  Sat Mar 8 09:53:13 2025 -0800
Ammending Scripps to Scripps/Broad per Catharina request in email

diff --git src/hg/cirm/gateway/htdocs/sspsygeneTimeline.html src/hg/cirm/gateway/htdocs/sspsygeneTimeline.html
index 4228c0d5030..5c78b491931 100755
--- src/hg/cirm/gateway/htdocs/sspsygeneTimeline.html
+++ src/hg/cirm/gateway/htdocs/sspsygeneTimeline.html
@@ -218,46 +218,52 @@
         Submit 5 TB of optical electrophysiology data : crit,  IVt13, after IVt12, 3w
         Submit 5 TB of optical electrophysiology data : crit,  IVt14, 2026-03-15,3w
         Submit 5 TB of optical electrophysiology data : crit,  IVt15, 2027-03-15,3w
         section Aim 3
         Perform census-seq screen of 40 line village RNA-seq : IVt16, 2024-04-01,52w
         Submit census-seq RNA-seq profiles : crit, IVt16b, after IVt16, 3w
         Submit 2 TB of morphology imaging : crit, IVt17, 2026-03-15,3w
         Submit 2 TB of optical ephys : crit, IVt18, 2026-03-15,3w
         Submit 2 TB of morphology imaging : crit, IVt19, 2027-03-15,3w
         Submit 2 TB of optical ephys : crit, IVt20, 2027-03-15,3w
+    <a name="ADGC5"></a>
     <!-- Start of ADGC5 Henry Gantt Chart-->
-  <div class="cirm-page-title back-light-blue"><h5 class="cirm-page-title-text">ADGC5 Scripps timeline</h5></div>
+  <div class="cirm-page-title back-light-blue"><h5 class="cirm-page-title-text">ADGC5 Scripps/Broad timeline</h5></div>
   <div class="row">
     <div class="col-md-12">
       <pre class="mermaid">
         dateFormat  YYYY-MM-DD
         axisFormat  %Y-Q%q
-        title       ADGC5  Scripps
+        title       ADGC5  Scripps/Broad
         section Grant Year
         Start Grant Year 2     :milestone, m1, 2024-03-31, 0d
         Start Grant Year 3     :milestone, m1, 2025-03-31, 0d
         Start Grant Year 4     :milestone, m1, 2026-03-31, 0d
         Start Grant Year 5     :milestone, m1, 2027-04-01, 0d
+        section Scripps Reporting Year
+        End Scripps/Broad Reporting Year 1     :milestone, m1, 2025-03-31, 0d
+        End Scripps/Broad Reporting Year 2      :milestone, m1, 2026-03-31, 0d
+        End Scripps/Broad Reporting Year 3      :milestone, m1, 2027-04-01, 0d
         section Aim 1
         Refine AAV-based Perturb-seq, test v1 and v2, assess data quality, finalize method :  Vt1, 2024-09-01,2025-04-01
         Design gRNAs and generate vectors for Perturb-seq :  Vt2, 2024-09-01,2025-04-01
         Choose single cell technology; test, validate with finalized Perturb-seq method :  Vt3, 2024-09-01,2025-04-01
         Test gRNA efficacy in vitro; nominate final perturbation vectors to be used :  Vt4, 2024-09-01,2025-04-01
         Discuss within and across ADGC groups to choose genes to target among list of 259 genes; finalize gene selection for this project :  Vt5, 2024-09-01,2025-04-01
         Generate multiomics data for 50 genes in 1 brain region at 1 time point :  V_Y2t1, 2025-04-01,52w
         Submit L0/L1 data to DRACC (Restricted) ~175 FASTQ for ~75TB overall : crit, V_Y2t2, 2025-04-01,52w
         section Aim 2
         Refine brain clearing experiments (1) test CUBIC method and assess data quality :  Vt6, 2024-09-01,2025-04-01
         Refine brain clearing experiments (2) test LifeCanvas (CLARITY) method and assess data quality :  Vt7, 2024-09-01,2025-04-01
         Establish data analysis pipeline through semi-automatic image tracing and segmentation :  Vt8, 2024-09-01,2025-04-01
         Establish approaches to integrate single-cell omic data with spatial morphometric data :  Vt9, 2024-09-01,2025-04-01