  Wed Mar 5 10:05:48 2025 -0800
Explicitly add the db= parameter to calls to navigateInPlace() to prevent weird to the user bugs when multiple tabs are open. This is just a quick fix to prevent unwanted behavior while we figure out the multiple tabs = can still be one hgsid problem, refs #35199

diff --git src/hg/js/hgTracks.js src/hg/js/hgTracks.js
index 8c70a2e9205..8ac4b39491b 100644
--- src/hg/js/hgTracks.js
+++ src/hg/js/hgTracks.js
@@ -1234,31 +1234,31 @@
                 closeOnEscape: true,
                 resizable: false,
                 autoOpen: false,
                 revertToOriginalPos: true,
                 minWidth: 550,
                 buttons: {  
                     "Zoom In": function() {
                         // Zoom to selection
                         $(this).dialog("option", "revertToOriginalPos", false);
                         if ($("#disableDragHighlight").prop('checked'))
                             hgTracks.enableHighlightingDialog = false;
                         if (imageV2.inPlaceUpdate) {
                             if (hgTracks.virtualSingleChrom && (newPosition.search("multi:")===0)) {
                                 newPosition = genomePos.disguisePosition(newPosition); // DISGUISE
-                            var params = "position=" + newPosition;
+                            var params = "db=" + getDb() + "&position=" + newPosition;
                             if (!hgTracks.enableHighlightingDialog)
                                 params += "&enableHighlightingDialog=0";
                             imageV2.navigateInPlace(params, null, true);
                         } else {
                             $('body').css('cursor', 'wait');
                             if (!hgTracks.enableHighlightingDialog)
                                 cart.setVarsObj({'enableHighlightingDialog': 0 },null,false); // async=false
                     "Single Highlight": function() {
                         // Clear old highlight and Highlight selection
                         if ($("#disableDragHighlight").prop('checked'))
@@ -1334,31 +1334,31 @@
                 if (event.altKey) {
                     // with the alt-key, only highlight the region, do not zoom
                     dragSelect.highlightThisRegion(newPosition, true);
                 } else {
                     if (hgTracks.enableHighlightingDialog && !(event.metaKey || event.ctrlKey))
                         // don't show the dialog if: clicked on ruler, if dialog deactivated or meta/ctrl was pressed
                     else {
                         // in every other case, show the dialog
                         if (imageV2.inPlaceUpdate) {
                             if (hgTracks.virtualSingleChrom && (newPosition.search("multi:")===0)) {
                                 newPosition = genomePos.disguisePosition(newPosition); // DISGUISE
-                            imageV2.navigateInPlace("position=" + newPosition, null, true);
+                            imageV2.navigateInPlace("db=" + getDb() + "&position=" + newPosition, null, true);
                         } else {
                             jQuery('body').css('cursor', 'wait');
             } else {
             dragSelect.startTime = null;
             // blockMapClicks/allowMapClicks() is necessary if selectEnd was over a map item.
             return true;
@@ -1541,31 +1541,31 @@
                     selRange = rangeNormalizeToChrom(selRange,chr);
                     if (mouseHasMoved === false) { // Update highlight by converting bp back to pix
                         pxDown = convertFromBases(selRange.beg);
                         pxUp = convertFromBases(selRange.end);
                     //if ((selRange.end - selRange.beg) < 50000)
                     //    dontAsk = true;
                     if (dontAsk
                     || confirm("Jump to new position:\n\n"+chr.name+":"+commify(selRange.beg)+
                                "-"+commify(selRange.end)+" size:"+commify(selRange.width)) ) {
                         genomePos.setByCoordinates(chr.name, selRange.beg, selRange.end);
                         // Stop the presses :0)
                         $('area.cytoBand').on("mousedown",  function(e) { return false; });
                         if (imageV2.backSupport) {
-                            imageV2.navigateInPlace("position=" +  
+                            imageV2.navigateInPlace("db=" + getDb() + "&position=" +
                                     encodeURIComponent(genomePos.get().replace(/,/g,'')) + 
                         } else
                         return true; // Make sure the setTimeout below is not called.
         mouseIsDown = false;
         mouseHasMoved = false;
@@ -1900,31 +1900,31 @@
                 beyondImage = false;
                 if (savedPosition)
                 var oldPos = prevX.toString() + "px";
                 $(".panImg").css( {'left': oldPos });
                 $('.tdData').css( {'backgroundPosition': oldPos } );
                 if (highlightAreas)
                 return true;
             // Do we need to fetch anything?
             if (beyondImage) {
                 if (imageV2.inPlaceUpdate) {
                     var pos = parsePosition(genomePos.get());
-                    imageV2.navigateInPlace("position=" +
+                    imageV2.navigateInPlace("db=" + getDb() + "&position=" +
                             encodeURIComponent(pos.chrom + ":" + pos.start + "-" + pos.end),
                             null, true);
                 } else {
                 return true; // Make sure the setTimeout below is not called.
             // Just a normal scroll within a >1X image
             if (prevX !== newX) {
                 prevX = newX;
                 if (!only1xScrolling) {
                     //panAdjustHeight(newX); // Will resize image AFTER scrolling.
                     // Important, since AJAX could lead to reinit after this within bounds scroll
                     hgTracks.imgBoxPortalOffsetX = (prevX * -1) - hgTracks.imgBoxLeftLabel;
@@ -2261,31 +2261,31 @@
         return null;
     windowOpenFailedMsg: function ()
         warn("Your web browser prevented us from opening a new window.\n\n" +
              "Please change your browser settings to allow pop-up windows from " +
              document.domain + ".");
     handleZoomCodon: function (response, status)
         var json = JSON.parse(response);
         if (json.pos) {
-            imageV2.navigateInPlace("position="+json.pos);
+            imageV2.navigateInPlace("db=" + getDb() + "&position="+json.pos);
         } else {
     handleViewImg: function (response, status)
     {   // handles view image response, which must get new image without imageV2 gimmickery
         jQuery('body').css('cursor', '');
         var str = "<IMG[^>]*SRC='([^']+)'";
         var reg = new RegExp(str);
         var a = reg.exec(response);
         if (a && a[1]) {
             if ( ! window.open(a[1]) ) {
@@ -2648,31 +2648,31 @@
         } else if (cmd === 'jumpToHighlight') { // If highlight exists for this assembly, jump to it
             if (hgTracks.highlight && rightClick.clickedHighlightIdx!==null) {
                 var newPos = getHighlight(hgTracks.highlight, rightClick.clickedHighlightIdx);
                 if (newPos && newPos.db === getDb()) {
                     if ( $('#highlightItem').length === 0) { // not visible? jump to it
                         var curPos = parsePosition(genomePos.get());
                         var diff = ((curPos.end - curPos.start) - (newPos.end - newPos.start));
                         if (diff > 0) { // new position is smaller then current, then center it
                             newPos.start = Math.max( Math.floor(newPos.start - (diff/2) ), 0 );
                             newPos.end   = newPos.start + (curPos.end - curPos.start);
                     if (imageV2.inPlaceUpdate) {
-                        var params = "position=" + newPos.chrom+':'+newPos.start+'-'+newPos.end;
+                        var params = "db=" + getDb() + "&position=" + newPos.chrom+':'+newPos.start+'-'+newPos.end;
                         imageV2.navigateInPlace(params, null, true);
                     } else {
                         genomePos.setByCoordinates(newPos.chrom, newPos.start, newPos.end);
                         jQuery('body').css('cursor', 'wait');
         } else if (cmd === 'removeHighlight') {
             var highlights = hgTracks.highlight.split("|");
             highlights.splice(rightClick.clickedHighlightIdx, 1); // splice = remove element from array
             hgTracks.highlight = highlights.join("|");
             cart.setVarsObj({'highlight' : hgTracks.highlight});
@@ -3795,31 +3795,31 @@
     return false;
 // A function for the keyboard shortcuts "zoom to x bp"
 function zoomTo(zoomSize) {
     var flankSize = Math.floor(zoomSize/2);
     var posStr = genomePos.get();
     posStr = posStr.replace("virt:", "multi:");
     var pos = parsePosition(posStr);
     var mid = pos.start+(Math.floor((pos.end-pos.start)/2));
     var newStart = Math.max(mid - flankSize, 0);
     var newEnd = mid + flankSize - 1;
     var newPos = genomePos.setByCoordinates(pos.chrom, newStart, newEnd);
     if (hgTracks.virtualSingleChrom && (newPos.search("multi:")===0))
         newPos = genomePos.disguisePosition(newPosition); // DISGUISE?
-    imageV2.navigateInPlace("position="+newPos, null, true);
+    imageV2.navigateInPlace("db=" + getDb() + "&position="+newPos, null, true);
 // A function for the keyboard shortcuts "highlight add/clear/new"
 function highlightCurrentPosition(mode) {
     var pos = genomePos.get();
     if (mode=="new")
         dragSelect.highlightThisRegion(pos, false);
     else if (mode=="add")
         dragSelect.highlightThisRegion(pos, true);
     else {
         hgTracks.highlight = "";
         var cartSettings = {'highlight': ""};
@@ -4632,60 +4632,63 @@
     navigateButtonClick: function (ele) // called from hgTracks.c
     {   // code to update just the imgTbl in response to navigation buttons (zoom-out etc.).
         if (imageV2.inPlaceUpdate) {
             var params = ele.name + "=" + ele.value;
             $(ele).prop('disabled', 'disabled');
             // dinking navigation needs additional data
             if (ele.name === "hgt.dinkLL" || ele.name === "hgt.dinkLR") {
                 params += "&dinkL=" + $("input[name='dinkL']").val();
             } else if (ele.name === "hgt.dinkRL" || ele.name === "hgt.dinkRR") {
                 params += "&dinkR=" + $("input[name='dinkR']").val();
+            if (ele.name !== "db") {
+                params += "&db=" + getDb();
+            }
             imageV2.navigateInPlace(params, $(ele), false);
             return false;
         } else {
             return true;
     updateButtonClick: function (ele) // UNUSED?
     {   // code to update the imgTbl based on changes in the track controls.
         // This is currently experimental code and is dead in the main branch.
         if (imageV2.mapIsUpdateable) {
             var data = "";
             $("select").each(function(index, o) {
                 var cmd = $(this).val();
                 if (cmd === "hide") {
                     if (hgTracks.trackDb[this.name]) {
                         alert("Need to implement hide");
                 } else {
                     if ( ! hgTracks.trackDb[this.name]
                     ||  cmd !== vis.enumOrder[hgTracks.trackDb[this.name].visibility]) {
                         if (data.length > 0) {
                             data = data + "&";
                         data = data + this.name + "=" + cmd;
             if (data.length > 0) {
-                imageV2.navigateInPlace(data, null, false);
+                imageV2.navigateInPlace("db=" + getDb() + "&" + data, null, false);
             return false;
         } else {
             return true;
     navigateInPlace: function (params, disabledEle, keepCurrentTrackVisible)
     {   // request an hgTracks image, using params
         // disabledEle is optional; this element will be enabled when update is complete
         // If keepCurrentTrackVisible is true, we try to maintain relative position of the item
         // under the mouse after the in-place update.
         // Tim thinks we should consider disabling all UI input while we are doing in-place update.
         // TODO: waitOnFuction?
@@ -4846,79 +4849,79 @@
         // every-time the back button is pressed, all track settings should persist (not go back).
         // What will occasionally fail is vis box state and group expansion state. This is because
         // the back-button goes to a browser cached page and then the image alone is updated.
         imageV2.history = window.History;
         // The 'statechange' function triggerd by the back-button.
         // Whenever the position changes, then use ajax-update to refetch the position
         imageV2.history.Adapter._bind(window, 'statechange',function(){
             var prevDbPos = imageV2.history.getState().data.lastDbPos;
             var prevPos = imageV2.history.getState().data.position;
             var curDbPos = hgTracks.lastDbPos;
             if (prevDbPos && prevDbPos !== curDbPos) {
                 // NOTE: this function is NOT called when backing past a full retrieval boundary
-                imageV2.navigateInPlace("" + prevDbPos, null, false);
+                imageV2.navigateInPlace("db=" + getDb() + "&" + prevDbPos, null, false);
         // With history support it is best that most position changes will ajax-update the image
         // This ensures that the 'go' and 'refresh' button will do so unless the chrom changes.
         $("#goButton,input[value='refresh']").on("click", function () {
             var newPos = genomePos.get().replace(/,/g,'');
             if (newPos.length > 2000) {
                alert("Sorry, you cannot paste identifiers or sequences with more than 2000 characters into this box.");
                return false;
             var newDbPos = hgTracks.lastDbPos;
             if ( ! imageV2.manyTracks() ) {
                 var newChrom = newPos.split(':')[0];
                 var oldChrom  = genomePos.getOriginalPos().split(':')[0];
                 if (newChrom === oldChrom) {
-                    imageV2.navigateInPlace("position=" + encodeURIComponent(newPos), null, false);
+                    imageV2.navigateInPlace("db=" + getDb() + "&position=" + encodeURIComponent(newPos), null, false);
                     return false;
             // If not just image update AND there are vis updates waiting...
             if (cart.updatesWaiting()) {
                 var url = "../cgi-bin/hgTracks?position=" + newPos + "&" + cart.varsToUrlData({ 'db': getDb(), 'hgsid': getHgsid() });
                 return false;
             // redirect to hgBlat if the input looks like a DNA sequence
             // minimum length=19 so we do not accidentally redirect to hgBlat for a gene identifier 
             // like ATG5
             var dnaRe = new RegExp("^(>[^\n\r ]+[\n\r ]+)?(\\s*[actgnACTGN \n\r]{19,}\\s*)$");
             if (dnaRe.test(newPos)) {
                 var blatUrl = "hgBlat?type=BLAT%27s+guess&userSeq="+newPos;
                 window.location.href = blatUrl;
                 return false;
             // helper functions for checking whether a plain chrom name was searched for
             term = encodeURIComponent(genomePos.get().replace(/^[\s]*/,'').replace(/[\s]*$/,''));
             function onSuccess(jqXHR, textStatus) {
                 if (jqXHR.chromName !== null) {
-                    imageV2.navigateInPlace("position=" + encodeURIComponent(newPos), null, false);
+                    imageV2.navigateInPlace("db=" + getDb() + "&position=" + encodeURIComponent(newPos), null, false);
                 } else  {
                     window.location.assign("../cgi-bin/hgSearch?search=" + term  + "&hgsid="+ getHgsid());
             function onFail(jqXHR, textStatus) {
                 window.location.assign("../cgi-bin/hgSearch?search=" + term  + "&hgsid="+ getHgsid());
             // redirect to search disambiguation page if it looks like we didn't enter a regular position:
             var canonMatch = newPos.match(canonicalRangeExp);
             var gbrowserMatch = newPos.match(gbrowserRangeExp);
             var lengthMatch = newPos.match(lengthRangeExp);
             var bedMatch = newPos.match(bedRangeExp);
             var sqlMatch = newPos.match(sqlRangeExp);