  Tue Mar 4 11:13:56 2025 -0800
Bump up DataTables javascript library versions to fix layout bug when initializing a table but not displaying it yet, like we do in the hub upload tab on hgHubConnect, refs #31058

diff --git src/hg/hgHubConnect/trackHubWizard.c src/hg/hgHubConnect/trackHubWizard.c
index 316199d6975..bd1eb5d2176 100644
--- src/hg/hgHubConnect/trackHubWizard.c
+++ src/hg/hgHubConnect/trackHubWizard.c
@@ -1,257 +1,257 @@
 /* trackHubWizard -- a user interface for creating a track hubs configuration files */
 /* Copyright (C) 2019 The Regents of the University of California
  * See kent/LICENSE or for licensing information. */
 #include "common.h"
 #include "cart.h"
 #include "cheapcgi.h"
 #include "hdb.h"
 #include "hgConfig.h"
 #include "md5.h"
 #include "trashDir.h"
 #include "hgHubConnect.h"
 #include "jsHelper.h"
 #include "web.h"
 #include "wikiLink.h"
 #include "customTrack.h"
 #include "userdata.h"
 #include "jsonWrite.h"
 #include "cartJson.h"
 #include "hubSpace.h"
 #include "hubSpaceKeys.h"
 #include "hubConnect.h"
 #include "trackHub.h"
 #include "htmshell.h"
 void removeOneFile(char *userName, char *cgiFileName, char *fullPath, char *db, char *fileType)
 /* Remove one single file for userName */
 // prefixUserFile returns a canonicalized path, or NULL if the
 // canonicalized path does not begin with the hg.conf specified userDataDir
 // TODO: make the debug information from stderr go to stdout so the user
 // can know there is a mistake somewhere, and only print the debug
 // information in the event that the filename actually begins with the
 // userDataDir so we don't tell hackers what files do and do not exist
 char *fileName = prefixUserFile(userName, fullPath, NULL);
 if (fileName)
     if (fileExists(fileName))
         fprintf(stderr, "deleting file: '%s'\n", fileName);
         removeFileForUser(fileName, userName);
         fprintf(stderr, "file '%s' does not exist\n", fileName);
 int pathDepth(char *path)
 return countChars(path, '/');
 int sortByFullPathCmp(const void *va, const void *vb)
 /* Compare two fullPaths */
 struct jsonElement *a = (struct jsonElement *)(*(struct slRef **)va)->val;
 struct jsonElement *b = (struct jsonElement *)(*(struct slRef **)vb)->val;
 char *aFullpath = jsonStringField(a, "fullPath");
 char *bFullpath = jsonStringField(b, "fullPath");
 int aDepth = pathDepth(aFullpath);
 int bDepth = pathDepth(bFullpath);
 // ensure subdirectories order before their parents:
 if (aDepth != bDepth)
     return bDepth - aDepth;
 // if equal depth than lexicographic sort is fine
 return strcmp(jsonStringField(a,"fullPath"), jsonStringField(b, "fullPath"));
 void sortByFullPath(struct jsonElement *listJson)
 slSort(&(listJson->val.jeList), sortByFullPathCmp);
 void doRemoveFile(struct cartJson *cj, struct hash *paramHash)
 /* Process the request to remove a file */
 char *userName = getUserName();
 if (userName)
     // our array of objects, each object represents a track file
     struct jsonElement *deleteJson = hashFindVal(paramHash, "fileList");
     struct slRef *copy, *f, *fileList = deleteJson->val.jeList;
     struct jsonElement *dirListJsonEle = newJsonList(NULL);
     jsonWriteListStart(cj->jw, "deletedList");
     for (f = fileList; f != NULL; )
         struct jsonElement *fileObj = (struct jsonElement *)f->val;
         char *fileName = jsonStringField(fileObj, "fileName");
         char *fileType = jsonStringField(fileObj, "fileType");
         char *db = jsonStringField(fileObj, "genome");
         char *fullPath = jsonStringField(fileObj, "fullPath");
         copy = f->next;
         if (sameString(fileType, "dir"))
             f->next = NULL;
             jsonListAdd(dirListJsonEle, fileObj);
             if (sameString(fileType, "hub.txt"))
                 // disconnect this hub from the cart if it exists
                 char *hubUrl = urlForFile(userName, fullPath);
                 char *hubId = hubNameFromUrl(hubUrl);
                 if (hubId)
                     /* remove the cart variable */
                     hubId += 4; // skip past the hub_ part
                     char buffer[1024];
                     safef(buffer, sizeof buffer, "hgHubConnect.hub.%s", hubId);
                     cartRemove(cj->cart, buffer);
             removeOneFile(userName, fileName, fullPath, db, fileType);
             // write out the fullPath so the DataTable can remove the correct row:
             jsonWriteString(cj->jw, NULL, fullPath);
         f = copy;
     // now attempt to delete any requested directories, but don't die if they still have contents
     struct slRef *dir = NULL;
     for (dir = dirListJsonEle->val.jeList; dir != NULL; dir = dir->next)
         struct jsonElement *fileObj = (struct jsonElement *)dir->val;
         char *fileName = jsonStringField(fileObj, "fileName");
         char *fileType = jsonStringField(fileObj, "fileType");
         char *db = jsonStringField(fileObj, "genome");
         char *fullPath = jsonStringField(fileObj, "fullPath");
         removeOneFile(userName, fileName, fullPath, db, fileType);
         // write out the fullPath so the DataTable can remove the correct row:
         jsonWriteString(cj->jw, NULL, fullPath);
 void doMoveFile(struct cartJson *cj, struct hash *paramHash)
 /* Move a file to a new hub */
 static void outUiDataForUser(struct jsonWrite *jw)
 /* List out the currently stored files for the user as well as other data
  * needed to create the hubSpace table */
 char *userName = getUserName();
 jsonWriteObjectStart(jw, "userFiles");
 if (userName)
     // the url for this user:
     jsonWriteString(jw, "userUrl", webDataDir(userName));
     jsonWriteListStart(jw, "fileList");
     struct hubSpace *file, *fileList = listFilesForUser(userName);
     for (file = fileList; file != NULL; file = file->next)
         jsonWriteObjectStart(jw, NULL);
         jsonWriteString(jw, "fileName", file->fileName);
         jsonWriteNumber(jw, "fileSize", file->fileSize);
         jsonWriteString(jw, "fileType", file->fileType);
         jsonWriteString(jw, "parentDir", file->parentDir);
         jsonWriteString(jw, "genome", file->db);
         jsonWriteString(jw, "lastModified", file->lastModified);
         jsonWriteString(jw, "uploadTime", file->creationTime);
         jsonWriteString(jw, "fullPath", stripDataDir(file->location, userName));
         jsonWriteString(jw, "md5sum", file->md5sum);
 jsonWriteBoolean(jw, "isLoggedIn", getUserName() ? TRUE : FALSE);
 jsonWriteString(jw, "hubNameDefault", defaultHubNameForUser(getUserName()));
 // if the user is not logged, the 0 for the quota is ignored
 jsonWriteNumber(jw, "userQuota", getUserName() ? checkUserQuota(getUserName()) : 0);
 jsonWriteNumber(jw, "maxQuota", getUserName() ? getMaxUserQuota(getUserName()) : HUB_SPACE_DEFAULT_QUOTA);
 void getHubSpaceUIState(struct cartJson *cj, struct hash *paramHash)
 /* Get all the data we need to make a users hubSpace UI table. The cartJson library
  * deals with printing the json */
 void doTrackHubWizard(char *database)
 /* Offer an upload form so users can upload all their hub files */
 jsIncludeFile("utils.js", NULL);
 jsIncludeFile("ajax.js", NULL);
 jsIncludeFile("lodash.3.10.0.compat.min.js", NULL);
 jsIncludeFile("cart.js", NULL);
 puts("<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"\">\n");
 puts("<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" "
-    "href=\"\">\n");
+    "href=\"\">\n");
 puts("<script type=\"text/javascript\" "
-    "src=\"\"></script>");
+    "src=\"\"></script>");
 puts("<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" "
-    "href=\"\">\n");
+    "href=\"\">\n");
 puts("<script type=\"text/javascript\" "
-    "src=\"\"></script>");
+    "src=\"\"></script>");
 puts("<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" "
-    "href=\"\">\n");
+    "href=\"\">\n");
 puts("<script type=\"text/javascript\" "
-    "src=\"\"></script>");
+    "src=\"\"></script>");
 puts("<link href=\"\" rel=\"stylesheet\">");
 puts("<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"\"></script>");
 jsIncludeFile("hgMyData.js", NULL);
 // the skeleton HTML:
 // get the current files and vars stored for this user
 struct jsonWrite *jw = jsonWriteNew();
 jsInlineF("\nvar uiData = {%s}\n", jw->dy->string);
 jsInlineF("\nvar cartDb=\"%s %s\";\n", trackHubSkipHubName(hGenome(database)), database);
 jsInlineF("\nvar tusdEndpoint=\"%s\";\n", cfgOptionDefault("hubSpaceTusdEndpoint", NULL));
 jsInline("$(document).ready(function() {\nhubCreate.init();\n})");
 void revokeApiKey(struct cartJson *cj, struct hash *paramHash)
 /* Remove any api keys for the user */
 char *userName = getUserName();
 struct sqlConnection *conn = hConnectCentral();
 struct dyString *query = sqlDyStringCreate("delete from %s where userName='%s'", HUBSPACE_AUTH_TABLE, userName);
 sqlUpdate(conn, dyStringCannibalize(&query));
 jsonWriteString(cj->jw, "revoke", "true");
 void generateApiKey(struct cartJson *cj, struct hash *paramHash)
 /* Make a random (but not crypto-secure api key for use of hubtools to upload to hubspace */
 char *userName = getUserName();
 if (!userName)
     jsonWriteString(cj->jw, "error", "generateApiKey: not logged in");
 char *apiKey = makeRandomKey(256); // just needs some arbitrary length
 // save this key to the database for this user, the 'on duplicate' part automatically revokes old keys
 struct sqlConnection *conn = hConnectCentral();
 struct dyString *query = sqlDyStringCreate("insert into %s values ('%s', '%s') on duplicate key update apiKey='%s'", HUBSPACE_AUTH_TABLE, userName, apiKey, apiKey);
 sqlUpdate(conn, dyStringCannibalize(&query));
 jsonWriteString(cj->jw, "apiKey", apiKey);