  Fri Oct 25 13:03:00 2024 -0700
add setColorWith trackDb variable to set wiggle color with bigBed

diff --git src/hg/hgTracks/wigTrack.c src/hg/hgTracks/wigTrack.c
index 8ba210a..0c41c8c 100644
--- src/hg/hgTracks/wigTrack.c
+++ src/hg/hgTracks/wigTrack.c
@@ -58,42 +58,48 @@
 return trackDbSettingOn(tg->tdb, "logo") || ((trackDbSetting(tg->tdb, "logoMaf") != NULL) && wigCart->doSequenceLogo); 
 static void wigFillInColorLfArray(struct track *wigTrack, Color *colArray, int colSize,
 				  struct track *colorTrack)
 /* Fill in a color array with the linkedFeatures based colorTrack's
    color where it would normally have an exon. */
 struct linkedFeatures *lf = NULL, *lfList = colorTrack->items;
 struct simpleFeature *sf = NULL;
 double scale = scaleForPixels(colSize);
 int x1 = 0, x2 = 0;
 int i = 0;
 for(lf = lfList; lf != NULL; lf = lf->next)
+    unsigned color;
+    if (colorTrack->isColorBigBed)
+        color = bedColorToGfxColor(lf->filterColor);
+    else
+        color = colorTrack->ixAltColor;
     for (sf = lf->components; sf != NULL; sf = sf->next)
 	x1 = round((double)((int)sf->start-winStart)*scale);
 	x2 = round((double)((int)sf->end-winStart)*scale);
 	if(x1 < 0)
 	    x1 = 0;
 	if(x2 > colSize)
 	    x2 = colSize;
 	if(x1 == x2)
 	for(i = x1; i < x2; i++)
-	    colArray[i] = colorTrack->ixAltColor;
+            colArray[i] = color;
 static void wigFillInColorBedArray(struct track *wigTrack, Color *colArray, int colSize,
 				  struct track *colorTrack, struct hvGfx *hvg)
 /* Fill in a color array with the simple bed based colorTrack's
    color where it would normally have an block. */
 struct bed *bed = NULL, *bedList = colorTrack->items;
 double scale = scaleForPixels(colSize);
 int x1 = 0, x2 = 0;
 int i = 0;
 for (bed = bedList; bed != NULL; bed = bed->next)
@@ -757,106 +763,109 @@
         *graphUpperLimit = overallUpperLimit;
         *graphLowerLimit = overallLowerLimit;
     *graphUpperLimit = maxY;
     *graphLowerLimit = minY;
 double graphRange = *graphUpperLimit - *graphLowerLimit;
 *epsilon = graphRange / lineHeight;
-static struct trackDb *makeFakeColorTrackTdb(char *bb)
+static struct track *makeFakeColorTrack(char *bb)
+/* make a fake track to color a wig. */
 struct trackDb *tdb;
-//tdb->loadItems = loadBed9;
-//tdb->isBigBed = isBigBed;
 tdb->grp = "other";
 tdb->track = "fakeTrackForColorBy";
 tdb->type = "bigBed 9";
 tdb->settingsHash = newHash(5);
 hashAdd(tdb->settingsHash, "bigDataUrl", hubConnectSkipHubPrefix(bb));
-//tdb->drawItemAt =  linkedFeaturesDrawAt;
-return tdb;
+struct track *cTrack =  trackFromTrackDb(tdb);
+cTrack->isColorBigBed = TRUE;
+return cTrack;
 struct track *colorTrackIsBigBed(char *colorTrack)
 //                cTrack = trackFromTrackDb(tdb);
 struct track *cTrack = NULL;
-if (endsWith(colorTrack, ".bb"))
-    {
-    cTrack = trackFromTrackDb(makeFakeColorTrackTdb(colorTrack));
-    printf("colorTrack is bb %s\n", colorTrack);
-    }
+if (endsWith(colorTrack, ".bb") || endsWith(colorTrack, ".bigBed"))
+    cTrack = makeFakeColorTrack(colorTrack);
 return cTrack;
 static Color * makeColorArray(struct preDrawElement *preDraw, int width,
     int preDrawZero, struct wigCartOptions *wigCart, struct track *tg, struct hvGfx *hvg)
 /*	allocate and fill in a coloring array based on another track */
 char *colorTrack = wigCart->colorTrack;
+char *colorBigBed = wigCart->colorBigBed;
 int x1;
 Color *colorArray = NULL;       /*      Array of pixels to be drawn.    */
 /*      Set up the color by array. Determine color of each pixel
  *      based initially on the sign of the data point. If a colorTrack
  *      is specified also fill in the color array with that.
 AllocArray(colorArray, width);
 for(x1 = 0; x1 < width; ++x1)
     int preDrawIndex = x1 + preDrawZero;
     if (preDraw[preDrawIndex].count)
 	double dataValue;	/*	the data value in data space	*/
 	dataValue = preDraw[preDrawIndex].smooth;
 	/*	negative data is the alternate color	*/
 	if (dataValue < 0.0)
 	    colorArray[x1] = tg->ixAltColor;
 	    colorArray[x1] = tg->ixColor;
-/* Fill in colors from alternate track if necessary. */
-if (colorTrack != NULL)
+/* Fill in colors from alternate track or bigBed if necessary. */
+struct track *cTrack = NULL;
+if (colorBigBed != NULL)
+    {
+    cTrack = makeFakeColorTrack(colorBigBed);
+    }
+else if (colorTrack != NULL)
     struct track *cTrack = hashFindVal(trackHash, colorTrack);
     if (cTrack == NULL) // rightClick update of wigColorBy track may not have colorTrack in hash
         {               // so create it on the fly
-        if ((cTrack = colorTrackIsBigBed(colorTrack)) == NULL)
-            {
         struct trackDb *tdb = hTrackDbForTrack(database,colorTrack);
         if (tdb != NULL)
             cTrack = trackFromTrackDb(tdb);
 if (cTrack != NULL)
     wigFillInColorArray(tg, hvg, colorArray, width, cTrack);
-    }
 return colorArray;
 void vLineViaHvg(void *image, int x, int y, int height, Color color)
 /* A vertical line drawer that works via hvGfx system. */
 hvGfxBox(image, x, y, 1, height, color);
 Color somewhatLighterColor32(Color color)
 /* Get a somewhat lighter shade of a color - 1/3 of the way towards white.
  * Specialized here to bypass image parameter requirement.*/
 struct rgbColor rgbColor =  mgColorIxToRgb(NULL, color);
@@ -2254,30 +2263,31 @@
 wigCart->yLineMark = yLineMark;
 wigCart->yLineOnOff = wigFetchYLineMarkWithCart(cart,tdb,tdb->track, (char **) NULL);
 wigCart->alwaysZero = (enum wiggleAlwaysZeroEnum)wigFetchAlwaysZeroWithCart(cart,tdb,tdb->track, (char **) NULL);
 wigCart->transformFunc = (enum wiggleTransformFuncEnum)wigFetchTransformFuncWithCart(cart,tdb,tdb->track, (char **) NULL);
 wigCart->doNegative = wigFetchDoNegativeWithCart(cart,tdb,tdb->track, (char **) NULL);
 if (zoomedToCodonLevel)
     wigCart->doSequenceLogo = wigFetchDoSequenceLogoWithCart(cart,tdb,tdb->track, (char **) NULL);
 wigCart->maxHeight = maxHeight;
 wigCart->defaultHeight = defaultHeight;
 wigCart->minHeight = minHeight;
 wigFetchMinMaxYWithCart(cart,tdb,tdb->track, &wigCart->minY, &wigCart->maxY, NULL, NULL, wordCount, words);
 wigCart->colorTrack = trackDbSetting(tdb, "wigColorBy");
+wigCart->colorBigBed = trackDbSetting(tdb, "setColorWith");
 char *containerType = trackDbSetting(tdb, "container");
 if (containerType != NULL && sameString(containerType, "multiWig"))
      wigCart->isMultiWig = TRUE;
 wigCart->aggregateFunction = wigFetchAggregateFunctionWithCart(cart,tdb,tdb->track, (char **) NULL);
 // can't do mean with whiskers in stacked mode
 if ((wigCart->aggregateFunction == wiggleAggregateStacked) &&
     ( wigCart->windowingFunction == wiggleWindowingWhiskers))
     wigCart->windowingFunction = wiggleWindowingMax;
 return wigCart;
 /* Make track group for wig multiple alignment.