unsigned long long bytesWritten = 0;
     off_t progressSeek = 0;
     if (track->progressFile)
 	if (stat(track->progressFile,&localStat)==0)
 	    progressSeek = localStat.st_size;
 	progress = mustOpen(track->progressFile, "r+");
 	fseeko(progress, progressSeek, SEEK_SET);
     unlink(wigAscii);/* stays open, disappears when close or pipe fail */
     while ((c = fgetc(in)) != EOF && fputcErr != EOF)
 	fputcErr = fputc(c, out);
 	if (0 == (bytesWritten % 100000))
 	    progressWrite("encoding", progress, progressSeek, msStart, bytesWritten, wigAsciiSize);
     progressWrite("encoding_done", progress, (off_t)0, msStart, bytesWritten, wigAsciiSize);
     fflush(out);		/* help see error from loader failure */
 #if 0  // enable this for help debugging
     fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", pipelineDesc(dataPipe));
     if(ferror(out) || pipelineWait(dataPipe))
 	pipelineFailExit(track);	/* prints error and exits */
     unlink(track->dbStderrFile);	/* no errors, not used */
     track->wigFile = NULL;
     /* Figure out lower and upper limits with db query */
     struct sqlConnection *ctConn = hAllocConn(CUSTOM_TRASH);
     char buf[64];
     wigDbGetLimits(ctConn, track->dbTableName,
 	    &upperLimit, &lowerLimit, &span);
     safef(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", span);
     ctAddToSettings(track, "spanList", cloneString(buf));
     /* Make up wig file name (by replacing suffix of wib file name)
      * and add to settings. */
     track->wigFile = cloneString(track->wibFile);
     strcat(track->wigFile, ".wig");
     ctAddToSettings(track, "wigFile", track->wigFile);
     struct wigEncodeOptions options;
     ZeroVar(&options);	/*	all is zero	*/
     options.lift = 0;
     options.noOverlap = FALSE;
     options.flagOverlapSpanData = TRUE;
     options.wibSizeLimit = 300000000; /* 300Mb limit*/
     wigAsciiToBinary(wigAscii, track->wigFile,
 	track->wibFile, &upperLimit, &lowerLimit, &options);
     if (options.wibSizeLimit >= 300000000)
 	warn("warning: reached data limit for wiggle track '%s' "
 	     "%lld >= 300,000,000<BR>\n",
 	     track->tdb->shortLabel, options.wibSizeLimit);
     unlink(wigAscii);/* done with this, remove it */
 char tdbType[256];
 safef(tdbType, sizeof(tdbType), "wig %g %g", lowerLimit, upperLimit);
 track->tdb->type = cloneString(tdbType);
 static struct customTrack *wigLoader(struct customFactory *fac,
 	struct hash *chromHash,
     	struct customPp *cpp, struct customTrack *track, boolean dbRequested)
 /* Load up wiggle data until get next track line. */
 FILE *f;
 char *line;
 struct tempName tn;
 struct hash *settings = track->tdb->settingsHash;
 track->dbTrackType = cloneString(fac->name);
 track->wiggle = TRUE;
 track->progressFile = 0;
 /* If wibFile setting already exists, then we are reloading, not loading.
  * Just make sure files still exist. */
 if (hashFindVal(settings, "wibFile"))
     track->wibFile = hashFindVal(settings, "wibFile");
     if (!fileExists(track->wibFile))
         return FALSE;
     /* In database case wigFile is in database table, and that
      * table's existence is checked by framework, so we need not
      * bother. */
     track->wigFile = hashFindVal(settings, "wigFile");
     if (track->wigFile != NULL)
         if (!fileExists(track->wigFile))
 	    return FALSE;
 /* WibFile setting doesn't exist, so we are loading from ascii stream. */
     /* Make up wib file name and add to settings. */
     trashDirFile(&tn, "ct", "ct", ".wib");
     track->wibFile = cloneString(tn.forCgi);
     ctAddToSettings(track, "wibFile", track->wibFile);
     /* Don't add wigAscii to settings - not needed. */
     char *wigAscii = cloneString(track->wibFile);
     strcat(wigAscii, ".wia");
     /* Don't add progressFile to settings - not needed. */
     trashDirFile(&tn, "progress", "wig", ".txt");
     track->progressFile = cloneString(tn.forCgi);
 fprintf(stderr, "DBG: setting progressFile: '%s'\n", track->progressFile);
 FILE *progress = mustOpen(track->progressFile, "w");
 fprintf(progress, "progressFile: %s\n", track->progressFile);
 fprintf(progress, "shortLabel: %s\n", track->tdb->shortLabel);
 fprintf(progress, "forHtml: %s\n", tn.forHtml);
 fprintf(progress, "remote size: %llu\n", (unsigned long long)cpp->remoteFileSize);
     off_t remoteSize = cpp->remoteFileSize;
 //    off_t progressSeek = ftello(progress);
     unsigned long long bytesWritten = 0;
     unsigned long long linesRead = 0;
     unsigned long long nextInterval = bytesWritten + 100000;
     long msStart = clock1000();
     /* Actually create wigAscii file. */
     f = mustOpen(wigAscii, "w");
     while ((line = customFactoryNextRealTilTrack(cpp)) != NULL)
 	bytesWritten += strlen(line);
 	if (bytesWritten > nextInterval)
 	    progressWrite("incoming", progress, (off_t)0, msStart, bytesWritten, remoteSize);
     	    nextInterval = bytesWritten + 100000;
 	fprintf(f, "%s\n", line);
     progressWrite("incoming_done", progress, (off_t)0, msStart, bytesWritten, remoteSize);
 fprintf(progress, "lines_read: %llu\n", linesRead);
     wigLoaderEncoding(track, wigAscii, dbRequested);
 return track;
 static struct customFactory wigFactory =
 /* Factory for wiggle tracks */
 /*** Big Wig Factory - for big client-side wiggle tracks ***/
 static boolean bigWigRecognizer(struct customFactory *fac,
 	struct customPp *cpp, char *type,
     	struct customTrack *track)
 /* Return TRUE if looks like we're handling a wig track */
 return (sameType(type, "bigWig"));
 void setBbiViewLimits(struct customTrack *track)
 /* If there are no viewLimits sets, set them from bbiFile info. */
 struct hash *settings = track->tdb->settingsHash;
 if (hashLookup(settings, "viewLimits") == NULL)
     struct bbiSummaryElement sum = bbiTotalSummary(track->bbiFile);
     if (sum.minVal == sum.maxVal)
 	sum.minVal += 1;
 	sum.maxVal -= 1;
     char text[1024];
     safef(text, sizeof(text), "%f:%f", sum.minVal, sum.maxVal);
     hashAdd(settings, "viewLimits", cloneString(text));
 static struct customTrack *bigWigLoader(struct customFactory *fac,
 	struct hash *chromHash,
     	struct customPp *cpp, struct customTrack *track, boolean dbRequested)
 /* Load up wiggle data until get next track line. */
 /* Not much to this.  A bigWig has nothing here but a track line. */
 struct hash *settings = track->tdb->settingsHash;
 char *bigDataUrl = hashFindVal(settings, "bigDataUrl");
 requireBigDataUrl(bigDataUrl, fac->name, track->tdb->shortLabel);
 /* protect against temporary network error */
 struct errCatch *errCatch = errCatchNew();
 if (errCatchStart(errCatch))
     track->bbiFile = bigWigFileOpenAlias(bigDataUrl, chromAliasFindAliases);
 if (errCatch->gotError)
     track->networkErrMsg = cloneString(errCatch->message->string);
 return track;
 static struct customFactory bigWigFactory =
 /* Factory for wiggle tracks */
 /*** Big Bed Factory - for big client-side BED tracks ***/
 /* RMH: Added to support track hubs for RepeatMaskerViz track */
 static boolean bigRmskRecognizer(struct customFactory *fac,
 	struct customPp *cpp, char *type,
     	struct customTrack *track)
 /* Return TRUE if looks like we're handling a bigRmsk track */
 return (sameType(type, "bigRmsk"));
 static boolean bigLollyRecognizer(struct customFactory *fac,
 	struct customPp *cpp, char *type,
     	struct customTrack *track)
 /* Return TRUE if looks like we're handling a bigLolly track */
 return (sameType(type, "bigLolly"));
 static boolean bigMafRecognizer(struct customFactory *fac,
 	struct customPp *cpp, char *type,
     	struct customTrack *track)
 /* Return TRUE if looks like we're handling a bigMaf track */
 return (sameType(type, "bigMaf"));
 static boolean bigChainRecognizer(struct customFactory *fac,
 	struct customPp *cpp, char *type,
     	struct customTrack *track)
 /* Return TRUE if looks like we're handling a bigChain track */
 return (sameType(type, "bigChain"));
 static boolean longTabixRecognizer(struct customFactory *fac,
 	struct customPp *cpp, char *type,
     	struct customTrack *track)
 /* Return TRUE if looks like we're handling a longTabix track */
 return (sameType(type, "longTabix"));
 static boolean bedTabixRecognizer(struct customFactory *fac,
 	struct customPp *cpp, char *type,
     	struct customTrack *track)
 /* Return TRUE if looks like we're handling a bedTabix track */
 return (sameType(type, "bedTabix"));
 static boolean bigPslRecognizer(struct customFactory *fac,
 	struct customPp *cpp, char *type,
     	struct customTrack *track)
 /* Return TRUE if looks like we're handling a bigPsl track */
 return (sameType(type, "bigPsl"));
 static boolean bigBarChartRecognizer(struct customFactory *fac,
 	struct customPp *cpp, char *type,
     	struct customTrack *track)
 /* Return TRUE if looks like we're handling a bigBarChart track */
 return (sameType(type, "bigBarChart"));
 static boolean bigInteractRecognizer(struct customFactory *fac,
 	struct customPp *cpp, char *type,
     	struct customTrack *track)
 /* Return TRUE if looks like we're handling a bigInteract track */
 return (sameType(type, "bigInteract"));
 static boolean bigNarrowPeakRecognizer(struct customFactory *fac,
 	struct customPp *cpp, char *type,
     	struct customTrack *track)
 /* Return TRUE if looks like we're handling a bigNarrowPeak track */
 return (sameType(type, "bigNarrowPeak"));
 static boolean bigGenePredRecognizer(struct customFactory *fac,
 	struct customPp *cpp, char *type,
     	struct customTrack *track)
 /* Return TRUE if looks like we're handling a bigGenePred track */
 return (sameType(type, "bigGenePred"));
 static boolean bigDbSnpRecognizer(struct customFactory *fac, struct customPp *cpp, char *type,
                                   struct customTrack *track)
 /* Return TRUE if looks like we're handling a bigDbSnp track */
 return (sameType(type, "bigDbSnp"));
 static boolean bigBedRecognizer(struct customFactory *fac,
 	struct customPp *cpp, char *type,
     	struct customTrack *track)
 /* Return TRUE if looks like we're handling a bigBed track */
 return (sameType(type, "bigBed"));
 static void addSpecialSettings(struct hash *hash)
 /* Add special settings to bigPsl custom track if none of them
  * are already set. */
 if (!(hashLookup(hash, "showDiffBasesAllScales") ||
       hashLookup(hash, "baseColorUseSequence") ||
       hashLookup(hash, "baseColorDefault")))
     hashAdd(hash, "showDiffBasesAllScales", ".");
     hashAdd(hash, "baseColorUseSequence", "lfExtra");
     hashAdd(hash, "baseColorDefault", "diffBases");
 static struct customTrack *bigBedLoader(struct customFactory *fac,
 	struct hash *chromHash,
     	struct customPp *cpp, struct customTrack *track, boolean dbRequested)
 /* Load up big bed data until get next track line. */
 /* Not much to this.  A bigBed has nothing here but a track line. */
 struct hash *settings = track->tdb->settingsHash;
 if (sameString(track->tdb->type, "bigPsl"))
 char *bigDataUrl = hashFindVal(settings, "bigDataUrl");
 requireBigDataUrl(bigDataUrl, fac->name, track->tdb->shortLabel);
 /* protect against temporary network error */
 struct errCatch *errCatch = errCatchNew();
 if (errCatchStart(errCatch))
     track->bbiFile = bigBedFileOpenAlias(bigDataUrl, chromAliasFindAliases);
 if (errCatch->gotError)
     track->networkErrMsg = cloneString(errCatch->message->string);
     return track;
 track->dbTrackType = cloneString("bigBed");
 track->fieldCount = track->bbiFile->definedFieldCount;
 return track;
 static struct customTrack *bigBarChartLoader(struct customFactory *fac,
 	struct hash *chromHash,
     	struct customPp *cpp, struct customTrack *track, boolean dbRequested)
 /* Load up bigBarChartdata until get next track line. A bit of error checking before bigBedLoad. */
 return bigBedLoader(fac, chromHash, cpp, track, dbRequested);
 static struct customTrack *bigInteractLoader(struct customFactory *fac,
 	struct hash *chromHash,
     	struct customPp *cpp, struct customTrack *track, boolean dbRequested)
 /* Load up bigInteract data until get next track line. */
 return bigBedLoader(fac, chromHash, cpp, track, dbRequested);
 static struct customFactory bigChainFactory =
 /* Factory for bigChain tracks */
 static struct customTrack *bedTabixLoader(struct customFactory *fac, struct hash *chromHash,
 					  struct customPp *cpp, struct customTrack *track,
 					  boolean dbRequested)
 /* Process the bedTabix track line. */
 struct hash *settings = track->tdb->settingsHash;
 char *bigDataUrl = hashFindVal(settings, "bigDataUrl");
 requireBigDataUrl(bigDataUrl, fac->name, track->tdb->shortLabel);
 struct dyString *dyErr = dyStringNew(0);
 if (doExtraChecking)
     /* protect against temporary network error */
     struct errCatch *errCatch = errCatchNew();
     if (errCatchStart(errCatch))
 	struct bedTabixFile *btf = bedTabixFileMayOpen(bigDataUrl, NULL, 0, 0);
 	if (btf == NULL)
             dyStringPrintf(dyErr, "Unable to open %s's bigDataUrl %s",
 			   track->tdb->shortLabel, bigDataUrl);
     if (isNotEmpty(errCatch->message->string))
 	dyStringPrintf(dyErr, ": %s", errCatch->message->string);
 if (isNotEmpty(dyErr->string))
     track->networkErrMsg = dyStringCannibalize(&dyErr);
 track->dbTrackType = cloneString("bedTabix");
 return track;
 static struct customTrack *longTabixLoader(struct customFactory *fac, struct hash *chromHash,
 					  struct customPp *cpp, struct customTrack *track,
 					  boolean dbRequested)
 bedTabixLoader(fac, chromHash, cpp, track, dbRequested);
 track->dbTrackType = cloneString("longTabix");
 return track;
 static struct customFactory longTabixFactory =
 /* Factory for longTabix tracks */
 static struct customFactory bedTabixFactory =
 /* Factory for bedTabix tracks */
 static struct customFactory bigMafFactory =
 /* Factory for bigMaf tracks */
 static struct customFactory bigRmskFactory =
 /* Factory for bigRmsk tracks */
 static struct customFactory bigLollyFactory =
 /* Factory for bigLolly tracks */
 static struct customFactory bigPslFactory =
 /* Factory for bigPsl tracks */
 static struct customFactory bigNarrowPeakFactory =
 /* Factory for bigNarrowPeak tracks */
 static struct customFactory bigGenePredFactory =
 /* Factory for bigGenePred tracks */
 static struct customFactory bigBarChartFactory =
 /* Factory for bigBarChart tracks */
 static struct customFactory bigInteractFactory =
 /* Factory for bigBarChart tracks */
 static struct customFactory bigDbSnpFactory =
 /* Factory for bigDbSnp tracks */
 static struct customFactory bigBedFactory =
 /* Factory for bigBed tracks */
 /*** BAM Factory - for client-side BAM alignment files ***/
 static boolean bamRecognizer(struct customFactory *fac,	struct customPp *cpp, char *type,
 			     struct customTrack *track)
 /* Return TRUE if looks like we're handling a bam track */
 return (sameType(type, "bam") || sameType(type, "cram"));
 static struct customTrack *bamLoader(struct customFactory *fac, struct hash *chromHash,
 				     struct customPp *cpp, struct customTrack *track,
 				     boolean dbRequested)
 /* Process the bam track line. */
 struct hash *settings = track->tdb->settingsHash;
 char *bigDataUrl = hashFindVal(settings, "bigDataUrl");
 char *bigDataIndexUrl = hashFindVal(settings, "bigDataIndex");
 struct dyString *dyErr = dyStringNew(0);
 requireBigDataUrl(bigDataUrl, fac->name, track->tdb->shortLabel);
 if (bigDataIndexUrl != NULL)
 if (doExtraChecking)
     /* protect against temporary network error */
     struct errCatch *errCatch = errCatchNew();
     if (errCatchStart(errCatch))
 	bamFileAndIndexMustExist(bigDataUrl, bigDataIndexUrl);
     if (isNotEmpty(errCatch->message->string))
 	dyStringPrintf(dyErr, ": %s", errCatch->message->string);
 if (isNotEmpty(dyErr->string))
     track->networkErrMsg = dyStringCannibalize(&dyErr);
 track->dbTrackType = cloneString("bam");
 return track;
 static struct customFactory bamFactory =
 /* Factory for bam tracks */
 /*** VCF+tabix Factory - client-side Variant Call Format files compressed & indexed by tabix ***/
 static boolean vcfTabixRecognizer(struct customFactory *fac, struct customPp *cpp, char *type,
 				  struct customTrack *track)
 /* Return TRUE if looks like we're handling a vcfTabix track */
 return (sameType(type, "vcfTabix") || sameType(type, "vcfPhasedTrio"));
 static struct customTrack *vcfTabixLoader(struct customFactory *fac, struct hash *chromHash,
 					  struct customPp *cpp, struct customTrack *track,
 					  boolean dbRequested)
 /* Process the vcfTabix track line. */
 struct hash *settings = track->tdb->settingsHash;
 char *bigDataUrl = hashFindVal(settings, "bigDataUrl");
 char *bigDataIndexUrl = hashFindVal(settings, "bigDataIndex");
 requireBigDataUrl(bigDataUrl, fac->name, track->tdb->shortLabel);
 struct dyString *dyErr = dyStringNew(0);
 if (bigDataIndexUrl)
 boolean isVcfPhasedTrio = sameString(hashFindVal(settings,"type"),"vcfPhasedTrio");
 if (isVcfPhasedTrio)
     char *reqSampleName = hashFindVal(settings, VCF_PHASED_CHILD_SAMPLE_SETTING);
     if (reqSampleName == NULL)
         errAbort("Missing required setting '%s' from track line", VCF_PHASED_CHILD_SAMPLE_SETTING);
 if (doExtraChecking)
     /* protect against temporary network error */
     int vcfMaxErr = 100;
     struct errCatch *errCatch = errCatchNew();
     if (errCatchStart(errCatch))
 	struct vcfFile *vcff = vcfTabixFileAndIndexMayOpen(bigDataUrl, bigDataIndexUrl, NULL, 0, 0, vcfMaxErr, -1);
 	if (vcff == NULL)
             dyStringPrintf(dyErr, "Unable to load and/or parse %s's bigDataUrl %s or its tabix index",
 			   track->tdb->shortLabel, bigDataUrl);
     if (isNotEmpty(errCatch->message->string))
 	dyStringPrintf(dyErr, ": %s", errCatch->message->string);
 if (isNotEmpty(dyErr->string))
     track->networkErrMsg = dyStringCannibalize(&dyErr);
 if (isVcfPhasedTrio)
     track->dbTrackType = cloneString("vcfPhasedTrio");
     track->dbTrackType = cloneString("vcfTabix");
 return track;
 static struct customFactory vcfTabixFactory =
 /* Factory for vcfTabix tracks */
 /*** makeItems Factory - for track where user interactively creates items. ***/
 static boolean makeItemsRecognizer(struct customFactory *fac,	struct customPp *cpp, char *type,
 			     struct customTrack *track)
 /* Return TRUE if looks like we're handling a makeItems track */
 return (sameType(type, "makeItems"));
 struct makeItemsItem *makeItemsItemFromRow(char **row, int rowSize)
 /* Create a makeItemsItem from a row of uncertain length. */
 if (rowSize < 3)
     errAbort("err: need at least %d fields in a makeItems row, got %d", 3, rowSize);
 struct makeItemsItem *item;
 item->chrom = cloneString(row[0]);
 item->chromStart = sqlUnsigned(row[1]);
 item->chromEnd = sqlUnsigned(row[2]);
 item->bin = binFromRange(item->chromStart, item->chromEnd);
 if (rowSize > 3)
     item->name = cloneString(row[3]);
     item->name = cloneString("");
 if (rowSize > 4)
     item->score = sqlSigned(row[4]);
 if (rowSize > 5)
     item->strand[0] = row[5][0];
     item->strand[0] = '.';
 if (rowSize > 6)
     item->thickStart = sqlUnsigned(row[6]);
     item->thickStart = item->chromStart;
 if (rowSize > 7)
     item->thickEnd = sqlUnsigned(row[7]);
     item->thickEnd = item->chromEnd;
 if (rowSize > 8)
     item->itemRgb = bedParseRgb(row[8]);
 if (rowSize > 9)
     item->description = cloneString(row[9]);
     item->description = cloneString("");
 return item;
 static struct customTrack *makeItemsLoader(struct customFactory *fac, struct hash *chromHash,
 				     struct customPp *cpp, struct customTrack *track,
 				     boolean dbRequested)
 /* Process the makeItems track line. */
 char *ctDb = ctGenomeOrCurrent(track);
 struct makeItemsItem *list = NULL;
 int fieldCount = 0;
 char *line;
 while ((line = customFactoryNextRealTilTrack(cpp)) != NULL)
     char *row[8];
     int wordCount = chopLine(line, row);
     struct lineFile *lf = cpp->fileStack;
     lineFileExpectAtLeast(lf, 3, wordCount);
     if (fieldCount == 0)
         fieldCount = wordCount;
     else if (fieldCount != wordCount)
 	errAbort("error: some lines in makeItems type custom track have %d fields, others have %d",
 		fieldCount, wordCount);
     struct makeItemsItem *item = makeItemsItemFromRow(row, wordCount);
     customFactoryCheckChromNameDb(ctDb, item->chrom, lf);
     slAddHead(&list, item);
 track->dbTrackType = cloneString("makeItems");
 track->tdb->type = cloneString("makeItems");
 if (fieldCount != 0)
     char buf[16];
     safef(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", fieldCount);
     ctAddToSettings(track, "fieldCount", cloneString(buf));
 /* If necessary add track offsets. */
 int offset = track->offset;
 if (offset != 0)
     /* Add track offsets if any */
     struct makeItemsItem *item;
     for (item = list; item != NULL; item = item->next)
 	item->chromStart += offset;
 	item->chromEnd += offset;
     track->offset = 0;	/*	so DB load later won't do this again */
     hashMayRemove(track->tdb->settingsHash, "offset"); /* nor the file reader*/
 /* Load database */
 char *tableName = track->dbTableName;
 char *tableFormat =
 "CREATE TABLE %s (\n"
 "    bin int unsigned not null,	# Bin for range index\n"
 "    chrom varchar(255) not null,	# Reference sequence chromosome or scaffold\n"
 "    chromStart int unsigned not null,	# Start position in chromosome\n"
 "    chromEnd int unsigned not null,	# End position in chromosome\n"
 "    name varchar(255) not null,	# Name of item - up to 16 chars\n"
 "    score int unsigned not null,	# 0-1000.  Higher numbers are darker.\n"
 "    strand char(1) not null,	# + or - for strand\n"
 "    thickStart int unsigned not null,	# Start of thick part\n"
 "    thickEnd int unsigned not null,	# End position of thick part\n"
 "    itemRgb int unsigned not null,	# RGB 8 bits each as in bed\n"
 "    description longblob not null,	# Longer item description\n"
 "    id int auto_increment,\n"
 "              #Indices\n"
 "    PRIMARY KEY(id),\n"
 "    INDEX(chrom(16),bin)\n"
 struct dyString *createSql = dyStringNew(0);
 sqlDyStringPrintf(createSql, tableFormat, tableName);
 struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConn(CUSTOM_TRASH);
 if (sqlMaybeMakeTable(conn, tableName, createSql->string))
     struct makeItemsItem *item;
     for (item = list; item != NULL; item = item->next)
 	makeItemsItemSaveToDb(conn, item, tableName, 1000+strlen(item->description));
 return track;
 static struct customFactory makeItemsFactory =
 /* Factory for makeItems tracks */
 /*** VCF Factory - for Variant Call Format tracks ***/
 static boolean vcfRecognizer(struct customFactory *fac,
 	struct customPp *cpp, char *type,
     	struct customTrack *track)
 /* Return TRUE if looks like we're handling a vcf track */
 if (type != NULL && !sameType(type, fac->name))
     return FALSE;
 boolean isVcf = headerStartsWith(cpp, "##fileformat=VCFv");
 if (type != NULL && !isVcf)
     if (cpp->fileStack)
                       "type is '%s' but header does not start with '##fileformat=VCFv'", type);
         if (isNotEmpty(trackDbSetting(track->tdb, "bigDataUrl")))
             errAbort("type is '%s' but can't find header with '##fileformat=VCFv' "
                      "following track line. "
                      "(For bgzip-compressed VCF+tabix index, please use 'type=vcfTabix' "
                      "instead of 'type=%s')", type, type);
             errAbort("type is '%s' but can't find header with '##fileformat=VCFv' "
                      "following track line", type);
 return isVcf;
 static void vcfLoaderAddDbTable(struct customTrack *track, char *vcfFile)
 /* Create a database table that points to vcf tab file */
 char *table = track->dbTableName;
 struct dyString *tableSql = sqlDyStringCreate("CREATE TABLE %s (fileName varchar(255) not null)",
 struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConn(CUSTOM_TRASH);
 sqlRemakeTable(conn, table, tableSql->string);
 sqlDyStringPrintf(tableSql, "INSERT INTO %s VALUES('%s')", table, vcfFile);
 sqlUpdate(conn, tableSql->string);
 static struct customTrack *vcfLoader(struct customFactory *fac,	struct hash *chromHash,
     	struct customPp *cpp, struct customTrack *track, boolean dbRequested)
 /* Load VCF into local file (or from local file if already loaded) */
 if (!dbRequested)
     errAbort("Vcf files have to be in database");
 track->dbTrackType = cloneString(fac->name);
 // This just means that we use a file not a db table:
 track->wiggle = TRUE;
 /* If vcfFile setting already exists, then we are reloading, not loading.
  * Just make sure files still exist. */
 struct hash *settings = track->tdb->settingsHash;
 char *vcfFile = hashFindVal(settings, "vcfFile");
 if (vcfFile)
     if (!fileExists(vcfFile))
         return FALSE;
     track->wibFile = vcfFile;
     /* vcfFile setting doesn't exist, so we are loading from stream. */
     /* Make up vcf file name and add to settings. */
     struct tempName tn;
     trashDirFile(&tn, "ct", "ct", ".vcf");
     track->wibFile = cloneString(tn.forCgi);
     ctAddToSettings(track, "vcfFile", track->wibFile);
     char *vcfFile = cloneString(track->wibFile);
     // Copy VCF lines to new file.  If configured to do so, enforce a limit on bytesize.
     FILE *f = mustOpen(vcfFile, "w");
     char *line;
     char *maxByteStr = cfgOption("customTracks.maxBytes");
     if (maxByteStr != NULL)
 	long maxBytes = sqlUnsignedLong(maxByteStr);
 	long numBytesLeft = maxBytes;
 	while ((line = customFactoryNextTilTrack(cpp)) != NULL)
 	    numBytesLeft -= strlen(line);
 	    if (numBytesLeft < 0)
 		errAbort("VCF exceeded upload limit of %ld bytes.  "
 			 "Please compress and index your file, make it web-accessible, and "
 			 "construct a &quot;track line&quot; as described in "
 			 "<A HREF='%s' TARGET=_BLANK>VCF custom track documentation</A>."
 			 , maxBytes, bigDataDocPath("vcfTabix"));
 	    fprintf(f, "%s\n", line);
 	while ((line = customFactoryNextTilTrack(cpp)) != NULL)
 	    fprintf(f, "%s\n", line);
     vcfLoaderAddDbTable(track, vcfFile);
 track->tdb->type = cloneString("vcf");
 return track;
 static struct customFactory vcfFactory =
 /* Factory for VCF tracks */
 /*** bigData Oops Factory - when user tries to directly upload a bigData file ***
  *** (as opposed to a track line with bigDataUrl), print out an informative ***
  *** error message pointing them to documentation. ***/
 static boolean hasUnprintable(char *string, int firstN)
 /* Return TRUE if any of the first N characters of non-NULL string (or its length, whichever
  * is less) are not printable characters.  */
 int i;
 for (i = 0;  i < firstN && string[i] != '\0';  i++)
     if (!isprint(string[i]) && !isspace(string[i]))
 	return TRUE;
 return FALSE;
 static boolean bigDataOopsRecognizer(struct customFactory *fac,	struct customPp *cpp, char *type,
 				     struct customTrack *track)
 /* errAbort if looks like user uploaded a bigData file, otherwise return FALSE. */
 char *line = customFactoryNextRealTilTrack(cpp);
 if (line == NULL)
     return FALSE;
 if (hasUnprintable(line, 6))
     char *fileName = customPpFileName(cpp);
     if (type == NULL &&isNotEmpty(fileName))
 	if (endsWith(fileName, ".bam"))
 	    type = "bam";
 	else if (endsWith(fileName, ".bb") || endsWith(fileName, ".bigBed"))
 	    type = "bigBed";
 	else if (endsWith(fileName, ".inter.bb") || endsWith(fileName, ".inter.bigBed"))
 	    type = "bigInteract";
 	else if (endsWith(fileName, ".bw") || endsWith(fileName, ".bigWig"))
 	    type = "bigWig";
     char *docUrl = NULL;
     if (isNotEmpty(type))
 	docUrl = bigDataDocPath(type);
     struct dyString *dataName = dyStringNew(0);
     if (isNotEmpty(fileName) && !sameString(fileName, CT_NO_FILE_NAME)
 	&& !startsWith("memory://", fileName))
 	dyStringPrintf(dataName, " (%s)", fileName);
     else if (track->tdb && track->tdb->shortLabel
 	     && differentString(track->tdb->shortLabel, CT_DEFAULT_TRACK_NAME))
 	dyStringPrintf(dataName, " (%s)", track->tdb->shortLabel);
     if (docUrl)
 	errAbort("It appears that you are directly uploading binary data of type %s%s.  "
 		 "Custom tracks of this type require the files to be accessible by "
 		 "public http/https/ftp. Our <a href='../goldenPath/help/hgTrackHubHelp.html#Hosting' target=_blank>track hub documentation</a> "
                  "lists third-party services where you can "
                  "store custom track or track hub files. "
                  "Once the files are available on the internet, file URLs can be entered as-is, one per line, "
                  "or via the bigDataUrl "
 		 "setting on a &quot;track&quot; line.  "
 		 "See <A HREF='%s' TARGET=_BLANK>%s custom track documentation</A> for "
 		 "more information and examples.",
 		 type, dataName->string, docUrl, type);
 	errAbort("It appears that you are directly uploading binary data in an unrecognized "
 		 "format%s.  For custom track formatting information, please see "
 		 "<A HREF='../goldenPath/help/customTrack.html' "
 		 "TARGET=_BLANK>custom track documentation</A>.", dataName->string);
 customPpReuse(cpp, line);
 return FALSE;
 static struct customTrack *bigDataOopsLoader(struct customFactory *fac, struct hash *chromHash,
 					     struct customPp *cpp, struct customTrack *track,
 					     boolean dbRequested)
 /* This is a placeholder since the recognizer errAborts. */
 errAbort("bigDataOopsLoader: this is a placeholder and should not be called.");
 return NULL;
 static struct customFactory bigDataOopsFactory =
 /* Factory for recognizing direct upload of bigData files */
 /*** Framework for custom factories. ***/
 static struct customFactory *factoryList;
 extern struct customFactory adjacencyFactory;
 static void customFactoryInit()
 /* Initialize custom track factory system. */
 if (factoryList == NULL)
     // mafFactory and vcfFactory have to be first because they don't strip comments (headers)
     slAddHead(&factoryList, &vcfFactory);
     slAddHead(&factoryList, &mafFactory);
     slAddTail(&factoryList, &wigFactory);
     slAddTail(&factoryList, &bigWigFactory);
     slAddTail(&factoryList, &chromGraphFactory);
     slAddTail(&factoryList, &pslFactory);
     slAddTail(&factoryList, &gtfFactory);
     slAddTail(&factoryList, &gffFactory);
     slAddTail(&factoryList, &pgSnpFactory);
     slAddTail(&factoryList, &bedFactory);
     slAddTail(&factoryList, &bigGenePredFactory);
     slAddTail(&factoryList, &bigNarrowPeakFactory);
     slAddTail(&factoryList, &bigPslFactory);
     slAddTail(&factoryList, &bedTabixFactory);
     slAddTail(&factoryList, &longTabixFactory);
     slAddTail(&factoryList, &bigChainFactory);
     slAddTail(&factoryList, &bigMafFactory);
     slAddTail(&factoryList, &bigDbSnpFactory);
     slAddTail(&factoryList, &bigBedFactory);
     slAddTail(&factoryList, &bedGraphFactory);
     slAddTail(&factoryList, &microarrayFactory);
     slAddTail(&factoryList, &coloredExonFactory);
     slAddTail(&factoryList, &encodePeakFactory);
     slAddTail(&factoryList, &bedDetailFactory);
     slAddTail(&factoryList, &adjacencyFactory);
     slAddTail(&factoryList, &bamFactory);
     slAddTail(&factoryList, &vcfTabixFactory);
     slAddTail(&factoryList, &makeItemsFactory);
     slAddTail(&factoryList, &bigDataOopsFactory);
     slAddTail(&factoryList, &barChartFactory);
     slAddTail(&factoryList, &bigBarChartFactory);
     slAddTail(&factoryList, &interactFactory);
     slAddTail(&factoryList, &bigInteractFactory);
     slAddTail(&factoryList, &hicFactory);
     slAddTail(&factoryList, &bigRmskFactory);
     slAddTail(&factoryList, &bigLollyFactory);
 struct customFactory *customFactoryFind(char *genomeDb, struct customPp *cpp,
 	char *type, struct customTrack *track)
 /* Figure out factory that can handle this track.  The track is
  * loaded from the track line if any, and type is the type element
  * if any from that track. */
 struct customFactory *fac;
 for (fac = factoryList; fac != NULL; fac = fac->next)
     if (fac->recognizer(fac, cpp, type, track))
 return fac;
 void customFactoryAdd(struct customFactory *fac)
 /* Add factory to global custom track factory list. */
 slAddTail(&factoryList, fac);
 static void parseRgb(char *s, int lineIx,
 	unsigned char *retR, unsigned char *retG, unsigned char *retB)
 /* Turn comma separated list to RGB vals. */
 int wordCount;
 char *row[4];
 wordCount = chopString(s, ",", row, ArraySize(row));
 if ((wordCount != 3) || (!isdigit(row[0][0]) || !isdigit(row[1][0]) || !isdigit(row[2][0])))
     errAbort("line %d of custom input, Expecting 3 comma separated numbers in color definition.", lineIx);
 *retR = atoi(row[0]);
 *retG = atoi(row[1]);
 *retB = atoi(row[2]);
 static void stripJavascript(char **pString)
 /* Replace *pString (which is dynamically allocated) with javascript free version of itself. */
 char *tmp = *pString;
 *pString = jsStripJavascript(tmp);
 static boolean checkGroup(char *db, char *group)
 /* Check if group is valid in db (if mysql, in grp table; if hub, in groups file or default) */
 static struct hash *dbToGroups = NULL;
 if (dbToGroups == NULL)
     dbToGroups = hashNew(0);
 struct hash *groups = hashFindVal(dbToGroups, db);
 if (groups == NULL)
     groups = hashNew(0);
     hashAdd(dbToGroups, db, groups);
     struct grp *groupList = hLoadGrps(db), *grp;
     for (grp = groupList;  grp != NULL;  grp = grp->next)
         hashAddInt(groups, grp->name, TRUE);
 return hashIntValDefault(groups, group, FALSE);
 static void customTrackUpdateFromSettings(struct customTrack *track,
                                           char *genomeDb,
 					  char *line, int lineIx)
 /* replace settings in track with those from new track line */
 char *pLine = line;
 line = skipLeadingSpaces(pLine);
 struct hash *newSettings = hashVarLine(line, lineIx);
 struct hashCookie hc = hashFirst(newSettings);
 struct hashEl *hel = NULL;
 /* there is a memory leak in this business because these values in the
  * existing settings hash were maybe cloned strings and if they get replaced
  * those previous strings are leaking.  We can't fix this because we don't
  * know which values in the hash are cloned strings or not.
 while ((hel = hashNext(&hc)) != NULL)
     ctAddToSettings(track, hel->name, hel->val);
 struct trackDb *tdb = track->tdb;
 struct hash *hash = tdb->settingsHash;
 if (hash == NULL) // make sure we have a settings hash
     hash = tdb->settingsHash = newHash(7);
 char *val;
 if ((val = hashFindVal(hash, "name")) != NULL)
     freeMem(tdb->shortLabel);  // already set by customTrackTdbDefault()
     if (*val)  /* limit shortLabel to 128 characters to avoid problems */
         tdb->shortLabel = cloneStringZ(val,128);
         tdb->shortLabel = cloneString("My Track");
     stripChar(tdb->shortLabel,'"');	/*	no quotes please	*/
     stripChar(tdb->shortLabel,'\'');	/*	no quotes please	*/
     freeMem(tdb->table);  // already set by customTrackTdbDefault()
     tdb->table = customTrackTableFromLabel(tdb->shortLabel);
     freeMem(tdb->track);  // already set by customTrackTdbDefault()
     tdb->track = cloneString(tdb->table);
     freeMem(tdb->longLabel);  // already set by customTrackTdbDefault()
     /* also use name for description, if not specified */
     tdb->longLabel = cloneString(tdb->shortLabel);
 if ((val = hashFindVal(hash, "description")) != NULL)
     freeMem(tdb->longLabel);  // already set by customTrackTdbDefault() or name
     if (*val)
         tdb->longLabel = cloneString(val);
         tdb->longLabel = cloneString("My Custom Track");
     stripChar(tdb->longLabel,'"');	/*	no quotes please	*/
     stripChar(tdb->longLabel,'\'');	/*	no quotes please	*/
     subChar(tdb->longLabel,'\t', ' ');	/*	no tabs please	*/
 tdb->type = hashFindVal(hash, "tdbType");
 /* might be an old-style wigType track */
 if (NULL == tdb->type)
     tdb->type = hashFindVal(hash, "wigType");
 /* might be a user-submitted CT that we're reading for the first time */
 if (NULL == tdb->type)
     tdb->type = hashFindVal(hash, "type");
 track->genomeDb = cloneString(genomeDb);
 track->dbTrackType = hashFindVal(hash, "dbTrackType");
 track->dbTableName = hashFindVal(hash, "dbTableName");
 track->progressFile = 0;
 if (track->dbTableName)
     track->dbDataLoad = TRUE;
     track->dbTrack = TRUE;
 if ((val = hashFindVal(hash, "fieldCount")) != NULL)
     track->fieldCount = sqlUnsigned(val);
 if ((val = hashFindVal(hash, "htmlFile")) != NULL)
     if (fileExists(val))
 	readInGulp(val, &track->tdb->html, NULL);
         if (val != track->htmlFile)
         track->htmlFile = cloneString(val);
 if ((val = hashFindVal(hash, "chromosomes")) != NULL)
     sqlStringDynamicArray(val, &track->tdb->restrictList, &track->tdb->restrictCount);
 if ((val = hashFindVal(hash, "htmlUrl")) != NULL)
     /* adding error trapping because various net.c functions can errAbort */
     struct errCatch *errCatch = errCatchNew();
     if (errCatchStart(errCatch))
 	struct dyString *ds = NULL;
 	int sd = netUrlOpen(val);
 	if (sd >= 0)
 	    char *newUrl = NULL;
 	    int newSd = 0;
 	    if (netSkipHttpHeaderLinesHandlingRedirect(sd, val, &newSd, &newUrl))
 		/* redirect can modify the url */
 		if (newUrl)
 		    sd = newSd;
 		ds = netSlurpFile(sd);
 		track->tdb->html = dyStringCannibalize(&ds);
     if (errCatch->gotError)
 	warn("%s", errCatch->message->string);
 tdb->url = hashFindVal(hash, "url");
 if ((val = hashFindVal(hash, "visibility")) != NULL)
     if (isdigit(val[0]))
 	tdb->visibility = atoi(val);
 	if (tdb->visibility > tvSquish)
 	    errAbort("Line %d of custom input: Expecting visibility 0 to 4 got %s. ", lineIx, val);
 	tdb->visibility = hTvFromString(val);
 if ((val = hashFindVal(hash, "group")) != NULL)
     if (checkGroup(genomeDb, val))
         tdb->grp = val;
         boolean isHub = trackHubDatabase(genomeDb);
         char *groupSource = isHub ? "the hub's groups.txt file" : "the table 'grp'";
         warn("Line %d of custom input: group '%s' is not valid. "
             "Either remove the group setting or use a group named in %s.",
              lineIx, val, groupSource);
         if (isHub)
             hashRemove(hash, "group");
             hashReplace(hash, "group", "user");
 if ((val = hashFindVal(hash, "useScore")) != NULL)
     tdb->useScore = !sameString(val, "0");
 if ((val = hashFindVal(hash, "priority")) != NULL)
     tdb->priority = atof(val);
 if ((val = hashFindVal(hash, "color")) != NULL)
     char *c = cloneString(val);
     parseRgb(c, lineIx, &tdb->colorR, &tdb->colorG, &tdb->colorB);
 if ((val = hashFindVal(hash, "altColor")) != NULL)
     char *c = cloneString(val);
     parseRgb(c, lineIx, &tdb->altColorR, &tdb->altColorG, &tdb->altColorB);
     /* If they don't explicitly set the alt color make it a lighter version
      * of color. */
     tdb->altColorR = (tdb->colorR + 255)/2;
     tdb->altColorG = (tdb->colorG + 255)/2;
     tdb->altColorB = (tdb->colorB + 255)/2;
 if ((val = hashFindVal(hash, "offset")) != NULL)
     track->offset = atoi(val);
 if ((val = hashFindVal(hash, "maxChromName")) != NULL)
     track->maxChromName = sqlSigned(val);
     char *ctDb = ctGenomeOrCurrent(track);
     track->maxChromName = hGetMinIndexLength(ctDb);
 if ((line != NULL) && !strstr(line, "tdbType"))
     /* for "external" (user-typed) track lines, save for later display
      * in the manager CGI */
     struct dyString *ds = dyStringNew(0);
     /* exclude special setting used by table browser to indicate file needs
      * to be parsed by the factory */
     char *unparsed;
     if ((unparsed = stringIn(CT_UNPARSED, line)) != NULL)
         char *nextTok = skipToSpaces(unparsed);
         if (!nextTok)
             nextTok = "";
         *unparsed = 0;
         dyStringPrintf(ds, "track %s %s", line, nextTok);
         dyStringPrintf(ds, "track %s", line);
     ctAddToSettings(track, "origTrackLine", dyStringCannibalize(&ds));
 char *browserLinesToSetting(struct slName *browserLines)
 /* Create a setting with browser lines separated by semi-colons */
 if (!browserLines)
     return NULL;
 struct dyString *ds = dyStringNew(0);
 struct slName *bl = NULL;
 for (bl = browserLines; bl != NULL; bl = bl->next)
     dyStringAppend(ds, bl->name);
     dyStringAppend(ds, ";");
 return dyStringCannibalize(&ds);
 struct slName *ctBrowserLines(struct customTrack *ct)
 /* retrieve browser lines from setting */
 char *setting;
 if ((setting = trackDbSetting(ct->tdb, "browserLines")) == NULL)
     return NULL;
 return slNameListFromString(setting, ';');
 static char *browserLinePosition(struct slName *browserLines)
 /* return position from browser lines, or NULL if not found */
 struct slName *bl;
 int wordCt;
 char *words[64];
 for (bl = browserLines; bl != NULL; bl = bl->next)
     wordCt = chopLine(cloneString(bl->name), words);
     if (wordCt == 3 && sameString("position", words[1]))
         return words[2];
 return NULL;
 void customTrackUpdateFromConfig(struct customTrack *ct, char *genomeDb,
                                  char *config, struct slName **retBrowserLines)
 /* update custom track from config containing track line and browser lines
  * Return browser lines */
 if (!config)
 struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOnString("config", TRUE, config);
 char *line;
 struct slName *browserLines = NULL;
 while (lineFileNextReal(lf, &line))
     if (startsWithWord("track", line))
         customTrackUpdateFromSettings(ct, genomeDb, line, 1);
     else if (startsWithWord("browser", line))
         slNameAddTail(&browserLines, line);
         errAbort("expecting track or browser line, got: %s", line);
 char *setting = browserLinesToSetting(browserLines);
 if (setting)
     ctAddToSettings(ct, "browserLines", setting);
     char *initialPos = browserLinePosition(browserLines);
     if (initialPos)
         ctAddToSettings(ct, "initialPos", initialPos);
 if (retBrowserLines)
     *retBrowserLines = browserLines;
 char *customTrackUserConfig(struct customTrack *ct)
 /* return user-defined track line and browser lines */
 struct dyString *ds = dyStringNew(0);
 char *userTrackLine = ctOrigTrackLine(ct);
 if (userTrackLine)
     dyStringAppend(ds, userTrackLine);
     dyStringAppend(ds, "\n");
 struct slName *bl = NULL;
 for (bl = ctBrowserLines(ct); bl != NULL; bl = bl->next)
     dyStringAppend(ds, bl->name);
     dyStringAppend(ds, "\n");
 return (dyStringCannibalize(&ds));
 static struct customTrack *trackLineToTrack(char *genomeDb, char *line, int lineIx)
 /* Convert a track specification line to a custom track structure. */
 /* Make up basic track with associated tdb.  Fill in settings
  * from var=val pairs in line. */
 struct customTrack *track;
 struct trackDb *tdb = customTrackTdbDefault();
 track->tdb = tdb;
 customTrackUpdateFromSettings(track, genomeDb, line, lineIx);
 return track;
 static struct lineFile *customLineFile(char *text, boolean isFile)
 /* Figure out input source, handling URL's and compression */
 if (!text)
     return NULL;
 struct lineFile *lf = NULL;
 if (isFile)
     if (stringIn("://", text))
         lf = netLineFileOpen(text);
 	lf = lineFileOpen(text, TRUE);
     if (startsWith("compressed://",text))
 	char *words[3];
 	char *mem;
         unsigned long size;
     	mem = (char *)sqlUnsignedLong(words[1]);
         size = sqlUnsignedLong(words[2]);
 	lf = lineFileDecompressMem(TRUE, mem, size);
     else if (startsWith("memory://", text))
 	int len = strlen(text) + 1;
 	char copy[len];
 	safecpy(copy, len, text);
 	char *words[3];
 	int wordCount = chopByWhite(copy, words, 3);
 	if (wordCount != 3)
 	    errAbort("customLineFile: badly formatted input '%s': expected 3 words, got %d",
 		     text, wordCount);
 	char *mem = (char *)sqlUnsignedLong(words[1]);
 	lf = lineFileOnString(words[0], TRUE, mem);
 	lf = lineFileOnString(CT_NO_FILE_NAME, TRUE, text);
 return lf;
 char *customDocParse(char *text)
 /* Return description text, expanding URLs as for custom track data */
 char *line;
 struct lineFile *lf = customLineFile(text, FALSE);
 if (!lf)
     return NULL;
 /* wrap a doc customPp object around it. */
 struct customPp *cpp = customDocPpNew(lf);
 /* extract doc */
 struct dyString *ds = dyStringNew(0);
 while ((line = customPpNextReal(cpp)) != NULL)
     dyStringAppend(ds, line);
     dyStringAppend(ds, "\n");
 return dyStringCannibalize(&ds);
 char *ctGenome(struct customTrack *ct)
 /* return database setting, using old-style var name if present*/
 char *setting = trackDbSetting(ct->tdb, "db");
 if (setting)
     return setting;
 return trackDbSetting(ct->tdb, "genome");
 struct paraFetchData
     struct paraFetchData *next;
     struct customTrack *track;
     struct customFactory *fac;
     boolean done;
 static pthread_mutex_t pfdMutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
 static struct paraFetchData *pfdList = NULL, *pfdRunning = NULL, *pfdDone = NULL, *pfdNeverStarted = NULL;
 static void *remoteParallelLoad(void *threadParam)
 /* Each thread loads tracks in parallel until all work is done. */
 pthread_t *pthread = threadParam;
 struct paraFetchData *pfd = NULL;
 pthread_detach(*pthread);  // this thread will never join back with it's progenitor
     // Canceled threads that might leave locks behind,
     // so the theads are detached and will be neither joined nor canceled.
 boolean allDone = FALSE;
     pthread_mutex_lock( &pfdMutex );
     if (!pfdList)
 	allDone = TRUE;
 	{  // move it from the waiting queue to the running queue
 	pfd = slPopHead(&pfdList);
 	slAddHead(&pfdRunning, pfd);
     pthread_mutex_unlock( &pfdMutex );
     if (allDone)
 	return NULL;
     /* protect against errAbort */
     struct errCatch *errCatch = errCatchNew();
     if (errCatchStart(errCatch))
 	pfd->done = FALSE;
 	pfd->fac->loader(pfd->fac, NULL, NULL, pfd->track, FALSE);
 	pfd->done = TRUE;
     if (errCatch->gotError)
 	pfd->track->networkErrMsg = cloneString(errCatch->message->string);
 	pfd->done = TRUE;
     pthread_mutex_lock( &pfdMutex );
     slRemoveEl(&pfdRunning, pfd);  // this list will not be huge
     slAddHead(&pfdDone, pfd);
     pthread_mutex_unlock( &pfdMutex );
 static int remoteParallelLoadWait(int maxTimeInSeconds)
 /* Wait, checking to see if finished (completed or errAborted).
  * If timed-out or never-ran, record error status.
  * Return error count. */
 int maxTimeInMilliseconds = 1000 * maxTimeInSeconds;
 struct paraFetchData *pfd;
 int errCount = 0;
 int waitTime = 0;
     sleep1000(50); // milliseconds
     waitTime += 50;
     boolean done = TRUE;
     pthread_mutex_lock( &pfdMutex );
     if (pfdList || pfdRunning)
 	done = FALSE;
     pthread_mutex_unlock( &pfdMutex );
     if (done)
     if (waitTime >= maxTimeInMilliseconds)
 pthread_mutex_lock( &pfdMutex );
 pfdNeverStarted = pfdList;
 pfdList = NULL;  // stop the workers from starting any more waiting track loads
 for (pfd = pfdNeverStarted; pfd; pfd = pfd->next)
     // track was never even started
     char temp[256];
     safef(temp, sizeof temp, "Ran out of time (%d milliseconds) unable to process  %s", maxTimeInMilliseconds, pfd->track->tdb->track);
     pfd->track->networkErrMsg = cloneString(temp);
 for (pfd = pfdRunning; pfd; pfd = pfd->next)
     // unfinished track
     char temp[256];
     safef(temp, sizeof temp, "Timeout %d milliseconds exceeded processing %s", maxTimeInMilliseconds, pfd->track->tdb->track);
     pfd->track->networkErrMsg = cloneString(temp);
 for (pfd = pfdDone; pfd; pfd = pfd->next)
     // some done tracks may have errors
     if (pfd->track->networkErrMsg)
 pthread_mutex_unlock( &pfdMutex );
 return errCount;
 boolean customFactoryParallelLoad(char *bdu, char *type)
 /* Is this a data type that should be loaded in parallel ? */
 if ((type == NULL) || (bdu == NULL))
     return FALSE;
 return (startsWith("big", type)
      || startsWithWord("mathWig"  , type)
      || startsWithWord("bam"     , type)
      || startsWithWord("halSnake", type)
      || startsWithWord("bigRmsk", type)
      || startsWithWord("bigLolly", type)
      || startsWithWord("vcfTabix", type))
      // XX code-review: shouldn't we error abort if the URL is not valid?
      && (bdu && isValidBigDataUrl(bdu, FALSE))
      && !(containsStringNoCase(bdu, "dl.dropboxusercontent.com"))
      && (!startsWith("bigInteract", type))
      && (!startsWith("bigMaf", type));
 static struct customTrack *customFactoryParseOptionalDb(char *genomeDb, char *text,
 	boolean isFile, struct slName **retBrowserLines,
 	boolean mustBeCurrentDb, boolean doParallelLoad)
 /* Parse text into a custom set of tracks.  Text parameter is a
  * file name if 'isFile' is set.  If mustBeCurrentDb, die if custom track
  * is for some database other than genomeDb. 
  * If doParallelLoad is true, load the big tracks */
 struct customTrack *trackList = NULL, *track = NULL;
 char *line = NULL;
 struct hash *chromHash = newHash(8);
 float prio = 0.0;
 struct sqlConnection *ctConn = NULL;
 char *ctConnErrMsg = NULL;
 boolean dbTrack = ctDbUseAll();
 if (dbTrack)
     /* protect against temporarily offline CT trash server */
     struct errCatch *errCatch = errCatchNew();
     if (errCatchStart(errCatch))
 	ctConn = hAllocConn(CUSTOM_TRASH);
     if (errCatch->gotError)
 	ctConnErrMsg = cloneString(errCatch->message->string);
     /* warnings from here are not visible to user because of higher-level catching
      * if we want to make the warning visible, have to extend behavior of customTrack.c */
 setUdcCacheDir();  // Need to set udc cache dir here because this whole cust trk parse routine
                    // gets called very early in CGI life by cart.c when processing saved-sessions.
                    // It is not specific to just hgCustom and hgTracks since any CGI that uses the cart
                    // may need this.
 int ptMax = atoi(cfgOptionDefault("parallelFetch.threads", "20"));  // default number of threads for parallel fetch.
 struct lineFile *lf = customLineFile(text, isFile);
 /* wrap a customPp object around it. */
 struct customPp *cpp = customPpNew(lf);
 lf = NULL;
 /* Loop through this once for each track. */
 while ((line = customPpNextReal(cpp)) != NULL)
     /* Parse out track line and save it in track var.
      * First time through make up track var from thin air
      * if no track line. Find out explicit type setting if any.
      * Also make sure settingsHash is set up. */
     lf = cpp->fileStack;
     char *dataUrl = NULL;
     if (lf->fileName && (
             startsWith("http://" , lf->fileName) ||
             startsWith("https://", lf->fileName) ||
             startsWith("ftp://"  , lf->fileName) ||
         dataUrl = cloneString(lf->fileName);
     if (startsWithWord("track", line))
 	track = trackLineToTrack(genomeDb, line, cpp->fileStack->lineIx);
     else if (trackList == NULL)
     /* In this case we handle simple files with a single track
      * and no track line. */
         char defaultLine[256];
         safef(defaultLine, sizeof defaultLine,
                         "track name='%s' description='%s'",
         track = trackLineToTrack(genomeDb, defaultLine, 1);
         customPpReuse(cpp, line);
 	errAbort("Expecting 'track' line, got %s\nline %d of %s",
 		line, lf->lineIx, lf->fileName);
     if (!track)
     lazarusLives(20 * 60);   // extend keep-alive time. for big uploads on slow connections.
     /* verify database for custom track */
     char *ctDb = ctGenome(track);
     if (mustBeCurrentDb)
 	if (ctDb == NULL)
 	    ctDb = genomeDb;
 	else if (differentString(trackHubSkipHubName(ctDb), trackHubSkipHubName(genomeDb)))
 	    errAbort("can't load %s data into %s custom tracks",
 		     ctDb, genomeDb);
     struct customTrack *oneList = NULL, *oneTrack;
     if (track->dbDataLoad)
     /* Database tracks already mostly loaded, just check that table
      * still exists (they are removed when not accessed for a while). */
 	if (ctConn && !ctDbTableExists(ctConn, track->dbTableName))
 	if (!ctConn && ctConnErrMsg)
 	    track->networkErrMsg = ctConnErrMsg;
 	if ( startsWith("maf", track->tdb->type))
 	    struct hash *settings = track->tdb->settingsHash;
 	    char *fileName;
 	    if ((fileName = hashFindVal(settings, "mafFile")) == NULL)
 	    if (!fileExists(fileName))
 	track->wiggle = startsWith("wig ", track->tdb->type);
 	if (track->wiggle)
 	    if (!verifyWibExists(ctConn, track->dbTableName))
 	oneList = track;
 	if (!ctGenome(track) && ctDb)
 	    ctAddToSettings(track, "db", ctDb);
     /* Main case - we have to find a track factory that recognizes
      * this track, and call it.  Also we may need to do some work
      * to load track into database. */
 	char *bigDataUrl = hashFindVal(track->tdb->settingsHash, "bigDataUrl");
 	/* Load track from appropriate factory */
         char *type = track->tdb->type;
         lf = NULL;  // customFactoryFind may close this
 	struct customFactory *fac = customFactoryFind(genomeDb, cpp, type, track);
 	if (fac == NULL)
 	    struct lineFile *lf = cpp->fileStack;
 	    /* Check for case of empty track with no type.  This
 	     * is silently ignored for backwards compatibility */
 	    if (type == NULL)
 		char *line = customFactoryNextRealTilTrack(cpp);
 		customPpReuse(cpp, line);
 		if (line == NULL)
 		    // But if someone is trying to make a bigData track and forgot the type,
 		    // let them know about it:
 		    if (bigDataUrl)
 			errAbort("Track line with bigDataUrl setting (%s) "
 				 "is missing its type setting.", bigDataUrl);
 		    char *fileName = lf->fileName;
 		    // Don't use bogus filename made up by lineFile when attached to memory block,
 		    // or placeholder for unknown file made up by customLineFile:
 		    if (startsWith(LF_BOGUS_FILE_PREFIX, lf->fileName) ||
 			sameString(CT_NO_FILE_NAME, lf->fileName))
 			fileName = "file";
 		    errAbort("Unrecognized format line %d of %s: "
 			     "If this is a binary file, and the file "
 			     "does not end with one of the common extensions (.bigBed, .bb, .bam, .bw, "
 			     ".cram, .vcf.gz, etc) then you cannot supply the URL alone but also need to "
 			     "specify the file type via a \"track\" line that includes at least the URL and "
 			     "the type and possibly other settings, e.g. color. An example minimal track "
 			     "line is \"track bigDataUrl=<url> type=hic\", which would load a .hic file. "
 			     "For a list of supported file types and more example track lines and all "
 			     "possible track line settings, see the top of the page.",
 			lf->lineIx, fileName);
 	    else if (bigDataUrl)
 #define TYPE_NOT_BIGDATAURL "Type '%s' is not a bigDataUrl type.  Please see the documentation links above."
                 if (lf)
                     lineFileAbort(lf, TYPE_NOT_BIGDATAURL, type);
                     errAbort(TYPE_NOT_BIGDATAURL, type);
 #define TYPE_UNRECOGNIZED "Unrecognized format 'type=%s'.  Please see the documentation links above."
                 if (lf)
                     lineFileAbort(lf, TYPE_UNRECOGNIZED, type);
                     errAbort(TYPE_UNRECOGNIZED, type);
 	if (customFactoryParallelLoad(bigDataUrl, type) && (ptMax > 0)) // handle separately in parallel so long timeouts don't accrue serially
                                        //  (unless ptMax == 0 which means turn parallel loading off)
             if (doParallelLoad)
                 struct paraFetchData *pfd;
                 pfd->track = track;  // need pointer to be stable
                 pfd->fac = fac;
                 slAddHead(&pfdList, pfd);
             oneList = track;
     	    oneList = fac->loader(fac, chromHash, cpp, track, dbTrack);
 	/* Save a few more settings. */
 	for (oneTrack = oneList; oneTrack != NULL; oneTrack = oneTrack->next)
 	    ctAddToSettings(track, "tdbType", oneTrack->tdb->type);
 	    if (dbTrack && oneTrack->dbTrackType != NULL)
 		ctAddToSettings(track, "dbTrackType", oneTrack->dbTrackType);
             if (!trackDbSetting(track->tdb, "inputType"))
                 if (sameString(oneTrack->tdb->type, "vcfPhasedTrio"))
                     ctAddToSettings(track, "inputType", "vcfPhasedTrio");
                     ctAddToSettings(track, "inputType", fac->name);
             if (dataUrl)
 		ctAddToSettings(track, "dataUrl", dataUrl);
             if (!ctGenome(track) && ctDb)
                 ctAddToSettings(track, "db", ctDb);
     trackList = slCat(trackList, oneList);
 // Call the fac loader in parallel on all the bigDataUrl custom tracks
 // using pthreads to avoid long serial timeouts
 pthread_t *threads = NULL;
 if (doParallelLoad && (ptMax > 0))     // parallelFetch.threads=0 to disable parallel fetch
     /* launch parallel threads */
     ptMax = min(ptMax, slCount(pfdList));
     if (ptMax > 0)
 	AllocArray(threads, ptMax);
 	int pt;
 	for (pt = 0; pt < ptMax; ++pt)
 	    int rc = pthread_create(&threads[pt], NULL, remoteParallelLoad, &threads[pt]);
 	    if (rc)
 		errAbort("Unexpected error %d from pthread_create(): %s",rc,strerror(rc));
 if (doParallelLoad && (ptMax > 0))
     /* wait for remote parallel load to finish */
     remoteParallelLoadWait(atoi(cfgOptionDefault("parallelFetch.timeout", "90")));  // wait up to default 90 seconds.
 struct slName *browserLines = customPpTakeBrowserLines(cpp);
 char *initialPos = browserLinePosition(browserLines);
 /* Finish off tracks -- add auxiliary settings, fill in some defaults,
  * and adjust priorities so tracks are not all on top of each other
  * if no priority given. */
 for (track = trackList; track != NULL; track = track->next)
     if (track->tdb->priority == 0)
 	prio += 0.001;
 	track->tdb->priority = prio;
     if (initialPos)
 	ctAddToSettings(track, "initialPos", initialPos);
     if (track->bedList)
 	/* save item count and first item because if track is
 	 * loaded to the database, the bedList will be available next time */
 	struct dyString *ds = dyStringNew(0);
 	dyStringPrintf(ds, "%d", slCount(track->bedList));
 	ctAddToSettings(track, "itemCount", cloneString(ds->string));
 	dyStringPrintf(ds, "%s:%d-%d", track->bedList->chrom,
 		track->bedList->chromStart, track->bedList->chromEnd);
 	ctAddToSettings(track, "firstItemPos", cloneString(ds->string));
     char *setting = browserLinesToSetting(browserLines);
     if (setting)
 	ctAddToSettings(track, "browserLines", setting);
 /* Save return variables, clean up,  and go home. */
 if (retBrowserLines != NULL)
     *retBrowserLines = browserLines;
 return trackList;
 struct customTrack *customFactoryParse(char *genomeDb, char *text, boolean isFile,
 	struct slName **retBrowserLines)
 /* Parse text into a custom set of tracks.  Text parameter is a
  * file name if 'isFile' is set.  Die if the track is not for genomeDb. */
 return customFactoryParseOptionalDb(genomeDb, text, isFile, retBrowserLines, TRUE, TRUE);
 struct customTrack *customFactoryParseAnyDb(char *genomeDb, char *text, boolean isFile,
 					    struct slName **retBrowserLines, boolean doParallelLoad)
 /* Parse text into a custom set of tracks.  Text parameter is a
  * file name if 'isFile' is set.  Track does not have to be for hGetDb(). 
  * If doParallelLoad is true, load the big tracks */
 return customFactoryParseOptionalDb(genomeDb, text, isFile, retBrowserLines, FALSE, doParallelLoad);
 static boolean testFileSettings(struct trackDb *tdb, char *ctFileName)
 /* Return TRUE unless tdb has a setting that ends in File but doesn't
  * specify an existing local file.  */
 boolean isLive = TRUE;
 struct hashEl *fileSettings = trackDbSettingsLike(tdb, "*File");
 struct hashEl *s;
 for (s = fileSettings;  s != NULL;  s = s->next)
     char *fileName = (char *)(s->val);
     if (fileExists(fileName) && readAndIgnore(fileName))
 	verbose(4, "setting %s: %s\n", s->name, fileName);
 	isLive = FALSE;
 	verbose(3, "Custom track %s setting-file %s=%s does not exist\n",
 		ctFileName, s->name, fileName);
 return isLive;
 static void freeCustomTrack(struct customTrack **pTrack)
 if (NULL == pTrack)
 struct customTrack *track = *pTrack;
 if (NULL == track)
 struct trackDb *tdb = track->tdb;
 if (tdb->restrictList)
 if (track->bedList)
 if (track->gffHelper)
 if (track->bbiFile)
 void customFactoryTestExistence(char *genomeDb, char *fileName, boolean *retGotLive,
 				boolean *retGotExpired, struct customTrack **retTrackList)
 /* Test existence of custom track fileName.  If it exists, parse it just
  * enough to tell whether it refers to database tables and if so, whether
  * they are alive or have expired.  If they are live, touch them to keep
  * them active. */
 struct customTrack *trackList = NULL;
 boolean trackNotFound = TRUE;
 char *line = NULL;
 struct sqlConnection *ctConn = NULL;
 boolean dbTrack = ctDbUseAll();
 if (!fileExists(fileName))
     if (retGotExpired)
 	*retGotExpired = TRUE;
     if (retTrackList)
 	*retTrackList = trackList;
 struct lineFile *lf = customLineFile(fileName, TRUE);
 off_t remoteSize = 0;
 if (stringIn("://", fileName))
     remoteSize = remoteFileSize(fileName);
 /* wrap a customPp object around it. */
 struct customPp *cpp = customPpNew(lf);
 cpp->remoteFileSize = remoteSize;
 lf = NULL;
 if (dbTrack)
     ctConn = hAllocConn(CUSTOM_TRASH);
 /* Loop through this once for each track. */
 while ((line = customPpNextReal(cpp)) != NULL)
     struct customTrack *track = NULL;
     boolean isLive = TRUE;
     /* Parse out track line and save it in track var.
      * First time through make up track var from thin air
      * if no track line. Find out explicit type setting if any.
      * Also make sure settingsHash is set up. */
     lf = cpp->fileStack;
     if (startsWithWord("track", line))
 	track = trackLineToTrack(genomeDb, line, cpp->fileStack->lineIx);
     else if (trackNotFound)
 	/* In this case we handle simple files with a single track
 	 * and no track line. */
         char defaultLine[256];
         safef(defaultLine, sizeof defaultLine,
 	      "track name='%s' description='%s'",
         track = trackLineToTrack(genomeDb, defaultLine, 1);
         customPpReuse(cpp, line);
 	errAbort("Expecting 'track' line, got %s\nline %d of %s",
 		 line, lf->lineIx, lf->fileName);
     /* don't verify database for custom track -- we might be testing existence
      * for another database. */
     /* Handle File* settings */
     isLive = (isLive && testFileSettings(track->tdb, fileName));
     if (track->dbDataLoad)
 	/* Track was loaded into the database -- check if it still exists. */
 	if (ctConn && ctDbTableExists(ctConn, track->dbTableName))
 	    if (isLive)
 		/* Touch database table to keep it alive. */
 		/* this was already done in the ctDbTableExists() above */
 		/* ctTouchLastUse(ctConn, track->dbTableName, TRUE); */
 		verbose(4, "customTrash db table: %s\n", track->dbTableName);
 	    isLive = FALSE;
 	    verbose(3, "Custom track %s dbTableName %s does not exist\n",
 		    fileName, track->dbTableName);
 	/* Track data in this file. */
 	while (customFactoryNextRealTilTrack(cpp))
 	    /* Skip data lines until we get to next track or EOF. */
     if (isLive)
 	if (retGotLive)
 	    *retGotLive = TRUE;
 	if (retGotExpired)
 	    *retGotExpired = TRUE;
     if (retTrackList)
 	slAddHead(&trackList, track);
     trackNotFound = FALSE;
 if (retTrackList)
     *retTrackList = trackList;
 char *ctInitialPosition(struct customTrack *ct)
 /* return initial position plucked from browser lines,
  * or position of first element if none specified */
 char buf[128];
 char *pos = trackDbSetting(ct->tdb, "initialPos");
 if (!pos && ct->bedList)
     safef(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s:%d-%d", ct->bedList->chrom,
                 ct->bedList->chromStart, ct->bedList->chromEnd);
     pos = buf;
 if (pos)
     return cloneString(pos);
 return NULL;
 char *ctDataUrl(struct customTrack *ct)
 /* return URL where data can be reloaded, if any */
 return trackDbSetting(ct->tdb, "dataUrl");
 char *ctHtmlUrl(struct customTrack *ct)
 /* return URL where doc can be reloaded, if any */
 return trackDbSetting(ct->tdb, "htmlUrl");
 char *ctInputType(struct customTrack *ct)
 /* return type of input */
 char *type = trackDbSetting(ct->tdb, "inputType");
 if (type == NULL)
     type = trackDbSetting(ct->tdb, "tdbType");
 return type;
 int ctItemCount(struct customTrack *ct)
 /* return number of 'items' in track, or -1 if unknown */
 if (ct->bedList)
     return (slCount(ct->bedList));
 char *val = trackDbSetting(ct->tdb, "itemCount");
 if (val)
     return (sqlUnsigned(val));
 return -1;
 char *ctFirstItemPos(struct customTrack *ct)
 /* return position of first item in track, or NULL if wiggle or
  * other "non-item" track */
 return trackDbSetting(ct->tdb, "firstItemPos");
 char *ctOrigTrackLine(struct customTrack *ct)
 /* return initial setting by user for track line */
 return trackDbSetting(ct->tdb, "origTrackLine");
 void customFactoryEnableExtraChecking(boolean enable)
 /* Enable/disable extra checking of custom tracks in customFactoryParse.
  * E.g. extra checking is great the first time we read in a custom track,
  * but we don't need it for every hgTracks call. */
 doExtraChecking = enable;