  Tue Nov 12 14:23:32 2024 -0800
Lots of changes after meeting, mostly to accomadate hubtools uploads: allow parentDir in upload request, make batch change dropdowns have the right options. TODO: remove type selection all together from UI, make hub name generation not be hardcoded in ui

diff --git src/hg/hgHubConnect/hooks/post-finish.c src/hg/hgHubConnect/hooks/post-finish.c
index a2d460b..98b6332 100644
--- src/hg/hgHubConnect/hooks/post-finish.c
+++ src/hg/hgHubConnect/hooks/post-finish.c
@@ -1,204 +1,206 @@
 /* post-finish  - tus daemon post-finish hook program. Reads
  * a JSON encoded request to finsh an upload from a tus
  * client and moves a downloaded file to a specific user
  * directory. */
 #include "common.h"
 #include "linefile.h"
 #include "hash.h"
 #include "options.h"
 #include "wikiLink.h"
 #include "customTrack.h"
 #include "userdata.h"
 #include "jsonQuery.h"
 #include "jsHelper.h"
 #include "errCatch.h"
 #include "obscure.h"
 #include "hooklib.h"
 #include "jksql.h"
 #include "hdb.h"
 #include "hubSpace.h"
 #include "md5.h"
 #include "cheapcgi.h"
 void usage()
 /* Explain usage and exit. */
   "post-finish - tus daemon post-finish hook program\n"
   "   post-finish < input\n"
 /* Command line validation table. */
 static struct optionSpec options[] = {
    {NULL, 0},
 int postFinish()
 /* post-finish hook for tus daemon. Read JSON encoded hook request from
  * stdin and write a JSON encoded hook to stdout. Writing to stderr
  * will be redirected to the tusd log and not seen by the user, so for
  * errors that the user needs to see, they need to be in the JSON response */
 // TODO: create response object and do all error catching through that
 char *reqId = getenv("TUS_ID");
 // always return an exit status to the daemon and print to stdout, as
 // stdout gets sent by the daemon back to the client
 int exitStatus = 0;
 struct jsonElement *response = makeDefaultResponse();
 if (!(reqId))
     rejectUpload(response, "not a TUS request");
     exitStatus = 1;
     struct errCatch *errCatch = errCatchNew(0);
     if (errCatchStart(errCatch))
         // the variables for the row entry for this file, some can be NULL
         char *userName = NULL;
         char *fileName = NULL;
         long long fileSize = 0;
         char *fileType = NULL;
         char *db = NULL;
         char *location = NULL;
         char *reqLm = NULL;
         time_t lastModified = 0;
-        char *parentDir = NULL; // special optional argument from hubtools commands
-        char *reqHubName = NULL; // special optional argument from hubtools commands
+        char *parentDir = NULL;
         struct lineFile *lf = lineFileStdin(FALSE);
         char *request = lineFileReadAll(lf);
         struct jsonElement *req = jsonParse(request);
         fprintf(stderr, "Hook request:\n");
         jsonPrintToFile(req, NULL, stderr, 0);
         char *reqCookie= jsonQueryString(req, "", "Event.HTTPRequest.Header.Cookie[0]", NULL);
         if (reqCookie)
             setenv("HTTP_COOKIE", reqCookie, 0);
         fprintf(stderr, "reqCookie='%s'\n", reqCookie);
         userName = (loginSystemEnabled() || wikiLinkEnabled()) ? wikiLinkUserName() : NULL;
         fprintf(stderr, "userName='%s'\n'", userName);
         if (!userName)
             errAbort("not logged in");
             // NOTE: All Upload.MetaData values are strings
             fileName = cgiEncodeFull(jsonQueryString(req, "", "Event.Upload.MetaData.fileName", NULL));
             fileSize = jsonQueryInt(req, "",  "Event.Upload.Size", 0, NULL);
             fileType = jsonQueryString(req, "", "Event.Upload.MetaData.fileType", NULL);
             db = jsonQueryString(req, "", "Event.Upload.MetaData.genome", NULL);
             reqLm = jsonQueryString(req, "", "Event.Upload.MetaData.lastModified", NULL);
             lastModified = sqlLongLong(reqLm) / 1000; // yes Javascript dates are in millis
             parentDir = jsonQueryString(req, "", "Event.Upload.MetaData.parentDir", NULL);
-            reqHubName = cgiEncodeFull(jsonQueryString(req, "", "Event.Upload.MetaData.hubName", NULL));
+            fprintf(stderr, "parentDir = '%s'\n", parentDir);
+            fflush(stderr);
+            // strip out plain leading '.' and '/' components
+            // middle '.' components are dealt with later
+            if (startsWith("./", parentDir) || startsWith("/", parentDir))
+                parentDir = skipBeyondDelimit(parentDir, '/');
+            fprintf(stderr, "parentDir = '%s'\n", parentDir);
+            fflush(stderr);
             char *tusFile = jsonQueryString(req, "", "Event.Upload.Storage.Path", NULL);
             if (fileName == NULL)
                 errAbort("No Event.Upload.fileName setting");
             else if (tusFile == NULL)
                 errAbort("No Event.Path setting");
                 char *tusInfo = catTwoStrings(tusFile, ".info");
                 char *dataDir = getDataDir(userName);
                 struct dyString *newFile = dyStringNew(0);
-                // if hubName is provided that becomes the top level directory
-                if (reqHubName)
-                    dataDir = catTwoStrings(dataDir, catTwoStrings(reqHubName, "/"));
                 // if parentDir provided we are throwing the files in there
                 if (parentDir)
                     if (!endsWith(parentDir, "/"))
                         parentDir = catTwoStrings(parentDir, "/");
                     dataDir = catTwoStrings(dataDir, parentDir);
                 dyStringPrintf(newFile, "%s%s", dataDir, fileName);
                 fprintf(stderr, "moving %s to %s\n", tusFile, dyStringContents(newFile));
                 // TODO: check if file exists or not and let user choose to overwrite
                 // and re-call this hook, for now just exit if the file exists
                 if (fileExists(dyStringContents(newFile)))
                     errAbort("file '%s' exists already, not overwriting", dyStringContents(newFile));
                     // set our mysql table location:
                     location = dyStringContents(newFile);
                     // the directory may not exist yet
                     int oldUmask = 00;
                     if (!isDirectory(dataDir))
                         fprintf(stderr, "making directory '%s'\n", dataDir);
                         // the directory needs to be 777, so ignore umask for now
                         oldUmask = umask(0);
                         // restore umask
                     copyFile(tusFile, dyStringContents(newFile));
                     // the files definitely should not be executable!
                     chmod(dyStringContents(newFile), 0666);
         // we've passed all the checks so we can write a new or updated row
         // to the mysql table and return to the client that we were successful
         if (exitStatus == 0)
             // create a hub for this upload, which can be edited later
-            createNewTempHubForUpload(reqId, userName, db, fileName, fileType, reqHubName, parentDir);
+            createNewTempHubForUpload(reqId, userName, db, fileName, fileType, parentDir);
             fprintf(stderr, "added hub.txt and hubSpace row for hub for file: '%s'\n", fileName);
             struct hubSpace *row = NULL;
             row->userName = userName;
             row->fileName = fileName;
             row->fileSize = fileSize;
             row->fileType = fileType;
             row->creationTime = NULL; // automatically handled by mysql
             row->lastModified = sqlUnixTimeToDate(&lastModified, TRUE);
             row->parentDir = parentDir;
             row->db = db;
             row->location = location;
             row->md5sum = md5HexForFile(row->location);
             row->parentDir = parentDir ? parentDir : "";
-            hubSpaceFree(&row);
             fprintf(stderr, "added hubSpace row for file '%s'\n", fileName);
     if (errCatch->gotError)
         rejectUpload(response, errCatch->message->string);
         exitStatus = 1;
 // always print a response no matter what
 jsonPrintToFile(response, NULL, stdout, 0);
 return exitStatus;
 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
 /* Process command line. */
 optionInit(&argc, argv, options);
 if (argc != 1)
 return postFinish();