Thu Oct 17 15:00:58 2024 -0700
Make the density graph options div have a unique ID so when you have more than one subtrack configure section open on hgTrackUi, the right options are selected, refs #34651
diff --git src/hg/lib/hui.c src/hg/lib/hui.c
index ac94803..be2ea86 100644
--- src/hg/lib/hui.c
+++ src/hg/lib/hui.c
@@ -5986,44 +5986,44 @@
safef(option, sizeof(option), "%s.%s", name, "squishyPackPoint" );
cgiMakeDoubleVarWithLimits(option, squishyPackPoint, "Range min", 0, NO_VALUE, NO_VALUE);
void wigOption(struct cart *cart, char *name, char *title, struct trackDb *tdb)
/* let the user choose to see the track in wiggle mode */
Display data as a density graph: ");
boolean option = cartOrTdbBoolean(cart, tdb, "doWiggle", FALSE);
char varName[1024];
safef(varName, sizeof(varName), "%s.doWiggle", name);
cgiMakeCheckBox(varName, option);
char *style = option ? "display:block" : "display:none";
\n", style);
\n", name, style);
// we need to fool the wiggle dialog into defaulting to autoscale and maximum
char *origType = tdb->type;
tdb->type = "bedGraph";
if (hashFindVal(tdb->settingsHash, AUTOSCALE) == NULL)
hashAdd(tdb->settingsHash, AUTOSCALE, "on");
if (hashFindVal(tdb->settingsHash, WINDOWINGFUNCTION) == NULL)
hashAdd(tdb->settingsHash, WINDOWINGFUNCTION, wiggleWindowingEnumToString( wiggleWindowingMean));
tdb->type = origType;
-jsInlineF("$(\"input[name='%s']\").click( function() { $('#densGraphOptions').toggle();} );\n"
- , varName); // XSS FILTER?
+jsInlineF("$(\"input[name='%s']\").click( function() { $('#densGraphOptions%s').toggle();} );\n"
+ , varName, name); // XSS FILTER?
void filterNameOption(struct cart *cart, char *name, struct trackDb *tdb)
/* filter by feature names text input box */
Show only transcripts with these accessions: ");
char varName[1024];
safef(varName, sizeof(varName), "%s.nameFilter", name);
char *onlyTransStr = cartUsualString(cart, varName, "");
cgiMakeTextVar(varName, onlyTransStr, 60);
printf(" Separate multiple accessions with commas");