  Tue Oct 29 11:05:36 2024 -0700
Adding a new file exception for mask.bed, we have a copy committed in the tree for mpxv, but a file with the same name is now used by hgPhyloPlace.

diff --git src/hg/utils/otto/ottoCompareGitVsHiveFiles.py src/hg/utils/otto/ottoCompareGitVsHiveFiles.py
index e3d7dcd..4307c8c 100755
--- src/hg/utils/otto/ottoCompareGitVsHiveFiles.py
+++ src/hg/utils/otto/ottoCompareGitVsHiveFiles.py
@@ -47,31 +47,31 @@
 def compareGitMd5sumsToHiveMd5sums(fileNameDic,fileNameHiveMatches):
     """Compare md5sums between files in git and all matching files in hive"""
     for fileName in fileNameDic.keys():
         if fileNameDic[fileName] in fileNameHiveMatches[fileName]:
             print("Found matching file: "+fileName)
         elif fileNameHiveMatches[fileName] == []:
             print("File was never found: "+fileName)
             print("The following otto file was found, but the md5sum of the git file did not match the one running on hive: "+fileName)
 def findGitFilesBuildDics():
     """Find all files in git minus exceptions and get md5sums, build dics"""
-    fileListWithMd5sum = bash("find ~/kent/src/hg/utils/otto -type f | grep -v 'uniprot\|ncbiRefSeq\|crontab\|README*\|clinvarSubLolly\|makefile\|.c$\|sarscov2phylo\|nextstrainNcov\|knownGene\|rsv/exclude.ids' | xargs md5sum")
+    fileListWithMd5sum = bash("find ~/kent/src/hg/utils/otto -type f | grep -v 'uniprot\|ncbiRefSeq\|crontab\|README*\|clinvarSubLolly\|makefile\|.c$\|sarscov2phylo\|nextstrainNcov\|knownGene\|rsv/exclude.ids\|mask.bed' | xargs md5sum")
     fileNameDic = {}
     fileNameHiveMatches = {}
     fileListWithMd5sum[0].split("  ")
 def checkCrontabDifferences():
     """Looks for differences between the committed otto crontab and the one running"""
     user = getpass.getuser()
     if user != "otto":
         crontab = bash("ssh otto@hgwdev crontab -l")
         crontab = bash("crontab -l")
     liveCrontab = open("/cluster/home/"+user+"/ottoCrontab.tmp",'w')