690b7e4b9c74d17ea3fc17c70435f5984f4c2f04 chmalee Mon Jan 6 16:43:13 2025 -0800 Fix links to hub.txt files to work correctly. Fix order of files returned from the server to sort on location first then uploadTime. Still working on making newly uploaded files sort to the right place in UI diff --git src/hg/js/hgMyData.js src/hg/js/hgMyData.js index ae2fdba..73f3248 100644 --- src/hg/js/hgMyData.js +++ src/hg/js/hgMyData.js @@ -1,977 +1,990 @@ /* jshint esnext: true */ var debugCartJson = true; function prettyFileSize(num) { if (!num) {return "0B";} if (num < (1000 * 1024)) { return `${(num/1000).toFixed(1)}KB`; } else if (num < (1000 * 1000 * 1024)) { return `${((num/1000)/1000).toFixed(1)}MB`; } else { return `${(((num/1000)/1000)/1000).toFixed(1)}GB`; } } function generateApiKey() { let apiKeyInstr = document.getElementById("apiKeyInstructions"); let apiKeyDiv = document.getElementById("apiKey"); if (!document.getElementById("spinner")) { let spinner = document.createElement("i"); spinner.id = "spinner"; spinner.classList.add("fa", "fa-spinner", "fa-spin"); document.getElementById("generateApiKey").after(spinner); } let handleSuccess = function(reqObj) { apiKeyDiv.textContent = reqObj.apiKey; apiKeyInstr.style.display = "block"; let revokeDiv= document.getElementById("revokeDiv"); revokeDiv.style.display = "block"; document.getElementById("spinner").remove(); // remove the word 'already' from the message if we have just re-generated a key let refreshSpan = document.getElementById("removeOnGenerate"); if (refreshSpan) { refreshSpan.style.display = "none"; } }; let cartData = {generateApiKey: {}}; cart.setCgi("hgHubConnect"); cart.send(cartData, handleSuccess); cart.flush(); } function revokeApiKeys() { let apiKeyInstr = document.getElementById("apiKeyInstructions"); let apiKeyDiv = document.getElementById("apiKey"); if (!document.getElementById("spinner")) { let spinner = document.createElement("i"); spinner.id = "spinner"; spinner.classList.add("fa", "fa-spinner", "fa-spin"); document.getElementById("revokeApiKeys").after(spinner); } let handleSuccess = function(req) { apiKeyInstr.style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("spinner").remove(); let generateDiv = document.getElementById("generateDiv"); generateDiv.style.display = "block"; let revokeDiv = document.getElementById("revokeDiv"); revokeDiv.style.display = "none"; }; let cartData = {revokeApiKey: {}}; cart.setCgi("hgHubConnect"); cart.send(cartData, handleSuccess); cart.flush(); } // make our Uppy instance: const uppy = new Uppy.Uppy({ debug: true, allowMultipleUploadBatches: false, onBeforeUpload: (files) => { // set all the fileTypes and genomes from their selects let doUpload = true; for (let [key, file] of Object.entries(files)) { if (!file.meta.genome) { uppy.info(`Error: No genome selected for file ${file.name}!`, 'error', 2000); doUpload = false; continue; } else if (!file.meta.fileType) { uppy.info(`Error: File type not supported, please rename file: ${file.name}!`, 'error', 2000); doUpload = false; continue; } uppy.setFileMeta(file.id, { fileName: file.meta.name, fileSize: file.size, lastModified: file.data.lastModified, }); } return doUpload; }, }); var hubCreate = (function() { let uiState = { // our object for keeping track of the current UI and what to do userUrl: "", // the web accesible path where the uploads are stored for this user }; function getTusdEndpoint() { // return the port and basepath of the tusd server // NOTE: the port and basepath are specified in hg.conf //let currUrl = parseUrl(window.location.href); return "https://hgwdev-hubspace.gi.ucsc.edu/files"; } let extensionMap = { "bigBed": [".bb", ".bigbed"], "bam": [".bam"], "vcf": [".vcf"], "vcfTabix": [".vcf.gz", "vcf.bgz"], "bigWig": [".bw", ".bigwig"], "hic": [".hic"], "cram": [".cram"], "bigBarChart": [".bigbarchart"], "bigGenePred": [".bgp", ".biggenepred"], "bigMaf": [".bigmaf"], "bigInteract": [".biginteract"], "bigPsl": [".bigpsl"], "bigChain": [".bigchain"], "bamIndex": [".bam.bai", ".bai"], "tabixIndex": [".vcf.gz.tbi", "vcf.bgz.tbi"], }; function detectFileType(fileName) { let fileLower = fileName.toLowerCase(); for (let fileType in extensionMap) { for (let extIx in extensionMap[fileType]) { let ext = extensionMap[fileType][extIx]; if (fileLower.endsWith(ext)) { return fileType; } } } //we could alert here but instead just explicitly set the value to null //and let the backend reject it instead, forcing the user to rename their //file //alert(`file extension for ${fileName} not found, please explicitly select it`); return null; } function defaultFileType(file) { return detectFileType(file); } function defaultDb() { return cartDb.split(" ").slice(-1)[0]; } function makeGenomeSelectOptions() { // Returns an array of options for genomes let ret = []; let choices = ["Human hg38", "Human T2T", "Human hg19", "Mouse mm39", "Mouse mm10"]; let cartChoice = {}; cartChoice.id = cartDb; cartChoice.label = cartDb; cartChoice.value = cartDb.split(" ").slice(-1)[0]; if (cartChoice.value.startsWith("hub_")) { cartChoice.label = cartDb.split(" ").slice(0,-1).join(" "); // take off the actual db value } cartChoice.selected = true; ret.push(cartChoice); choices.forEach( (e) => { if (e === cartDb) {return;} // don't print the cart database twice let choice = {}; choice.id = e; choice.label = e; choice.value = e.split(" ")[1]; ret.push(choice); }); return ret; } function makeTypeSelectOptions() { let ret = []; let autoChoice = {}; autoChoice.label = "Auto-detect from extension"; autoChoice.value = "Auto-detect from extension"; autoChoice.selected = true; ret.push(autoChoice); let choices = ["bigBed", "bam", "vcf", "vcf (bgzip or gzip compressed)", "bigWig", "hic", "cram", "bigBarChart", "bigGenePred", "bigMaf", "bigInteract", "bigPsl", "bigChain"]; choices.forEach( (e) => { let choice = {}; choice.id = e; choice.label = e; choice.value = e; ret.push(choice); }); return ret; } function viewInGenomeBrowser(fname, ftype, genome, hubName) { // redirect to hgTracks with this track open in the hub if (typeof uiState.userUrl !== "undefined" && uiState.userUrl.length > 0) { if (ftype in extensionMap) { // TODO: tusd should return this location in it's response after // uploading a file and then we can look it up somehow, the cgi can // write the links directly into the html directly for prev uploaded files maybe? let url = "../cgi-bin/hgTracks?hgsid=" + getHgsid() + "&db=" + genome + "&hubUrl=" + uiState.userUrl + hubName + "/hub.txt&" + fname + "=pack"; window.location.assign(url); return false; } } } // helper object so we don't need to use an AbortController to update // the data this function is using let selectedData = {}; function viewAllInGenomeBrowser(ev) { // redirect to hgTracks with these tracks/hubs open let data = selectedData; if (typeof uiState.userUrl !== "undefined" && uiState.userUrl.length > 0) { let url = "../cgi-bin/hgTracks?hgsid=" + getHgsid(); let genome; // may be multiple genomes in list, just redirect to the first one // TODO: this should probably raise an alert to click through let hubsAdded = {}; _.forEach(data, (d) => { if (!genome) { genome = d.genome; url += "&db=" + genome; } if (d.fileType in extensionMap) { // TODO: tusd should return this location in it's response after // uploading a file and then we can look it up somehow, the cgi can // write the links directly into the html directly for prev uploaded files maybe? if (!(d.parentDir in hubsAdded)) { // NOTE: hubUrls get added regardless of whether they are on this assembly // or not, because multiple genomes may have been requested. If this user // switches to another genome we want this hub to be connected already - url += "&hubUrl=" + uiState.userUrl + d.parentDir + "hub.txt"; + url += "&hubUrl=" + uiState.userUrl + d.parentDir; + if (d.parentDir.endsWith("/")) { + url += "hub.txt"; + } else { + url += "/hub.txt"; + } } hubsAdded[d.parentDir] = true; if (d.genome == genome) { // turn the track on if its for this db url += "&" + d.fileName + "=pack"; } } else if (d.fileType === "hub.txt") { url += "&hubUrl=" + uiState.userUrl + d.fullPath; } }); window.location.assign(url); return false; } } function deleteFileSuccess(jqXhr, textStatus) { deleteFileFromTable(jqXhr.deletedList); updateSelectedFileDiv(null); } function deleteFileList(ev) { // same as deleteFile() but acts on the selectedData variable let data = selectedData; let cartData = {deleteFile: {fileList: []}}; cart.setCgi("hgHubConnect"); _.forEach(data, (d) => { cartData.deleteFile.fileList.push({ fileName: d.fileName, fileType: d.fileType, parentDir: d.parentDir, genome: d.genome, fullPath: d.fullPath, }); }); cart.send(cartData, deleteFileSuccess); cart.flush(); } function updateSelectedFileDiv(data) { // update the div that shows how many files are selected let numSelected = data !== null ? Object.entries(data).length : 0; let infoDiv = document.getElementById("selectedFileInfo"); let span = document.getElementById("numberSelectedFiles"); let spanParentDiv = span.parentElement; span.textContent = `${numSelected} ${numSelected > 1 ? "files" : "file"}`; if (numSelected > 0) { // (re) set up the handlers for the selected file info div: let viewBtn = document.getElementById("viewSelectedFiles"); selectedData = data; viewBtn.addEventListener("click", viewAllInGenomeBrowser); viewBtn.textContent = numSelected === 1 ? "View selected file in Genome Browser" : "View all selected files in Genome Browser"; let deleteBtn = document.getElementById("deleteSelectedFiles"); deleteBtn.addEventListener("click", deleteFileList); deleteBtn.textContent = numSelected === 1 ? "Delete selected file" : "Delete selected files"; } // set the visibility of the placeholder text and info text spanParentDiv.style.display = numSelected === 0 ? "none": "block"; let placeholder = document.getElementById("placeHolderInfo"); placeholder.style.display = numSelected === 0 ? "block" : "none"; } function handleCheckboxSelect(ev, table, row) { // depending on the state of the checkbox, we will be adding information // to the div, or removing information. We will also be potentially checking/unchecking // all of the checkboxes if the selectAll box was clicked. The data variable // will hold all the information we want to keep visible in the info div let data = {}; // get all of the currently selected rows (may be more than just the one that // was most recently clicked) table.rows({selected: true}).data().each(function(row, ix) { data[ix] = row; }); updateSelectedFileDiv(data); } function dataTablePrintSize(data, type, row, meta) { return prettyFileSize(data); } function dataTablePrintGenome(data, type, row, meta) { if (data.startsWith("hub_")) return data.split("_").slice(2).join("_"); return data; } function dataTablePrintAction(rowData) { /* Return a node for rendering the actions column */ if (rowData.fileType === "dir") { let folderIcon = document.createElement("i"); folderIcon.style.display = "inline-block"; folderIcon.style.backgroundImage = "url(\"../images/folderC.png\")"; folderIcon.style.backgroundPosition = "left center"; folderIcon.style.backgroundRepeat = "no-repeat"; folderIcon.style.width = "24px"; folderIcon.style.height = "24px"; folderIcon.classList.add("folderIcon"); folderIcon.addEventListener("dblclick", function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); console.log("dblclick"); let table = $("#filesTable").DataTable(); let trow = $(e.target).closest("tr"); let row = table.row(trow); if (row.child.isShown()) { row.child.hide(); } else { row.child.show(); } }); folderIcon.addEventListener("click", (e) => { e.stopPropagation(); console.log("click"); }); return folderIcon; } else { let container = document.createElement("div"); // click to view hub.txt or track file in gb: let viewBtn = document.createElement("button"); viewBtn.textContent = "View in Genome Browser"; viewBtn.type = 'button'; viewBtn.addEventListener("click", function() { viewInGenomeBrowser(rowData.fileName, rowData.fileType, rowData.genome, rowData.parentDir); }); container.appendChild(viewBtn); return container; } } function deleteFileFromTable(pathList) { // req is an object with properties of an uploaded file, make a new row // for it in the filesTable let table = $("#filesTable").DataTable(); let rows = table.rows((idx, data) => pathList.includes(data.fullPath)); rows.remove().draw(); } function addFileToHub(rowData) { // a file has been uploaded and a hub has been created, present a modal // to choose which hub to associate this track to // backend wise: move the file into the hub directory // update the hubSpace row with the hub name // frontend wise: move the file row into a 'child' of the hub row console.log(`sending addToHub req for ${rowData.fileName} to `); cart.setCgi("hgHubConnect"); cart.send({addToHub: {hubName: "", dataFile: ""}}); cart.flush(); } // hash of file paths to their objects, starts as userFiles let filesHash = {}; function addNewUploadedFileToTable(req) { // req is an object with properties of an uploaded file, make a new row // for it in the filesTable if (!(req.fullPath in filesHash)) { if ($.fn.dataTable.isDataTable("#filesTable")) { let table = $("#filesTable").DataTable(); - table.row.add(req).order([{name: "uploadTime"}, {name: "fullpath"}]); + let rowObj = table.row.add(req); rowVis[req.fullPath] = true; table.search.fixed("defaultView", function(searchStr, data, rowIx) { return rowVis[data.fileName] || rowVis[data.fullPath]; - }).draw(); - let newRowObj = table.row((idx,rowData) => rowData.fullPath === req.fullPath); - indentActionButton(newRowObj); - let newRow = newRowObj.node(); + }).order([{name: "fileName", dir: 'desc'}]).draw(false); + indentActionButton(rowObj); + let newRow = rowObj.node(); $(newRow).css('color','red').animate({color: 'black'}, 1500); } else { showExistingFiles([req]); } filesHash[req.fullPath] = req; } } function doRowSelect(ev, table, indexes) { let row = table.row(indexes); let rowTr = row.node(); let rowCheckbox = rowTr.childNodes[0].firstChild; if (rowTr.classList.contains("parentRow")) { // we need to manually check the children table.rows((idx,rowData) => rowData.fullPath.startsWith(row.data().fullPath) && rowData.parentDir === row.data().fileName).every(function(rowIdx, tableLoop, rowLoop) { if (ev.type === "select") { this.select(); } else { this.deselect(); } }); } rowCheckbox.checked = ev.type === "select"; handleCheckboxSelect(ev, table, rowTr); } let rowVis = {}; // heirarchy of files and their row visibility function makeFileHeirarchy(table) { function rowHeirarchy(data) { if (rowVis[data.fullPath]) {return;} // first check for the top levels which are always open by default if (!data.parentDir) { rowVis[data.fileName] = true; return; } // get the parent row and check it's status: let parentName = data.parentDir[-1] === "/" ? data.parentDir.slice(0,-1) : data.parentDir; let parentData = table.row((idx, rowData) => rowData.fileName === parentName).data(); if (!(parentName in rowVis) && !(parentData.fullPath in rowVis)) { // get the data for the parent and recurse "up": rowHeirarchy(parentData); } parentVis = rowVis[parentName] || rowVis[parentData.fullPath]; rowVis[data.fullPath] = parentVis; } table.rows().every(function(rowIdx, tableLoop, rowLoop) { let data = this.data(); rowHeirarchy(data); }); } function indentActionButton(rowObj) { let data = rowObj.data(); let numIndents = data.parentDir !== "" ? data.fullPath.split('/').length - 1: 0; rowObj.node().childNodes[1].style.textIndent = (numIndents * 10) + "px"; //table.row(rowIdx).node().childNodes[1].style.textIndent = (numIndents * 10) + "px"; } let tableInitOptions = { select: { items: 'row', style: 'multi', // default to a single click is all that's needed }, pageLength: 25, scrollY: 600, scrollCollapse: true, // when less than scrollY height is needed, make the table shorter layout: { topStart: { buttons: [ { text: 'Upload', action: function() {return;}, className: 'uploadButton', enabled: false, // disable by default in case user is not logged in }, ], quota: null, } }, columnDefs: [ { orderable: false, targets: 0, render: DataTable.render.select(), }, { orderable: false, targets: 1, data: "action", title: "", render: function(data, type, row) { if (type === "display") { return dataTablePrintAction(row); } return ''; } }, { targets: 3, render: function(data, type, row) { if (type === "display") { dataTablePrintSize(data); } return data; } }, { targets: 5, render: function(data, type, row) { if (type === "display") { return dataTablePrintGenome(data); } return data; } }, { // The upload time column, not visible but we use it to sort on new uploads targets: 8, visible: false, - searchable: false + searchable: false, + orderable: true, }, { targets: 9, visible: false, searchable: false, + orderable: true, } ], columns: [ {data: "", }, {data: "", }, {data: "fileName", title: "File name"}, {data: "fileSize", title: "File size"}, {data: "fileType", title: "File type"}, {data: "genome", title: "Genome"}, {data: "parentDir", title: "Hubs"}, {data: "lastModified", title: "File Last Modified"}, {data: "uploadTime", title: "Upload Time"}, {data: "fullPath", title: "fullPath"}, ], - order: [{name: "uploadTime"}, {name: "fullpath"}], + order: [{name: "fullPath"},{name: "uploadTime"}], drawCallback: function(settings) { console.log("table draw"); if (isLoggedIn) { settings.api.buttons(0).enable(); } }, rowCallback: function(row, data, displayNum, displayIndex, dataIndex) { // a row can represent one of three things: // a 'folder', with no parents, but with children // a folder with parents and children (can only come from hubtools // a 'file' with no children, but with parentDir // we assign the appropriate classes which are used later to // collapse/expand and select rows for viewing or deletion if (!data.parentDir) { row.className = "topLevelRow"; } else { row.className = "childRow"; } if (data.fileType === "dir") { row.className += " parentRow"; } }, initComplete: function(settings, json) { console.log("data loaded, hiding directories"); let table = new $.fn.dataTable.Api(settings); makeFileHeirarchy(table); table.rows().every(function(rowIdx, rowLoop, tableLoop) { indentActionButton(this); }); // only show the top level and one layer of children by default table.search.fixed("defaultView", function(searchStr, data, rowIx) { return rowVis[data.fileName] || rowVis[data.fullPath]; }).draw(); } }; function showExistingFiles(d) { // Make the DataTable for each file // make buttons have the same style as other buttons $.fn.dataTable.Buttons.defaults.dom.button.className = 'button'; tableInitOptions.data = d; if (isLoggedIn) { tableInitOptions.language = {emptyTable: "Uploaded files will appear here. Click \"Upload\" to get started"}; } else { tableInitOptions.language = {emptyTable: "You are not logged in, please navigate to \"My Data\" > \"My Sessions\" and log in or create an account to begin uploading files"}; } DataTable.feature.register('quota', function(settings, opts) { let options = Object.assign({option1: false, option2: false}, opts); let container = document.createElement("div"); if (isLoggedIn) { container.textContent = `Using ${prettyFileSize(userQuota)} of ${prettyFileSize(maxQuota)}`; } return container; }); let table = new DataTable("#filesTable", tableInitOptions); table.on("select", function(e, dt, type, indexes) { doRowSelect(e, dt, indexes); }); table.on("deselect", function(e, dt, type, indexes) { doRowSelect(e, dt, indexes); }); + table.on('order', function() { + let order = table.order(); + if (order.length > 0) { + console.log(`ordering table on column ${order[0].name}`); + } + }); _.each(d, function(f) { filesHash[f.fullPath] = f; }); return table; } function checkJsonData(jsonData, callerName) { // Return true if jsonData isn't empty and doesn't contain an error; // otherwise complain on behalf of caller. if (! jsonData) { alert(callerName + ': empty response from server'); } else if (jsonData.error) { console.error(jsonData.error); alert(callerName + ': error from server: ' + jsonData.error); } else if (jsonData.warning) { alert("Warning: " + jsonData.warning); return true; } else { if (debugCartJson) { console.log('from server:\n', jsonData); } return true; } return false; } function updateStateAndPage(jsonData, doSaveHistory) { // Update uiState with new values and update the page. _.assign(uiState, jsonData); } function handleRefreshState(jsonData) { if (checkJsonData(jsonData, 'handleRefreshState')) { updateStateAndPage(jsonData, true); } $("#spinner").remove(); } function init() { cart.setCgi('hgMyData'); cart.debug(debugCartJson); if (typeof cartJson !== "undefined") { if (typeof cartJson.warning !== "undefined") { alert("Warning: " + cartJson.warning); } var urlParts = {}; if (debugCartJson) { console.log('from server:\n', cartJson); } _.assign(uiState,cartJson); saveHistory(cartJson, urlParts, true); } else { // no cartJson object means we are coming to the page for the first time: //cart.send({ getUiState: {} }, handleRefreshState); //cart.flush(); // TODO: initialize buttons, check if there are already files // TODO: write functions for // after picking files // choosing file types // creating default trackDbs // editing trackDbs let fileDiv = document.getElementById('filesDiv'); if (typeof userFiles !== 'undefined' && Object.keys(userFiles).length > 0) { uiState.fileList = userFiles.fileList; uiState.hubList = userFiles.hubList; uiState.userUrl = userFiles.userUrl; } // first add the top level directories/files //let table = showExistingFiles(uiState.fileList.filter((row) => row.parentDir === "")); let table = showExistingFiles(uiState.fileList); // now add any subdirs and files //addChildRows(table, uiState.fileList.filter((row) => row.parentDir !== "")); // TODO: add event handlers for editing defaults, grouping into hub // TODO: display quota somewhere } $("#newTrackHubDialog").dialog({ modal: true, autoOpen: false, title: "Create new track hub", closeOnEscape: true, minWidth: 400, minHeight: 120 }); // create a custom uppy plugin to batch change the type and db fields class BatchChangePlugin extends Uppy.BasePlugin { constructor(uppy, opts) { super(uppy, opts); this.id = "BatchChangePlugin"; this.type = "progressindicator"; this.opts = opts; } createOptsForSelect(select, opts) { opts.forEach( (opt) => { let option = document.createElement("option"); option.value = opt.value; option.label = opt.label; option.id = opt.id; option.selected = typeof opt.selected !== 'undefined' ? opt.selected : false; select.appendChild(option); }); } addSelectsForFile(file) { /* create two selects for the file object, to include the db and type */ const id = "uppy_" + file.id; let fileDiv = document.getElementById(id); // this might not exist yet depending on where we are in the render cycle if (fileDiv) { let dbSelectId = "db_select_" + file.id; if (!document.getElementById(dbSelectId)) { let dbSelect = document.createElement("select"); dbSelect.id = dbSelectId; let dbOpts = makeGenomeSelectOptions(); this.createOptsForSelect(dbSelect, dbOpts); fileDiv.appendChild(dbSelect); } } } removeBatchSelectsFromDashboard() { let batchSelectDiv = document.getElementById("batch-selector-div"); if (batchSelectDiv) { batchSelectDiv.remove(); } } addBatchSelectsToDashboard() { if (!document.getElementById("batch-selector-div")) { let batchSelectDiv = document.createElement("div"); batchSelectDiv.id = "batch-selector-div"; batchSelectDiv.style.display = "grid"; batchSelectDiv.style.width = "80%"; // the grid syntax is 2 columns, 3 rows batchSelectDiv.style.gridTemplateColumns = "50% 50%"; batchSelectDiv.style.gridTemplateRows = "25px 25px 25px"; batchSelectDiv.style.margin = "10px auto"; // centers this div if (window.matchMedia("(prefers-color-scheme: dark)").matches) { batchSelectDiv.style.color = "#eaeaea"; } // first just explanatory text: let batchSelectText = document.createElement("div"); batchSelectText.textContent = "Change options for all files:"; // syntax here is rowStart / columnStart / rowEnd / columnEnd batchSelectText.style.gridArea = "1 / 1 / 1 / 2"; // the batch change db select let batchDbSelect = document.createElement("select"); this.createOptsForSelect(batchDbSelect, makeGenomeSelectOptions()); batchDbSelect.id = "batchDbSelect"; batchDbSelect.style.gridArea = "2 / 2 / 2 / 2"; batchDbSelect.style.margin = "1px 1px auto"; let batchDbLabel = document.createElement("label"); batchDbLabel.textContent = "Genome"; batchDbLabel.for = "batchDbSelect"; batchDbLabel.style.gridArea = "2 / 1 / 2 / 1"; // the batch change hub name let batchParentDirInput = document.createElement("input"); batchParentDirInput.id = "batchParentDir"; batchParentDirInput.value = hubNameDefault; batchParentDirInput.style.gridArea = "3 / 2 / 3 / 2"; batchParentDirInput.style.margin= "1px 1px auto"; let batchParentDirLabel = document.createElement("label"); batchParentDirLabel.textContent = "Hub Name"; batchParentDirLabel.for = "batchParentDir"; batchParentDirLabel.style.gridArea = "3 / 1 / 3 / 1"; // add event handlers to change metadata, use an arrow function // because otherwise 'this' keyword will be the element instead of // our class batchDbSelect.addEventListener("change", (ev) => { let files = this.uppy.getFiles(); let val = ev.target.value; for (let [key, file] of Object.entries(files)) { this.uppy.setFileMeta(file.id, {genome: val}); } }); batchParentDirInput.addEventListener("change", (ev) => { let files = this.uppy.getFiles(); let val = ev.target.value; for (let [key, file] of Object.entries(files)) { this.uppy.setFileMeta(file.id, {parentDir: val}); } }); batchSelectDiv.appendChild(batchSelectText); batchSelectDiv.appendChild(batchDbLabel); batchSelectDiv.appendChild(batchDbSelect); batchSelectDiv.appendChild(batchParentDirLabel); batchSelectDiv.appendChild(batchParentDirInput); // append the batch changes to the bottom of the file list, for some reason // I can't append to the actual Dashboard-files, it must be getting emptied // and re-rendered or something let uppyFilesDiv = document.querySelector(".uppy-Dashboard-progressindicators"); if (uppyFilesDiv) { uppyFilesDiv.insertBefore(batchSelectDiv, uppyFilesDiv.firstChild); } } } install() { this.uppy.on("file-added", (file) => { // add default meta data for genome and fileType console.log("file-added"); this.uppy.setFileMeta(file.id, {"genome": defaultDb(), "fileType": defaultFileType(file.name), "parentDir": hubNameDefault}); if (this.uppy.getFiles().length > 1) { this.addBatchSelectsToDashboard(); } else { // only open the file editor when there is one file const dash = uppy.getPlugin("Dashboard"); dash.toggleFileCard(true, file.id); } }); this.uppy.on("file-removed", (file) => { // remove the batch change selects if now <2 files present if (this.uppy.getFiles().length < 2) { this.removeBatchSelectsFromDashboard(); } }); this.uppy.on("dashboard:modal-open", () => { // check if there were already files chosen from before: if (this.uppy.getFiles().length > 2) { this.addBatchSelectsToDashboard(); } if (this.uppy.getFiles().length < 2) { this.removeBatchSelectsFromDashboard(); } }); this.uppy.on("dashboard:modal-close", () => { if (this.uppy.getFiles().length < 2) { this.removeBatchSelectsFromDashboard(); } }); } uninstall() { // not really used because we aren't ever uninstalling the uppy instance this.uppy.off("file-added"); } } let uppyOptions = { //target: "#filePickerModal", // this seems nice but then the jquery css interferes with // the uppy css trigger: ".uploadButton", showProgressDetails: true, note: "Example text in the note field", meta: {"genome": null, "fileType": null}, metaFields: (file) => { const fields = [{ id: 'name', name: 'File name', render: ({value, onChange, required, form}, h) => { return h('input', {type: "text", value: value, onChange: e => { onChange(e.target.value); file.meta.fileType = detectFileType(e.target.value); }, required: required, form: form, } ); }, }, { id: 'genome', name: 'Genome', render: ({value, onChange}, h) => { return h('select', { onChange: e => { onChange(e.target.value); file.meta.genome = e.target.value; } }, makeGenomeSelectOptions().map( (genomeObj) => { return h('option', { value: genomeObj.value, label: genomeObj.label, selected: file.meta.genome !== null ? genomeObj.value === file.meta.genome : genomeObj.value === defaultDb() }); }) ); }, }, { id: 'parentDir', name: 'Hub Name', render: ({value, onChange, required, form}, h) => { return h('input', {type: 'text', value: value, onChange: e => { onChange(e.target.value); }, required: required, form: form, } ); }, }]; return fields; }, restricted: {requiredMetaFields: ["genome"]}, closeModalOnClickOutside: true, closeAfterFinish: true, theme: 'auto', }; let tusOptions = { endpoint: getTusdEndpoint(), withCredentials: true, retryDelays: null, }; uppy.use(Uppy.Dashboard, uppyOptions); uppy.use(Uppy.Tus, tusOptions); uppy.use(BatchChangePlugin, {target: Uppy.Dashboard}); uppy.on('upload-success', (file, response) => { const metadata = file.meta; const d = new Date(metadata.lastModified); + const now = new Date(Date.now()); newReqObj = { - "uploadTime": Date.now(), - "lastModified": d.toLocaleString(), "fileName": metadata.fileName, "fileSize": metadata.fileSize, "fileType": metadata.fileType, "genome": metadata.genome, "parentDir": metadata.parentDir, + "lastModified": d.toLocaleString(), + "uploadTime": now.toLocaleString(), "fullPath": metadata.parentDir + "/" + metadata.fileName, }; // from what I can tell, any response we would create in the pre-finish hook // is completely ignored for some reason, so we have to fake the other files // we would have created with this one file and add them to the table if they // weren't already there: hubTxtObj = { - "uploadTime": Date.now(), + "uploadTime": now.toLocaleString(), "lastModified": d.toLocaleString(), "fileName": "hub.txt", "fileSize": 0, "fileType": "hub.txt", "genome": metadata.genome, "parentDir": metadata.parentDir, "fullPath": metadata.parentDir + "/hub.txt", }; parentDirObj = { - "uploadTime": Date.now(), + "uploadTime": now.toLocaleString(), "lastModified": d.toLocaleString(), "fileName": metadata.parentDir, "fileSize": 0, "fileType": "dir", "genome": metadata.genome, "parentDir": "", "fullPath": metadata.parentDir + "/", }; addNewUploadedFileToTable(parentDirObj); addNewUploadedFileToTable(hubTxtObj); addNewUploadedFileToTable(newReqObj); }); } return { init: init, uiState: uiState, }; }()); // when a user reaches this page from the back button we can display our saved state // instead of sending another network request window.onpopstate = function(event) { event.preventDefault(); hubCreate.updateStateAndPage(event.state, false); };