  Mon Mar 3 09:47:13 2025 -0800
Initial commit of heatmap code for bigBeds, still plenty to do, refs #31812

diff --git src/hg/hgTracks/heatmap.h src/hg/hgTracks/heatmap.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..39b8bd15f1c
--- /dev/null
+++ src/hg/hgTracks/heatmap.h
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+/* heatmap - Routines for taking heatmap data in a bigBed and displaying it
+ * in the browser.  The format has its own .as file, just not a distinct track
+ * type, and a number of extra fields are required.  Columns in the heatmap
+ * correspond to exons in the bigBed.
+ */
+struct heatmap
+    {
+    struct heatmap *next;
+    char *label;
+    int rows, cols;  // number of rows and columns
+    double rowHeight, colWidth; // extent of a row or column in pixels; might be fractional
+    int *rowStarts, *rowSizes;  // dimensions in pixels
+    int *colStarts, *colSizes;  // dimensions in pixels
+    char **rowLabels;
+    char **colLabels; // not used at present, maybe later
+    char **scores;
+    char *special;
+    char **itemLabels;
+    boolean *isNA; // override for the scores table when a value was set to NA.  Consider defaulting to True
+    double highCap; // scores at or above this level are saturated in the heatmap
+    double lowCap; // scores at or below this level are saturated in the heatmap
+    double midPoint; // the score where we transition from the low spectrum to the high spectrum
+    struct rgbColor *lowColor, *midColor, *highColor;
+    Color *lowSpectrum;
+    Color *highSpectrum;
+    };
+struct heatmap *heatmapNew(int rows, int cols);
+/* Allocate a new heatmap structure and return it */
+void heatmapSetDrawSizes(struct heatmap *h, double rowHeight, double colWidth);
+/* Update the expected cell height and width in pixels for the heatmap */
+void heatmapAssignRowLabels(struct heatmap *h, char **rowLabels);
+/* Planned abstraction for assigning row labels in a heatmap */
+void heatmapAssignColumnLabels(struct heatmap *h, char **rowLabels);
+/* Planned abstraction for assigning column labels in a heatmap */
+struct heatmap *heatmapFromLF(struct track *tg, struct linkedFeatures *lf);
+/* This takes a linkedFeatures structure from a bigBed and builds a heatmap out
+ * of it.  In the current setup, the heatmap values and labels are each stored
+ * in a 1-D comma-separated matrix that we convert to a 2-D matrix using
+ * row-major ordering.
+ * The column count is the number of exons in the LF structure; the number of
+ * rows is in an extra field.  The full type definition is in hg/lib/
+ */
+void heatmapDrawItemAt(struct track *tg, void *item, struct hvGfx *hvg,
+                         int x, int y, double scale, MgFont *font,
+                         Color color, enum trackVisibility vis);
+void heatmapMakeSpectrum(struct heatmap *h, struct hvGfx *hvg, double lowScore, struct rgbColor *lowColor,
+        double midPoint, struct rgbColor *midColor, double highScore, struct rgbColor *highColor);
+/* Take high, low, and midpoints and associated colors, and create two spectrums (one for low scores, one for high)
+ * that can be used to shade cells in the heatmap.
+ */
+int heatmapItemRowCount(struct track *tg, void *item);
+/* This returns the number of rows in a spaceSaver structure that this heatmap will
+ * occupy.  This is expected to be the number of rows in the heatmap plus 1.  The
+ * extra row is for the item label for the heatmap, since the space to the left is
+ * already occupied by the row labels.
+ */
+void heatmapMethods(struct track *tg);
+/* This is intended to be invoked after commonBigBedMethods has already been applied to a track (really,
+ * it's only expected to be invoked as part of bigBedMethods).
+ * Cribbed from messageLineMethods, which also needs to check vis early on to decide what to do.
+ * Here, we only want to set up to draw heatmaps if we're not in dense mode.
+ */