  Wed Jan 1 02:11:38 2025 -0800
fix various errors for utils compiled on Rocky 9 hgwdev-new.

diff --git src/hg/makeDb/outside/hgGtex/hgGtex.c src/hg/makeDb/outside/hgGtex/hgGtex.c
index d6c9ca5..220b0d9 100644
--- src/hg/makeDb/outside/hgGtex/hgGtex.c
+++ src/hg/makeDb/outside/hgGtex/hgGtex.c
@@ -1,920 +1,920 @@
 /* hgGtex - Load data from NIH Common Fund Gene Tissue Expression (GTEX) portal.
                 In the style of hgGnfMicroarray */
 /* Copyright (C) 2014 The Regents of the University of California 
  * See kent/LICENSE or http://genome.ucsc.edu/license/ for licensing information. */
 #include "common.h"
 #include "linefile.h"
 #include "hash.h"
 #include "options.h"
 #include "portable.h"
 #include "hgRelate.h"
 #include "gtexInfo.h"
 #include "gtexDonor.h"
 #include "gtexSample.h"
 #include "gtexTissue.h"
 #include "gtexSampleData.h"
 #include "gtexTissueData.h"
 #include "gtexTissueMedian.h"
 /* globals */
 char *database = "hgFixed";
 char *tabDir = ".";
 boolean doLoad = FALSE;
 boolean doData = FALSE;
 boolean doRound = FALSE;
 boolean median = FALSE;
 boolean exon = FALSE;
 boolean dropZeros = FALSE;
 char *releaseDate = NULL;
 int limit = 0;
 int dataSampleCount = 0;
 FILE *sampleDataFile, *tissueDataFile;
 FILE *tissueMedianAllFile, *tissueMedianFemaleFile, *tissueMedianMaleFile;
 struct hash *donorHash;
 #define DATA_FILE_VERSION "#1.2"
 void usage()
 /* Explain usage and exit. */
   "hgGtex - Load GTEX data and sample files\n"
   "   hgGtex dataFile samplesFile outTissuesFile\n"
   "        or\n"
   "   hgGtex [options] tableRoot version dataFile samplesFile subjectsFile tissuesFile\n"
   "The first syntax generates a tissues file, with ids and candidate short names,\n"
   "intended for manual editing for clarity and conciseness.\n"
   "The second syntax creates tables in hgFixed:\n"
   "  1. All data (rootSampleData) : a row for each gene+sample, with RPKM expression level\n"
   "  2. Tissue data (rootTissueData): a row for each gene+tissue, with min/max/q1/q2/median\n"
   "  3. Median data (rootTissueMedian[All|Female|Male]): a row for each gene with a list of\n"
   "             median RPKM expression levels by tissue. There are 3 of these\n"
   "  4. Sample (rootSample): a row per sample, with metadata from GTEX\n"
   "  5. Donor (rootDonor): a row per subject, with metadata from GTEX\n"
   "  6. Info: Info: version, release date, and max median score (merge this into existing\n"
   "             file if any)\n"
   "    -database=XXX (default %s)\n"
   "    -tab=dir - Output tab-separated files to directory.\n"
   "    -noLoad  - Don't load database and don't clean up tab files\n"
   "    -noData  - Don't create data files/tables (just metadata)\n"
   "    -doRound - Round data values\n"
   "    -dropZeros - Ignore zero-valued data rows (not recommended)\n"
   "    -limit=N - Only do limit rows of data table, for testing\n"
   "    -exon -    Create exon tables instead of gene tables\n" 
   "                    1. All data (rootSampleExonData)\n"
   "                    2. Tissue data (rootTissueExonData)\n"
   "                    3. Median data (rootTissueExonMedian)\n"
   "    -releaseDate=YY-MM-DD - Set release date (o/w use 'now')\n"
   , database);
 static struct optionSpec options[] = {
    {"database", OPTION_STRING},
    {"tab", OPTION_STRING},
    {"noLoad", OPTION_BOOLEAN},
    {"noData", OPTION_BOOLEAN},
    {"doRound", OPTION_BOOLEAN},
    {"dropZeros", OPTION_BOOLEAN},
    {"exon", OPTION_BOOLEAN},
    {"limit", OPTION_INT},
    {NULL, 0},
 /* Deal with donors */
         // GTEX-XXXX
         // 1=Male (hmmf), 2=Female
 #define donorGetGender(x) (sqlUnsigned(x) == 1 ? "M" : "F")
 #define donorIsFemale(x) (sameString(x, "F"))
         // e.g. 60-69 years
         // Hardy scale 0-4 or empty (unknown?).  See .as for scale definitions.
 #define donorGetDeathClass(x) (isEmpty(x) ? -1 : sqlUnsigned(x))
 int donorGetAge(char *age)
 /* Change '60-69 yrs' to numeric 60 */
 char *pos;
 char *ageBuf = cloneString(age);
 pos = stringIn("-", ageBuf);
 if (pos == NULL)
     return 0;
 *pos = '\0';
 return sqlUnsigned(ageBuf);
 char *donorFromSampleId(char *sampleId)
 /* Parse donorId from sampleId */
 /*  donor is first 2 components of sampleId: GTEX-XXXX */
 char *donor = cloneString(sampleId);
 *strchr(strchr(donor, '-')+1, '-') = 0;
 return donor;
 boolean sampleIsFemale(char *sampleId)
 /* Return TRUE if sample is from a female donor */
 char *donorId = donorFromSampleId(sampleId);
 struct gtexDonor *donor = hashMustFindVal(donorHash, donorId);
 return donorIsFemale(donor->gender);
 struct gtexDonor *parseSubjectFile(struct lineFile *lf)
 char *line;
 if (!lineFileNext(lf, &line, NULL))
     errAbort("%s is empty", lf->fileName);
 if (!startsWith(SUBJECT_FIRST_FIELD_LABEL, line))
     errAbort("unrecognized format - expecting subject file header in %s first line", lf->fileName);
 char *words[100];
 int wordCount;
 struct gtexDonor *donor=NULL, *donors = NULL;
 while (lineFileNext(lf, &line, NULL))
     /* Convert line to donor record */
     wordCount = chopTabs(line, words);
     lineFileExpectWords(lf, SUBJECT_LAST_FIELD+1, wordCount);
     char *subject = cloneString(words[SUBJECT_NAME_FIELD]);
     char *gender = cloneString(words[SUBJECT_GENDER_FIELD]);
     char *age = cloneString(words[SUBJECT_AGE_FIELD]);
     char *deathClass = cloneString(words[SUBJECT_DEATH_FIELD]);
     verbose(3, "subject: %s %s %s %s\n", subject, gender, age, deathClass);
     donor->name = subject;
     donor->gender = donorGetGender(gender);
     donor->age = donorGetAge(age);
     donor->deathClass = donorGetDeathClass(deathClass);
     slAddTail(&donors, donor);
     //slAddHead(&donors, donor);
 verbose(2, "Found %d donors\n", slCount(donors));
 /* Process sample file */
 // NOTE: more robust to include map of GTEX field names (do this if we include RNA-seqC metrics)
 #define V6
 /* Sample file changed format between V4 and V6 */
 #ifdef V6
 int parseSampleFileHeader(struct lineFile *lf)
 /* Parse GTEX sample file header. Return number of columns */
 /* TODO: return column headers in array */
 char *line;
 if (!lineFileNext(lf, &line, NULL))
     errAbort("%s is empty", lf->fileName);
 if (!startsWith(SAMPLE_FIRST_FIELD_LABEL, line))
     errAbort("unrecognized format - expecting sample file header in %s first line", lf->fileName);
 char *words[100];
 int sampleCols = chopTabs(line, words);
 if (sampleCols < SAMPLE_TISSUE_FIELD_INDEX+1 || 
     errAbort("unrecognized format - expecting sample file header in %s first line", lf->fileName);
 return sampleCols;
 struct sampleTissue {
     struct sampleTissue *next;
     char *name;
     char *tissue;
     char *organ;
 struct hash *parseSampleTissues(struct lineFile *lf, int expectedCols)
 /* Parse sample descriptions. Return hash of samples with tissue info */
 char *line;
 int wordCount;
 char *words[100];
 struct sampleTissue *sample;
 struct hash *sampleHash = hashNew(0);
 while (lineFileNext(lf, &line, NULL))
     /* Convert line to sample record */
     wordCount = chopTabs(line, words);
     lineFileExpectWords(lf, expectedCols, wordCount);
     sample->name = cloneString(words[SAMPLE_NAME_FIELD_INDEX]);
     sample->organ = cloneString(words[SAMPLE_ORGAN_FIELD_INDEX]);
     // Handle missing tissue and organ
     if (!*sample->organ)
         sample->organ = "Unannotated";
     sample->tissue = cloneString(words[SAMPLE_TISSUE_FIELD_INDEX]);
     if (!*sample->tissue)
         sample->tissue = "Unannotated";
     hashAdd(sampleHash, sample->name, sample);
 verbose(2, "Found %d samples in sample file\n", hashNumEntries(sampleHash));
 return sampleHash;
 struct hash *parseSamples(struct lineFile *lf, struct slName *sampleIds, int expectedCols, 
                                 struct hash *tissueNameHash)
 /* Parse sample descriptions and populate sample objects using tissue name from hash. 
    Limit to samples present in data file (in sampleId list).  Return hash keyed on sample name */
 char *line;
 int wordCount;
 char *words[100];
 struct hash *hash = hashNew(0);
 struct gtexSample *sample = NULL;
 struct hash *sampleNameHash = hashNew(0);
 struct slName *sampleId;
 for (sampleId = sampleIds; sampleId != NULL; sampleId = sampleId->next)
     hashAdd(sampleNameHash, sampleId->name, NULL);
 int i = 0;
 while (lineFileNext(lf, &line, NULL))
     /* Convert line to sample record */
     wordCount = chopTabs(line, words);
     lineFileExpectWords(lf, expectedCols, wordCount);
     char *sampleId = cloneString(words[SAMPLE_NAME_FIELD_INDEX]);
     if (!hashLookup(sampleNameHash, sampleId))
     sample->sampleId = sampleId;
     sample->donor = donorFromSampleId(sampleId);
     verbose(4, "parseSamples: lookup %s in tissueNameHash\n", words[SAMPLE_TISSUE_FIELD_INDEX]);
     sample->tissue = hashMustFindVal(tissueNameHash, words[SAMPLE_TISSUE_FIELD_INDEX]);
     verbose(4, "autolysis=%s, ischemic=%s, rin=%s, pathNotes=%s, sites=%s, batch=%s, isolation=%s, date=%s\n", 
     char *word = words[SAMPLE_AUTOLYSIS_FIELD_INDEX];
     sample->autolysisScore = (isNotEmpty(word) ? sqlSigned(word) : -1);
     //word = words[SAMPLE_ISCHEMIC_FIELD_INDEX];
     //sample->ischemicTime = (word ? cloneString(word) : "unknown");
 #ifdef V6
     // Feb 2016: this field is not in posted V6 sample file.  Broad has been notified.
     sample->ischemicTime = "n/a";
     sample->ischemicTime = cloneString(words[SAMPLE_ISCHEMIC_FIELD_INDEX]);
     word = words[SAMPLE_RIN_FIELD_INDEX];
     sample->rin = (isNotEmpty(word) ? sqlFloat(word) : 0);
     //word = words[SAMPLE_PATHOLOGY_FIELD_INDEX];
     sample->pathNotes = cloneString(words[SAMPLE_PATHOLOGY_FIELD_INDEX]);
     // Sites may be comma-sep list with embedded spaces.  Strip the spaces
     word = cloneString(words[SAMPLE_CENTERS_FIELD_INDEX]);
     stripChar(word, ' ');
     sample->collectionSites = word;
     // These are always populated
     sample->batchId = cloneString(words[SAMPLE_BATCH_FIELD_INDEX]);
     // Another field with embedded spaces -- strip them out
     word = cloneString(words[SAMPLE_ISOLATION_FIELD_INDEX]);
     subChar(word, ' ', '_');
     sample->isolationType = word;
     sample->isolationDate = cloneString(words[SAMPLE_DATE_FIELD_INDEX]);
     verbose(4, "Adding sample: \'%s'\n", sampleId);
     hashAdd(hash, sampleId, sample);
 verbose(2, "Found %d data samples out of %d in sample file\n", hashNumEntries(hash), i);
 return hash;
 struct sampleOffset {
         struct sampleOffset *next;
         char *sample;
         unsigned int offset;
 struct hash *groupSamplesByTissue(struct hash *sampleHash, struct slName *sampleIds, 
                                 int sampleCount)
 /* Group samples by tissue for median option */
 struct hash *tissueOffsetHash = hashNew(0);
 struct sampleOffset *offset;
 struct hashEl *el;
 struct gtexSample *sample;
 int i;
 struct slName *sampleId;
 for (i=0, sampleId = sampleIds; sampleId != NULL; sampleId = sampleId->next, i++)
     verbose(4, "groupSamplesByTissue: lookup %s in sampleHash\n", sampleId->name);
     sample = hashMustFindVal(sampleHash, sampleId->name);
     offset->offset = i;
     offset->sample = cloneString(sampleId->name);
     el = hashLookup(tissueOffsetHash, sample->tissue);
     if (el)
         slAddHead((struct sampleOffset *)el->val, offset);
         hashAdd(tissueOffsetHash, sample->tissue, offset);
 //#define DEBUG 1
 #ifdef DEBUG
 uglyf("tissue count: %d\n", slCount(tissueOffsets));
 for (el = tissueOffsets; el != NULL; el = el->next)
     uglyf("%s\t", el->name);
     for (offset = (struct slUnsigned *)el->val; offset->next; offset = offset->next)
         uglyf("%d,", offset->val);
 return tissueOffsetHash;
 /* Process data file */
 struct slName *parseDataFileHeader(struct lineFile *lf, int sampleCount, int *dataSampleCountRet)
 /* Parse version, info, and header lines. Return array of sample Ids in order from header */
 char *line;
 if (!lineFileNext(lf, &line, NULL))
     errAbort("%s is empty", lf->fileName);
 if (!startsWith(DATA_FILE_VERSION, line))
     errAbort("unrecognized format - expecting %s in %s first line", 
                 DATA_FILE_VERSION, lf->fileName);
 if (!lineFileNext(lf, &line, NULL))
     errAbort("%s is truncated", lf->fileName);
 /* Parse #genes #samples */
 char *words[100];
 int wordCount = chopLine(line, words);
 if (wordCount != 2)
     errAbort("%s is truncated: expecting <#genes> <#samples>", lf->fileName);
 int geneCount = sqlUnsigned(words[DATA_GENE_COUNT_FIELD_INDEX]);
 int headerSampleCount = sqlUnsigned(words[DATA_SAMPLE_COUNT_FIELD_INDEX]);
 if (headerSampleCount > sampleCount)
     errAbort("data file has more samples than sample file");
 verbose(2, "GTEX data file: %d genes, %d samples\n", geneCount, headerSampleCount);
 /* Parse header line containing sample names */
 if (!lineFileNext(lf, &line, NULL))
     errAbort("%s is truncated", lf->fileName);
 if (!startsWith("Name\tDescription", line))
     errAbort("%s unrecognized format", lf->fileName);
 char *sampleIds[sampleCount+3];
 dataSampleCount = chopTabs(line, sampleIds) - 2;
 if (headerSampleCount != dataSampleCount)
     warn("Sample count mismatch in data file: header=%d, columns=%d\n",
                 headerSampleCount, dataSampleCount);
 verbose(3, "dataSampleCount=%d\n", dataSampleCount);
 if (dataSampleCountRet)
     *dataSampleCountRet = dataSampleCount;
 char **samples = &sampleIds[2];
 struct slName *idList = slNameListFromStringArray(samples, sampleCount+3);
 return idList;
 struct slName *parseExonDataFileHeader(struct lineFile *lf, int sampleCount, 
                                         int *dataSampleCountRet)
 /* Parse header line. Return array of sample Ids in order from header */
 char *line;
 if (!lineFileNext(lf, &line, NULL))
     errAbort("%s is truncated", lf->fileName);
 if (!startsWith("Id", line))
     errAbort("%s unrecognized format", lf->fileName);
 char *sampleIds[sampleCount+2];
 int dataSampleCount = chopTabs(line, sampleIds) - 1;
 verbose(3, "dataSampleCount=%d\n", dataSampleCount);
 if (dataSampleCountRet)
     *dataSampleCountRet = dataSampleCount;
 char **samples = &sampleIds[1];  // skip over Id column
 struct slName *idList = slNameListFromStringArray(samples, dataSampleCount+2);
 return idList;
 void dataRowsOut(char **row, int tissueCount,  char *tissueOrder[], struct hash *tissueOffsets, 
                         double *maxScoreRet, double *maxMedianRet)
 /* Output expression levels per sample and tissue for one gene. Return max score, median computed */
 int i=0, j=0;
 struct sampleOffset *sampleOffset, *sampleOffsets;
 double *sampleVals, *femaleSampleVals, *maleSampleVals;
 double maxMedian = 0;
 double maxScore = 0;
 /* Print geneId and tissue count to median table files */
 char *gene = row[0];
 fprintf(tissueMedianAllFile, "%s\t%d\t", gene, tissueCount);
 fprintf(tissueMedianFemaleFile, "%s\t%d\t", gene, tissueCount);
 fprintf(tissueMedianMaleFile, "%s\t%d\t", gene, tissueCount);
 verbose(3, "%s\n", gene);
 for (i=0; i<tissueCount; i++)
     char *tissue = tissueOrder[i];
     /* Get values for all samples for each tissue */
     sampleOffsets = (struct sampleOffset *)hashMustFindVal(tissueOffsets, tissue);
     int tissueSampleCount = slCount(sampleOffsets);
     verbose(3, "%s\t%s\t%d samples\t", gene, tissue, tissueSampleCount);
     verbose(3, "\n");
     AllocArray(sampleVals, tissueSampleCount);
     AllocArray(femaleSampleVals, tissueSampleCount);
     AllocArray(maleSampleVals, tissueSampleCount);
     int mj =0, fj = 0;
     for (j = 0, sampleOffset = sampleOffsets; j < tissueSampleCount;
                 sampleOffset = sampleOffset->next, j++)
         // skip over Name and Description fields to find first score for this gene
         // WARNING: row parsing should be handled in parse routines
         int skip = (exon ? 1 : 2);
         double val = sqlDouble(row[(sampleOffset->offset) + skip]);
         if (dropZeros && val == 0.0)
         // Output to sample data file
         //     TODO: use gtexSampleDataOut
         verbose(3, "    %s\t%s\t%s\t%0.3f\n", gene, sampleOffset->sample, tissue, val);
         fprintf(sampleDataFile, "%s\t%s\t%s\t", gene, sampleOffset->sample, tissue);
         if (doRound)
             fprintf(sampleDataFile, "%d", round(val));
             fprintf(sampleDataFile, "%0.3f", val);
         fprintf(sampleDataFile, "\n");
         sampleVals[j] = val;
         maxScore = max(val, maxScore);
         // create gender subsets
         if (sampleIsFemale(sampleOffset->sample))
             femaleSampleVals[fj++] = val;
             maleSampleVals[mj++] = val;
     /* Compute stats for all samples */
     double min, q1, median, q3, max;
     doubleBoxWhiskerCalc(j, sampleVals, &min, &q1, &median, &q3, &max);
     //medianVal = (float)doubleMedian(tissueSampleCount, sampleVals);
     maxMedian = max(median, maxMedian);
     verbose(3, "median %s %0.3f\n", tissue, median);
     /* If no rounding, then print as float, otherwise round */
     if (doRound)
         fprintf(tissueMedianAllFile, "%d,", round(median));
         fprintf(tissueMedianAllFile, "%0.3f,", median);
     /* Compute stats for gender subsets */
     median = 0.0;
     if (fj)
         doubleBoxWhiskerCalc(fj, femaleSampleVals, &min, &q1, &median, &q3, &max);
     if (doRound)
         fprintf(tissueMedianFemaleFile, "%d,", round(median));
         fprintf(tissueMedianFemaleFile, "%0.3f,", median);
     median = 0.0;
     if (mj)
         doubleBoxWhiskerCalc(mj, maleSampleVals, &min, &q1, &median, &q3, &max);
     if (doRound)
         fprintf(tissueMedianMaleFile, "%d,", round(median));
         fprintf(tissueMedianMaleFile, "%0.3f,", median);
     // calculate other stats
     // print row in tissue data file
     fprintf(tissueDataFile, "%s\t%s\t%0.3f\t%0.3f\t%0.3f\t%0.3f\t%0.3f\n", 
                                     gene, tissue, min, q1, median, q3, max);
 fprintf(tissueMedianAllFile, "\n");
 fprintf(tissueMedianFemaleFile, "\n");
 fprintf(tissueMedianMaleFile, "\n");
 verbose(3, "max median: %0.3f\n", maxMedian);
 if (maxScoreRet)
     *maxScoreRet = maxScore;
 if (maxMedianRet)
     *maxMedianRet = maxMedian;
 /* Deal with tissues */
 char *makeTissueName(char *description)
 /* Create a single word camel-case name from a tissue description */
 char *words[10];
 int count = chopByWhite(cloneString(description), words, sizeof(words));
 struct dyString *ds = dyStringNew(0);
 int i;
 for (i=0; i<count; i++)
     char *word = words[i];
     if (!isalpha(word[0]) || !isalpha(word[strlen(word)-1]))
     dyStringAppend(ds, word);
 char *newName = dyStringCannibalize(&ds);
 newName[0] = tolower(newName[0]);
 return newName;
 void tissuesOut(char *outFile, struct hash *tissueSampleHash)
 /* Write tissues file */
 struct hashEl *helList = hashElListHash(tissueSampleHash);
 slSort(&helList, hashElCmp);
 FILE *f = mustOpen(outFile, "w");
 struct hashEl *el;
 struct gtexTissue *tissue;
 int i;
 for (i=0, el = helList; el != NULL; el = el->next, i++)
     struct sampleTissue *sample = (struct sampleTissue *)el->val;
     tissue->id = i;
     tissue->description = sample->tissue;
     tissue->organ = sample->organ;
     tissue->name = makeTissueName(tissue->description);
     tissue->color = 0;
     // TODO: get GTEX colors from file
     gtexTissueOutput(tissue, f, '\t', '\n');
 /* Main functions */
 void hgGtexTissues(char *dataFile, char *sampleFile, char *outFile)
 /* Create a tissues file with aliases for use in other tables.  Limit to tissues
  * in the data file, since these will be indexes into comma-sep data values.
  * This is a separate step to support manual editing of aliases for clarity & conciseness */
 struct lineFile *lf;
 int i;
 /* Parse tissue info from samples file */
 lf = lineFileOpen(sampleFile, TRUE);
 int sampleCols = parseSampleFileHeader(lf);
 struct hash *sampleHash = parseSampleTissues(lf, sampleCols);
 verbose(2, "%d samples in samples file\n", hashNumEntries(sampleHash));
 /* Get sample IDs from header in data file */
 lf = lineFileOpen(dataFile, TRUE);
 int dataSampleCount = 0;
 struct slName *sampleIds = NULL;
 sampleIds = parseDataFileHeader(lf, hashNumEntries(sampleHash), &dataSampleCount);
 verbose(2, "%d samples in data file\n", dataSampleCount);
 /* Gather tissues from samples */
 struct hash *tissueSampleHash = hashNew(0);
 struct sampleTissue *sample;
 struct slName *sampleId;
 for (i=0, sampleId = sampleIds; sampleId != NULL; sampleId = sampleId->next, i++)
     verbose(4, "hgGtexTissues: lookup %s in sampleHash\n", sampleId->name);
     sample = hashMustFindVal(sampleHash, sampleId->name);
     if (!hashLookup(tissueSampleHash, sample->tissue))
         hashAdd(tissueSampleHash, sample->tissue, sample);
 verbose(3, "%d tissues\n", hashNumEntries(tissueSampleHash));
 /* Write tissues file */
 tissuesOut(outFile, tissueSampleHash);
 void hgGtex(char *tableRoot, char *version, 
                 char *dataFile, char *sampleFile, char *subjectFile, char *tissuesFile)
 /* Main function to load tables*/
 char *line;
 int wordCount;
 FILE *f = NULL;
 FILE *infoFile = NULL;
 int dataCount = 0;
 struct lineFile *lf;
 int dataSampleCount = 0;
 struct hash  *sampleHash;
 /* Load tissue file as we will use short tissue names, not long descriptions as in sample file */
 struct gtexTissue *tissue, *tissues;
 tissues = gtexTissueLoadAllByChar(tissuesFile, '\t');
 struct hash *tissueNameHash = hashNew(0);
 donorHash = hashNew(0);
 char **tissueOrder = NULL;
 AllocArray(tissueOrder, slCount(tissues));
 for (tissue = tissues; tissue != NULL; tissue = tissue->next)
     verbose(4, "Adding to tissueNameHash: id=%d, key=%s, val=%s, group=%s\n", tissue->id, tissue->description, tissue->name, tissue->organ);
     hashAdd(tissueNameHash, tissue->description, tissue->name);
     tissueOrder[tissue->id] = tissue->name;
 verbose(3, "tissues in hash: %d\n", hashNumEntries(tissueNameHash));
 /* Count samples in sample file */
 lf = lineFileOpen(sampleFile, TRUE);
 int sampleCols = parseSampleFileHeader(lf);
 sampleHash = parseSampleTissues(lf, sampleCols);
 int sampleCount = hashNumEntries(sampleHash);
 verbose(2, "%d samples in samples file\n", sampleCount);
 /* Open GTEX expression data file, and read header lines.  Return list of sample IDs */
 lf = lineFileOpen(dataFile, TRUE);
 struct slName *sampleIds;
 if (exon)
     sampleIds = parseExonDataFileHeader(lf, hashNumEntries(sampleHash), &dataSampleCount);
     sampleIds = parseDataFileHeader(lf, hashNumEntries(sampleHash), &dataSampleCount);
 verbose(3, "%d samples in data file\n", dataSampleCount);
 /* Parse sample file, creating sample objects for all samples in data file */
 lf = lineFileOpen(sampleFile, TRUE);
 sampleHash = parseSamples(lf, sampleIds, sampleCols, tissueNameHash);
 /* Get offsets in data file for samples by tissue */
 struct hash *tissueOffsets = groupSamplesByTissue(sampleHash, sampleIds, dataSampleCount);
 int tissueCount = hashNumEntries(tissueOffsets);
 verbose(2, "tissue count: %d\n", tissueCount);
 if (!exon)
     /* Create sample table with samples ordered as in data file */
     char sampleTable[64];
     safef(sampleTable, sizeof(sampleTable), "%sSample", tableRoot);
     f = hgCreateTabFile(tabDir, sampleTable);
     struct gtexSample *sample;
     struct slName *sampleId;
     for (sampleId = sampleIds; sampleId != NULL; sampleId = sampleId->next)
         verbose(4, "hgGtex: lookup %s in sampleHash\n", sampleId->name);
         sample = hashMustFindVal(sampleHash, sampleId->name);
         gtexSampleOutput(sample, f, '\t', '\n');
     /* Load subjects (donors) file and write to table file */
     struct gtexDonor *donor, *donors;
     lf = lineFileOpen(subjectFile, TRUE);
     donors = parseSubjectFile(lf);
     verbose(2, "%d donors in subjects file\n", slCount(donors));
     char donorTable[64];
     safef(donorTable, sizeof(donorTable), "%sDonor", tableRoot);
     FILE *donorFile = hgCreateTabFile(tabDir, donorTable);
     for (donor = donors; donor != NULL; donor = donor->next)
         gtexDonorOutput(donor, donorFile, '\t', '\n');
         hashAdd(donorHash, donor->name, donor);
     if (doLoad)
         struct sqlConnection *conn = sqlConnect(database);
         /* Load sample table */
         verbose(2, "Creating sample table\n");
         gtexSampleCreateTable(conn, sampleTable);
         verbose(3, "Load table %s from %s/%s\n", sampleTable, tabDir, sampleTable); 
         hgLoadTabFile(conn, tabDir, sampleTable, &f);
         hgRemoveTabFile(tabDir, sampleTable);
         /* Load tissue table */
         char tissueTable[64];
         verbose(2, "Creating tissue table\n");
         safef(tissueTable, sizeof(tissueTable), "%sTissue", tableRoot);
         gtexTissueCreateTable(conn, tissueTable);
-        char dir[128];
-        char fileName[64];
+        char dir[PATH_LEN];
+        char fileName[FILENAME_LEN];
         splitPath(tissuesFile, dir, fileName, NULL);
         if (dir[0] == 0)
             dir[0]= '.';
         verbose(3, "Load table %s from %s/%s\n", tissueTable, dir, fileName); 
         hgLoadNamedTabFile(conn, dir, tissueTable, fileName, NULL);
         /* Load donor table */
         verbose(2, "Creating donor table\n");
         gtexDonorCreateTable(conn, donorTable);
         verbose(3, "Load table %s from %s/%s\n", donorTable, dir, donorTable);
         hgLoadTabFile(conn, tabDir, donorTable, &donorFile);
         hgRemoveTabFile(tabDir, donorTable);
 if (!doData)
 /* Ready to process data items */
 /* Create sample data file */
 char sampleDataTable[64];
 safef(sampleDataTable, sizeof(sampleDataTable), "%s%sSampleData", tableRoot, exon ? "Exon": "");
 sampleDataFile = hgCreateTabFile(tabDir,sampleDataTable);
 /* Create tissue median files */
 char tissueMedianAllTable[64], tissueMedianFemaleTable[64], tissueMedianMaleTable[64];
 safef(tissueMedianAllTable, sizeof(tissueMedianAllTable), "%s%sTissueMedianAll", 
                 tableRoot, exon ? "Exon": "");
 tissueMedianAllFile = hgCreateTabFile(tabDir,tissueMedianAllTable);
 safef(tissueMedianFemaleTable, sizeof(tissueMedianFemaleTable), "%s%sTissueMedianFemale", 
                 tableRoot, exon ? "Exon": "");
 tissueMedianFemaleFile= hgCreateTabFile(tabDir,tissueMedianFemaleTable);
 safef(tissueMedianMaleTable, sizeof(tissueMedianMaleTable), "%s%sTissueMedianMale", 
                 tableRoot, exon ? "Exon": "");
 tissueMedianMaleFile = hgCreateTabFile(tabDir,tissueMedianMaleTable);
 /* Create tissue summary data table */
 char tissueDataTable[64];
 safef(tissueDataTable, sizeof(tissueDataTable), "%s%sTissueData", tableRoot, exon ? "Exon": "");
 tissueDataFile = hgCreateTabFile(tabDir,tissueDataTable);
 /* Open GTEX expression data file, and read header lines.  Return list of sample IDs */
 lf = lineFileOpen(dataFile, TRUE);
 if (exon)
     parseExonDataFileHeader(lf, sampleCount, NULL);
     parseDataFileHeader(lf, sampleCount, NULL);
 /* Parse expression values in data file. Each row is a gene (or exon)*/
 char **row;
 AllocArray(row, dataSampleCount+2);
 double maxMedian = 0, maxScore = 0;
 double rowMaxMedian, rowMaxScore;
 while (lineFileNext(lf, &line, NULL))
     // WARNING: header parsing should be managed in one place
     wordCount = chopByChar(line, '\t', row, dataSampleCount+2);
     int expected = wordCount - (exon ? 1 : 2);
     if (expected != dataSampleCount)
         errAbort("Expecting %d data points, got %d line %d of %s", 
 		dataSampleCount, wordCount-2, lf->lineIx, lf->fileName);
     dataRowsOut(row, tissueCount, tissueOrder, tissueOffsets,
                 &rowMaxMedian, &rowMaxScore);
     maxMedian = max(rowMaxMedian, maxMedian);
     maxScore = max(rowMaxScore, maxScore);
     if (limit != 0 && dataCount >= limit)
 /* Create info file */
 char infoTable[64];
 safef(infoTable, sizeof(infoTable), "%s%sInfo", tableRoot, exon ? "Exon": "");
 infoFile = hgCreateTabFile(tabDir,infoTable);
 struct gtexInfo *info;
 info->version = version;
 info->releaseDate = releaseDate;
 info->maxMedianScore = maxMedian;
 gtexInfoOutput(info, infoFile, '\t', '\n');
 if (doLoad)
     struct sqlConnection *conn = sqlConnect(database);
     // Load info table 
     verbose(2, "Creating info table\n");
     gtexInfoCreateTable(conn, infoTable);
     hgLoadTabFile(conn, tabDir, infoTable, &infoFile);
     hgRemoveTabFile(tabDir, infoTable);
     // Load tissue median tables
     verbose(2, "Creating all tissue medians table\n");
     gtexTissueMedianCreateTable(conn, tissueMedianAllTable);
     hgLoadTabFile(conn, tabDir, tissueMedianAllTable, &tissueMedianAllFile);
     hgRemoveTabFile(tabDir, tissueMedianAllTable);
     verbose(2, "Creating female tissue medians table\n");
     gtexTissueMedianCreateTable(conn, tissueMedianFemaleTable);
     hgLoadTabFile(conn, tabDir, tissueMedianFemaleTable, &tissueMedianFemaleFile);
     hgRemoveTabFile(tabDir, tissueMedianFemaleTable);
     // Load tissue median tables
     verbose(2, "Creating male tissue medians table\n");
     gtexTissueMedianCreateTable(conn, tissueMedianMaleTable);
     hgLoadTabFile(conn, tabDir, tissueMedianMaleTable, &tissueMedianMaleFile);
     hgRemoveTabFile(tabDir, tissueMedianMaleTable);
     // Load tissue data table
 #ifdef FAST_STATS
     // Finish implementation of this if we want to add mean+whiskers to hgTracks
     verbose(2, "Creating tissue data table\n");
     gtexTissueDataCreateTable(conn, tissueDataTable);
     hgLoadTabFile(conn, tabDir, tissueDataTable, &tissueDataFile);
     // Load sample data table 
     verbose(2, "Creating sample data table\n");
     gtexSampleDataCreateTable(conn, sampleDataTable);
     hgLoadTabFile(conn, tabDir, sampleDataTable, &sampleDataFile);
     hgRemoveTabFile(tabDir, sampleDataTable);
 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
 /* Process command line. */
 optionInit(&argc, argv, options);
 database = optionVal("database", database);
 doLoad = !optionExists("noLoad");
 doData = !optionExists("noData");
 doRound = optionExists("doRound");
 dropZeros = optionExists("dropZeros");
 releaseDate = optionVal("releaseDate", "0");
 exon = optionExists("exon");
 if (exon)
     verbose(2, "Parsing exon data file\n");
 if (optionExists("tab"))
     tabDir = optionVal("tab", tabDir);
 limit = optionInt("limit", limit);
 if (argc == 4)
     hgGtexTissues(argv[1], argv[2], argv[3]);
 else if (argc == 7)
     hgGtex(argv[1], argv[2], argv[3], argv[4], argv[5], argv[6]);
 return 0;