  Tue Dec 31 22:17:30 2024 -0800
fix faSplit found by Rocky 9 compiler on hgwdev-new

diff --git src/utils/faSplit/faSplit.c src/utils/faSplit/faSplit.c
index 5efef08..3ae56be 100644
--- src/utils/faSplit/faSplit.c
+++ src/utils/faSplit/faSplit.c
@@ -269,31 +269,31 @@
 	f = mustOpen(outPath, "w");
     curPos += seq.size;
     faWriteNext(f, seq.name, seq.dna, seq.size);
 void splitByName(char *inName, char *outRoot)
 /* Split into chunks using sequence names.  */
 struct dnaSeq seq;
 struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(inName, TRUE);
 FILE *f = NULL;
-char outDir[256], outFile[128], ext[64], outPath[512];
+char outDir[PATH_LEN], outFile[FILENAME_LEN], ext[FILEEXT_LEN], outPath[1024];
 splitPath(outRoot, outDir, outFile, ext);
 while (faMixedSpeedReadNext(lf, &seq.dna, &seq.size, &seq.name))
     if (outDirDepth > 0)
 	char *ptr;
 	for(ptr=&seq.name[strlen(seq.name) - 1]; isdigit(*ptr); ptr--)
 	if (ptr > &seq.name[strlen(seq.name)])
 	    errAbort("outDirDepth specified but sequence name doesn't have any digits");
@@ -306,31 +306,31 @@
 	sprintf(outPath, "%s%s.fa", outDir, seq.name);
     verbose(2, "writing %s\n", outPath);
     f = mustOpen(outPath, "w");
     faWriteNext(f, seq.name, seq.dna, seq.size);
 void splitByNamePrefix(char *inName, char *outRoot, int preFixCount)
 /* Split into chunks using prefix of sequence names.  */
 struct dnaSeq seq;
 struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(inName, TRUE);
 FILE *f = NULL;
-char outDir[256], outFile[128], ext[64], outPath[512], preFix[512];
+char outDir[PATH_LEN], outFile[FILENAME_LEN], ext[FILEEXT_LEN], outPath[2048], preFix[512];
 splitPath(outRoot, outDir, outFile, ext);
 assert(preFixCount < sizeof(preFix));
 while (faMixedSpeedReadNext(lf, &seq.dna, &seq.size, &seq.name))
     strncpy(preFix, seq.name, preFixCount);
     preFix[preFixCount] = '\0';
     sprintf(outPath, "%s%s.fa", outDir, preFix);
     verbose(2, "writing %s\n", outPath);
     f = mustOpen(outPath, "a");
     faWriteNext(f, seq.name, seq.dna, seq.size);
@@ -447,31 +447,31 @@
 /* Count number of N's from s[0] to s[size-1].
  * Treat any parts past end of string as N's. */
 while (faMixedSpeedReadNext(lf, &seq.dna, &seq.size, &seq.name))
     bits = bitAlloc(seq.size);
     setBitsN(seq.dna, seq.size, bits);
     if (outFile != NULL)
 	if (seqCount > 1)
 	    errAbort("Can only handle in files with one sequence using out option");
 	bitsForOut(outFile, seq.size, bits);
     for (pos = 0; pos < seq.size; pos += pieceSize)
-	char numOut[128];
+	char numOut[512];
 	int thisSize = seq.size - pos;
 	if (thisSize > (pieceSize + extra)) 
 	    thisSize = pieceSize + extra;
 	if ((thisSize <= extra) && (pos > 0))
 	    break;  /* nobody wants duplicate smaller than extra overhang */
 	if (bitCountRange(bits, pos, thisSize) <= maxN)
 	    if (!oneFile)
                 mkOutPath(fileName, outRoot, digits, pieceIx);
 		f = mustOpen(fileName, "w");
             sprintf(numOut, "%s%0*d", noPath, digits, pieceIx);
@@ -539,31 +539,31 @@
     if (nSize > minGapSize)
 	gotGap   = TRUE;
 	gapStart = nStart;
 	gapSize  = nSize;
 *retGapStart = gapStart;
 *retGapSize  = gapSize;
 static void writeOneByGap(boolean oneFile, char *outRoot,
-    int digits, int *pieceIx, FILE *f, char noPath[256], int pos, int thisSize,
+    int digits, int *pieceIx, FILE *f, char noPath[FILENAME_LEN], int pos, int thisSize,
 	struct dnaSeq *seq, FILE *lift, int *writeCount, char *outPath)
 char numOut[128];
 if (!oneFile)
     char fileName[512];
     mkOutPath(fileName, outRoot, digits, *pieceIx);
     f = mustOpen(fileName, "w");
     verbose(2, "writing %s\n", fileName);
     verbose(2, "writing %s\n", outPath);
 sprintf(numOut, "%s%0*d", noPath, digits, *pieceIx);
 verbose(3,"#\twriting piece %s, at pos %d for size %d\n", numOut,pos,thisSize);
 faWriteNext(f, numOut, seq->dna + pos, thisSize);
@@ -574,32 +574,32 @@
 *pieceIx += 1;
 if (!oneFile)
 void splitByGap(char *inName, int pieceSize, char *outRoot, long long estSize)
 /* Split up file into pieces at most pieceSize bases long, at gap boundaries 
  * if possible. */
 off_t pieces = (estSize + pieceSize-1)/pieceSize;
 int digits = digitsBaseTen(pieces);
 int minGapSize = optionInt("minGapSize", 1000);
 boolean noGapDrops = optionExists("noGapDrops");
 int maxN = optionInt("maxN", pieceSize-1);
 boolean oneFile = optionExists("oneFile");
-char fileName[512];
-char dirOnly[256], noPath[128];
+char fileName[FILENAME_LEN];
+char dirOnly[PATH_LEN], noPath[FILENAME_LEN];
 int pos, pieceIx = 0, writeCount = 0;
 struct dnaSeq seq;
 struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(inName, TRUE);
 FILE *f = NULL;
 Bits *bits = NULL;
 int seqCount = 0;
 char *outFile = optionVal("out", NULL);
 char *liftFile = optionVal("lift", NULL);
 FILE *lift = NULL;
 if (minGapSize < 1)
     errAbort("ERROR: minGapSize must be > 0");
 splitPath(outRoot, dirOnly, noPath, NULL);