  Fri Dec 20 16:06:08 2024 -0800
March 2024 build: start with Lily Karim's tree and Ash O'Farrell's metadata, add GenBank sequences, combine metadata.

diff --git src/hg/utils/otto/mtb/combineMetadata.py src/hg/utils/otto/mtb/combineMetadata.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c857f46
--- /dev/null
+++ src/hg/utils/otto/mtb/combineMetadata.py
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import csv
+import re
+import logging, argparse, sys, math
+from warnings import warn
+from collections import defaultdict
+import pandas as pd
+import dateutil.parser
+def cleanDate(messyDate):
+    if isinstance(messyDate, float):
+        if math.isnan(messyDate):
+            return ''
+        else:
+            return int(messyDate)
+    elif messyDate.endswith('.0'):
+        return messyDate.removesuffix('.0')
+    elif messyDate.startswith('between '):
+        return messyDate.removeprefix('between ')
+    else:
+        return dateutil.parser.parse(messyDate).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
+def checkEqualOrEmpty(valA, valB):
+    if valA == 'nan' or (isinstance(valA, float) and math.isnan(valA)):
+        valA = ''
+    if valB == 'nan' or (isinstance(valB, float) and math.isnan(valB)):
+        valB = ''
+    if valA == '':
+        return valB
+    elif valB == '':
+        return valA
+    else:
+        if valA != valB:
+            warn(f"Mismatching non-empty values '{valA}' != '{valB}'")
+        return valA
+def useLonger(valA, valB):
+    if valA == 'nan' or (isinstance(valA, float) and math.isnan(valA)):
+        valA = ''
+    if valB == 'nan' or (isinstance(valB, float) and math.isnan(valB)):
+        valB = ''
+    if valA == '':
+        return valB
+    elif valB == '':
+        return valA
+    elif valA.startswith(valB):
+        return valA
+    elif valB.startswith(valA):
+        return valB
+    else:
+        if valA != valB:
+            warn(f"Mismatching non-empty values '{valA}' != '{valB}'")
+        return valA
+def useAltIfEmpty(val, alt):
+    if val == 'nan' or (isinstance(val, float) and math.isnan(val)):
+        val = ''
+    if alt == 'nan' or (isinstance(alt, float) and math.isnan(alt)):
+        alt = ''
+    if val == '':
+        return alt
+    else:
+        return val
+def main():
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="""
+Read in INSDC metadata and metadata from Ash O'Farrell, join into one cohesive
+output TSV on stdout.
+    )
+    parser.add_argument('insdc_metadata', help='TSV from INSDC samples with user-friendly tree name, may include BioSample ID')
+    parser.add_argument('ash_metadata', help="TSV from Ash O'Farrell keyed to BioSample ID")
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    # Read inputs
+    insdc_df = pd.read_csv(args.insdc_metadata, sep='\t', dtype='unicode')
+    ash_df = pd.read_csv(args.ash_metadata, sep='\t', dtype='unicode')
+    # Convert arbitrary date strings to ISO dates
+    ash_df['date_isolation'] = ash_df['date_isolation'].apply(cleanDate)
+    both_df = (insdc_df.rename(columns = {'biosample_accession': 'BioSample'})
+               .merge(ash_df, on = ['BioSample'], how = 'outer')
+              )
+    # Make sure that redundant columns agree (if not empty)
+    both_df['country_x'] = both_df['country_x'].combine(both_df['country_y'], checkEqualOrEmpty)
+    both_df['date'] = both_df['date'].combine(both_df['date_isolation'], useLonger)
+    both_df['location'] = both_df['location'].combine(both_df['region'], checkEqualOrEmpty)
+    both_df['bioproject_accession'] = both_df['bioproject_accession'].combine(both_df['BioProject'],
+                                                          checkEqualOrEmpty)
+    both_df['sra_sample_accession'] = both_df['sra_sample_accession'].combine(both_df['ERS'],
+                                                                              checkEqualOrEmpty)
+    # If 'strain' column is empty (i.e. BioSample is only in Ash's metadata), set it to BioSample
+    both_df['strain'] = both_df['strain'].combine(both_df['BioSample'], useAltIfEmpty)
+    # Drop unwanted columns and tweak some column names
+    both_df = (both_df.drop(['year_isolation', 'tba3_no_lineage', 'on_20240221_final',
+                             'date_isolation', 'country_y', 'region', 'BioProject', 'ERS'], axis=1)
+               .rename(columns = {'country_x': 'country',
+                                  'location': 'region',
+                                  'bioproject_accession': 'BioProject',
+                                  'sra_sample_accession': 'SraSample'}))
+    # Write to stdout
+    both_df.to_csv(sys.stdout, sep='\t', index=False)