  Fri Dec 20 15:00:05 2024 -0800
Lots of additions for H5N1 outbreak work.
* Add Andersen Lab's assemblies of USDA SRA data from 2024 H5N1 outbreak
* Add Bloom Lab metadata from Deep Mutational Scanning (DMS) experiments on H5N1 HA (referenced to American Wigeon 2021 vaccine strain) and PB2
* Add build of concatenated segments from the 2024 H5N1 outbreak
* Better handling of serotype and segment in INSDC metadata

diff --git src/hg/utils/otto/fluA/processMetadata.pl src/hg/utils/otto/fluA/processMetadata.pl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7e0df43
--- /dev/null
+++ src/hg/utils/otto/fluA/processMetadata.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+# Parse influenza A metadata downloaded from GenBank vi an NCBI Virus query.  Most rows have
+# values in the date, serotype, strain and segment columns, but when they don't, try to extract them
+# from the verbose GenBank title.
+use warnings;
+use strict;
+sub strainFromName($$) {
+  my ($isolate, $title) = @_;
+  if ($isolate =~ m@^A/\w+.*/\d+ ?\(?H\d+(N\d+[^)^ ]*)?@) {
+    return $isolate;
+  } elsif ($title =~ m@\b(A/\w+.*/\d+ ?_?\(?H\d+(N\d+[^)^ ]*\)?)?)@ ||
+           $title =~ m@\b(A/\w+.*\(H\d+N\d+\))@) {
+    return $1;
+  } elsif ($isolate =~ m@^A/\w+.*/\d+@) {
+    return $isolate;
+  } elsif ($title =~ m@\b(A/\w+.*/\d+)@) {
+    return $1;
+  } elsif ($isolate =~ m@/@) {
+    return $isolate;
+  } elsif ($isolate) {
+    return $isolate;
+  }
+  if ($isolate || ! $title =~ /^Influenza A virus genome assembly/) {
+    print STDERR "No dice for isolate='$isolate', title='$title'\n";
+  }
+  return "";
+} # strainFromName
+sub serotypeFromName($) {
+  my ($strain) = @_;
+  if ($strain =~ m@\((H\d+N\d+)\).*\((H\d+N\d+)\)@) {
+    if ($1 eq $2) {
+      return $1;
+    } else {
+      # Recombinant of different serotypes, submitter didn't specify serotype --> unknown
+      return "";
+    }
+  } elsif ($strain =~ m@\((H\d+(N\d+[^)^ ]*)?)\)@) {
+    return $1;
+  } elsif ($strain =~ m@\b(H\d+(N\d+[^)^ ]*)?)@) {
+    return $1;
+  }
+  return "";
+} # serotypeFromName
+sub segmentFromTitle($) {
+  my ($title) = @_;
+  if ($title =~ m/ha?ea?m?m[ae]g?glut/i || $title =~ m/surface glycoprotein/i) {
+    return 4;
+  } elsif ($title =~ m/neurami/i) {
+    return 6;
+  } elsif ($title =~ m/polymerase basic (protein|subunit) 2/i ||
+           $title =~ m/polymerase (protein )?2/i) {
+    return 1;
+  } elsif ($title =~ m/polymerase basic (protein|subunit) 1/i ||
+           $title =~ m/polymerase (protein )?1/i) {
+    return 2;
+  } elsif ($title =~ m/(polymerase acid|polymerase (protein ?)A)/i) {
+    return 3;
+  } elsif ($title =~ m/(nucleoprotein|nucleocapsid)/i) {
+    return 5;
+  } elsif ($title =~ m/matrix/i) {
+    return 7;
+  } elsif ($title =~ m/non-?structural protein/i) {
+    return 8;
+  } elsif ($title =~ m/\bPB2|P2\b/i) {
+    return 1;
+  } elsif ($title =~ m/\bPB1\b/i) {
+    return 2;
+  } elsif ($title =~ m/\bPA\b/i) {
+    return 3;
+  } elsif ($title =~ m/\bHA[12]?\b/i) {
+    return 4;
+  } elsif ($title =~ m/\bNP\b/i) {
+    return 5;
+  } elsif ($title =~ m/\bNA\b/i) {
+    return 6;
+  } elsif ($title =~ m/\bM[12A]?\b/i) {
+    return 7;
+  } elsif ($title =~ m/\bNS[12]?\b/i) {
+    return 8;
+  }
+  return "";
+} # segmentFromName
+sub yearFromName($) {
+  my ($strain) = @_;
+  if ($strain =~ m@/(\d{4})\b[^/]*$@) {
+    return $1;
+  } elsif ($strain =~ m@/(\d{2})\b[^/]*$@) {
+    my $y2 = $1;
+    if ($y2 > 24) {
+      return 1900 + $y2;
+    }
+  }
+  return "";
+} # yearFromName
+my %segName = ( '1' => 'PB2',
+                '2' => 'PB1',
+                '3' => 'PA',
+                '4' => 'HA',
+                '5' => 'NP',
+                '6' => 'NA',
+                '7' => 'MP',
+                '8' => 'NS',
+                'M' => 'MP',
+                'MA'=> 'MP'
+              );
+while (<>) {
+  chomp;
+  my @w = split(/\t/);
+  # If trailing columns are empty, that makes too few columns; make sure we have the right number.
+  my $colCount = @w;
+  if ($colCount < 17) {
+    for (my $i = $colCount;  $i < 17;  $i++) {
+      $w[$i] = "";
+    }
+  }
+  my ($dateIx, $strainIx, $serotypeIx, $segmentIx) = (4, 14, 15, 16);
+  my ($acc, $isolate, $title) = ($w[0], $w[1], $w[11]);
+  if (! $w[$strainIx]) {
+    $w[$strainIx] = strainFromName($isolate, $title);
+  }
+  if (! $w[$serotypeIx] || $w[$serotypeIx] eq "A") {
+    $w[$serotypeIx] = serotypeFromName($w[$strainIx]);
+  }
+  if (! $w[$segmentIx]) {
+    $w[$segmentIx] = segmentFromTitle($title);
+  }
+  $w[$segmentIx] =~ s/RNA //;
+  $w[$segmentIx] =~ s/segment //;
+  if (exists $segName{$w[$segmentIx]}) {
+    $w[$segmentIx] = $segName{$w[$segmentIx]};
+  }
+  if (! $w[$dateIx]) {
+    $w[$dateIx] = yearFromName($w[$strainIx]);
+  }
+  print join("\t", @w) . "\n";