Commits for markd
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v448_preview2 to v448_base (2023-05-08 to 2023-05-15) v448
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7708ad7ff3613a79d2baa018e02ebdafbbc1ab81 Thu May 11 22:48:05 2023 -0700
- fixed insert statistics for output of genePredToPsl
- src/hg/altSplice/altSplice/genePredToPsl.c - lines changed 1, context: html, text, full: html, text
- src/hg/altSplice/altSplice/tests/expected/ - lines changed 1, context: html, text, full: html, text
- src/hg/altSplice/altSplice/tests/expected/testLoci.psl - lines changed 1, context: html, text, full: html, text
b0fa397cc96b7cb098c1c8fb03456216053d5045 Sun May 14 15:32:14 2023 -0700
- re-enable test that were disabled furing CVS to git conversion
- src/utils/pslMap/tests/makefile - lines changed 8, context: html, text, full: html, text
442e76e6f50e9c79f3dde2964d6f754511908e44 Sun May 14 17:32:02 2023 -0700
- trim overlapping blocks as can happen when mapping protein to DNA alignments
- src/lib/pslTransMap.c - lines changed 137, context: html, text, full: html, text
- src/utils/pslMap/tests/expected/testSpGencode.mapinfo - lines changed 2, context: html, text, full: html, text
- src/utils/pslMap/tests/expected/testSpGencode.psl - lines changed 1, context: html, text, full: html, text
- src/utils/pslMap/tests/input/spAnnotIso.psl - lines changed 1, context: html, text, full: html, text
- src/utils/pslMap/tests/input/spGencode.psl - lines changed 1, context: html, text, full: html, text
- src/utils/pslMap/tests/makefile - lines changed 10, context: html, text, full: html, text
fd802431971bf493181727133d48e13beea7d74e Sun May 14 19:28:01 2023 -0700
- as long as hood is up, make pslTransMap function thread-safe
591cbd0e7a73bf20acc96b89b165bedb79206892 Sun May 14 19:33:37 2023 -0700
- fixed incorrectly terminates string (how did this ever work?)
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