42f9d011018e9b34cd8296ed8ebfb951465549c2 chmalee Mon Mar 3 15:49:39 2025 -0800 Fix undecoration of genome names bug, no need to undecorate genome names when doing download data in window request, make hubApi catch if the genome= argument is an assembly hub and act correctly, refs #34627 diff --git src/hg/js/utils.js src/hg/js/utils.js index 3227988a365..6fb6a7d7919 100644 --- src/hg/js/utils.js +++ src/hg/js/utils.js @@ -1,4625 +1,4625 @@ // Utility JavaScript // "use strict"; // Don't complain about line break before '||' etc: /* jshint -W014 */ /* jshint -W087 */ /* jshint esnext: true */ var debug = false; /* Support these formats for range specifiers. Note the ()'s around chrom, * start and end portions for substring retrieval: */ var canonicalRangeExp = /^[\s]*([\w._#-]+)[\s]*:[\s]*([-0-9,]+)[\s]*[-_][\s]*([0-9,]+)[\s]*$/; var gbrowserRangeExp = /^[\s]*([\w._#-]+)[\s]*:[\s]*([0-9,]+)[\s]*\.\.[\s]*([0-9,]+)[\s]*$/; var lengthRangeExp = /^[\s]*([\w._#-]+)[\s]*:[\s]*([0-9,]+)[\s]*\+[\s]*([0-9,]+)[\s]*$/; var bedRangeExp = /^[\s]*([\w._#-]+)[\s]+([0-9,]+)[\s]+([0-9,]+)[\s]*$/; var sqlRangeExp = /^[\s]*([\w._#-]+)[\s]*\|[\s]*([0-9,]+)[\s]*\|[\s]*([0-9,]+)[\s]*$/; var singleBaseExp = /^[\s]*([\w._#-]+)[\s]*:[\s]*([0-9,]+)[\s]*$/; function copyToClipboard(ev) { /* copy a piece of text to clipboard. event.target is some DIV or SVG that is an icon. * The attribute data-target of this element is the ID of the element that contains the text to copy. * The text is either in the attribute data-copy or the innerText. * see C function printCopyToClipboardButton(iconId, targetId); * */ ev.preventDefault(); var buttonEl = ev.target.closest("button"); // user can click SVG or BUTTON element var targetId = buttonEl.getAttribute("data-target"); if (targetId===null) targetId = ev.target.parentNode.getAttribute("data-target"); var textEl = document.getElementById(targetId); var text = textEl.getAttribute("data-copy"); if (text===null) text = textEl.innerText; var textArea = document.createElement("textarea"); textArea.value = text; // Avoid scrolling to bottom textArea.style.top = "0"; textArea.style.left = "0"; textArea.style.position = "fixed"; document.body.appendChild(textArea); textArea.focus(); textArea.select(); document.execCommand('copy'); document.body.removeChild(textArea); buttonEl.innerHTML = 'Copied'; ev.preventDefault(); } function cfgPageOnVisChange(ev) { /* configuration page event listener when user changes visibility in dropdown */ if (ev.target.value === 'hide') ev.target.classList.replace("normalText", "hiddenText"); else ev.target.classList.replace("hiddenText", "normalText"); } function cfgPageAddListeners() { /* add event listener to dropdowns */ var els = document.querySelectorAll(".trackVis"); for (var i=0; i < els.length; i++) { var el = els[i]; el.addEventListener("change", cfgPageOnVisChange ); } } // Google Analytics helper functions to send events, see src/hg/lib/googleAnalytics.c function gaOnButtonClick(ev) { /* user clicked a button: send event to GA, then execute the old handler */ var button = ev.currentTarget; var buttonName = button.name; if (buttonName==="") buttonName = button.id; if (buttonName==="") buttonName = button.value; // add the original label, makes logs a lot easier to read buttonName = button.value + " / "+buttonName; ga('send', 'event', 'buttonClick', buttonName); if (button.oldOnClick) // most buttons did not have an onclick function at all (the default click is a listener) { button.oldOnClick(ev); } } function gaTrackButtons() { /* replace the click handler on all buttons with one the sends a GA event first, then handles the click */ if (!window.ga || ga.loaded) // When using an Adblocker, the ga object does not exist return; var buttons = document.querySelectorAll('input[type=submit],input[type=button]'); var isFF = theClient.isFirefox(); for (var i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++) { var b = buttons[i]; // some old Firefox versions <= 78 do not allow submit buttons to also send AJAX requests // so Zoom/Move buttons are skipped in FF (even though newer versions allow it again, certainly FF >= 90) if (isFF && b.name.match(/\.out|\.in|\.left|\.right/)) continue; b.oldOnClick = b.onclick; b.onclick = gaOnButtonClick; // addEventHandler would not work here, the default click stops propagation. } } // end Google Analytics helper functions function clickIt(obj,state,force) { // calls click() for an object, and click();click() if force if (obj.checked !== state) { obj.click(); } else if (force) { obj.click(); obj.click(); //force onclick event } } function setCheckBoxesWithPrefix(obj, prefix, state) { // Set all checkboxes with given prefix to state boolean var list = inputArrayThatMatches("checkbox","id",prefix,""); for (var i=0;i 0 && inpType !== 'select' && ele.type !== inpType) continue; var identifier = ele.name; if (nameOrId.search(/id/i) !== -1) identifier = ele.id; var failed = false; if (prefix.length > 0) failed = (identifier.indexOf(prefix) !== 0); if (!failed && suffix.length > 0) failed = (identifier.lastIndexOf(suffix) !== (identifier.length - suffix.length)); if (!failed) { for (var aIx=4;aIx2) alert("arrayOfInputsThatMatch is unimplemented for this browser"); } return found; } function normed(thing) { // RETURNS undefined, the lone member of the set or the full set if more than one member. // Used for normalizing returns from jquery DOM selects (e.g. $('tr.track').children('td.data')) // jquery returns an "array like 'object'" with 0 or more entries. // May be used on non-jquery objects and will reduce single element arrays to the element. // Use this to treat 0 entries the same as undefined and 1 entry as the item itself if (typeof(thing) === 'undefined' || thing === null || (thing.length !== undefined && thing.length === 0) // Empty array (or 'array like object') || ($.isPlainObject(thing) && $.isEmptyObject(thing))) // Empty simple object return undefined; if (thing.length && thing.length === 1 && typeof thing !== 'string') // string is overkill return thing[0]; // Container of one item should return the item itself. return thing; } var theClient = (function() { // Object that detects client browser if requested // - - - - - Private variables and/or methods - - - - - var ieVersion = null; var browserNamed = null; // - - - - - Public methods - - - - - return { // returns an object with public methods getIeVersion: function () { // Adapted from the web: stackOverflow.com answer by Joachim Isaksson if (ieVersion === null) { ieVersion = -1.0; var re = null; if (navigator.appName === 'Microsoft Internet Explorer') { browserNamed = 'MSIE'; re = new RegExp("MSIE ([0-9]{1,}[.0-9]{0,})"); if (re.exec(navigator.userAgent) !== null) ieVersion = parseFloat( RegExp.$1 ); } else if (navigator.appName === 'Netscape') { re = new RegExp("Trident/.*rv:([0-9]{1,}[.0-9]{0,})"); if (re.exec(navigator.userAgent) !== null) { browserNamed = 'MSIE'; ieVersion = parseFloat( RegExp.$1 ); } } } return ieVersion; }, isIePre11: function () { var ieVersion = theClient.getIeVersion(); if ( ieVersion !== -1.0 && ieVersion < 11.0 ) return true; return false; }, isIePost11: function () { if (theClient.getIeVersion() >= 11.0 ) return true; return false; }, isIe: function () { if (theClient.getIeVersion() === -1.0 ) return false; return true; }, isChrome: function () { if (browserNamed !== null) return (browserNamed === 'Chrome'); if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Chrome") !== -1) { browserNamed = 'Chrome'; return true; } return false; }, isNetscape: function () { // IE sometimes mimics netscape if (browserNamed !== null) return (browserNamed === 'Netscape'); if (navigator.appName === 'Netscape' && navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Trident") === -1) { browserNamed = 'Netscape'; return true; } return false; }, isFirefox: function () { if (browserNamed !== null) return (browserNamed === 'FF'); if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Firefox") !== -1) { browserNamed = 'FF'; return true; } return false; }, isSafari: function () { // Chrome sometimes mimics Safari if (browserNamed !== null) return (browserNamed === 'Safari'); if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Safari") !== -1 && navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Chrome') === -1) { browserNamed = 'Safari'; return true; } return false; }, isOpera: function () { if (browserNamed !== null) return (browserNamed === 'Opera'); if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Presto") !== -1) { browserNamed = 'Opera'; return true; } return false; }, nameIs: function () { // simple enough, this needs no comment! if (browserNamed === null && theClient.isChrome() === false // Looking in the order of popularity && theClient.isFirefox() === false && theClient.isIe() === false && theClient.isSafari() === false && theClient.isOpera() === false && theClient.isNetscape() === false) browserNamed = navigator.appName; // Don't know what else to look for. return browserNamed; } }; }()); function waitCursor(obj) // DEAD CODE? { //document.body.style.cursor="wait" obj.style.cursor="wait"; } function endWaitCursor(obj) // DEAD CODE? { obj.style.cursor=""; } function getURLParam() { // Retrieve variable value from an url. // Can be called either: // getURLParam(url, name) // or: // getURLParam(name) // Second interface will default to using window.location.href var strHref, strParamName; var strReturn = ""; if (arguments.length === 1) { strHref = window.location.href; strParamName = arguments[0]; } else { strHref = arguments[0]; strParamName = arguments[1]; } if ( strHref.indexOf("?") > -1) { var strQueryString = strHref.substr(strHref.indexOf("?")).toLowerCase(); var aQueryString = strQueryString.split("&"); for (var iParam = 0; iParam < aQueryString.length; iParam++) { if (aQueryString[iParam].indexOf(strParamName.toLowerCase() + "=") > -1) { var aParam = aQueryString[iParam].split("="); strReturn = aParam[1]; break; } } } return unescape(strReturn); } function makeHiddenInput(theForm,aName,aValue) { // Create a hidden input to hold a value $(theForm).find("input:last").after(""); } function updateOrMakeNamedVariable(theForm,aName,aValue) { // Store a value to a named input. Will make the input if necessary var inp = normed($(theForm).find("input[name='"+aName+"']:last")); if (inp) { $(inp).val(aValue); inp.disabled = false; } else makeHiddenInput(theForm,aName,aValue); } function disableNamedVariable(theForm,aName) { // Store a value to a named input. Will make the input if necessary var inp = normed($(theForm).find("input[name='"+aName+"']:last")); if (inp) inp.disabled = true; } function parseUrlAndUpdateVars(theForm,href) // DEAD CODE? { // Parses the URL and converts GET vals to POST vals var url = href; var extraIx = url.indexOf("?"); if (extraIx > 0) { var extra = url.substring(extraIx+1); url = url.substring(0,extraIx); // now extra must be repeatedly broken into name=var extraIx = extra.indexOf("="); for (; extraIx > 0;extraIx = extra.indexOf("=")) { var aValue; var aName = extra.substring(0,extraIx); var endIx = extra.indexOf("&"); if (endIx>0) { aValue = extra.substring(extraIx+1,endIx); extra = extra.substring(endIx+1); } else { aValue = extra.substring(extraIx+1); extra = ""; } if (aName.length > 0 && aValue.length > 0) updateOrMakeNamedVariable(theForm,aName,aValue); } } return url; } function postTheForm(formName,href) { // posts the form with a passed in href var goodForm = normed($("form[name='"+formName+"']")); if (goodForm) { if (href && href.length > 0) { $(goodForm).attr('action',href); // just attach the straight href } $(goodForm).attr('method','POST'); $(goodForm).submit(); } return false; // Meaning do not continue with anything else } function setVarAndPostForm(aName,aValue,formName) { // Sets a specific variable then posts var goodForm = normed($("form[name='"+formName+"']")); if (goodForm) { updateOrMakeNamedVariable(goodForm,aName,aValue); } return postTheForm(formName,window.location.href); } // json help routines function tdbGetJsonRecord(trackName) { return hgTracks.trackDb[trackName]; } // NOTE: These must jive with tdbKindOfParent() and tdbKindOfChild() in trackDb.h function tdbIsFolder(tdb) { return (tdb.kindOfParent === 1); } function tdbIsComposite(tdb) { return (tdb.kindOfParent === 2); } function tdbIsMultiTrack(tdb) { return (tdb.kindOfParent === 3); } function tdbIsView(tdb) { return (tdb.kindOfParent === 4); } // Don't expect to use function tdbIsContainer(tdb) { return (tdb.kindOfParent === 2 || tdb.kindOfParent === 3); } function tdbIsLeaf(tdb) { return (tdb.kindOfParent === 0); } function tdbIsFolderContent(tdb) { return (tdb.kindOfChild === 1); } function tdbIsCompositeSubtrack(tdb) { return (tdb.kindOfChild === 2); } function tdbIsMultiTrackSubtrack(tdb) { return (tdb.kindOfChild === 3); } function tdbIsSubtrack(tdb) { return (tdb.kindOfChild === 2 || tdb.kindOfChild === 3); } function tdbHasParent(tdb) { return (tdb.kindOfChild !== 0 && tdb.parentTrack); } function cartHideAnyTrack (id, cartVars, cartVals) { /* set the right cart variables to hide a track, changes cartVars and cartVals */ var rec = hgTracks.trackDb[id]; if (tdbIsSubtrack(rec)) { cartVars.push(id); cartVals.push('[]'); cartVars.push(id+"_sel"); cartVals.push(0); } else if (tdbIsFolderContent(rec)) { // supertrack children need to have _sel set to trigger superttrack reshaping cartVars.push(id); cartVals.push('hide'); cartVars.push(id+"_sel"); cartVals.push(0); } else { // normal, top-level track cartVars.push(id); cartVals.push('hide'); } } function tdbCountChildren(trackDb, parentType) { /* return dicts with count of children, uses either the .parentTrack or .topParent trackDb attributes */ var familySize = {}; var families = {}; // sort trackDb into object topParent -> count of children for (var trackName of Object.keys(hgTracks.trackDb)) { var rec = hgTracks.trackDb[trackName]; // when looking at superTracks, only look at those children that are in superTracks if (rec[parentType]===undefined) { continue; // ignore tracks without parents } var parentTrack = rec[parentType]; if (!familySize.hasOwnProperty(parentTrack)) { familySize[parentTrack] = 0; families[parentTrack] = []; } familySize[parentTrack]++; families[parentTrack].push(trackName); } var ret = {}; ret.familySize = familySize; ret.families = families; return ret; } function tdbFindChildless(trackDb, delTracks) { /* Find parents that have no children left anymore in hgTracks.trackDb if you remove delTracks. * return obj with o.loneParents as array of [parent, array of children] , and o.others as an array of all other tracks * The caller needs the children names, as we want to hide the children with Javascript right away */ // This functions uses a somewhat weird strategy: it counts the children of the composites, also counts the children of superTracks, // and compares both at the end. There may be a better strategy but our data structures are so strange that I didn't know what // else to do. var parentType = "parentTrack"; others = []; var compLinks = tdbCountChildren(trackDb, "parentTrack"); // look only at direct parents: superTracks and composites var topLinks = tdbCountChildren(trackDb, "topParent"); // look at top parents, so only superTracks // decrease the parent's count for each track to delete for (var delTrack of delTracks) { var tdbRec = hgTracks.trackDb[delTrack]; let parentName = tdbRec.parentTrack; if (parentName) compLinks.familySize[parentName]--; parentName = tdbRec.topParent; if (parentName) topLinks.familySize[parentName]--; } // for the parents of deleted tracks with a count of 0, create an array of [parentName, children] var loneParents = []; var doneParents = []; for (delTrack of delTracks) { var parentName = hgTracks.trackDb[delTrack].parentTrack; var topParentName = hgTracks.trackDb[delTrack].topParent; if (parentName) { // hide a superTrack parent only if that superTrack does not have any other tracks open // This addresses the case where you hide the last child of a composite under a superTrack // E.g. All Gencode / Gencode V46 or FANTOM5/Max count if (compLinks.familySize[parentName]===0 && topLinks.familySize[topParentName]===0) { if (!doneParents.includes(parentName)) { loneParents.push([topParentName, compLinks.families[parentName]]); doneParents.push(topParentName); } } else for (var child of compLinks.families[parentName]) // do not hide tracks of lone parents that are not in delTracks if (delTracks.includes(child)) others.push(child); } else { others.push(delTrack); } } o = {}; o.loneParents = loneParents; o.others = others; return o; } function aryFind(ary,val) {// returns the index of a value on the array or -1; for (var ix=0; ix < ary.length; ix++) { if (ary[ix] === val) { return ix; } } return -1; } function aryRemove(ary,vals) { // removes one or more variables that are found in the array for (var vIx=0; vIx < vals.length; vIx++) { var ix = aryFind(ary,vals[vIx]); if (ix !== -1) ary.splice(ix,1); } return ary; } function arysToObj(names,values) { // Make hash type obj with two parallel arrays. var obj = {}; for (var ix=0; ix < names.length; ix++) { obj[names[ix]] = values[ix]; } return obj; } function objNotEmpty(obj) { // returns true on non empty object. Obj should pass $.isPlainObject() if ($.isPlainObject(obj) === false) warn("Only use plain js objects in objNotEmpty()"); return ($.isEmptyObject(obj) === false); } function objKeyCount(obj) { // returns number of keys in object. if (!Object.keys) { var count = 0; for (var key in obj) { count++; } return count; } else return Object.keys(obj).length; } function isInteger(s) { return (!isNaN(parseInt(s)) && isFinite(s) && s.toString().indexOf('.') < 0); } function isFloat(s) { return (!isNaN(parseFloat(s)) && isFinite(s)); } function validateInt(obj,min,max) { // validates an integer which may be restricted to a range (if min and/or max are numbers) var title = obj.title; var rangeMin=parseInt(min); var rangeMax=parseInt(max); if (title.length === 0) title = "Value"; var popup=( theClient.isIePre11() === false ); for (;;) { if ((obj.value === undefined || obj.value === null || obj.value === "") && isInteger(obj.defaultValue)) obj.value = obj.defaultValue; if (!isInteger(obj.value)) { if (popup) { obj.value = prompt(title +" is invalid.\nMust be an integer.",obj.value); continue; } else { alert(title +" of '"+obj.value +"' is invalid.\nMust be an integer."); obj.value = obj.defaultValue; return false; } } var val = parseInt(obj.value); if (isInteger(min) && isInteger(max)) { if (val < rangeMin || val > rangeMax) { if (popup) { obj.value = prompt(title +" is invalid.\nMust be between "+rangeMin+ " and "+rangeMax+".",obj.value); continue; } else { alert(title +" of '"+obj.value +"' is invalid.\nMust be between "+ rangeMin+" and "+rangeMax+"."); obj.value = obj.defaultValue; return false; } } } else if (isInteger(min)) { if (val < rangeMin) { if (popup) { obj.value = prompt(title +" is invalid.\nMust be no less than "+ rangeMin+".",obj.value); continue; } else { alert(title +" of '"+obj.value +"' is invalid.\nMust be no less than "+ rangeMin+"."); obj.value = obj.defaultValue; return false; } } } else if (isInteger(max)) { if (val > rangeMax) { if (popup) { obj.value = prompt(title +" is invalid.\nMust be no greater than "+ rangeMax+".",obj.value); continue; } else { alert(title +" of '"+obj.value +"' is invalid.\nMust be no greater than "+ rangeMax+"."); obj.value = obj.defaultValue; return false; } } } return true; } } function validateFloat(obj,min,max) { // validates an float which may be restricted to a range (if min and/or max are numbers) var title = obj.title; var rangeMin=parseFloat(min); var rangeMax=parseFloat(max); if (title.length === 0) title = "Value"; var popup=( theClient.isIePre11() === false ); for (;;) { if ((obj.value === undefined || obj.value === null || obj.value === "") && isFloat(obj.defaultValue)) obj.value = obj.defaultValue; if (!isFloat(obj.value)) { if (popup) { obj.value = prompt(title +" is invalid.\nMust be a number.",obj.value); continue; } else { alert(title +" of '"+obj.value +"' is invalid.\nMust be a number."); // try a prompt box! obj.value = obj.defaultValue; return false; } } var val = parseFloat(obj.value); if (isFloat(min) && isFloat(max)) { if (val < rangeMin || val > rangeMax) { if (popup) { obj.value = prompt(title +" is invalid.\nMust be between "+rangeMin+" and "+ rangeMax+".",obj.value); continue; } else { alert(title +" of '"+obj.value +"' is invalid.\nMust be between "+rangeMin+ " and "+rangeMax+"."); obj.value = obj.defaultValue; return false; } } } else if (isFloat(min)) { if (val < rangeMin) { if (popup) { obj.value = prompt(title +" is invalid.\nMust be no less than "+rangeMin+ ".",obj.value); continue; } else { alert(title +" of '"+obj.value +"' is invalid.\nMust be no less than "+ rangeMin+"."); obj.value = obj.defaultValue; return false; } } } else if (isFloat(max)) { if (val > rangeMax) { if (popup) { obj.value = prompt(title +" is invalid.\nMust be no greater than "+ rangeMax+".",obj.value); continue; } else { alert(title +" of '"+obj.value +"' is invalid.\nMust be no greater than "+ rangeMax+"."); obj.value = obj.defaultValue; return false; } } } return true; } } function validateLabel(label) { // returns true if label is valid in trackDb as short or long label var regexp = /^[a-z][ a-z0-9/'!\$()*,\-.:;<=>?@\[\]^_`{|}~]*$/i; if (regexp.test(label)) { return true; } else { alert(label + " is an invalid label. The first character must be alphabetical and the rest of the string be alphanumeric or the following puncuation ~`!@$/^*.()_-=[{]}?|;:'<,>"); return false; } } function validateUrl(url) { // returns true if url is a valid url, otherwise returns false and shows an alert // I got this regexp from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1303872/url-validation-using-javascript var regexp = /^(https?|ftp|gs|s3|drs):\/\/(((([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(%[\da-f]{2})|[!\$&'\(\)\*\+,;=]|:)*@)?(((\d|[1-9]\d|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.(\d|[1-9]\d|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.(\d|[1-9]\d|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.(\d|[1-9]\d|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5]))|((([a-z]|\d|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(([a-z]|\d|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])*([a-z]|\d|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])))\.)+(([a-z]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(([a-z]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])*([a-z]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])))\.?)(:\d*)?)(\/((([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(%[\da-f]{2})|[!\$&'\(\)\*\+,;=]|:|@)+(\/(([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(%[\da-f]{2})|[!\$&'\(\)\*\+,;=]|:|@)*)*)?)?(\?((([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(%[\da-f]{2})|[!\$&'\(\)\*\+,;=]|:|@)|[\uE000-\uF8FF]|\/|\?)*)?(\#((([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(%[\da-f]{2})|[!\$&'\(\)\*\+,;=]|:|@)|\/|\?)*)?$/i; if (regexp.test(url)) { return true; } else { alert(url + " is an invalid url"); return false; } } function metadataIsVisible(trackName) { var divit = normed($("#div_"+trackName+"_meta")); if (!divit) return false; return ($(divit).css('display') !== 'none'); } function metadataShowHide(trackName,showLonglabel,showShortLabel) { // Will show subtrack specific configuration controls // Config controls not matching name will be hidden var divit = normed($("#div_"+trackName+"_meta")); if (!divit) return false; var img = normed($(divit).prev('a').find("img")); if (img) { if ($(divit).css('display') === 'none') $(img).attr('src','../images/upBlue.png'); else $(img).attr('src','../images/downBlue.png'); } if ($(divit).css('display') === 'none') { if (typeof(subCfg) === "object") {// subCfg.js file included? var cfg = normed($("#div_cfg_"+trackName)); if (cfg) // Hide any configuration when opening metadata $(cfg).hide(); } } var tr = $(divit).parents('tr'); if (tr.length > 0) { tr = tr[0]; var bgClass = null; var classes = $( tr ).attr("class").split(" "); for (var ix=0;ix