  Fri Nov 22 17:47:13 2024 -0800
Giving the UI link cronjob some love by fixing all the 301 redirects. These are the bulk of the items listed on the cron. No RM.

diff --git src/hg/makeDb/trackDb/human/affy120K.html src/hg/makeDb/trackDb/human/affy120K.html
index 770400b..9a2043f 100644
--- src/hg/makeDb/trackDb/human/affy120K.html
+++ src/hg/makeDb/trackDb/human/affy120K.html
@@ -1,63 +1,63 @@
 <P>This track shows locations of the Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms
 on the Affymetrix 120K SNP Genotyping Array.  The SNPs in this track
 include all of the markers from the array that have been successfully
 mapped against the current assembly.</P>
 <P>The SNPs were selected from public domain databases or the Perlegen
 SNP database. Genotypes for these markers were generated at Affymetrix
 using GeneChip(r) DNA analysis technology.</P>
 <P>During sample preparation, an <B>enzyme</B> is used to fragment the
 genomic DNA into smaller pieces.  The restriction endonucleases
 <I><B>HindIII</B></I> and <I><B>XbaI</B></I> have been used to generate this
 <P>Genotypes are reported as pairs of basecalls representing the two
 observed alleles.  Individual genotypes for which no call was made are
 labeled 'NC'.  A minimum of 46 genotype calls in the set of 54
 individuals are included for each SNP.</P>
 <P><B>Allele Frequency</B> for the 'A' allele is two times the number
 of 'AA' calls plus the number of 'AB' calls, divided by two times the
 total number of calls.  Allele Frequency for the 'B' allele is two
 times the number of 'BB' calls plus the number of 'AB' calls, divided
 by two times the total number of calls.  The <B>Minimum Allele
 Frequency</B> is the lesser of these two values.
 <B>Heterozygosity</B> is two times the product of the two allele
 <P>Thanks to <A HREF="https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/SNP">dbSnp</A> at the
 NCBI for providing the public SNPs, and thanks to <A
 HREF="http://www.perlegen.com">Perlegen Sciences, Inc.</A> for
 providing additional SNPs from their database.  Additional information
 about the Perlegen SNP discovery process can be found in 
 <a href="http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/abstract/294/5547/1719">
 <i>Science</i> <b>294</b>: 1719-1723 (2001)</a>:
 <b>Blocks of Limited Haplotype Diversity Revealed by High-Resolution
 Scanning of Human Chromosome 21</b>
 N. Patil, A. J. Berno, D. A. Hinds, W. A. Barrett, J. M. Doshi,
 C. R. Hacker, C. R. Kautzer, D. H. Lee, C. Marjoribanks,
 D. P. McDonough,  B. T. N. Nguyen, M. C. Norris, J. B. Sheehan,
 N. Shen, D. Stern, R. P. Stokowski, D. J. Thomas, M. O. Trulson,
 K. R. Vyas, K. A. Frazer, S. P. A. Fodor, and D. R. Cox.
 <P>Thanks to <A HREF="http://www.affymetrix.com">Affymetrix, Inc.</A>
 for developing the genotyping array and providing the genotype data
 for 54 individuals.  For more details on this genotyping assay, please
 see the supplemental information on the <A
 120K SNP</A> product.</P>
 <H2>Terms of Use</H2>
 <P>Please see the <A
-HREF="http://www.affymetrix.com/site/terms.affx">Terms and
+HREF="https://www.affymetrix.com:443/site/terms.affx">Terms and
 Conditions</A> for the use of this data at the <A
 HREF="http://www.affymetrix.com">Affymetrix, Inc.</A> site.</P>