  Fri Mar 8 17:10:21 2024 -0800
Make the DataTable update dynamically. Correctly use a hidden file input to keep track of submitted and unsubmitted files

diff --git src/hg/hgHubConnect/hooks/pre-create.c src/hg/hgHubConnect/hooks/pre-create.c
index 947df6e..9f66112 100644
--- src/hg/hgHubConnect/hooks/pre-create.c
+++ src/hg/hgHubConnect/hooks/pre-create.c
@@ -19,40 +19,30 @@
 void usage()
 /* Explain usage and exit. */
   "pre-create - tus daemon pre-create hook program\n"
   "   pre-create < input\n"
 /* Command line validation table. */
 static struct optionSpec options[] = {
    {NULL, 0},
-struct jsonElement *makeDefaultResponse()
-/* Create the default response json with some fields pre-filled */
-struct hash *defHash = hashNew(8);
-struct jsonElement *response = newJsonObject(defHash);
-// only the HTTP Response object is important to have by default, the other
-// fields will be created as needed
-jsonObjectAdd(response, HTTP_NAME, newJsonObject(hashNew(8)));
-return response;
 int preCreate()
 /* pre-create hook for tus daemon. Read JSON encoded hook request from
  * stdin and write a JSON encoded hook to stdout. Writing to stderr
  * will be redirected to the tusd log and not seen by the user, so for
  * errors that the user needs to see, they need to be in the JSON response */
 // TODO: create response object and do all error catching through that
 char *reqId = getenv("TUS_ID");
 char *reqOffsetEnv = getenv("TUS_OFFSET");
 char *reqSizeEnv = getenv("TUS_SIZE");
 // always return an exit status to the daemon and print to stdout, as
 // stdout gets sent by the daemon back to the client
 int exitStatus = 0;
 struct jsonElement *response = makeDefaultResponse();
@@ -69,54 +59,55 @@
         struct lineFile *lf = lineFileStdin(FALSE);
         char *request = lineFileReadAll(lf);
         struct jsonElement *req = jsonParse(request);
         fprintf(stderr, "Hook request:\n");
         jsonPrintToFile(req, NULL, stderr, 0);
         char *reqCookie= jsonQueryString(req, "", "Event.HTTPRequest.Header.Cookie[0]", NULL);
         if (reqCookie)
             setenv("HTTP_COOKIE", reqCookie, 0);
         fprintf(stderr, "reqCookie='%s'\n", reqCookie);
         char *userName = (loginSystemEnabled() || wikiLinkEnabled()) ? wikiLinkUserName() : NULL;
         fprintf(stderr, "userName='%s'\n'", userName);
         if (!userName)
-            rejectUpload(response, "not logged in");
+            rejectUpload(response, "You are not logged in. Please navigate to My Data -> My Sessions and log in or create an account.");
             exitStatus = 1;
             long reqFileSize = jsonQueryInt(req, "", "Event.Upload.Size", 0, NULL);
+            char *reqFileName = jsonQueryString(req, "", "Event.Upload.MetaData.filename", NULL);
             long currQuota = checkUserQuota(userName);
             long newQuota = currQuota + reqFileSize;
             if (newQuota > MAX_QUOTA)
-                rejectUpload(response, "file too large, current stored files is %0.2fgb", currQuota / 1000000000.0);
+                rejectUpload(response, "File '%s' is too large, need %s free space but current used space is %s out of %s", reqFileName, prettyFileSize(reqFileSize), prettyFileSize(currQuota), prettyFileSize(MAX_QUOTA));
                 exitStatus = 1;
         // we've passed all the checks so we can return that we are safe
         if (exitStatus == 0)
     if (errCatch->gotError)
         rejectUpload(response, errCatch->message->string);
         exitStatus = 1;
 // always print a response no matter what
 jsonPrintToFile(response, NULL, stdout, 0);
-return exitStatus;
+return 0;
 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
 /* Process command line. */
 optionInit(&argc, argv, options);
 if (argc != 1)
 return preCreate();