  Tue Oct 8 15:58:50 2024 -0700
Staging the news announcement for ClinGen CSpec track and tweaking the caps of the label. Refs #33794

diff --git src/hg/htdocs/goldenPath/newsarch.html src/hg/htdocs/goldenPath/newsarch.html
index 2c7f7ed..e2ae819 100755
--- src/hg/htdocs/goldenPath/newsarch.html
+++ src/hg/htdocs/goldenPath/newsarch.html
@@ -54,30 +54,53 @@
 <p>You can sign-up to get these announcements via our 
 <a target=_blank href="https://groups.google.com/a/soe.ucsc.edu/g/genome-announce?hl=en">Genome-announce</a>
 email list. We send around one short announcement email every two weeks.</p>
 <p>Smaller software changes are not announced here.  A summary of the three-weekly release changes can be 
 found <a target=_blank href="https://genecats.gi.ucsc.edu/builds/versions.html">here</a>. 
 For the full list of our daily code changes head to our <a
 target=_blank>GitHub page</a>. Lastly, see our <a href="credits.html" target="_blank">
 credits page</a> for acknowledgments of the data we host.</p>
 <!-- ============= 2024 archived news ============= -->
 <a name="2024"></a>
+<a name="100924"></a>
+<h2>Oct. 9, 2024 &nbsp;&nbsp; CADD v1.7 and ClinGen CSpec tracks for hg19 and hg38</h2>
+We are excited to announce two new tracks available for human assemblies hg38/GRCh38 and hg19/GRCh37.</p>
+<h3>Clingen CSpec Variant Interpretation VCEP Specifications</h3>
+The <a href="/cgi-bin/hgTrackUi?db=hg38&position=default&g=clinGenComp">ClinGen VCEP Specifications
+track</a> identifies loci that have <a target="_blank"
+href="https://cspec.genome.network/cspec/ui/svi/">ClinGen criteria Specification (CSpec)</a>
+information. This is used and
+applied by ClinGen Variant Curation Expert Panels (VCEPs) and biocurators in the classification 
+of variants.</p>
+This track can be found in the existing ClinGen composite track. The data in this track 
+updates weekly whenever new data is found in the ClinGen CSpec registry.</p>
+<h3>CADD 1.7...</h3>
+We would like to thank Jeltje van Baren, Lou Nassar, Gerardo Perez...</p>
 <a name="100124"></a>
 <h2>Oct. 1, 2024 &nbsp;&nbsp; New interactive variant interpretation tutorial</h2>
 We have a new <a href="/cgi-bin/hgTracks?db=hg38&startClinical=true"
 target="_blank">clinical tutorial</a> showcasing resources that could be useful in variant
 interpretation. The tutorial is written to educate clinical geneticists with any level of browser
 experience. It covers topics such as searching for variants and data, recommended track sets,
 and how to save and share browser configurations.</p>
 <div class="text-center">
   <a href="/cgi-bin/hgTracks?db=hg38&startClinical=true" target="_blank">
     <img src="/images/clinicalTutorial.png" width='30%'>