  Sat Jan 11 16:19:08 2025 -0800
fix for overflowing packet issue when paraHub restarts but most jobs are run on just one node.

diff --git src/parasol/lib/paraMessage.c src/parasol/lib/paraMessage.c
index 598fe20..1b368ef 100644
--- src/parasol/lib/paraMessage.c
+++ src/parasol/lib/paraMessage.c
@@ -1,373 +1,373 @@
 /* paraMessage - routines to pack and unpack messages in
  * the parasol system, and also to send them via sockets. */
 #include "paraCommon.h"
 #include "paraLib.h"
 #include "internet.h"
 #include "rudp.h"
 #include "paraMessage.h"
 #include "errAbort.h"
 #include "log.h"
 static void pmInitExt(struct paraMessage *pm, char *hostStr, char *portStr, boolean ipOnly)
 /* Initialize message (that might be on stack). ipStr is host ip as string. portStr is port number as string */
 if (!hostStr && !portStr)  // special case used by spoke etc for message that goes on queue but not sent via network.
 // ipOnly = TRUE = only allow ipv4 or ipv6 addresses, not names
 // ipOnly = FALSE = names allowed too.
 if (!internetFillInAddress6n4(hostStr, portStr, AF_UNSPEC, SOCK_DGRAM, &pm->ipAddress, ipOnly))
     errAbort("ip address %s port %s lookup failed.", hostStr, portStr);
 void pmInit(struct paraMessage *pm, char *ipStr, char *portStr)
 /* Initialize message (that might be on stack). ipStr is host ip as string. portStr is port number as string */
 // ipOnly = TRUE = only allow ipv4 or ipv6 addresses, not names
 pmInitExt(pm, ipStr, portStr, TRUE);
 void pmInitFromName(struct paraMessage *pm, char *hostName, char *portStr)
 /* Initialize message with ascii ip address. */
 // ipOnly = FALSE = names allowed too.
 pmInitExt(pm, hostName, portStr, FALSE);
 struct paraMessage *pmNew(char *ipStr, char *portStr)
 /* Create new message in memory */
 struct paraMessage *pm;
 pmInit(pm, ipStr, portStr);
 return pm;
 void pmFree(struct paraMessage **pPm)
 /* Free up message. */
 void pmClear(struct paraMessage *pm)
 /* Clear out data buffer. */
 pm->size = 0;
 void pmSet(struct paraMessage *pm, char *message)
 /* Set message in data buffer. */
 int len = strlen(message);
 if (len >= sizeof(pm->data) - 1)
-    warn("Message too long in pmSet, ignoring: %.20s...", message);
-    pmClear(pm);
+    errAbort("Message too long in pmSet, ignoring: %.20s...", message);
+    //pmClear(pm);
     strcpy(pm->data, message);
     pm->size = len;
 void pmVaPrintf(struct paraMessage *pm, char *format, va_list args)
 /* Print message into end of data buffer.  Warn if it goes
  * past limit. */
 int sizeLeft = sizeof(pm->data) - pm->size;
 int sz = vsnprintf(pm->data + pm->size, sizeLeft, format, args);
 /* note that some version return -1 if too small */
 if ((sz < 0) || (sz >= sizeLeft))
-    warn("pmVaPrintf buffer overflow size %d, format %s", sz, format);
-    pmClear(pm);
+    errAbort("pmVaPrintf buffer overflow size %d, format %s", sz, format);
+    //pmClear(pm);
     pm->size += sz;
 void pmPrintf(struct paraMessage *pm, char *format, ...)
 /* Print message into end of data buffer.  Warn if it goes
  * past limit. */
 va_list args;
 va_start(args, format);
 pmVaPrintf(pm, format, args);
 boolean pmSend(struct paraMessage *pm, struct rudp *ru)
 /* Send out message.  Print warning message and return FALSE if
  * there is a problem. */
 return rudpSend(ru, &pm->ipAddress, pm->data, pm->size) == 0;
 boolean pmSendString(struct paraMessage *pm, struct rudp *ru, char *string)
 /* Send out given message strng.  Print warning message and return FALSE if
  * there is a problem. */
 pmSet(pm, string);
 return pmSend(pm, ru);
 void pmCheckCommandSize(char *string, int len)
 /* Check that string of given len is not too long to fit into paraMessage.
  * If it is, abort with good error message assuming it was a command string */
 if (len > rudpMaxSize)
     errAbort("The following string has %d bytes, but can only be %d:\n%s\n"
              "Please either shorten the current directory or the command line\n"
              "possibly by making a shell script that encapsulates a long command.\n"
              ,  len, (int)rudpMaxSize, string);
 boolean pmReceiveTimeOut(struct paraMessage *pm, struct rudp *ru, int timeOut)
 /* Wait up to timeOut microseconds for message.  To wait forever
  * set timeOut to zero. */
 int size = rudpReceiveTimeOut(ru, pm->data, sizeof(pm->data)-1, &pm->ipAddress, timeOut);
 if (size < 0)
     return FALSE;
 pm->size = size;
 pm->data[size] = 0;
 return TRUE;
 boolean pmReceive(struct paraMessage *pm, struct rudp *ru)
 /* Receive message.  Print warning message and return FALSE if
  * there is a problem. */
 return pmReceiveTimeOut(pm, ru, 0);
 static void setPort6n4(struct sockaddr_storage *sai, char *portStr)
 /* set port to zero */
 int port = atoi(portStr);
 if (sai->ss_family == AF_INET6)   //ipv6
     struct sockaddr_in6 *sai6 = (struct sockaddr_in6 *)sai;
     sai6->sin6_port = htons(port);
 else if (sai->ss_family == AF_INET)  // ipv4
     struct sockaddr_in *sai4 = (struct sockaddr_in *)sai;
     sai4->sin_port = htons(port);
    errAbort("unknown sai->ss_family=%d in setPort6n4", sai->ss_family);
 void pmmInit(struct paraMultiMessage *pmm, struct paraMessage *pm)
 /* Initialize structure for multi-message response  */
 pmm->pm = pm;
 memcpy(&pmm->ipAddress, &pm->ipAddress, sizeof(struct sockaddr_storage));
 setPort6n4(&pmm->ipAddress, "0"); /* we don't yet know what port the responder is going to use */
 if (pm->ipAddress.ss_family != pmm->ipAddress.ss_family)   // must match
     errAbort("unexpected error pmmInit, ss_family does not match pm family=%d, pmm family=%d ", pm->ipAddress.ss_family, pmm->ipAddress.ss_family);
 pmm->id = 0; 
 boolean pmmReceiveTimeOut(struct paraMultiMessage *pmm, struct rudp *ru, int timeOut)
 /* Multi-message receive
  * Wait up to timeOut microseconds for message.  To wait forever
  * set timeOut to zero.  For multi-message response
  * We know the ip, and can track the port for continuity
  * and the packet id for sequential series. 
     if (!pmReceiveTimeOut(pmm->pm, ru, timeOut))
 	return FALSE;
     char     pmmIpStr[NI_MAXHOST];
     char   pmmpmIpStr[NI_MAXHOST];
     char   pmmPortStr[NI_MAXSERV];
     char pmmpmPortStr[NI_MAXSERV];
     getAddrAndPortAsString6n4(&pmm->ipAddress    , pmmIpStr  , sizeof pmmIpStr  , pmmPortStr  , sizeof pmmPortStr  );
     getAddrAndPortAsString6n4(&pmm->pm->ipAddress, pmmpmIpStr, sizeof pmmpmIpStr, pmmpmPortStr, sizeof pmmpmPortStr);
     if (!sameString(pmmIpStr, pmmpmIpStr))  // diff
 	logDebug("rudp: pmmReceiveTimeOut ignoring unwanted packet from wrong sender expected %s got %s", pmmIpStr, pmmpmIpStr);
     if (sameString(pmmPortStr,"0"))  /* we don't yet know what port the responder is going to use */
        	/* Should be ASSERTABLE first packet received since pmmInit was called */
 	setPort6n4(&pmm->ipAddress, pmmpmPortStr);
         if (!sameString(pmmPortStr,pmmpmPortStr))  /* we don't yet know what port the responder is going to use */
 	    logDebug("rudp: pmmReceiveTimeOut ignoring unwanted packet from wrong port expected %s got %s",
 		pmmPortStr, pmmpmPortStr);
 	if (pmm->id == ru->lastIdReceived && ru->resend)
 	    logDebug("rudp: pmmReceiveTimeOut ignoring duplicate packet lastIdReceived=%d", pmm->id);
 	if (pmm->id+1 != ru->lastIdReceived)
 	    logDebug("rudp: pmmReceiveTimeOut invalid msg id expected %d got %d", pmm->id+1, ru->lastIdReceived);
     pmm->id = ru->lastIdReceived;
     return TRUE;
 boolean pmmReceive(struct paraMultiMessage *pmm, struct rudp *ru)
 /* Receive multi message.  Print warning message and return FALSE if
  * there is a problem. */
 return pmmReceiveTimeOut(pmm, ru, 0);
 void pmFetchOpenFile(struct paraMessage *pm, struct rudp *ru, char *fileName)
 /* Read everything you can from socket and output to file. */
 struct paraMultiMessage pmm;
 FILE *f = mustOpen(fileName, "w");
 /* ensure the multi-message response comes from the correct ip and has no duplicate msgs*/
 pmmInit(&pmm, pm);
 while (pmmReceive(&pmm, ru))
     if (pm->size == 0)
     mustWrite(f, pm->data, pm->size);
 void pmFetchFile(char *host, char *sourceName, char *destName)
 /* Fetch small file. Only works if you are on hub if they've set up any security. */
 struct paraMessage pm;
 struct rudp *ru = rudpOpen();
 if (ru != NULL)
     pmInitFromName(&pm, host, paraNodePortStr);
     pmPrintf(&pm, "fetch %s %s", getUser(), sourceName);
     if (pmSend(&pm, ru))
 	pmFetchOpenFile(&pm, ru, destName);
 boolean pmSendStringWithRetries(struct paraMessage *pm, struct rudp *ru, char *string)
 /* Send out given message strng.  Print warning message and return FALSE if
  * there is a problem. Try up to 5 times sleeping for 60 seconds in between.
  * This is an attempt to help automated processes. */
 int tries = 0;
 #define PMSENDSLEEP 60
 boolean result = FALSE;
 while (TRUE)
     result = pmSendString(pm, ru, string);
     if (result)
     warn("pmSendString timed out!");
     if (tries >= PMSENDMAXTRIES)
     warn("pmSendString: will sleep %d seconds and retry", PMSENDSLEEP);
 return result;
 char *pmHubSendSimple(char *message, char *host)
 /* Send message to host, no response. */
 struct rudp *ru = rudpMustOpen();
 struct paraMessage pm;
 pmInitFromName(&pm, host, paraHubPortStr);
 if (!pmSendStringWithRetries(&pm, ru, message))
 return cloneString(pm.data);
 char *pmHubSingleLineQuery(char *query, char *host)
 /* Send message to hub and get single line response.
  * This should be freeMem'd when done. */
 struct rudp *ru = rudpMustOpen();
 struct paraMessage pm;
 pmInitFromName(&pm, host, paraHubPortStr);
 if (!pmSendStringWithRetries(&pm, ru, query))
 if (!pmReceive(&pm, ru))
 return cloneString(pm.data);
 struct slName *pmHubMultilineQuery(char *query, char *host)
 /* Send a command with a multiline response to hub,
  * and return response as a list of strings. */
 struct slName *list = NULL;
 struct rudp *ru = rudpMustOpen();
 struct paraMessage pm;
 struct paraMultiMessage pmm;
 char *row[256];
 int count = 0;
 pmInitFromName(&pm, host, paraHubPortStr);
 /* ensure the multi-message response comes from the correct ip and has no duplicate msgs*/
 pmmInit(&pmm, &pm);
 if (!pmSendStringWithRetries(&pm, ru, query))
 for (;;)
     if (!pmmReceive(&pmm, ru))
     if (pm.size == 0)
     count = chopByChar(pm.data, '\n', row, sizeof(row));
     if (count > 1) --count;  /* for multiline, count is inflated by one */
     int i;
 	slNameAddHead(&list, row[i]);
 return list;
 struct paraPstat2Job *paraPstat2JobLoad(char **row)
 /* Turn an array of 5 strings into a paraPstat2Job. */
 struct paraPstat2Job *job;
 job->status = cloneString(row[0]);
 job->parasolId = cloneString(row[1]);
 job->user = cloneString(row[2]);
 job->program = cloneString(row[3]);
 job->host = cloneString(row[4]);
 return job;