  Sat Nov 16 10:58:20 2024 -0800
remove a stray single quote and correct case on view and request words refs #32596

diff --git src/hg/js/assemblySearch.js src/hg/js/assemblySearch.js
index cc88bf1..f2ce780 100644
--- src/hg/js/assemblySearch.js
+++ src/hg/js/assemblySearch.js
@@ -248,31 +248,31 @@
     document.getElementById("measureTiming").style.display = "none";
 // refresh the thead columns in the specified table
 function headerRefresh(tableHead) {
   // clear existing content
   tableHead.innerHTML = '';
   // re-populate header row - the sortable system added a class to
   //  the last sorted column, need to rebuild the headerRow to get the
   //  header back to pristine condition for the next sort
   var headerRow = '<tr>';
   let circleQuestion = '<svg width="24" height="24"> <circle cx="12" cy="12" r="10" fill="#4444ff" /> <text x="50%" y="50%" text-anchor="middle" fill="white" font-size="13px" font-family="Verdana" dy=".3em">?</text>?</svg>';
-  headerRow += '<th><div class=tooltip>View/<br>Request&nbsp;&#9432;<span onclick="event.stopPropagation()" class="tooltiptext"><b>View</b> opens the genome browser for an existing assembly, <b>Request</b> opens an assembly request form.</span></div></th>';
+  headerRow += '<th><div class=tooltip>view/<br>request&nbsp;&#9432;<span onclick="event.stopPropagation()" class="tooltiptext"><b>view</b> opens the genome browser for an existing assembly, <b>request</b> opens an assembly request form.</span></div></th>';
   headerRow += '<th><div class="tooltip">English common name&nbsp;&#9432;<span onclick="event.stopPropagation()" class="tooltiptext">English common name</span></div></th>';
   headerRow += '<th><div class="tooltip">Scientific name&nbsp;&#9432;<span onclick="event.stopPropagation()" class="tooltiptext">Binomial scientific name</span></div></th>';
   headerRow += '<th><div class="tooltip">NCBI Assembly&nbsp;&#9432;<span onclick="event.stopPropagation()" class="tooltiptext">Links to NCBI resource record<br>or UCSC downloads for local UCSC assemblies</span></div></th>';
   headerRow += '<th><div class="tooltip">Year&nbsp;&#9432;<span onclick="event.stopPropagation()" class="tooltiptextright">Year assembly was released.</span></div></th>';
   headerRow += '<th><div class="tooltip"><em>GenArk</em> clade&nbsp;&#9432;<span onclick="event.stopPropagation()" class="tooltiptextright">Clade specification as found in the <a href="https://hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/hubs/index.html" target=_blank>GenArk</a> system, this is not a strict taxonomy category, merely a division of assemblies into several categories.</span></div></th>';
   headerRow += '<th><div class="tooltip">Description&nbsp;&#9432;<span onclick="event.stopPropagation()" class="tooltiptextright">Description may include other names, the <b>taxId</b>, year of assembly release and assembly center.</span></div></th>';
   headerRow += '<th><div class="tooltip">Status&nbsp;&#9432;<span onclick="event.stopPropagation()" class="tooltiptextright">When specified, status will show the <b>Assembly status</b> the <b>RefSeq category</b> and the <b>Assembly level</b>.</span></div></th>';
   headerRow += '</tr>';
   tableHead.innerHTML = headerRow;
 // call with visible true to make visible, false to hide
 function advancedSearchVisible(visible) {
   var advancedSearchButton = document.getElementById("advancedSearchButton");
   var searchOptions = document.getElementById("advancedSearchOptions");
@@ -395,39 +395,39 @@
         } else {
             extraInfo[key] = jsonData[key];
     var count = 0;
     for (var id in genomicEntries) {
         highlightMatch(extraInfo.q.trim(), genomicEntries[id]);
         var dataRow = '<tr>';
         var browserUrl = id;
         var asmInfoUrl = id;
         if (genomicEntries[id].browserExists) {
           if (id.startsWith("GC")) {
-            browserUrl = "<a href='/h/" + id + "?position=lastDbPos' target=_blank>View</a>";
+            browserUrl = "<a href='/h/" + id + "?position=lastDbPos' target=_blank>view</a>";
             asmInfoUrl = "<a href='https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/assembly/" + id + "' target=_blank>" + id + "</a>";
           } else {
-            browserUrl = "<a href='/cgi-bin/hgTracks?db=" + id + "' target=_blank>View</a>";
+            browserUrl = "<a href='/cgi-bin/hgTracks?db=" + id + "' target=_blank>view</a>";
             asmInfoUrl = "<a href='https://hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/" + id + "/bigZips/' target=_blank>" + id + "</a>";
           dataRow += "<th>" + browserUrl + "</th>";
         } else {
-          dataRow += "<th><button type=button' onclick='asmOpenModal(this)' name=" + id + "'>Request</button></th>";
+          dataRow += "<th><button type=button' onclick='asmOpenModal(this)' name=" + id + ">request</button></th>";
         dataRow += "<td>" + genomicEntries[id].commonName + "</td>";
         dataRow += "<td>" + genomicEntries[id].scientificName + "</td>";
         dataRow += "<th>" + asmInfoUrl + "</th>";
         dataRow += "<td>" + genomicEntries[id].year + "</td>";
         dataRow += "<td>" + genomicEntries[id].clade + "</td>";
         dataRow += "<td>" + genomicEntries[id].description + "</td>";
         var status =  "<td>";
         var hardSpace = "&nbsp;";
         if (genomicEntries[id].versionStatus) {
            status += " " + genomicEntries[id].versionStatus;
            hardSpace = "";
         if (genomicEntries[id].refSeqCategory) {
            status += " " + genomicEntries[id].refSeqCategory;