  Thu Jun 6 15:32:15 2024 -0700
Work in progress using the mysql table for hubSpace on client side

diff --git src/hg/lib/hubSpace.sql src/hg/lib/hubSpace.sql
index 695a284..3b4fbb7 100644
--- src/hg/lib/hubSpace.sql
+++ src/hg/lib/hubSpace.sql
@@ -1,26 +1,28 @@
 # hubSpace.sql was originally generated by the autoSql program, which also 
 # generated hubSpace.c and hubSpace.h.  This creates the database representation of
 # an object which can be loaded and saved from RAM in a fairly 
 # automatic way.
 #file storage table for users to store uploaded tracks
 CREATE TABLE hubSpace (
     userName varchar(255) not null,	# userName of user uploading file
     fileName longblob not null,	# name of uploaded files. The actual path to this file is different
     fileSize bigint not null,	# size of the uploaded file
     fileType varchar(255) not null,	# track type of file
     creationTime timestamp,	# first upload time
     lastModified timestamp,	# last change time
     hubNameList longblob,	# comma separated list of hubs this file is a part of
     db varchar(255) not null,	# genome assembly associated with this file
     location longblob not null,	# file system path or URL to file
+    md5sum varchar(255) not null,	# md5sum of file
     PRIMARY KEY(userName, fileName(25)),
-    INDEX(lastModified)
+    INDEX(lastModified),
+    INDEX(md5sum)