  Tue Dec 17 16:57:35 2024 -0800
Add a table with userName,quota to hgcentral so hubspace can have user-defined quotas, refs #31058

diff --git src/hg/inc/userdata.h src/hg/inc/userdata.h
index 3c2226c..e51154c 100644
--- src/hg/inc/userdata.h
+++ src/hg/inc/userdata.h
@@ -22,37 +22,34 @@
 char *userName; // for convenience
 time_t lastModified; // actually last access time but this works
 struct userFiles *fileList; // list of files (tracks) in the hub
 char *getUserName();
 /* Query the right system for the users name */
 char *emailForUserName(char *userName);
 /* Fetch the email for this user from gbMembers hgcentral table */
 //TODO: this should probably come from hg.conf:
 #define HUB_SPACE_URL "https://hgwdev.gi.ucsc.edu/hubspace"
 // the various quota helper variables:
+#define HUB_SPACE_DEFAULT_QUOTA_BYTES 10000000000
 // for defining the quota in hg.conf
 #define HUB_SPACE_CONF_QUOTA_VAR "hubspace.quota"
-// path to hg.conf file that has a list of hubspace.quota.userName entries
-// for special per user quotas:
-#define HUB_SPACE_QUOTA_LIST_VAR "hubspace.quotaList"
 char *webDataDir(char *userName);
 /* Return a web accesible path to the userDataDir, this is different from the full path tusd uses */
 char *getDataDir(char *userName);
 /* Return the full path to the user specific data directory, can be configured via hg.conf
  * on hgwdev, this is /data/apache/userdata/userStore/hash/userName/
  * on the RR, this is /userdata/userStore/hash/userName/ */
 char *stripDataDir(char *fname, char *userName);
 /* Strips the getDataDir(userName) off of fname */
 char *prefixUserFile(char *userName, char *fname, char *parentDir);
 /* Allocate a new string that contains the full per-user path to fname, NULL otherwise.
  * parentDir is optional and will go in between the per-user dir and the fname */