  Mon Jan 6 14:09:20 2025 -0800
fixing link typo

diff --git src/hg/htdocs/goldenPath/help/hgTrackHubHelp.html src/hg/htdocs/goldenPath/help/hgTrackHubHelp.html
index 877e29d..3e14e87 100755
--- src/hg/htdocs/goldenPath/help/hgTrackHubHelp.html
+++ src/hg/htdocs/goldenPath/help/hgTrackHubHelp.html
@@ -444,31 +444,31 @@
 <a href="bigWig.html">bigWig</a>, 
 <a href="bigBed.html">bigBed</a>,
 <a href="bigGenePred.html">bigGenePred</a>,
 <a href="bigChain.html">bigChain</a>, 
 <a href="bigNarrowPeak.html">bigNarrowPeak</a>,
 <a href="barChart.html">bigBarChart</a>,
 <a href="interact.html">bigInteract</a>,
 <a href="bigPsl.html">bigPsl</a>, 
 <a href="bigMaf.html">bigMaf</a>,
 <a href="hic.html">hic</a>, 
 <a href="bam.html">BAM</a>,
 <a href="cram.html">CRAM</a>,
 <a href="https://github.com/ComparativeGenomicsToolkit/hal" target="_blank">HAL</a> or
 <a href="vcf.html">VCF</a>.
 Many of these formats also support several different <a
-href="FAQcustom.html#custom12">chromosome aliases</a> (e.g. '1' or
+href="/FAQ/FAQcustom.html#custom12">chromosome aliases</a> (e.g. '1' or
 'NC_000001.11' in place of 'chr1').
 <em>bigWig</em> - The bigWig format is best for displaying continuous value plot data, such as 
 read depths from short read sequencing projects or levels of conservation observed in a 
 multiple-species alignment. A bigWig file contains a list of chromosome segments, each of which is 
 associated with a floating point value. When graphed, the segments may appear as a big 
 &quot;wiggle&quot;. Although each bigWig file can contain only a single value for any given base, 
 bigWig tracks are often combined into &quot;container multiWig&quot; or &quot;compositeTrack 
 on&quot; tagged tracks. For information on creating and configuring bigWig tracks, see the 
 <a href="bigWig.html">bigWig Track Format</a> help page.</p>
 <em>bigBed</em> - BigBed files are binary indexed versions of Browser Extensible Data 
 (<a href="../../FAQ/FAQformat.html#format1">BED</a>) files.  BED format is useful for associating a 
 name and (optionally) a color and a score with one or more related regions on the same chromosome,