Tue Feb 25 11:58:38 2025 -0800
Make font-size of breadcrumb text larger, make the final breadcrumb not underlined since it cannot be clicked, make the final breadcrumb not clickable, refs ##31058
diff --git src/hg/js/hgMyData.js src/hg/js/hgMyData.js
index 152de77e97a..c531b3b323b 100644
--- src/hg/js/hgMyData.js
+++ src/hg/js/hgMyData.js
@@ -1,1143 +1,1146 @@
/* jshint esnext: true */
var debugCartJson = true;
function prettyFileSize(num) {
if (!num) {return "0B";}
if (num < (1024 * 1024)) {
return `${(num/1024).toFixed(1)}KB`;
} else if (num < (1024 * 1024 * 1024)) {
return `${((num/1024)/1024).toFixed(1)}MB`;
} else {
return `${(((num/1024)/1024)/1024).toFixed(1)}GB`;
function generateApiKey() {
let apiKeyInstr = document.getElementById("apiKeyInstructions");
let apiKeyDiv = document.getElementById("apiKey");
if (!document.getElementById("spinner")) {
let spinner = document.createElement("i");
spinner.id = "spinner";
spinner.classList.add("fa", "fa-spinner", "fa-spin");
let handleSuccess = function(reqObj) {
apiKeyDiv.textContent = reqObj.apiKey;
apiKeyInstr.style.display = "block";
let revokeDiv= document.getElementById("revokeDiv");
revokeDiv.style.display = "block";
// remove the word 'already' from the message if we have just re-generated a key
let refreshSpan = document.getElementById("removeOnGenerate");
if (refreshSpan) {
refreshSpan.style.display = "none";
let cartData = {generateApiKey: {}};
cart.send(cartData, handleSuccess);
function revokeApiKeys() {
let apiKeyInstr = document.getElementById("apiKeyInstructions");
let apiKeyDiv = document.getElementById("apiKey");
if (!document.getElementById("spinner")) {
let spinner = document.createElement("i");
spinner.id = "spinner";
spinner.classList.add("fa", "fa-spinner", "fa-spin");
let handleSuccess = function(req) {
apiKeyInstr.style.display = "none";
let generateDiv = document.getElementById("generateDiv");
generateDiv.style.display = "block";
let revokeDiv = document.getElementById("revokeDiv");
revokeDiv.style.display = "none";
let cartData = {revokeApiKey: {}};
cart.send(cartData, handleSuccess);
const fileNameRegex = /[0-9a-zA-Z._\-+]+/g; // allowed characters in file names
const parentDirRegex = /[0-9a-zA-Z._\-+ ]+/g; // allowed characters in hub names, spaces allowed
// make our Uppy instance:
const uppy = new Uppy.Uppy({
debug: true,
allowMultipleUploadBatches: false,
onBeforeUpload: (files) => {
// set all the fileTypes and genomes from their selects
let doUpload = true;
let thisQuota = 0;
for (let [key, file] of Object.entries(files)) {
let fileNameMatch = file.meta.name.match(fileNameRegex);
let parentDirMatch = file.meta.parentDir.match(parentDirRegex);
if (!fileNameMatch || fileNameMatch[0] !== file.meta.name) {
uppy.info(`Error: File name has special characters, please rename file: ${file.meta.name} to only include alpha-numeric characters, period, dash, underscore or plus.`, 'error', 2000);
doUpload = false;
if (!parentDirMatch || parentDirMatch[0] !== file.meta.parentDir) {
uppy.info(`Error: Hub name has special characters, please rename file: ${file.meta.parentDir} to only include alpha-numeric characters, period, dash, underscore, plus or space.`, 'error', 2000);
doUpload = false;
if (!file.meta.genome) {
uppy.info(`Error: No genome selected for file ${file.meta.name}!`, 'error', 2000);
doUpload = false;
} else if (!file.meta.fileType) {
uppy.info(`Error: File type not supported, file: ${file.meta.name}!`, 'error', 2000);
doUpload = false;
uppy.setFileMeta(file.id, {
fileName: file.meta.name,
fileSize: file.size,
lastModified: file.data.lastModified,
thisQuota += file.size;
if (thisQuota + hubCreate.uiState.userQuota > hubCreate.uiState.maxQuota) {
uppy.info(`Error: this file batch exceeds your quota. Please delete some files to make space or email genome-www@soe.ucsc.edu if you feel you need more space.`);
doUpload = false;
return doUpload;
var hubCreate = (function() {
let uiState = { // our object for keeping track of the current UI and what to do
userUrl: "", // the web accesible path where the uploads are stored for this user
hubNameDefault: "",
isLoggedIn: "",
maxQuota: 0,
userQuota: 0,
userFiles: {}, // same as uiData.userFiles on page load
filesHash: {}, // for each file, userFiles.fullPath is the key, and then the userFiles.fileList data as the value, with an extra key for the child fullPaths if the file is a directory
function getTusdEndpoint() {
// this variable is set by hgHubConnect and comes from hg.conf value
return tusdEndpoint;
let extensionMap = {
"bigBed": [".bb", ".bigbed"],
"bam": [".bam"],
"vcf": [".vcf"],
"vcfTabix": [".vcf.gz", "vcf.bgz"],
"bigWig": [".bw", ".bigwig"],
"hic": [".hic"],
"cram": [".cram"],
"bigBarChart": [".bigbarchart"],
"bigGenePred": [".bgp", ".biggenepred"],
"bigMaf": [".bigmaf"],
"bigInteract": [".biginteract"],
"bigPsl": [".bigpsl"],
"bigChain": [".bigchain"],
"bamIndex": [".bam.bai", ".bai"],
"tabixIndex": [".vcf.gz.tbi", "vcf.bgz.tbi"],
"hub.txt": ["hub.txt"],
"text": [".txt", ".text"],
function detectFileType(fileName) {
let fileLower = fileName.toLowerCase();
for (let fileType in extensionMap) {
for (let ext of extensionMap[fileType]) {
if (fileLower.endsWith(ext)) {
return fileType;
//we could alert here but instead just explicitly set the value to null
//and let the backend reject it instead, forcing the user to rename their
//alert(`file extension for ${fileName} not found, please explicitly select it`);
return null;
function defaultDb() {
return cartDb.split(" ").slice(-1)[0];
function makeGenomeSelectOptions() {
// Returns an array of options for genomes
let ret = [];
let choices = ["Human hg38", "Human T2T", "Human hg19", "Mouse mm39", "Mouse mm10"];
let cartChoice = {};
cartChoice.id = cartDb;
cartChoice.label = cartDb;
cartChoice.value = cartDb.split(" ").slice(-1)[0];
if (cartChoice.value.startsWith("hub_")) {
cartChoice.label = cartDb.split(" ").slice(0,-1).join(" "); // take off the actual db value
cartChoice.selected = true;
choices.forEach( (e) => {
if (e === cartDb) {return;} // don't print the cart database twice
let choice = {};
choice.id = e;
choice.label = e;
choice.value = e.split(" ")[1];
return ret;
function makeTypeSelectOptions() {
let ret = [];
let autoChoice = {};
autoChoice.label = "Auto-detect from extension";
autoChoice.value = "Auto-detect from extension";
autoChoice.selected = true;
let choices = ["bigBed", "bam", "vcf", "vcf (bgzip or gzip compressed)", "bigWig", "hic", "cram", "bigBarChart", "bigGenePred", "bigMaf", "bigInteract", "bigPsl", "bigChain"];
choices.forEach( (e) => {
let choice = {};
choice.id = e;
choice.label = e;
choice.value = e;
return ret;
function viewInGenomeBrowser(fname, ftype, genome, hubName) {
// redirect to hgTracks with this track open in the hub
if (typeof uiState.userUrl !== "undefined" && uiState.userUrl.length > 0) {
if (ftype in extensionMap) {
// TODO: tusd should return this location in it's response after
// uploading a file and then we can look it up somehow, the cgi can
// write the links directly into the html directly for prev uploaded files maybe?
let url = "../cgi-bin/hgTracks?hgsid=" + getHgsid() + "&db=" + genome + "&hubUrl=" + uiState.userUrl + hubName + "/hub.txt&" + trackHubFixName(fname) + "=pack";
return false;
const regex = /[^A-Za-z0-9_-]/g;
function trackHubFixName(trackName) {
// replace everything but alphanumeric, underscore and dash with underscore
return encodeURIComponent(trackName).replaceAll(regex, "_");
// helper object so we don't need to use an AbortController to update
// the data this function is using
let selectedData = {};
function viewAllInGenomeBrowser(ev) {
// redirect to hgTracks with these tracks/hubs open
let data = selectedData;
if (typeof uiState.userUrl !== "undefined" && uiState.userUrl.length > 0) {
let url = "../cgi-bin/hgTracks?hgsid=" + getHgsid();
let genome; // may be multiple genomes in list, just redirect to the first one
// TODO: this should probably raise an alert to click through
let hubsAdded = {};
_.forEach(data, (d) => {
if (!genome) {
genome = d.genome;
url += "&db=" + genome;
if (d.fileType in extensionMap) {
// TODO: tusd should return this location in it's response after
// uploading a file and then we can look it up somehow, the cgi can
// write the links directly into the html directly for prev uploaded files maybe?
if (!(d.parentDir in hubsAdded)) {
// NOTE: hubUrls get added regardless of whether they are on this assembly
// or not, because multiple genomes may have been requested. If this user
// switches to another genome we want this hub to be connected already
url += "&hubUrl=" + uiState.userUrl + d.parentDir;
if (d.parentDir.endsWith("/")) {
url += "hub.txt";
} else {
url += "/hub.txt";
hubsAdded[d.parentDir] = true;
if (d.genome == genome) {
// turn the track on if its for this db
url += "&" + trackHubFixName(d.fileName) + "=pack";
} else if (d.fileType === "hub.txt") {
url += "&hubUrl=" + uiState.userUrl + d.fullPath;
return false;
function deleteFileSuccess(jqXhr, textStatus) {
function deleteFileList(ev) {
// same as deleteFile() but acts on the selectedData variable
let data = selectedData;
let cartData = {deleteFile: {fileList: []}};
_.forEach(data, (d) => {
fileName: d.fileName,
fileType: d.fileType,
parentDir: d.parentDir,
genome: d.genome,
fullPath: d.fullPath,
cart.send(cartData, deleteFileSuccess);
function updateSelectedFileDiv(data) {
// update the div that shows how many files are selected
let numSelected = data !== null ? Object.entries(data).length : 0;
let infoDiv = document.getElementById("selectedFileInfo");
let span = document.getElementById("numberSelectedFiles");
let spanParentDiv = span.parentElement;
span.textContent = `${numSelected} ${numSelected > 1 ? "files" : "file"}`;
if (numSelected > 0) {
// (re) set up the handlers for the selected file info div:
let viewBtn = document.getElementById("viewSelectedFiles");
selectedData = data;
viewBtn.addEventListener("click", viewAllInGenomeBrowser);
viewBtn.textContent = numSelected === 1 ? "View selected file in Genome Browser" : "View all selected files in Genome Browser";
let deleteBtn = document.getElementById("deleteSelectedFiles");
deleteBtn.addEventListener("click", deleteFileList);
deleteBtn.textContent = numSelected === 1 ? "Delete selected file" : "Delete selected files";
// set the visibility of the placeholder text and info text
spanParentDiv.style.display = numSelected === 0 ? "none": "block";
let placeholder = document.getElementById("placeHolderInfo");
placeholder.style.display = numSelected === 0 ? "block" : "none";
function handleCheckboxSelect(ev, table, row) {
// depending on the state of the checkbox, we will be adding information
// to the div, or removing information. We will also be potentially checking/unchecking
// all of the checkboxes if the selectAll box was clicked. The data variable
// will hold all the information we want to keep visible in the info div
let data = {};
// get all of the currently selected rows (may be more than just the one that
// was most recently clicked)
table.rows({selected: true}).data().each(function(row, ix) {
data[ix] = row;
- function createOneCrumb(table, dirName, dirFullPath) {
+ function createOneCrumb(table, dirName, dirFullPath, doAddEvent) {
// make a new span that can be clicked to nav through the table
let newSpan = document.createElement("span");
newSpan.id = dirName;
newSpan.textContent = decodeURIComponent(dirName);
+ if (doAddEvent) {
newSpan.addEventListener("click", function(e) {
dataTableShowDir(table, dirName, dirFullPath);
dataTableCustomOrder(table, {"fullPath": dirFullPath});
+ } else {
+ // can't click the final crumb so don't underline it
+ newSpan.style.textDecoration = "unset";
+ }
return newSpan;
function dataTableEmptyBreadcrumb(table) {
let currBreadcrumb = document.getElementById("breadcrumb");
- currBreadcrumb.firstChild.style.cursor = "unset";
- currBreadcrumb.firstChild.style.textDecoration = "unset";
function dataTableCreateBreadcrumb(table, dirName, dirFullPath) {
// Re-create the breadcrumb nav to move back through directories
let currBreadcrumb = document.getElementById("breadcrumb");
// empty the node but leave the first "My Data" span
if (currBreadcrumb.children.length > 1) {
- currBreadcrumb.firstChild.style.cursor = "pointer";
- currBreadcrumb.firstChild.style.textDecoration = "underline";
let components = dirFullPath.split("/");
+ let numComponents = components.length;
components.forEach(function(dirName, dirNameIx) {
if (!dirName) {
+ let doAddEvent = dirNameIx !== (numComponents - 1);
let path = components.slice(0, dirNameIx+1);
componentFullPath = path.join('/');
- let newSpan = createOneCrumb(table, dirName, componentFullPath);
+ let newSpan = createOneCrumb(table, dirName, componentFullPath, doAddEvent);
currBreadcrumb.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" > "));
// search related functions:
function clearSearch(table) {
// clear any fixed searches so we can apply a new one
let currSearches = table.search.fixed().toArray();
currSearches.forEach((name) => table.search.fixed(name, null));
function dataTableShowTopLevel(table) {
// show all the "root" files, which are files (probably mostly directories)
// with no parentDir
table.search.fixed("showRoot", function(searchStr, rowData, rowIx) {
return !rowData.parentDir;
function dataTableShowDir(table, dirName, dirFullPath) {
// show the directory and all immediate children of the directory
table.search.fixed("oneHub", function(searchStr, rowData, rowIx) {
// calculate the fullPath of this rows parentDir in case the dirName passed
// to this function has the same name as a parentDir further up in the
// listing. For example, consider a test/test/tmp.txt layout, where "test"
// is the parentDir of tmp.txt and the test subdirectory
let parentDirFull = rowData.fullPath.split("/").slice(0,-1).join("/");
if (rowData.parentDir === dirName && parentDirFull === dirFullPath) {
return true;
} else if (rowData.fullPath === dirFullPath) {
// also return the directory itself
return true;
} else {
return false;
dataTableCreateBreadcrumb(table, dirName, dirFullPath);
// when we move into a new directory, we remove the row from the table
// and add it's html into the header, keep the row object around so
// we can add it back in later
let oldRowData = null;
function dataTableCustomOrder(table, dirData) {
// figure out the order the rows of the table should be in
// if dirData is null, sort on uploadTime first
// if dirData exists, that is the first row, followed by everything else
// in uploadTime order
if (!dirData) {
// make sure the old row can show up again in the table
let thead = document.querySelector(".dt-scroll-headInner > table:nth-child(1) > thead:nth-child(1)");
if (thead.childNodes.length > 1) {
let old = thead.removeChild(thead.lastChild);
if (oldRowData) {
oldRowData = null;
table.order([{name: "uploadTime", dir: "desc"}]);
} else {
// move the dirName row into the header, then the other files can
// sort normally
let row = table.row((idx,data) => data.fullPath === dirData.fullPath);
let rowNode = row.node();
if (oldRowData) {
// restore the previous row, which will be not displayed by the search anyways:
oldRowData = null;
if (!rowNode) {
// if we are using the breadcrumb to jump back 2 directories, we won't
// have a rowNode because the row will not have been rendered yet
rowNode = row.node();
oldRowData = row.data();
// put the data in the header:
let rowClone = rowNode.cloneNode(true);
// match the background color of the normal rows:
rowNode.style.backgroundColor = "#f9f9f9";
let thead = document.querySelector(".dt-scroll-headInner > table:nth-child(1) > thead:nth-child(1)");
if (thead.childNodes.length === 1) {
} else {
thead.replaceChild(rowClone, thead.lastChild);
// remove the row
// now do a regular order
table.order([{name: "uploadTime", dir: "desc"}]);
function parseFileListIntoHash(fileList) {
// Hash the uiState fileList by the fullPath, and also store the children
// for each directory
// first go through and copy all of the data and make the empty
// children array for each directory
fileList.forEach(function(fileData) {
uiState.filesHash[fileData.fullPath] = fileData;
if (fileData.fileType === "dir") {
uiState.filesHash[fileData.fullPath].children = [];
// use a second pass to go through and set the children
// since we may not have encountered them yet in the above loop
fileList.forEach(function(fileData) {
if (fileData.fileType !== "dir" || fileData.parentDir !== "") {
// compute the key from the fullPath:
let parts = fileData.fullPath.split("/");
let keyName = parts.slice(0,-1).join("/");
if (keyName in uiState.filesHash) {
function getChildRows(dirFullPath, childRowArray) {
// Recursively return all of the child rows for a given path
let childRows = uiState.filesHash[dirFullPath].children;
childRows.forEach(function(rowData) {
if (rowData.fileType !== "dir") {
} else {
childRowArray.concat(getChildRows(rowData.fullPath, childRowArray));
function dataTablePrintSize(data, type, row, meta) {
if (row.fileType !== "dir") {
return prettyFileSize(data);
} else {
let childRows = [];
getChildRows(row.fullPath, childRows);
let sum = childRows.reduce( (accumulator, currentValue) => {
return accumulator + currentValue.fileSize;
}, 0);
return prettyFileSize(sum);
function dataTablePrintGenome(data, type, row, meta) {
if (data.startsWith("hub_"))
return data.split("_").slice(2).join("_");
return data;
function dataTablePrintAction(rowData) {
/* Return a node for rendering the actions column */
if (rowData.fileType === "dir") {
let folderIcon = document.createElement("i");
folderIcon.style.display = "inline-block";
folderIcon.style.backgroundImage = "url(\"../images/folderC.png\")";
folderIcon.style.backgroundPosition = "left center";
folderIcon.style.backgroundRepeat = "no-repeat";
folderIcon.style.width = "24px";
folderIcon.style.height = "24px";
folderIcon.addEventListener("click", function(e) {
console.log("folder click");
let table = $("#filesTable").DataTable();
let trow = $(e.target).closest("tr");
let row = table.row(trow);
dataTableShowDir(table, rowData.fileName, rowData.fullPath);
dataTableCustomOrder(table, rowData);
return folderIcon;
} else {
// only offer the button if this is a track file
if (rowData.fileType !== "hub.txt" && rowData.fileType !== "text" && rowData.fileType in extensionMap) {
let container = document.createElement("div");
let viewBtn = document.createElement("button");
viewBtn.textContent = "View in Genome Browser";
viewBtn.type = 'button';
viewBtn.addEventListener("click", function(e) {
viewInGenomeBrowser(rowData.fileName, rowData.fileType, rowData.genome, rowData.parentDir);
return container;
} else {
return null;
function deleteFileFromTable(pathList) {
// req is an object with properties of an uploaded file, make a new row
// for it in the filesTable
let table = $("#filesTable").DataTable();
let rows = table.rows((idx, data) => pathList.includes(data.fullPath));
let toKeep = (elem) => !pathList.includes(elem.fullPath);
uiState.fileList = uiState.fileList.filter(toKeep);
history.replaceState(uiState, "", document.location.href);
function addFileToHub(rowData) {
// a file has been uploaded and a hub has been created, present a modal
// to choose which hub to associate this track to
// backend wise: move the file into the hub directory
// update the hubSpace row with the hub name
// frontend wise: move the file row into a 'child' of the hub row
console.log(`sending addToHub req for ${rowData.fileName} to `);
cart.send({addToHub: {hubName: "", dataFile: ""}});
function addNewUploadedHubToTable(hub) {
// hub is a list of objects representing the file just uploaded, the associated
// hub.txt, and directory. Make a new row for each in the filesTable, except for
// maybe the hub directory row and hub.txt which we may have already seen before
let table = $("#filesTable").DataTable();
let justUploaded = {}; // hash of contents of hub but keyed by fullPath
let hubDirData = {}; // the data for the parentDir of the uploaded file
for (let obj of hub) {
if (!obj.parentDir) {
hubDirData = obj;
let rowObj;
if (!(obj.fullPath in uiState.filesHash)) {
justUploaded[obj.fullPath] = obj;
rowObj = table.row.add(obj);
// NOTE: we don't add the obj to the filesHash until after we're done
// so we don't need to reparse all files each time we add one
// show all the new rows we just added, note the double draw, we need
// to have the new rows rendered to do the order because the order
// will copy the actual DOM node
dataTableShowDir(table, hubDirData.fileName, hubDirData.fullPath);
dataTableCustomOrder(table, hubDirData);
function doRowSelect(ev, table, indexes) {
let selectedRow = table.row(indexes);
let rowTr = selectedRow.node();
if (rowTr) {
let rowCheckbox = rowTr.childNodes[0].firstChild;
let rowChildren = uiState.filesHash[selectedRow.data().fullPath].children;
// we need to manually check the children
if (rowChildren) {
for (let child of rowChildren) {
if (ev.type === "select") {
table.row((idx,data) => data.fullPath === child.fullPath).select();
} else {
table.row((idx,data) => data.fullPath === child.fullPath).deselect();
// lastly check the row itself
rowCheckbox.checked = ev.type === "select";
handleCheckboxSelect(ev, table, rowTr);
function indentActionButton(rowTr, rowData) {
let numIndents = "0px"; //data.parentDir !== "" ? data.fullPath.split('/').length - 1: 0;
if (rowData.fileType !== "dir") {
numIndents = "10px";
rowTr.childNodes[1].style.textIndent = numIndents;
let tableInitOptions = {
select: {
items: 'row',
style: 'multi+shift', // default to a single click is all that's needed
pageLength: 25,
scrollY: 600,
scrollCollapse: true, // when less than scrollY height is needed, make the table shorter
deferRender: true, // only draw into the DOM the nodes we need for each page
orderCellsTop: true, // when viewing a subdirectory, the directory becomes a part of
// the header, this option prevents those cells from being used to
// sort the table
layout: {
top2Start: {
div: {
className: "",
id: "breadcrumb",
- html: "My Data",
+ html: "My Data",
topStart: {
buttons: [
text: 'Upload',
action: function() {return;},
className: 'uploadButton',
enabled: false, // disable by default in case user is not logged in
quota: null,
columnDefs: [
orderable: false, targets: 0,
render: DataTable.render.select(),
orderable: false, targets: 1,
data: "action", title: "",
render: function(data, type, row) {
if (type === "display") {
return dataTablePrintAction(row);
return '';
targets: 2,
render: function(data, type, row, meta) {
return decodeURIComponent(data);
targets: 3,
render: function(data, type, row, meta) {
if (type === "display") {
return dataTablePrintSize(data, type, row, meta);
return data;
targets: 5,
render: function(data, type, row) {
if (type === "display") {
return dataTablePrintGenome(data);
return data;
// The upload time column
targets: 8,
visible: true,
searchable: false,
orderable: true,
targets: 9,
visible: false,
searchable: false,
orderable: true,
columns: [
{data: "", },
{data: "", },
{data: "fileName", title: "File name"},
{data: "fileSize", title: "File size"},
{data: "fileType", title: "File type"},
{data: "genome", title: "Genome"},
{data: "parentDir", title: "Hubs"},
{data: "lastModified", title: "File Last Modified"},
{data: "uploadTime", title: "Upload Time", name: "uploadTime"},
{data: "fullPath", title: "fullPath", name: "fullPath"},
drawCallback: function(settings) {
console.log("table draw");
rowCallback: function(row, data, displayNum, displayIndex, dataIndex) {
// row is a tr element, data is the td values
// a row can represent one of three things:
// a 'folder', with no parents, but with children
// a folder with parents and children (can only come from hubtools
// a 'file' with no children, but with parentDir
// we assign the appropriate classes which are used later to
// collapse/expand and select rows for viewing or deletion
if (!data.parentDir) {
row.className = "topLevelRow";
} else {
row.className = "childRow";
if (data.fileType === "dir") {
row.className += " parentRow";
indentActionButton(row, data);
initComplete: function(settings, json) {
console.log("data loaded, only showing directories");
let table = new $.fn.dataTable.Api(settings);
function showExistingFiles(d) {
// Make the DataTable for each file
// make buttons have the same style as other buttons
$.fn.dataTable.Buttons.defaults.dom.button.className = 'button';
tableInitOptions.data = d;
if (uiState.isLoggedIn) {
tableInitOptions.language = {emptyTable: "Uploaded files will appear here. Click \"Upload\" to get started"};
} else {
tableInitOptions.language = {emptyTable: "You are not logged in, please navigate to \"My Data\" > \"My Sessions\" and log in or create an account to begin uploading files"};
DataTable.feature.register('quota', function(settings, opts) {
let options = Object.assign({option1: false, option2: false}, opts);
let container = document.createElement("div");
if (uiState.isLoggedIn) {
container.textContent = `Using ${prettyFileSize(uiState.userQuota)} of ${prettyFileSize(uiState.maxQuota)}`;
return container;
let table = new DataTable("#filesTable", tableInitOptions);
if (uiState.isLoggedIn) {
document.getElementById("rootBreadcrumb").addEventListener("click", function(e) {
} else {
table.on("select", function(e, dt, type, indexes) {
doRowSelect(e, dt, indexes);
table.on("deselect", function(e, dt, type, indexes) {
doRowSelect(e, dt, indexes);
return table;
function init() {
// TODO: write functions for
// creating default trackDbs
// editing trackDbs
// get the state from the history stack if it exists
if (typeof uiData !== 'undefined' && typeof uiState.userFiles !== 'undefined') {
_.assign(uiState, uiData.userFiles);
// first add the top level directories/files
let table = showExistingFiles(uiState.fileList);
// TODO: add event handlers for editing defaults, grouping into hub
modal: true,
autoOpen: false,
title: "Create new track hub",
closeOnEscape: true,
minWidth: 400,
minHeight: 120
// create a custom uppy plugin to batch change the type and db fields
class BatchChangePlugin extends Uppy.BasePlugin {
constructor(uppy, opts) {
super(uppy, opts);
this.id = "BatchChangePlugin";
this.type = "progressindicator";
this.opts = opts;
createOptsForSelect(select, opts) {
opts.forEach( (opt) => {
let option = document.createElement("option");
option.value = opt.value;
option.label = opt.label;
option.id = opt.id;
option.selected = typeof opt.selected !== 'undefined' ? opt.selected : false;
addSelectsForFile(file) {
/* create two selects for the file object, to include the db and type */
const id = "uppy_" + file.id;
let fileDiv = document.getElementById(id);
// this might not exist yet depending on where we are in the render cycle
if (fileDiv) {
let dbSelectId = "db_select_" + file.id;
if (!document.getElementById(dbSelectId)) {
let dbSelect = document.createElement("select");
dbSelect.id = dbSelectId;
let dbOpts = makeGenomeSelectOptions();
this.createOptsForSelect(dbSelect, dbOpts);
removeBatchSelectsFromDashboard() {
let batchSelectDiv = document.getElementById("batch-selector-div");
if (batchSelectDiv) {
addBatchSelectsToDashboard() {
if (!document.getElementById("batch-selector-div")) {
let batchSelectDiv = document.createElement("div");
batchSelectDiv.id = "batch-selector-div";
batchSelectDiv.style.display = "grid";
batchSelectDiv.style.width = "80%";
// the grid syntax is 2 columns, 3 rows
batchSelectDiv.style.gridTemplateColumns = "50% 50%";
batchSelectDiv.style.gridTemplateRows = "25px 25px 25px";
batchSelectDiv.style.margin = "10px auto"; // centers this div
if (window.matchMedia("(prefers-color-scheme: dark)").matches) {
batchSelectDiv.style.color = "#eaeaea";
// first just explanatory text:
let batchSelectText = document.createElement("div");
batchSelectText.textContent = "Change options for all files:";
// syntax here is rowStart / columnStart / rowEnd / columnEnd
batchSelectText.style.gridArea = "1 / 1 / 1 / 2";
// the batch change db select
let batchDbSelect = document.createElement("select");
this.createOptsForSelect(batchDbSelect, makeGenomeSelectOptions());
batchDbSelect.id = "batchDbSelect";
batchDbSelect.style.gridArea = "2 / 2 / 2 / 2";
batchDbSelect.style.margin = "1px 1px auto";
let batchDbLabel = document.createElement("label");
batchDbLabel.textContent = "Genome";
batchDbLabel.for = "batchDbSelect";
batchDbLabel.style.gridArea = "2 / 1 / 2 / 1";
// the batch change hub name
let batchParentDirInput = document.createElement("input");
batchParentDirInput.id = "batchParentDir";
batchParentDirInput.value = uiState.hubNameDefault;
batchParentDirInput.style.gridArea = "3 / 2 / 3 / 2";
batchParentDirInput.style.margin= "1px 1px auto";
let batchParentDirLabel = document.createElement("label");
batchParentDirLabel.textContent = "Hub Name";
batchParentDirLabel.for = "batchParentDir";
batchParentDirLabel.style.gridArea = "3 / 1 / 3 / 1";
// add event handlers to change metadata, use an arrow function
// because otherwise 'this' keyword will be the element instead of
// our class
batchDbSelect.addEventListener("change", (ev) => {
let files = this.uppy.getFiles();
let val = ev.target.value;
for (let [key, file] of Object.entries(files)) {
this.uppy.setFileMeta(file.id, {genome: val});
batchParentDirInput.addEventListener("change", (ev) => {
let files = this.uppy.getFiles();
let val = ev.target.value;
for (let [key, file] of Object.entries(files)) {
this.uppy.setFileMeta(file.id, {parentDir: val});
// append the batch changes to the bottom of the file list, for some reason
// I can't append to the actual Dashboard-files, it must be getting emptied
// and re-rendered or something
let uppyFilesDiv = document.querySelector(".uppy-Dashboard-progressindicators");
if (uppyFilesDiv) {
uppyFilesDiv.insertBefore(batchSelectDiv, uppyFilesDiv.firstChild);
install() {
this.uppy.on("file-added", (file) => {
// add default meta data for genome and fileType
this.uppy.setFileMeta(file.id, {"genome": defaultDb(), "fileType": detectFileType(file.name), "parentDir": uiState.hubNameDefault});
if (this.uppy.getFiles().length > 1) {
} else {
// only open the file editor when there is one file
const dash = uppy.getPlugin("Dashboard");
dash.toggleFileCard(true, file.id);
this.uppy.on("file-removed", (file) => {
// remove the batch change selects if now <2 files present
if (this.uppy.getFiles().length < 2) {
this.uppy.on("dashboard:modal-open", () => {
// check if there were already files chosen from before:
if (this.uppy.getFiles().length > 2) {
if (this.uppy.getFiles().length < 2) {
this.uppy.on("dashboard:modal-closed", () => {
if (this.uppy.getFiles().length < 2) {
let allFiles = this.uppy.getFiles();
let completeFiles = this.uppy.getFiles().filter((f) => f.progress.uploadComplete === true);
if (allFiles.length === completeFiles.length) {
uninstall() {
// not really used because we aren't ever uninstalling the uppy instance
let uppyOptions = {
trigger: ".uploadButton",
showProgressDetails: true,
note: "The UCSC Genome Browser is not a HIPAA compliant data store. Do not upload patient information or other sensitive data files here, as anyone with the URL can view them.",
meta: {"genome": null, "fileType": null},
restricted: {requiredMetaFields: ["genome"]},
closeModalOnClickOutside: true,
closeAfterFinish: true,
theme: 'auto',
metaFields: (file) => {
const fields = [{
id: 'name',
name: 'File name',
render: ({value, onChange, required, form}, h) => {
return h('input',
{type: "text",
value: value,
onChange: e => {
file.meta.fileType = detectFileType(e.target.value);
required: required,
form: form,
id: 'genome',
name: 'Genome',
render: ({value, onChange}, h) => {
return h('select', {
onChange: e => {
file.meta.genome = e.target.value;
makeGenomeSelectOptions().map( (genomeObj) => {
return h('option', {
value: genomeObj.value,
label: genomeObj.label,
selected: file.meta.genome !== null ? genomeObj.value === file.meta.genome : genomeObj.value === defaultDb()
id: 'parentDir',
name: 'Hub Name',
render: ({value, onChange, required, form}, h) => {
return h('input',
{type: 'text',
value: value,
onChange: e => {
required: required,
form: form,
return fields;
doneButtonHandler: function() {
let tusOptions = {
endpoint: getTusdEndpoint(),
withCredentials: true,
retryDelays: null,
uppy.use(Uppy.Dashboard, uppyOptions);
uppy.use(Uppy.Tus, tusOptions);
uppy.use(BatchChangePlugin, {target: Uppy.Dashboard});
uppy.on('upload-success', (file, response) => {
const metadata = file.meta;
const d = new Date(metadata.lastModified);
const now = new Date(Date.now());
newReqObj = {
"fileName": metadata.fileName,
"fileSize": metadata.fileSize,
"fileType": metadata.fileType,
"genome": metadata.genome,
"parentDir": metadata.parentDir,
"lastModified": d.toLocaleString(),
"uploadTime": now.toLocaleString(),
"fullPath": metadata.parentDir + "/" + metadata.fileName,
// from what I can tell, any response we would create in the pre-finish hook
// is completely ignored for some reason, so we have to fake the other files
// we would have created with this one file and add them to the table if they
// weren't already there:
hubTxtObj = {
"uploadTime": now.toLocaleString(),
"lastModified": d.toLocaleString(),
"fileName": "hub.txt",
"fileSize": 0,
"fileType": "hub.txt",
"genome": metadata.genome,
"parentDir": metadata.parentDir,
"fullPath": metadata.parentDir + "/hub.txt",
parentDirObj = {
"uploadTime": now.toLocaleString(),
"lastModified": d.toLocaleString(),
"fileName": metadata.parentDir,
"fileSize": 0,
"fileType": "dir",
"genome": metadata.genome,
"parentDir": "",
"fullPath": metadata.parentDir + "/",
// package the three objects together as one "hub" and display it
let hub = [parentDirObj, hubTxtObj, newReqObj];
uppy.on('complete', (result) => {
history.replaceState(uiState, "", document.location.href);
console.log("replace history with uiState");
return { init: init,
uiState: uiState,