  Fri Oct 18 08:52:28 2024 -0700
density mode on vcf tracks was crashing.  Refs #34659

diff --git src/hg/hgTracks/wigCommon.h src/hg/hgTracks/wigCommon.h
index c11b741..f23a2b1 100644
--- src/hg/hgTracks/wigCommon.h
+++ src/hg/hgTracks/wigCommon.h
@@ -1,201 +1,206 @@
 /* wigCommon.h - common items to the two graphing types of tracks
  *	type wig and type bedGraph
 /* Copyright (C) 2014 The Regents of the University of California 
  * See kent/LICENSE or http://genome.ucsc.edu/license/ for licensing information. */
 #ifndef WIGCOMMON_H
 #define WIGCOMMON_H
 /*	wigCartOptions structure - to carry cart options from wigMethods
  *	to all the other methods via the track->extraUiData pointer
 struct wigCartOptions
     enum wiggleGridOptEnum horizontalGrid;	/*  grid lines, ON/OFF */
     enum wiggleGraphOptEnum lineBar;		/*  Line or Bar chart */
     enum wiggleScaleOptEnum autoScale;		/*  autoScale on */
     enum wiggleWindowingEnum windowingFunction;	/*  max,mean,min,sum */
     enum wiggleSmoothingEnum smoothingWindow;	/*  N: [1:15] */
     enum wiggleYLineMarkEnum yLineOnOff;	/*  OFF/ON	*/
     enum wiggleAlwaysZeroEnum alwaysZero;	/*  OFF/ON	*/
     enum wiggleTransformFuncEnum transformFunc;	/*  NONE/LOG	*/
     double minY;	/*	from trackDb.ra words, the absolute minimum */
     double maxY;	/*	from trackDb.ra words, the absolute maximum */
     int maxHeight;	/*	maximum pixels height from trackDb	*/
     int defaultHeight;	/*	requested height from cart	*/
     int minHeight;	/*	minimum pixels height from trackDb	*/
     double yLineMark;	/*	user requested line at y = */
     char *colorTrack;   /*	Track to use for coloring wiggle track. */
     int graphColumn;	/*	column to be graphing (bedGraph tracks)	*/
     boolean bedGraph;	/*	is this a bedGraph track ?	*/
     boolean isMultiWig;	/*      If true it's a multi-wig. */
     enum wiggleAggregateFunctionEnum aggregateFunction;	/*  NONE/TRANSPARENT/STACKED	*/
     boolean doNegative; /*      should we negate the values */
     struct mafBaseProbs *baseProbs;  /* if we're in logoMaf mode, this will hold the base probabilities. */
     boolean doSequenceLogo; /*      should we draw a sequence logo when near baselevel? */
 struct wigCartOptions *wigCartOptionsNew(struct cart *cart, struct trackDb *tdb, int wordCount, char *words[]);
 /* Create a wigCartOptions from cart contents and tdb. */
 struct preDrawContainer
 /* A preDraw array with a little bit of extra info */
     struct preDrawContainer *nextPlaceholder;   /* Refactoring code so not in list really. */
     struct preDrawElement *preDraw;     /* Array of values. */
     int preDrawSize;		/* Size of preDraw */
     int preDrawZero;		/* Offset from start of predraw array to data requested.  We
                                  * get more because of smoothing */
     int width;			/* Passed in width, number of pixels to display without smooth */
     double graphUpperLimit, graphLowerLimit; /* limits to the smoothed value */
     boolean skipAutoscale;      /* multiWig does its own autoscale */
 struct preDrawElement
     double	max;	/*	maximum value seen for this point	*/
     double	min;	/*	minimum value seen for this point	*/
     unsigned long long	count;	/* number of datum at this point */
     double	sumData;	/*	sum of all values at this point	*/
     double  sumSquares;	/* sum of (values squared) at this point */
     double  plotValue;	/*	raw data to plot	*/
     double  smooth;	/*	smooth data values	*/
 struct bedGraphItem
 /* A bedGraph track item. */
     struct bedGraphItem *next;
     int start, end;	/* Start/end in chrom coordinates. */
     char *name;		/* Common name */
     float dataValue;	/* data value from bed table graphColumn	*/
     double graphUpperLimit;	/* filled in by DrawItems	*/
     double graphLowerLimit;	/* filled in by DrawItems	*/
 typedef void (*WigVerticalLineVirtual)(void *image, int x, int y, int height, Color color);
 /* Draw a vertical line somewhere, maybe a regular image, maybe a transparent one. */
 struct pixelCountBin
 /* A structure used to keep track of how many pixels are drawn in a set of bins. */
     unsigned binCount;
     unsigned binSize;
     unsigned long *bins;
 struct wigGraphOutput
 /* Info on where to draw a wig - may be pretty indirect in transparent case. */
    WigVerticalLineVirtual vLine;
    void *image;	    /* Some type in reality that goes with vLine. */
    int xOff, yOff;  /* Where to offset output within image. */
    double *yOffsets; /* if not NULL, points to yOffsets for stacked bars */
    int numTrack;   /* the index of this track */
    struct pixelCountBin *pixelBins;
 struct wigGraphOutput *wigGraphOutputStack(int xOff, int yOff, int width, int numTracks,  struct hvGfx *image);
 /* Get appropriate wigGraphOutput for non-transparent stacked rendering */
 struct wigGraphOutput *wigGraphOutputSolid(int xOff, int yOff, struct hvGfx *image);
 /* Get appropriate wigGraphOutput for non-transparent rendering */
 /*	source to these routines is in wigTrack.c	*/
 struct preDrawContainer *initPreDrawContainer(int width);
 /*	initialize a preDraw array of size width	*/
 void preDrawWindowFunction(struct preDrawElement *preDraw, int preDrawSize,
 	enum wiggleWindowingEnum windowingFunction,
 	enum wiggleTransformFuncEnum transformFunc,
 	boolean doNegative);
 /*	apply windowing function to the values in preDraw array	*/
 void preDrawSmoothing(struct preDrawElement *preDraw, int preDrawSize,
     enum wiggleSmoothingEnum smoothingWindow);
 /*	apply smoothing function to preDraw array	*/
 double preDrawLimits(struct preDrawElement *preDraw, int preDrawZero,
     int width, double *overallUpperLimit, double *overallLowerLimit);
 /*	scan preDraw array and determine graph limits */
 double preDrawAutoScale(struct preDrawElement *preDraw, int preDrawZero,
     int width, enum wiggleScaleOptEnum autoScale,
     enum wiggleWindowingEnum windowingFunction,
     double *graphUpperLimit, double *graphLowerLimit,
     double *epsilon, int lineHeight,
     double maxY, double minY, enum wiggleAlwaysZeroEnum alwaysZero);
 /*	if autoScaling, scan preDraw array and determine limits */
 void drawZeroLine(enum trackVisibility vis,
     enum wiggleGridOptEnum horizontalGrid,
     double graphUpperLimit, double graphLowerLimit,
     struct hvGfx *hvg, int xOff, int yOff, int width, int lineHeight);
 /*	draw a line at y=0 on the graph	*/
 void drawArbitraryYLine(enum trackVisibility vis,
     enum wiggleGridOptEnum horizontalGrid,
     double graphUpperLimit, double graphLowerLimit,
     struct hvGfx *hvg, int xOff, int yOff, int width, int lineHeight,
     double yLineMark, double graphRange, enum wiggleYLineMarkEnum yLineOnOff);
 /*	draw a line at y=yLineMark on the graph	*/
 void wigMapSelf(struct track *tg, struct hvGfx *hvg, int seqStart, int seqEnd,
     int xOff, int yOff, int width);
 /*	if self mapping, create the mapping box	*/
 void wigLeftLabels(struct track *tg, int seqStart, int seqEnd,
 	struct hvGfx *hvg, int xOff, int yOff, int width, int height,
 	boolean withCenterLabels, MgFont *font, Color color,
 	enum trackVisibility vis);
 /*	drawing left labels	*/
 char *wigNameCallback(struct track *tg, void *item);
 /* Return name of wig level track. */
 void wigFindItemLimits(void *items,
     double *graphUpperLimit, double *graphLowerLimit);
 /*	find upper and lower limits of graphed items (wigItem)	*/
 void wigMultiRegionGraphLimits(struct track *tg);
 /* Set common graphLimits across all windows */
 void wigPreDrawPredraw(struct track *tg, int seqStart, int seqEnd,
                     struct hvGfx *hvg, int xOff, int yOff, int width,
                     MgFont *font, Color color, enum trackVisibility vis,
                     struct preDrawContainer *preContainer, int preDrawZero,
                     int preDrawSize, double *retGraphUpperLimit, double *retGraphLowerLimit);
 /* Figure out graph limits after running windowingFunction and smoothing if needed. */
 void wigDrawPredraw(struct track *tg, int seqStart, int seqEnd,
 	struct hvGfx *hvg, int xOff, int yOff, int width,
 	MgFont *font, Color color, enum trackVisibility vis, struct preDrawContainer *preDrawContainer,
 	int preDrawZero, int preDrawSize, double graphUpperLimit, double graphLowerLimit);
 /* Draw once we've figured out predraw. */
 void wigLeftAxisLabels(struct track *tg, int seqStart, int seqEnd,
 	struct hvGfx *hvg, int xOff, int yOff, int width, int height,
 	boolean withCenterLabels, MgFont *font, Color color,
 	enum trackVisibility vis, char *shortLabel, double graphUpperLimit, double graphLowerLimit,
 	boolean showNumbers);
 /* Draw labels on left for a wiggle-type track. */
 double wiggleLogish(double x);
 /* Return log-like transform without singularity at 0. */
 /******************  in source file bedGraph.c ************************/
 void wigBedGraphFindItemLimits(void *items,
     double *graphUpperLimit, double *graphLowerLimit);
 /*	find upper and lower limits of graphed items (bedGraphItem)	*/
 int normalizeCount(struct preDrawElement *el, double countFactor,
     double minVal, double maxVal, double sumData, double sumSquares);
 /* Normalize statistics to be based on an integer number of valid bases.
  * Integer value is the smallest integer not less than countFactor. */
 void wigLogoMafCheck(struct track *tg,  int start, int end);
 /* Check to see if we should draw a sequence logo for the wiggle contents. */
+int setupForWiggle(struct track *tg, enum trackVisibility vis);
+/* Check to see if this track should show density coverage and if so
+ * make sure it has the cart data to support it.
+ */
 #endif /* WIGCOMMON_H */