  Tue Dec 31 23:56:47 2024 -0800
minor compiler fix for hgClonePos.

diff --git src/hg/makeDb/hgClonePos/hgClonePos.c src/hg/makeDb/hgClonePos/hgClonePos.c
index 0ad0553..97bb5f6 100644
--- src/hg/makeDb/hgClonePos/hgClonePos.c
+++ src/hg/makeDb/hgClonePos/hgClonePos.c
@@ -1,358 +1,358 @@
 /* hgClonePos - create clonePos table in browser database. */
 /* Copyright (C) 2013 The Regents of the University of California 
  * See kent/LICENSE or http://genome.ucsc.edu/license/ for licensing information. */
 #include "common.h"
 #include "portable.h"
 #include "linefile.h"
 #include "dystring.h"
 #include "hash.h"
 #include "hCommon.h"
 #include "jksql.h"
 #include "glDbRep.h"
 #include "clonePos.h"
 #include "gsSeqInfo.h"
 #include "options.h"
 void usage()
 /* Explain usage and exit. */
   "hgClonePos - create clonePos table in browser database\n"
   "   hgClonePos [options] database ooDir ffa/sequence.inf gsDir\n"
   "   -chromLst=chrom.lst - chromosomes subdirs are named in chrom.lst (1, 2, ...)\n"
   "   -maxErr=N  set maximum allowed errors before aborting (default 0)\n"
   "   -maxWarn=N  set maximum number of warnings to print (default 10)\n"
   "   -verbose=N  set verbose level to N\n"
   "   cd /cluster/store5/gs.18/build35\n"
   "   hgClonePos -chromLst=chrom.lst hg17 build35 ./sequence.inf \\\n"
   "       /cluster/store5/gs.18 -maxErr=3 -maxWarn=2000");
 int maxErr = 0;
 int maxWarn = 10;
 void addCloneInfo(char *glFileName, struct hash *cloneHash, struct clonePos **pCloneList)
 /* Add in clone info from one .gl file. */
-char dir[256], chrom[128], ext[64];
+char dir[PATH_LEN], chrom[FILENAME_LEN], ext[FILEEXT_LEN];
 struct gl gl;
 struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(glFileName, TRUE);
 struct clonePos *clone;
 char *line, *words[8];
 int lineSize, wordCount;
 char cloneVerName[128];
 char cloneName[128];
 printf("Processing %s\n", glFileName);
 splitPath(glFileName, dir, chrom, ext);
 while (lineFileNext(lf, &line, &lineSize))
     wordCount = chopLine(line, words);
     if (wordCount == 0)
     if (wordCount != 4)
         errAbort("Expecting %d words line %d of %s", 4, lf->lineIx, lf->fileName);
     glStaticLoad(words, &gl);
     fragToCloneVerName(gl.frag, cloneVerName);
     fragToCloneName(gl.frag, cloneName);
     if ((clone = hashFindVal(cloneHash, cloneName)) == NULL)
 	clone->name = cloneString(cloneVerName);
 	clone->chrom = cloneString(chrom);
 	clone->chromStart = gl.start;
 	clone->chromEnd = gl.end;
 	clone->faFile = cloneString("");
 	slAddHead(pCloneList, clone);
 	hashAdd(cloneHash, cloneName, clone);
 	if (!sameString(clone->chrom, chrom))
 	    warn("Clone %s is on chromosomes %s and %s.  Ignoring %s",
 	        cloneName, clone->chrom, chrom, chrom);
 	if (clone->chromStart > gl.start)
 	    clone->chromStart = gl.start;
 	if (clone->chromEnd < gl.end)
 	    clone->chromEnd = gl.end;
 int cmpClonePos(const void *va, const void *vb)
 /* Compare to sort based on chromosome and chromStart. */
 const struct clonePos *a = *((struct clonePos **)va);
 const struct clonePos *b = *((struct clonePos **)vb);
 int dif;
 dif = strcmp(a->chrom, b->chrom);
 if (dif == 0)
     dif = a->chromStart - b->chromStart;
 return dif;
 struct clonePos *readClonesFromOoDir(char *ooDir, struct hash *cloneHash)
 /* Read in clones from ooDir. */
 struct clonePos *cloneList = NULL;
 struct fileInfo *chrFiList = NULL, *chrFi; 
 struct fileInfo *glFiList = NULL, *glFi;
 char pathName[512];
 struct hash *chromDirHash = newHash(4);
 char *chromLst = optionVal("chromLst", NULL);
 if (chromLst != NULL)
     struct lineFile *clf = lineFileOpen(chromLst, TRUE);
     char *row[1];
     while (lineFileRow(clf, row))
         hashAdd(chromDirHash, row[0], NULL);
 verbose(2,"ooDir: %s\n",ooDir);
 chrFiList = listDirX(ooDir, "*", FALSE);
 for (chrFi = chrFiList; chrFi != NULL; chrFi = chrFi->next)
     if ( ((chrFi->isDir && strlen(chrFi->name) <= 2))
 	|| hashLookup(chromDirHash, chrFi->name) )
 	sprintf(pathName, "%s/%s", ooDir, chrFi->name);
 	glFiList = listDirX(pathName, "*.gl", TRUE);
 	for (glFi = glFiList; glFi != NULL; glFi = glFi->next)
 	    addCloneInfo(glFi->name, cloneHash, &cloneList);
 slSort(&cloneList, cmpClonePos);
 if (slCount(cloneList) < 0)
    errAbort("No .gl files in %s\n", ooDir);
 printf("Got %d clones\n", slCount(cloneList));
 return cloneList;
 void addStageInfo(char *gsDir, struct hash *cloneHash)
 /* Add info about which file and what stage clone is in. */
 /* TSF - This is no longer used due to unavailability of *.finf files - 4/7/2003 */
 static char *finfFiles[] = {"ffa/finished.finf", "ffa/draft.finf",
 			    "ffa/predraft.finf", "ffa/extras.finf"};
 static char stages[] = "FDPD";
 struct lineFile *lf;
 char *line;
 char *words[7];
 int numStages = strlen(stages);
 int i;
 char pathName[512];
 char *finfFile, stage;
 int warnsLeft = maxWarn; /* Only show first maxWarn warnings about missing clones. */
 char cloneName[256];
 struct clonePos *clone;
 int wordCount, cloneCount;
 for (i=0; i<numStages; ++i)
    finfFile = finfFiles[i];
    stage = stages[i];
    sprintf(pathName, "%s/%s", gsDir, finfFile);
    printf("Processing %s\n", pathName);
    lf = lineFileOpen(pathName, TRUE);
    cloneCount = 0;
    while (lineFileNext(lf, &line, NULL))
        wordCount = chopLine(line, words);
        assert(wordCount == 7);
        strncpy(cloneName, words[1], sizeof(cloneName));
        if ((clone = hashFindVal(cloneHash, cloneName)) == NULL)
 	    if (warnsLeft > 0)
 	       warn("%s is in %s but not in ooDir/*/*.gl", cloneName, pathName);
 	    else if (warnsLeft == 0)
 		warn("(Truncating additional warnings)");
        clone->stage[0] = stage;
    printf("Got %d clones in %s\n", cloneCount, pathName);
 void addSeqInfo(char *seqInfoName, struct hash *cloneHash)
 /* Add in information from sequence.info file. */
 /* TSF - stage info now being derived from here - 4/7/2003 */
 struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(seqInfoName, TRUE);
 char *line, *words[16];
 int lineSize, wordCount;
 struct clonePos *clone;
 struct gsSeqInfo gs;
 int warnsLeft = maxWarn;  /* Only show first maxWarn warnings about missing clones. */
 static char stages[] = "PPDF";
 printf("Processing %s\n", seqInfoName);
 while (lineFileNext(lf, &line, &lineSize))
     if (line[0] == '#')
     wordCount = chopLine(line, words);
     if (wordCount == 0)
     if (wordCount < 8)
         errAbort("Expecting 8 words line %d of %s", lf->lineIx, lf->fileName);
     gsSeqInfoStaticLoad(words, &gs);
     /* TSF - Phase 0 clones now included in contig_overlaps.agp 4/23/2003 */
     /*if (gs.phase != 0)
     if ((clone = hashFindVal(cloneHash, gs.acc)) == NULL)
 	if (warnsLeft > 0)
 	    warn("%s is in %s but not in ooDir/*/*.gl", gs.acc, seqInfoName);
 	else if (warnsLeft == 0)
 	    warn("(Truncating additional warnings)");
     clone->seqSize = gs.size;
     clone->phase = gs.phase;
     clone->stage[0] = stages[atoi(words[3])];
     /* } */
 void checkClonePos(struct clonePos *cloneList)
 /* Make sure that all necessary bits of cloneList are filled in. */
 struct clonePos *clone;
 int errCount = 0;
 for (clone = cloneList; clone != NULL; clone = clone->next)
     if (clone->seqSize == 0)
 	if (errCount < 20)
 	    warn("Missing size info on %s (not in sequence.inf)", clone->name);
     if (clone->stage[0] == 0)
 	if (errCount < 20)
 	    warn("Missing stage info on %s (not in *.finf)", clone->name);
         clone->stage[0] = 'D';
 if (errCount > maxErr)
     errAbort("Aborting with %d errors\n", errCount);
 void saveClonePos(struct clonePos *cloneList, char *database)
 /* Save sorted clone position list to database. */
 struct sqlConnection *conn = sqlConnect(database);
 struct clonePos *clone;
 struct tempName tn;
 FILE *f;
 struct dyString *ds = dyStringNew(2048);
 /* Create tab file from clone list. */
 printf("Creating tab file\n");
 makeTempName(&tn, "hgCP", ".tab");
 f = mustOpen(tn.forCgi, "w");
 for (clone = cloneList; clone != NULL; clone = clone->next)
     clonePosTabOut(clone, f);
 /* Create table if it doesn't exist, delete whatever is
  * already in it, and fill it up from tab file. */
 printf("Loading clonePos table\n");
 char query[1024];
 sqlSafef(query, sizeof query, 
 "CREATE TABLE clonePos (\n"
 "   name varchar(255) not null,	# Name of clone including version\n"
 "   seqSize int unsigned not null,	# base count not including gaps\n"
 "   phase tinyint unsigned not null,	# htg phase\n"
 "   chrom varchar(255) not null,	# Chromosome name\n"
 "   chromStart int unsigned not null,	# Start in chromosome\n"
 "   chromEnd int unsigned not null,	# End in chromosome\n"
 "   stage char(1) not null,	# F/D/P for finished/draft/predraft\n"
 "   faFile varchar(255) not null,	# File with sequence.\n"
 "             #Indices\n"
 "   INDEX(name(12)),\n"
 "   INDEX(chrom(12),chromStart)\n"
 sqlMaybeMakeTable(conn, "clonePos", query);
 sqlSafef(query, sizeof query, "DELETE from clonePos");
 sqlUpdate(conn, query);
 sqlDyStringPrintf(ds, "LOAD data local infile '%s' into table clonePos", 
 sqlUpdate(conn, ds->string);
 /* Clean up. */
 void hgClonePos(char *database, char *ooDir, char *seqInfoName, char *gsDir)
 /* hgClonePos - create clonePos table in browser database. */
 struct hash *cloneHash = newHash(16);
 struct clonePos *cloneList = NULL;
 cloneList = readClonesFromOoDir(ooDir, cloneHash);
 /* addStageInfo(gsDir, cloneHash); */
 addSeqInfo(seqInfoName, cloneHash);
 saveClonePos(cloneList, database);
 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
 /* Process command line. */
 optionHash(&argc, argv);
 if (argc != 5)
 maxErr = optionInt("maxErr", maxErr);
 maxWarn = optionInt("maxWarn", maxWarn);
 hgClonePos(argv[1], argv[2], argv[3], argv[4]);
 return 0;