  Sat Oct 26 23:25:21 2024 -0700
getting TMPDIR set correctly refs #34685

diff --git src/hg/utils/automation/doSimpleRepeat.pl src/hg/utils/automation/doSimpleRepeat.pl
index a7c3407..450d001 100755
--- src/hg/utils/automation/doSimpleRepeat.pl
+++ src/hg/utils/automation/doSimpleRepeat.pl
@@ -150,40 +150,40 @@
   my $clusterSeq = "$clusterSeqDir/$db.doSimp.2bit";
   if ($inHive) {
     $clusterSeq = "$clusterSeqDir/$db.unmasked.2bit";
   $clusterSeq = "$unmaskedSeq" if ($opt_unmaskedSeq);
   my $partDir .= "$okOut[0]/$db/TrfPart";
   $partDir = "$buildDir/TrfPart" if ($opt_unmaskedSeq);
   my $trf409Option = "";
   my $trfCmd = "trf";
   if ($trf409 ne 0) {
      $trf409Option = "-l=$trf409";
      $trfCmd = "trf.4.09";
   # Cluster job script:
-  my $tmpDir = &HgAutomate::tmpDir();
   my $fh = &HgAutomate::mustOpen(">$runDir/TrfRun.csh");
   print $fh <<_EOF_
 #!/bin/csh -ef
 set finalOut = \$1
 set inLst = \$finalOut:r
 set inLft = \$inLst:r.lft
+unsetenv TMPDIR
 if ( -d "/data/tmp" ) then
   setenv TMPDIR "/data/tmp"
 else if ( -d "/scratch/tmp" ) then
   setenv TMPDIR "/scratch/tmp"
   set tmpSz = `df --output=avail -k /tmp | tail -1`
   set shmSz = `df --output=avail -k /dev/shm | tail -1`
   if ( "\${shmSz}" > "\${tmpSz}" ) then
      mkdir -p /dev/shm/tmp
      chmod 777 /dev/shm/tmp
      setenv TMPDIR "/dev/shm/tmp"
      setenv TMPDIR "/tmp"
@@ -192,31 +192,31 @@
 # Use local disk for output, and move the final result to \$finalOut
 # when done, to minimize I/O.
 set tmpDir = `mktemp -d -p \$TMPDIR doSimpleRepeat.cluster.XXXXXX`
 pushd \$tmpDir
 foreach spec (`cat \$inLst`)
   # Remove path and .2bit filename to get just the seq:start-end spec:
   set base = `echo \$spec | sed -r -e 's/^[^:]+://'`
   # If \$spec is the whole sequence, twoBitToFa removes the :start-end part,
   # which causes liftUp to barf later.  So tweak the header back to
   # seq:start-end for liftUp's sake:
   twoBitToFa \$spec stdout \\
   | sed -e "s/^>.*/>\$base/" \\
   | $clusterBin/trfBig $trf409Option -trf=$clusterBin/$trfCmd \\
-      stdin /dev/null -bedAt=\$base.bed -tempDir=$tmpDir
+      stdin /dev/null -bedAt=\$base.bed -tempDir=\$tmpDir
 # Due to the large chunk size, .lft files can have thousands of lines.
 # Even though the liftUp code does &lineFileClose, somehow we still
 # run out of filehandles.  So limit the size of liftSpecs:
 split -a 3 -d -l 500 \$inLft SplitLft.
 # Lift up:
 foreach splitLft (SplitLft.*)
   set bedFiles = `awk '{print \$2 ".bed"};' \$splitLft`
   endsInLf -zeroOk \$bedFiles
   set lineCount=`cat \$bedFiles | wc -l`
   if (\$lineCount > 0) then
     cat \$bedFiles \\
       | liftUp -type=.bed tmpOut.\$splitLft \$splitLft error stdin
@@ -303,33 +303,49 @@
   my $workhorse = &HgAutomate::chooseWorkhorse();
   my $whatItDoes = "It runs trfBig on the entire (small) genome in one pass.";
   my $bossScript = new HgRemoteScript("$runDir/doTrf.csh", $workhorse,
 				      $runDir, $whatItDoes);
   my $trf409Option = "";
   my $trfCmd = "trf";
   if ($trf409 ne 0) {
      $trf409Option = "-l=$trf409";
      $trfCmd = "trf.4.09";
   my $tmpDir = &HgAutomate::tmpDir();
+unsetenv TMPDIR
+if ( -d "/data/tmp" ) then
+  setenv TMPDIR "/data/tmp"
+else if ( -d "/scratch/tmp" ) then
+  setenv TMPDIR "/scratch/tmp"
+  set tmpSz = `df --output=avail -k /tmp | tail -1`
+  set shmSz = `df --output=avail -k /dev/shm | tail -1`
+  if ( "\${shmSz}" > "\${tmpSz}" ) then
+     mkdir -p /dev/shm/tmp
+     chmod 777 /dev/shm/tmp
+     setenv TMPDIR "/dev/shm/tmp"
+  else
+     setenv TMPDIR "/tmp"
+  endif
 twoBitToFa $unmaskedSeq stdout \\
 | $clusterBin/trfBig $trf409Option -trf=$clusterBin/$trfCmd \\
-      stdin /dev/null -bedAt=simpleRepeat.bed -tempDir=$tmpDir
+      stdin /dev/null -bedAt=simpleRepeat.bed -tempDir=\$TMPDIR
 } # doSingle
 sub doTrf {
   if ($useCluster) {
   } else {
 } # doTrf