69d620fa14cf647c4f2dc45f82aedba7f51c27cd chmalee Mon Mar 3 15:06:42 2025 -0800 Allow hub tracks in hubApi /getData/track function, refs #34627 diff --git src/hg/hubApi/getData.c src/hg/hubApi/getData.c index 02b69b8d6da..b70c5bb415a 100644 --- src/hg/hubApi/getData.c +++ src/hg/hubApi/getData.c @@ -1,1000 +1,1006 @@ /* manage endpoint /getData/ functions */ #include "dataApi.h" static unsigned wigTableDataOutput(struct jsonWrite *jw, char *database, char *table, char *chrom, int start, int end, unsigned itemsDone) /* output wiggle data from the given table and specified chrom:start-end */ { struct wiggleDataStream *wds = wiggleDataStreamNew(); wds->setMaxOutput(wds, maxItemsOutput); wds->setChromConstraint(wds, chrom); wds->setPositionConstraint(wds, start, end); int operations = wigFetchAscii; (void) wds->getData(wds, database, table, operations); struct wigAsciiData *el; unsigned itemCount = 0; for (el = wds->ascii; (itemCount + itemsDone) < maxItemsOutput && el; el = el->next) { unsigned span = el->span; unsigned count = el->count; unsigned i = 0; struct asciiDatum *data = el->data; for ( ; (i < count) && ((itemCount + itemsDone) < maxItemsOutput); i++,data++) { int s = data->chromStart; int e = s + span; double val = data->value; if (jsonOutputArrays) { jsonWriteListStart(jw, NULL); jsonWriteNumber(jw, NULL, (long long)s); jsonWriteNumber(jw, NULL, (long long)e); jsonWriteDouble(jw, NULL, val); jsonWriteListEnd(jw); } else { jsonWriteObjectStart(jw, NULL); jsonWriteNumber(jw, "start", (long long)s); jsonWriteNumber(jw, "end", (long long)e); jsonWriteDouble(jw, "value", val); jsonWriteObjectEnd(jw); } ++itemCount; } } if ((itemCount + itemsDone) >= maxItemsOutput) reachedMaxItems = TRUE; return itemCount; } /* static unsigned wigTableDataOutput(struct jsonWrite *jw, ...) */ static void jsonDatumOut(struct jsonWrite *jw, char *name, char *val, int jsonType) /* output a json item, determine type, appropriate output, name can be NULL */ { if (JSON_DOUBLE == jsonType) jsonWriteDouble(jw, name, sqlDouble(val)); else if (JSON_NUMBER == jsonType) jsonWriteNumber(jw, name, sqlLongLong(val)); else jsonWriteString(jw, name, val); } static unsigned sqlQueryJsonOutput(struct sqlConnection *conn, struct jsonWrite *jw, char *query, int columnCount, char **columnNames, int *jsonTypes, unsigned itemsDone) /* with the SQL query set up, run through those selected items */ { struct sqlResult *sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query); char **row = NULL; unsigned itemCount = 0; while ((itemCount+itemsDone) < maxItemsOutput && (row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL) { int i = 0; if (jsonOutputArrays) { jsonWriteListStart(jw, NULL); for (i = 0; i < columnCount; ++i) jsonDatumOut(jw, NULL, row[i], jsonTypes[i]); jsonWriteListEnd(jw); } else { jsonWriteObjectStart(jw, NULL); for (i = 0; i < columnCount; ++i) jsonDatumOut(jw, columnNames[i], row[i], jsonTypes[i]); jsonWriteObjectEnd(jw); } ++itemCount; } sqlFreeResult(&sr); if ((itemCount + itemsDone) >= maxItemsOutput) reachedMaxItems = TRUE; return itemCount; } /* static unsigned sqlQueryJsonOutput(...) */ static void tableDataOutput(char *db, struct trackDb *tdb, struct sqlConnection *conn, struct jsonWrite *jw, char *track, char *chrom, unsigned start, unsigned end) /* output the SQL table data for given track */ { /* for MySQL select statements, name for 'chrom' 'start' 'end' to use * for a table which has different names than that */ char chromName[256]; char startName[256]; char endName[256]; /* defaults, normal stuff */ safef(chromName, sizeof(chromName), "chrom"); safef(startName, sizeof(startName), "chromStart"); safef(endName, sizeof(endName), "chromEnd"); /* 'track' name in trackDb often refers to a SQL 'table' */ char *sqlTable = cloneString(track); /* might have a specific table defined instead of the track name */ char *tableName = trackDbSetting(tdb, "table"); if (isNotEmpty(tableName)) { freeMem(sqlTable); sqlTable = cloneString(tableName); jsonWriteString(jw, "sqlTable", sqlTable); } /* to be determined if this name is used or changes */ char *splitSqlTable = cloneString(sqlTable); /* this function knows how to deal with split chromosomes, the NULL * here for the chrom name means to use the first chrom name in chromInfo */ struct hTableInfo *hti = hFindTableInfoWithConn(conn, NULL, sqlTable); if (debug && hti) { jsonWriteBoolean(jw, "isPos", hti->isPos); jsonWriteBoolean(jw, "isSplit", hti->isSplit); jsonWriteBoolean(jw, "hasBin", hti->hasBin); } /* check if table name needs to be modified */ if (hti && hti->isSplit) { if (isNotEmpty(chrom)) { char fullTableName[256]; safef(fullTableName, sizeof(fullTableName), "%s_%s", chrom, hti->rootName); freeMem(splitSqlTable); splitSqlTable = cloneString(fullTableName); if (debug) jsonWriteString(jw, "splitSqlTable", splitSqlTable); } else { char *defaultChrom = hDefaultChrom(db); char fullTableName[256]; safef(fullTableName, sizeof(fullTableName), "%s_%s", defaultChrom, hti->rootName); freeMem(splitSqlTable); splitSqlTable = cloneString(fullTableName); if (debug) jsonWriteString(jw, "splitSqlTable", splitSqlTable); } } /* determine name for 'chrom' in table select */ if (! sqlColumnExists(conn, splitSqlTable, "chrom")) { if (sqlColumnExists(conn, splitSqlTable, "tName")) // track type psl { safef(chromName, sizeof(chromName), "tName"); safef(startName, sizeof(startName), "tStart"); safef(endName, sizeof(endName), "tEnd"); } else if (sqlColumnExists(conn, splitSqlTable, "genoName"))// track type rmsk { safef(chromName, sizeof(chromName), "genoName"); safef(startName, sizeof(startName), "genoStart"); safef(endName, sizeof(endName), "genoEnd"); } } if (sqlColumnExists(conn, splitSqlTable, "txStart")) // track type genePred { safef(startName, sizeof(startName), "txStart"); safef(endName, sizeof(endName), "txEnd"); } struct dyString *query = dyStringNew(64); /* no chrom specified, return entire table */ if (isEmpty(chrom)) { /* this setup here is for the case of non-split tables, will later * determine if split, and then will go through each chrom */ sqlDyStringPrintf(query, "select * from %s", splitSqlTable); } else if (0 == (start + end)) /* have chrom, no start,end == full chr */ { if (! sqlColumnExists(conn, splitSqlTable, chromName)) apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "track '%s' is not a position track, request track without chrom specification, genome: '%s'", track, db); jsonWriteString(jw, "chrom", chrom); struct chromInfo *ci = hGetChromInfo(db, chrom); jsonWriteNumber(jw, "start", (long long)0); jsonWriteNumber(jw, "end", (long long)ci->size); if (tdb && isWiggleDataTable(tdb->type)) { if (jsonOutputArrays || debug) wigColumnTypes(jw); jsonWriteListStart(jw, chrom); itemsReturned += wigTableDataOutput(jw, db, splitSqlTable, chrom, 0, ci->size, 0); jsonWriteListEnd(jw); return; /* DONE */ } else { if (sqlColumnExists(conn, splitSqlTable, startName)) sqlDyStringPrintf(query, "select * from %s where %s='%s' order by %s", splitSqlTable, chromName, chrom, startName); else sqlDyStringPrintf(query, "select * from %s where %s='%s'", splitSqlTable, chromName, chrom); } } else /* fully specified chrom:start-end */ { if (! sqlColumnExists(conn, splitSqlTable, chromName)) apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "track '%s' is not a position track, request track without chrom and start,end specifications, genome: '%s'", track, db); jsonWriteString(jw, "chrom", chrom); if (tdb && isWiggleDataTable(tdb->type)) { if (jsonOutputArrays || debug) wigColumnTypes(jw); jsonWriteListStart(jw, chrom); itemsReturned += wigTableDataOutput(jw, db, splitSqlTable, chrom, start, end, 0); jsonWriteListEnd(jw); return; /* DONE */ } else { sqlDyStringPrintf(query, "select * from %s where ", splitSqlTable); if (sqlColumnExists(conn, splitSqlTable, startName)) { if (hti->hasBin) hAddBinToQuery(start, end, query); sqlDyStringPrintf(query, "%s='%s' AND %s > %u AND %s < %u ORDER BY %s", chromName, chrom, endName, start, startName, end, startName); } else apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "track '%s' is not a position track, request track without start,end specification, genome: '%s'", track, db); } } if (debug) jsonWriteString(jw, "select", query->string); /* continuing, could be wiggle output with no chrom specified */ char **columnNames = NULL; char **columnTypes = NULL; int *jsonTypes = NULL; struct asObject *as = asForTable(conn, splitSqlTable, tdb); if (! as) apiErrAbort(err500, err500Msg, "can not find schema definition for table '%s', genome: '%s'", splitSqlTable, db); struct asColumn *columnEl = as->columnList; int asColumnCount = slCount(columnEl); int columnCount = tableColumns(conn, splitSqlTable, &columnNames, &columnTypes, &jsonTypes); if (jsonOutputArrays || debug) { outputSchema(tdb, jw, columnNames, columnTypes, jsonTypes, hti, columnCount, asColumnCount, columnEl); } unsigned itemsDone = 0; /* empty chrom, needs to run through all chrom names */ if (isEmpty(chrom)) { jsonWriteObjectStart(jw, track); /* begin track data output */ char fullTableName[256]; struct chromInfo *ciList = createChromInfoList(NULL, db); slSort(ciList, chromInfoCmp); struct chromInfo *ci = ciList; for ( ; ci && itemsDone < maxItemsOutput; ci = ci->next ) { jsonWriteListStart(jw, ci->chrom); /* starting a chrom output */ dyStringFree(&query); query = dyStringNew(64); if (hti && hti->isSplit) /* when split, make up split chr name */ { safef(fullTableName, sizeof(fullTableName), "%s_%s", ci->chrom, hti->rootName); sqlDyStringPrintf(query, "select * from %s where %s='%s'", fullTableName, chromName, ci->chrom); } else sqlDyStringPrintf(query, "select * from %s where %s='%s'", splitSqlTable, chromName, ci->chrom); if (tdb && isWiggleDataTable(tdb->type)) itemsDone += wigTableDataOutput(jw, db, splitSqlTable, chrom, start, end, itemsDone); else itemsDone += sqlQueryJsonOutput(conn, jw, query->string, columnCount, columnNames, jsonTypes, itemsDone); jsonWriteListEnd(jw); /* chrom data output list end */ } if (itemsDone >= maxItemsOutput) reachedMaxItems = TRUE; jsonWriteObjectEnd(jw); /* end track data output */ itemsReturned += itemsDone; } else { /* a single chrom has been requested, run it */ jsonWriteListStart(jw, track); /* data output list starting */ itemsDone += sqlQueryJsonOutput(conn, jw, query->string, columnCount, columnNames, jsonTypes, itemsDone); jsonWriteListEnd(jw); /* data output list end */ itemsReturned += itemsDone; } if (reachedMaxItems) { downloadUrl = dyStringNew(128); dyStringPrintf(downloadUrl, "http://hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/%s/database/%s.txt.gz", db, splitSqlTable); } dyStringFree(&query); } /* static void tableDataOutput(char *db, struct trackDb *tdb, ... ) */ static unsigned bbiDataOutput(struct jsonWrite *jw, struct bbiFile *bbi, char *chrom, unsigned start, unsigned end, struct sqlFieldType *fiList, struct trackDb *tdb, unsigned itemsDone) /* output bed data for one chrom in the given bbi file */ { char *itemRgb = trackDbSetting(tdb, "itemRgb"); if (bbi->definedFieldCount > 8) itemRgb = "on"; int *jsonTypes = NULL; int columnCount = slCount(fiList); AllocArray(jsonTypes, columnCount); int i = 0; struct sqlFieldType *fi; for ( fi = fiList; fi; fi = fi->next) { if (itemRgb) { if (8 == i && sameWord("on", itemRgb)) jsonTypes[i++] = JSON_STRING; else jsonTypes[i++] = autoSqlToJsonType(fi->type); } else jsonTypes[i++] = autoSqlToJsonType(fi->type); } struct lm *bbLm = lmInit(0); struct bigBedInterval *iv, *ivList = NULL; ivList = bigBedIntervalQuery(bbi,chrom, start, end, 0, bbLm); char *row[bbi->fieldCount]; unsigned itemCount = 0; for (iv = ivList; itemCount < maxItemsOutput && iv; iv = iv->next) { char startBuf[16], endBuf[16]; bigBedIntervalToRow(iv, chrom, startBuf, endBuf, row, bbi->fieldCount); int i; struct sqlFieldType *fi = fiList; if (jsonOutputArrays) { jsonWriteListStart(jw, NULL); for (i = 0; i < bbi->fieldCount; ++i) jsonDatumOut(jw, NULL, row[i], jsonTypes[i]); jsonWriteListEnd(jw); } else { jsonWriteObjectStart(jw, NULL); for (i = 0; i < bbi->fieldCount; ++i, fi = fi->next) jsonDatumOut(jw, fi->name, row[i], jsonTypes[i]); jsonWriteObjectEnd(jw); } ++itemCount; } if (itemCount >= maxItemsOutput) reachedMaxItems = TRUE; lmCleanup(&bbLm); return itemCount; } /* static void bbiDataOutput(struct jsonWrite *jw, . . . ) */ static unsigned wigDataOutput(struct jsonWrite *jw, struct bbiFile *bwf, char *chrom, unsigned start, unsigned end) /* output wig data for one chrom in the given bwf file, return itemCount out */ { unsigned itemCount = 0; struct lm *lm = lmInit(0); struct bbiInterval *iv, *ivList = bigWigIntervalQuery(bwf, chrom, start, end, lm); if (NULL == ivList) return itemCount; jsonWriteListStart(jw, chrom); for (iv = ivList; iv && itemCount < maxItemsOutput; iv = iv->next) { int s = max(iv->start, start); int e = min(iv->end, end); double val = iv->val; if (jsonOutputArrays) { jsonWriteListStart(jw, NULL); jsonWriteNumber(jw, NULL, (long long)s); jsonWriteNumber(jw, NULL, (long long)e); jsonWriteDouble(jw, NULL, val); jsonWriteListEnd(jw); } else { jsonWriteObjectStart(jw, NULL); jsonWriteNumber(jw, "start", (long long)s); jsonWriteNumber(jw, "end", (long long)e); jsonWriteDouble(jw, "value", val); jsonWriteObjectEnd(jw); } ++itemCount; } jsonWriteListEnd(jw); if (itemCount >= maxItemsOutput) reachedMaxItems = TRUE; return itemCount; } /* static unsigned wigDataOutput(...) */ static void bigWigData(struct jsonWrite *jw, struct bbiFile *bwf, char *chrom, unsigned start, unsigned end) /* output the data for a bigWig bbi file */ { struct bbiChromInfo *chromList = NULL; unsigned itemsDone = 0; if (isEmpty(chrom)) { chromList = bbiChromList(bwf); struct bbiChromInfo *bci; for (bci = chromList; bci && (itemsDone < maxItemsOutput); bci = bci->next) { itemsDone += wigDataOutput(jw, bwf, bci->name, 0, bci->size); } if (itemsDone >= maxItemsOutput) reachedMaxItems = TRUE; } else itemsDone += wigDataOutput(jw, bwf, chrom, start, end); itemsReturned += itemsDone; } static void getHubTrackData(char *hubUrl) /* return data from a hub track, optionally just one chrom data, * optionally just one section of that chrom data */ { char *genome = cgiOptionalString("genome"); char *trackArg = cgiOptionalString("track"); char *start = cgiOptionalString("start"); char *end = cgiOptionalString("end"); if (isEmpty(genome)) apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "missing genome=<name> for endpoint '/getData/track' given hubUrl='%s'", hubUrl); if (isEmpty(trackArg)) apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "missing track=<name> for endpoint '/getData/track' given hubUrl='%s'", hubUrl); struct trackHub *hub = errCatchTrackHubOpen(hubUrl); struct trackHubGenome *hubGenome = findHubGenome(hub, genome, "/getData/track", hubUrl); hubAliasSetup(hubGenome); char *chrom = chrOrAlias(genome, hubUrl); struct trackDb *tdb = obtainTdb(hubGenome, NULL); if (NULL == tdb) apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "failed to find a track hub definition in genome=%s for endpoint '/getData/track' given hubUrl='%s'", genome, hubUrl); struct jsonWrite *jw = apiStartOutput(); jsonWriteString(jw, "hubUrl", hubUrl); jsonWriteString(jw, "genome", genome); // allow optional comma sep list of tracks char *tracks[100]; int numTracks = chopByChar(trackArg, ',', tracks, sizeof(tracks)); int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < numTracks; i++) { char *track = cloneString(tracks[i]); struct trackDb *thisTrack = findTrackDb(track, tdb); if (NULL == thisTrack) apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "failed to find specified track=%s in genome=%s for endpoint '/getData/track' given hubUrl='%s'", track, genome, hubUrl); if (trackHasNoData(thisTrack)) apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "container track '%s' does not contain data, use the children of this container for data access", track); if (! isSupportedType(thisTrack->type)) apiErrAbort(err415, err415Msg, "track type '%s' for track=%s not supported at this time", thisTrack->type, track); char *bigDataUrl = trackDbSetting(thisTrack, "bigDataUrl"); struct bbiFile *bbi = bigFileOpen(thisTrack->type, bigDataUrl); if (NULL == bbi) apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "track type %s management not implemented yet TBD track=%s in genome=%s for endpoint '/getData/track' given hubUrl='%s'", thisTrack->type, track, genome, hubUrl); unsigned chromSize = 0; struct bbiChromInfo *chromList = NULL; if (isNotEmpty(chrom)) { chromSize = bbiChromSize(bbi, chrom); if (0 == chromSize) apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "can not find specified chrom=%s in bigBed file URL '%s', track=%s genome=%s for endpoint '/getData/track' given hubUrl='%s'", chrom, bigDataUrl, track, genome, hubUrl); jsonWriteNumber(jw, "chromSize", (long long)chromSize); } else { chromList = bbiChromList(bbi); jsonWriteNumber(jw, "chromCount", (long long)slCount(chromList)); } unsigned uStart = 0; unsigned uEnd = chromSize; if ( ! (isEmpty(start) || isEmpty(end)) ) { uStart = sqlUnsigned(start); uEnd = sqlUnsigned(end); jsonWriteNumber(jw, "start", uStart); jsonWriteNumber(jw, "end", uEnd); } jsonWriteString(jw, "bigDataUrl", bigDataUrl); jsonWriteString(jw, "trackType", thisTrack->type); if (allowedBigBedType(thisTrack->type)) { struct asObject *as = bigBedAsOrDefault(bbi); if (! as) apiErrAbort(err500, err500Msg, "can not find schema definition for bigDataUrl '%s', track=%s genome: '%s' for endpoint '/getData/track' given hubUrl='%s'", bigDataUrl, track, genome, hubUrl); struct sqlFieldType *fiList = sqlFieldTypesFromAs(as); if (jsonOutputArrays || debug) bigColumnTypes(jw, fiList, as); jsonWriteListStart(jw, track); unsigned itemsDone = 0; if (isEmpty(chrom)) { struct bbiChromInfo *bci; for (bci = chromList; bci && (itemsDone < maxItemsOutput); bci = bci->next) { itemsDone += bbiDataOutput(jw, bbi, bci->name, 0, bci->size, fiList, thisTrack, itemsDone); } if (itemsDone >= maxItemsOutput) reachedMaxItems = TRUE; } else itemsDone += bbiDataOutput(jw, bbi, chrom, uStart, uEnd, fiList, thisTrack, itemsDone); itemsReturned += itemsDone; jsonWriteListEnd(jw); } else if (startsWith("bigWig", thisTrack->type)) { if (jsonOutputArrays || debug) wigColumnTypes(jw); jsonWriteObjectStart(jw, track); bigWigData(jw, bbi, chrom, uStart, uEnd); jsonWriteObjectEnd(jw); } bbiFileClose(&bbi); } apiFinishOutput(0, NULL, jw); } /* static void getHubTrackData(char *hubUrl) */ static void getTrackData() /* return data from a track, optionally just one chrom data, * optionally just one section of that chrom data */ { char *db = cgiOptionalString("genome"); char *chrom = chrOrAlias(db, NULL); char *start = cgiOptionalString("start"); char *end = cgiOptionalString("end"); /* 'track' name in trackDb often refers to a SQL 'table' */ char *trackArg = cgiOptionalString("track"); //char *sqlTable = cloneString(trackArg); /* might be something else */ /* depends upon 'table' setting in track db, or split table business */ unsigned chromSize = 0; /* maybe set later */ unsigned uStart = 0; unsigned uEnd = chromSize; /* maybe set later */ if ( ! (isEmpty(start) || isEmpty(end)) ) { uStart = sqlUnsigned(start); uEnd = sqlUnsigned(end); if (uEnd < uStart) apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "given start coordinate %u is greater than given end coordinate", uStart, uEnd); } if (isEmpty(db)) apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "missing URL variable genome=<ucscDb> name for endpoint '/getData/track"); if (isEmpty(trackArg)) apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "missing URL variable track=<trackName> name for endpoint '/getData/track"); /* database existence has already been checked before now, might * have disappeared in the mean time (well, not really . . .) */ struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConnMaybe(db); if (NULL == conn) apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "can not find genome 'genome=%s' for endpoint '/getData/track", db); struct jsonWrite *jw = apiStartOutput(); jsonWriteString(jw, "genome", db); // load the tracks struct trackDb *tdbList = NULL; cartTrackDbInitForApi(NULL, db, &tdbList, NULL, TRUE); // allow optional comma sep list of tracks char *tracks[100]; int numTracks = chopByChar(trackArg, ',', tracks, sizeof(tracks)); int i = 0; +struct hash *trackHash = hashNew(0); // let hub tracks work for (i = 0; i < numTracks; i++) { char *track = cloneString(tracks[i]); char *sqlTable = cloneString(track); if (cartTrackDbIsAccessDenied(db, sqlTable) || (cartTrackDbIsNoGenome(db, sqlTable) && !(chrom && start && end))) apiErrAbort(err403, err403Msg, "this data request: 'db=%s;track=%s' is protected data, see also: https://genome.ucsc.edu/FAQ/FAQdownloads.html#download40", db, track); struct trackDb *thisTrack = tdbForTrack(db, track, &tdbList); if (NULL == thisTrack) { - if (! sqlTableExists(conn, track)) + // maybe we have a hub track, try to look it up + if (startsWith("hub_", track)) + { + thisTrack = hubConnectAddHubForTrackAndFindTdb(db, track, &tdbList, trackHash); + } + if (!thisTrack && ! sqlTableExists(conn, track)) apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "can not find track=%s name for endpoint '/getData/track", track); } if (thisTrack && ! isSupportedType(thisTrack->type)) apiErrAbort(err415, err415Msg, "track type '%s' for track=%s not supported at this time", thisTrack->type, track); if (trackHasNoData(thisTrack)) apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "container track '%s' does not contain data, use the children of this container", track); /* might be a big* track with no table */ char *bigDataUrl = NULL; boolean tableTrack = TRUE; if (thisTrack) { bigDataUrl = trackDbSetting(thisTrack, "bigDataUrl"); /* might have a specific table defined instead of the track name */ char *tableName = trackDbSetting(thisTrack, "table"); if (isNotEmpty(tableName)) { freeMem(sqlTable); sqlTable = cloneString(tableName); } } else { freeMem(sqlTable); sqlTable = cloneString(track); } struct hTableInfo *hti = hFindTableInfoWithConn(conn, NULL, sqlTable); char *splitSqlTable = NULL; if (hti && hti->isSplit) { if (isNotEmpty(chrom)) { char fullTableName[256]; safef(fullTableName, sizeof(fullTableName), "%s_%s", chrom, hti->rootName); splitSqlTable = cloneString(fullTableName); } else { char *defaultChrom = hDefaultChrom(db); char fullTableName[256]; safef(fullTableName, sizeof(fullTableName), "%s_%s", defaultChrom, hti->rootName); splitSqlTable = cloneString(fullTableName); } } if (! hTableOrSplitExists(db, sqlTable)) { if (! bigDataUrl) apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "can not find specified 'track=%s' for endpoint: /getData/track?genome=%s;track=%s", track, db, track); else tableTrack = FALSE; } if (tableTrack) { char *dataTime = NULL; if (hti && hti->isSplit) dataTime = sqlTableUpdate(conn, splitSqlTable); else dataTime = sqlTableUpdate(conn, sqlTable); time_t dataTimeStamp = sqlDateToUnixTime(dataTime); replaceChar(dataTime, ' ', 'T'); /* ISO 8601 */ jsonWriteString(jw, "dataTime", dataTime); jsonWriteNumber(jw, "dataTimeStamp", (long long)dataTimeStamp); if (differentStringNullOk(sqlTable,track)) jsonWriteString(jw, "sqlTable", sqlTable); } if (thisTrack) jsonWriteString(jw, "trackType", thisTrack->type); jsonWriteString(jw, "track", track); if (debug) jsonWriteBoolean(jw, "jsonOutputArrays", jsonOutputArrays); char query[4096]; struct bbiFile *bbi = NULL; struct bbiChromInfo *chromList = NULL; if (thisTrack && startsWith("big", thisTrack->type)) { if (bigDataUrl) bbi = bigFileOpen(thisTrack->type, bigDataUrl); else { char quickReturn[2048]; sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "select fileName from %s", sqlTable); if (sqlQuickQuery(conn, query, quickReturn, sizeof(quickReturn))) { bigDataUrl = cloneString(quickReturn); bbi = bigFileOpen(thisTrack->type, bigDataUrl); } } if (NULL == bbi) apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "failed to find bigDataUrl=%s for track=%s in database=%s for endpoint '/getData/track'", bigDataUrl, track, db); if (isNotEmpty(chrom)) { jsonWriteString(jw, "chrom", chrom); chromSize = bbiChromSize(bbi, chrom); if (0 == chromSize) apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "can not find specified chrom=%s in bigWig file URL %s", chrom, bigDataUrl); if (uEnd < 1) uEnd = chromSize; jsonWriteNumber(jw, "chromSize", (long long)chromSize); } else { chromList = bbiChromList(bbi); jsonWriteNumber(jw, "chromCount", (long long)slCount(chromList)); } jsonWriteString(jw, "bigDataUrl", bigDataUrl); } /* when start, end given, show them */ if ( uEnd > uStart ) { jsonWriteNumber(jw, "start", uStart); jsonWriteNumber(jw, "end", uEnd); } if (thisTrack && allowedBigBedType(thisTrack->type)) { struct asObject *as = bigBedAsOrDefault(bbi); if (! as) apiErrAbort(err500, err500Msg, "can not find schema definition for bigDataUrl '%s', track=%s genome='%s' for endpoint '/getData/track'", bigDataUrl, track, db); struct sqlFieldType *fiList = sqlFieldTypesFromAs(as); if (jsonOutputArrays || debug) bigColumnTypes(jw, fiList, as); jsonWriteListStart(jw, track); unsigned itemsDone = 0; if (isEmpty(chrom)) { struct bbiChromInfo *bci; for (bci = chromList; bci && (itemsDone < maxItemsOutput); bci = bci->next) { itemsDone += bbiDataOutput(jw, bbi, bci->name, 0, bci->size, fiList, thisTrack, itemsDone); } if (itemsDone >= maxItemsOutput) reachedMaxItems = TRUE; } else itemsDone += bbiDataOutput(jw, bbi, chrom, uStart, uEnd, fiList, thisTrack, itemsDone); itemsReturned += itemsDone; jsonWriteListEnd(jw); } else if (thisTrack && startsWith("bigWig", thisTrack->type)) { if (jsonOutputArrays || debug) wigColumnTypes(jw); jsonWriteObjectStart(jw, track); bigWigData(jw, bbi, chrom, uStart, uEnd); jsonWriteObjectEnd(jw); bbiFileClose(&bbi); } else tableDataOutput(db, thisTrack, conn, jw, track, chrom, uStart, uEnd); } apiFinishOutput(0, NULL, jw); hFreeConn(&conn); } /* static void getTrackData() */ static void getSequenceData(char *db, char *hubUrl) /* return DNA sequence, given at least a genome=name and chrom=chr, optionally start and end, might be a track hub for UCSC database */ { char *chrom = chrOrAlias(db, hubUrl); char *start = cgiOptionalString("start"); char *end = cgiOptionalString("end"); boolean revComp = FALSE; char *revCompStr = cgiOptionalString("revComp"); if (isNotEmpty(revCompStr)) { if (SETTING_IS_ON(revCompStr)) revComp = TRUE; } long timeStart = clock1000(); if (isEmpty(chrom)) apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "missing URL chrom=<name> for endpoint '/getData/sequence?genome=%s'", db); if (chromSeqFileExists(db, chrom)) { struct chromInfo *ci = hGetChromInfo(db, chrom); unsigned chromSize = ci->size; struct dnaSeq *seq = NULL; if (isEmpty(start) || isEmpty(end)) if (chromSize > MAX_DNA_LENGTH) apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "DNA sequence request %u (size of %s) too large, limit: %u for endpoint '/getData/sequence?genome=%s;chrom=%s'", chromSize, chrom, MAX_DNA_LENGTH, db, chrom); else seq = hChromSeqMixed(db, chrom, 0, chromSize); else if ( (sqlSigned(end) - sqlSigned(start)) > MAX_DNA_LENGTH) apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "DNA sequence request %d too large, limit: %u for endpoint '/getData/sequence?genome=%s;chrom=%s;start=%s;end=%s'", sqlSigned(end) - sqlSigned(start), MAX_DNA_LENGTH, db, chrom, start, end); else { if (sqlSigned(end) > chromSize) apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "DNA sequence request end coordinate %d past end of chromosome size %d for endpoint '/getData/sequence?genome=%s;chrom=%s;start=%s;end=%s'", sqlSigned(end), chromSize, db, chrom, start, end); seq = hChromSeqMixed(db, chrom, sqlSigned(start), sqlSigned(end)); } long endTime = clock1000(); long long et = endTime - timeStart; if (NULL == seq) apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "can not find sequence for chrom=%s for endpoint '/getData/sequence?genome=%s;chrom=%s'", chrom, db, chrom); struct jsonWrite *jw = apiStartOutput(); if (isNotEmpty(hubUrl)) jsonWriteString(jw, "hubUrl", hubUrl); if (measureTiming) jsonWriteNumber(jw, "dnaFetchTimeMs", et); jsonWriteString(jw, "genome", db); jsonWriteString(jw, "chrom", chrom); if (isEmpty(start) || isEmpty(end)) { jsonWriteNumber(jw, "start", (long long)0); jsonWriteNumber(jw, "end", (long long)ci->size); } else { jsonWriteNumber(jw, "start", (long long)sqlSigned(start)); jsonWriteNumber(jw, "end", (long long)sqlSigned(end)); } timeStart = clock1000(); if (revComp) { reverseComplement(seq->dna, seq->size); jsonWriteBoolean(jw, "revComp", revComp); } jsonWriteString(jw, "dna", seq->dna); endTime = clock1000(); et = endTime - timeStart; if (measureTiming) jsonWriteNumber(jw, "dnaJsonWriteTimeMs", et); apiFinishOutput(0, NULL, jw); freeDnaSeq(&seq); } else apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "can not find specified chrom=%s in sequence for endpoint '/getData/sequence?genome=%s;chrom=%s", chrom, db, chrom); } /* static void getSequenceData(char *db, char *hubUrl) */ static void getHubSequenceData(char *hubUrl) /* return DNA sequence, given at least a genome=name and chrom=chr, optionally start and end */ { char *genome = cgiOptionalString("genome"); char *start = cgiOptionalString("start"); char *end = cgiOptionalString("end"); boolean revComp = FALSE; char *revCompStr = cgiOptionalString("revComp"); if (isNotEmpty(revCompStr)) { if (SETTING_IS_ON(revCompStr)) revComp = TRUE; } if (isEmpty(genome)) apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "missing genome=<name> for endpoint '/getData/sequence' given hubUrl='%s'", hubUrl); struct trackHub *hub = errCatchTrackHubOpen(hubUrl); struct trackHubGenome *hubGenome = NULL; for (hubGenome = hub->genomeList; hubGenome; hubGenome = hubGenome->next) { if (sameString(genome, hubGenome->name)) break; } if (NULL == hubGenome) apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "failed to find specified genome=%s for endpoint '/getData/sequence' given hubUrl '%s'", genome, hubUrl); hubAliasSetup(hubGenome); char *chrom = chrOrAlias(genome, hubUrl); if (isEmpty(chrom)) apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "missing chrom=<name> for endpoint '/getData/sequence?genome=%s' given hubUrl='%s'", genome, hubUrl); /* might be a UCSC database track hub, where hubGenome=name is the database */ if (isEmpty(hubGenome->twoBitPath)) { getSequenceData(hubGenome->name, hubUrl); return; } /* this MaybeChromInfo will open the twoBit file, if not already done */ struct chromInfo *ci = trackHubMaybeChromInfo(hubGenome->name, chrom); unsigned chromSize = ci->size; if (NULL == ci) apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "can not find sequence for chrom=%s for endpoint '/getData/sequence?genome=%s;chrom=%s' given hubUrl='%s'", chrom, genome, chrom, hubUrl); struct jsonWrite *jw = apiStartOutput(); jsonWriteString(jw, "hubUrl", hubUrl); jsonWriteString(jw, "genome", genome); jsonWriteString(jw, "chrom", chrom); int fragStart = 0; int fragEnd = 0; if (isNotEmpty(start) && isNotEmpty(end)) { fragStart = sqlSigned(start); fragEnd = sqlSigned(end); if ((fragEnd - fragStart) > MAX_DNA_LENGTH) apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "DNA sequence request %d too large, limit: %u for endpoint '/getData/sequence?genome=%s;chrom=%s;start=%d;end=%d' given hubUrl='%s'", fragEnd-fragEnd, MAX_DNA_LENGTH, genome, chrom, fragStart, fragEnd, hubUrl); if (fragEnd > chromSize) apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "DNA sequence request end coordinate %d past end of chromosome size %d for endpoint '/getData/sequence?genome=%s;chrom=%s;start=%d;end=%d' given hubUrl='%s'", fragEnd, chromSize, genome, chrom, fragStart, fragEnd, hubUrl); jsonWriteNumber(jw, "start", (long long)fragStart); jsonWriteNumber(jw, "end", (long long)fragEnd); } else { if (ci->size > MAX_DNA_LENGTH) apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "DNA sequence request %d too large, limit: %u for endpoint '/getData/sequence?genome=%s;chrom=%s' given hubUrl='%s'", ci->size, MAX_DNA_LENGTH, genome, chrom, hubUrl); jsonWriteNumber(jw, "start", (long long)0); jsonWriteNumber(jw, "end", (long long)ci->size); } struct dnaSeq *seq = twoBitReadSeqFrag(hubGenome->tbf, chrom, fragStart, fragEnd); if (NULL == seq) { if (fragEnd > fragStart) apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "can not find sequence for chrom=%s;start=%s;end=%s for endpoint '/getData/sequence?genome=%s;chrom=%s;start=%s;end=%s' give hubUrl='%s'", chrom, start, end, genome, chrom, start, end, hubUrl); else apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "can not find sequence for chrom=%s for endpoint '/getData/sequence?genome=%s;chrom=%s' give hubUrl='%s'", chrom, genome, chrom, hubUrl); } if (revComp) { reverseComplement(seq->dna, seq->size); jsonWriteBoolean(jw, "revComp", revComp); } jsonWriteString(jw, "dna", seq->dna); apiFinishOutput(0, NULL, jw); } void apiGetData(char *words[MAX_PATH_INFO]) /* 'getData' function, words[1] is the subCommand */ { char *hubUrl = cgiOptionalString("hubUrl"); char *genome = cgiOptionalString("genome"); /* allow a GCx genome specified without hubUrl for GenArk genomes */ if (isEmpty(hubUrl) && isNotEmpty(genome)) hubUrl = genarkUrl(genome); if (sameWord("track", words[1])) { char *extraArgs = verifyLegalArgs(argGetDataTrack); if (extraArgs) apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "extraneous arguments found for function /getData/track '%s'", extraArgs); if (isNotEmpty(hubUrl)) getHubTrackData(hubUrl); else getTrackData(); } else if (sameWord("sequence", words[1])) { char *extraArgs = verifyLegalArgs(argGetDataSequence); if (extraArgs) apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "extraneous arguments found for function /getData/sequence '%s'", extraArgs); if (isNotEmpty(hubUrl)) getHubSequenceData(hubUrl); else { char *db = cgiOptionalString("genome"); if (isEmpty(db)) apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "missing URL genome=<ucscDb> name for endpoint '/getData/sequence"); /* existence of db has already been proven before getting here */ getSequenceData(db, NULL); } } else apiErrAbort(err400, err400Msg, "do not recognize endpoint function: '/%s/%s'", words[0], words[1]); }